Trestolone acetate/MENT


Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
Nicosia, Cyprus
Does anyone have experience of using this stuff? It's available online now, but it's so new that usage instructions are at best vague.
I mean, what would be a reasonable cycle length? Is the online advice of between 25-50mg per day reasonable? What about sides? Could you stack it with tren acetate? Can it be used as a replacement for test enth, or is it always to be used alongside test? Questions, questions...
It sounds very interesting and I was interested in maybe using it in my next cycle but, unless I can find out more, it's too experimental for me.
Any advice much appreciated.
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Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Ive never heard of it myself Lee39.
With so many good products that have been around and proven year after year for decades
I myself usually just stick with those. I have tried a few peptides though ill admit. Igf-lr3 and melanotan2.
Other then that its just the basics for me.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
Nicosia, Cyprus
Ive never heard of it myself Lee39.
With so many good products that have been around and proven year after year for decades
I myself usually just stick with those. I have tried a few peptides though ill admit. Igf-lr3 and melanotan2.
Other then that its just the basics for me.

Yes, I know where you're coming from. If there's something new, though, and people rave about it, it's got to be of interest. It's then just a case of deciding whether you're interested enough to 'risk' trying something so experimental. I mean, test enth was experimental once, along with all the other now-well-used steroids.
If a few people came on here and said: "Yeah, I've used it and it's great", that would probably convince me to give it a go.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I Understand what your saying. Tbol came along just a recently compared to most and I know some guys that realy like it.
If you try it keep us updated on what you think. good luck. Others may know more Im just not familiar with it.


Aug 28, 2005
Does anyone have experience of using this stuff? It's available online now, but it's so new that usage instructions are at best vague.
I mean, what would be a reasonable cycle length? Is the online advice of between 25-50mg per day reasonable? What about sides? Could you stack it with tren acetate? Can it be used as a replacement for test enth, or is it always to be used alongside test? Questions, questions...
It sounds very interesting and I was interested in maybe using it in my next cycle but, unless I can find out more, it's too experimental for me.
Any advice much appreciated.

Out of everything I have used,,,this is one I have no experience with (very little anyway). I would like to hear feedback or see some literature on this item as well.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
Nicosia, Cyprus
Well, here's the best information I've found so far, off an online store selling it (I won't name them, because they're not sponsors).

GP MENT is a product containing the hormone Trestolone Acetate (7 alpha-Methyl-19-nortestosterone). General steroid potency is usually increased with 7-methylation, which is a trait that is well illustrated with MENT. When methylation increases steroid potency it is usually due to one or two things, most notable being the increased resistance to being metabolized by the liver, or reduced affinity for constructive binding proteins. In the case of MENT, we see a drug relatively fast metabolic breakdown, but that doesn't bind to SHBG. The reduced binding to SHBG is the reason that MENT becomes a much more potent steroid.

When first studied, research showed that MENT could be 3.5-23 times more anabolic than testosterone, yet was only 3-6 times more androgenic. When a study was later done on primates, MENT was shown to have 10 times more anabolic potency than testosterone while having much lower effects on the prostate. In a study to show how well MENT binds to the androgen receptor, it was discovered that this drug binds to the receptor more strongly than both testosterone and nandrolone. Another study looked at the ability for MENT to restore sexual behavior in men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone, which is one of the main objectives of androgen replacement therapy. During this study, MENT was shown to be just as effective as testosterone therapy for these purposes. If ever marketed for use, MENT will be aromatized by the body and will cause synthetic estrogen buildup which will carry a high level of biological activity. This means that gynecomastia can be a problem, as well as other estrogen related side effects which can include excess water retention causing the user to have a bloated look without much definition to the muscle structure and can also lead for excess fat buildup to occur. Because of this, users of MENT will most likely want to run some sort of anti-estrogen during their cycle to keep levels down.

MENT has not yet been developed for use, so it's not known what the doses will be. Due to the study results so far, it is suspected that a low dose will be sufficient due to the fact that this drug has been shown to be several times more potent than testosterone.

Sounds interesting, doesn't it? I'm tempted to give it a bash.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Well, here's the best information I've found so far, off an online store selling it (I won't name them, because they're not sponsors).

