ARRRRMY Training Sir!


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
This is going to be my first log I do on Anasci! What you can expect? No BS, no lies, going to lay it all out there. I tried a year and a half ago to prep for a show, no coach, I had no idea what I was doing. Wasn’t 100% on the diet but was still progressing. An unexpected suicide of one of my deployment buddies last year blindsided me and my diet and training just weren’t there. I withdrew from the Midwest Gladiator. Then I had a couple surgeries, septum and a temporal migraine surgery this past March. I didn’t lift until this past June and also ate pretty much whatever I wanted. My metabolism is very high which is a good thing and I didn’t really gain any weight but definitely some body fat. People asked me if I was sick and I looked skinny, that was probably from not working out and just doing the basic Dr. prescribed TRT. I was a little productive and finally got my bachelors in health and wellness and my PT certificate. I still have the itch to try and compete but this time I am not fucking around, I just hired a coach and my mind is clear, I feel good both mentally and physically, 1st time in a long time. My kids are finally in grade school, I am retired[emoji51] so I have the time it takes to do this. My stats as of this morning
43 yo
I’ll try to put up a picture from 2 weeks ago. I was 5 lbs lighter but from the beginning of Aug I shed 1% BF and am down to 16.5. I start working with my coach starting in late October. Going to be working with AJ Sims. I had a great talk with him and we are going to put together a great plan for getting me ready for my 1st local Masters show around March, April timeframe. In the meantime I’m going to continue doing Fortitude training and trying to shed some more BF before Oct. He wants me to be under 15 at a minimum. I like AJ because he gets his clients peeled and conditioned for s show. Even with people that aren’t genetic freaks, if you come in super conditioned and gave it 100%, good things are bound to happen and that’s what I plan on doing. The log won’t be updated that often at first but as time goes in I will Log more. I’m going to be very detailed with my training, diet and weight.
As far as gear, for now I’m not changing anything, I’ve been on 200mg of Test Cyp a week for about 9 months now. About a week and a half ago I added LGD to the mix and am doing 8 mg on workout days and 5 on off days. Diet is still not dialed in but I’ve been eating better these last few weeks. I guess I’m going to stop doing my food challenges. I’ve eaten a 2 lb burger recently and split a 40$ quarter pounder and 2 Lg fries with one of my buddies. We posted that on YouTube, it was kind of fun but that was fun while it lasted. I guess it’s good to know I can eat a lot, I’m pretty sure I’ll be having to eat a lot of healthy foods soon. My appetite has always been really good. That’s it for now... and let’s see where this takes me!

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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
When does the coach come into play? Can you tell us about him and the type of training he leans towards?


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
My coaching with AJ starts in October. He has no spots open until then so it was wait a bit for him or find someone else. He is known for getting his guys peeled and conditioned and wants all of his clients not to be out-conditioned. He is going to give me a diet but will make changes after a month. Since neither of us ever worked together before he has to see how I respond to food and gear and then make changes accordingly. Going to try the least amount of gear until I don’t grow then adjust. I was very open about my issues with PTSD and TBI so we already established that EQ will never be in the picture. Not sure of exactly what kind of training splits he’ll give me but I have seen some of his