GP MENT is a product containing the hormone Trestolone Acetate (7 alpha-Methyl-19-nortestosterone). General steroid potency is usually increased with 7-methylation, which is a trait that is well illustrated with MENT. When methylation increases steroid potency it is usually due to one or two things, most notable being the increased resistance to being metabolized by the liver, or reduced affinity for constructive binding proteins. In the case of MENT, we see a drug relatively fast metabolic breakdown, but that doesn't bind to SHBG. The reduced binding to SHBG is the reason that MENT becomes a much more potent steroid.

When first studied, research showed that MENT could be 3.5-23 times more anabolic than testosterone, yet was only 3-6 times more androgenic. When a study was later done on primates, MENT was shown to have 10 times more anabolic potency than testosterone while having much lower effects on the prostate. In a study to show how well MENT binds to the androgen receptor, it was discovered that this drug binds to the receptor more strongly than both testosterone and nandrolone. Another study looked at the ability for MENT to restore sexual behavior in men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone, which is one of the main objectives of androgen replacement therapy. During this study, MENT was shown to be just as effective as testosterone therapy for these purposes. If ever marketed for use, MENT will be aromatized by the body and will cause synthetic estrogen buildup which will carry a high level of biological activity. This means that gynecomastia can be a problem, as well as other estrogen related side effects which can include excess water retention causing the user to have a bloated look without much definition to the muscle structure and can also lead for excess fat buildup to occur. Because of this, users of MENT will most likely want to run some sort of anti-estrogen during their cycle to keep levels down.

MENT has not yet been developed for use, so it's not known what the doses will be. Due to the study results so far, it is suspected that a low dose will be sufficient due to the fact that this drug has been shown to be several times more potent than testosterone.

Sounds interesting, doesn't it? I'm tempted to give it a bash.

I read about that awhile back and yeah I would defo give it ago. Now what do you cycle with it. I personally would cycle it alone. That way you can see exactly what it is doing and how you feel on it. Masteron would be a good addition to a future cycle if you like the results. What dose you thinking of doing? I ask cos it isn't the cheapest. Let us know what you decide to do. Plus keep us posted on your findings if you start it. I would defo give that a try in the near future.

Buy the way if your source begins with an N then your good to go.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
Nicosia, Cyprus
I read about that awhile back and yeah I would defo give it ago. Now what do you cycle with it. I personally would cycle it alone. That way you can see exactly what it is doing and how you feel on it. Masteron would be a good addition to a future cycle if you like the results. What dose you thinking of doing? I ask cos it isn't the cheapest. Let us know what you decide to do. Plus keep us posted on your findings if you start it. I would defo give that a try in the near future.

Buy the way if your source begins with an N then your good to go.

That's the question, what do you stack it with? Was thinking about going with 750mg of test enth a week alongside it, with 100mg a day of anadrol for the first four or five weeks. Reading that, though, it almost sounds like a replacement for test, but much more potent. What I'd really like to do is stack it with tren acetate, but I just don't know if that's safe. Maybe it could be like tren acetate and deca? - two steroids you shouldn't stack together. Who knows? Think your suggestion of running it alone is a sensible one, but I would like to try anadrol in the next cycle too.

No, doesn't begin with N, but rather GP. It's not too expensive on there, actually, $69 for 10ml dosed at 50mg per ml. At a suggested dose of 25mg a day, that would last three weeks. I'd probably go for a nine-weeker, rather than 12, for something so new, so that'd only be $207 for the entire cycle, plus the anadrol. Pretty good, I reckon.

Yeah, I'll keep everyone informed if I decide to go for it. I feel a bit like a guinea pig though...


Feb 24, 2007
Although I've never tried it myself, I've seen some people requesting it from a few sponsors on another board.

You wouldn't be the first guinea pig:p

I'd give it a go. And I'd do it alone on two runs...just to feel it out and maybe at diff. dosages.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Although I've never tried it myself, I've seen some people requesting it from a few sponsors on another board.

You wouldn't be the first guinea pig:p

I'd give it a go. And I'd do it alone on two runs...just to feel it out and maybe at diff. dosages.

I would follow this advice. I would run it alone to begin with. 25mg per day for a few weeks. Then gradually move up if you need to. Keep it about 8 weeks. You could always throw in others for another 8 weeks to make 16 weeks total. But for a first try I would defo run it alone... hey even 4 weeks would be sufficient then you could add something else. I would personally use masteron but it sounds like you want to bulk. Personally I would go with a standard test and adrol cycle if thats the case and increase when needed... cheaper and less injections needed. Just thought why not something like...

Weeks 1-4= Adrol starting at 50mg (1st week) going up to 100mg
Weeks 1-8= Test E starting at 250mg (1st week) going up to 750mg
Weeks 9-16= MENT at 25mg per day or eod and move up to a dose you feel comfortable with (50mg per day for example)

You could add in masteron in the second part of the cycle or even add in an oral such as dbol or winny depending upon your goals at that time.

I would do something like the above for a nice lean bulker. But as stated previously maybe your best just cycling it alone for 8 weeks and seeing how you go with it. That way you can best evaluate it and use it more effectively in future cycles. Let us know what you decide to do.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2009
Nicosia, Cyprus
I would follow this advice. I would run it alone to begin with. 25mg per day for a few weeks. Then gradually move up if you need to. Keep it about 8 weeks. You could always throw in others for another 8 weeks to make 16 weeks total. But for a first try I would defo run it alone... hey even 4 weeks would be sufficient then you could add something else. I would personally use masteron but it sounds like you want to bulk. Personally I would go with a standard test and adrol cycle if thats the case and increase when needed... cheaper and less injections needed. Just thought why not something like...

Weeks 1-4= Adrol starting at 50mg (1st week) going up to 100mg
Weeks 1-8= Test E starting at 250mg (1st week) going up to 750mg
Weeks 9-16= MENT at 25mg per day or eod and move up to a dose you feel comfortable with (50mg per day for example)

You could add in masteron in the second part of the cycle or even add in an oral such as dbol or winny depending upon your goals at that time.

I would do something like the above for a nice lean bulker. But as stated previously maybe your best just cycling it alone for 8 weeks and seeing how you go with it. That way you can best evaluate it and use it more effectively in future cycles. Let us know what you decide to do.

Thanks for the suggestion, much appreciated. Well I've placed my order, now just waiting for it to arrive. I'm not starting my next cycle until January 1 anyway, after three months off. I've decided to go with Anadrol and equipoise alongside the trestolone acetate, so that will be three things that are all new to me. It'll be interesting, if nothing else...

Your suggestion sounds good, but I wanted to try something other than test. Eq sounds ideal and apparently stacks well with the trestolone. I can't take winny because my knees are a bit dodgy through squatting, and I daren't risk the joint dryness it can cause. Never been too into Dbol, so I'll give that a miss too. Yes, I am looking to bulk, so Masteron probably wouldn't fit the bill.

I'll report back in the new year and let you know how it's going. Thanks for your help.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thanks for the suggestion, much appreciated. Well I've placed my order, now just waiting for it to arrive. I'm not starting my next cycle until January 1 anyway, after three months off. I've decided to go with Anadrol and equipoise alongside the trestolone acetate, so that will be three things that are all new to me. It'll be interesting, if nothing else...

Your suggestion sounds good, but I wanted to try something other than test. Eq sounds ideal and apparently stacks well with the trestolone. I can't take winny because my knees are a bit dodgy through squatting, and I daren't risk the joint dryness it can cause. Never been too into Dbol, so I'll give that a miss too. Yes, I am looking to bulk, so Masteron probably wouldn't fit the bill.

I'll report back in the new year and let you know how it's going. Thanks for your help.

Masteron is great for any cycle... bulking or cutting

Goodluck with everything in Jan


New member
Dec 10, 2010
so hello to everyone. i am stuck in afghanistan with the US army, anyone know a reliable source for gear?


Aug 28, 2005
I'm working with a local guy here and he has obtained some MENT. I will follow him closely over the next several weeks and see how it goes.


New member
Dec 10, 2010
yeah, i am guessing that the pharmx have it, but i am way to remote of an area. no pharmx anywhere nearby, lol. lookng for a reliable mail order ya know.


Feb 17, 2008
Check out some of our sponsors here, they are all reliable, just read the reviews on them to help decide who you are going to go with.


Oct 25, 2012
Been doing a little more research on this today and I think I'm going to get some to run with my masteron enanthate:D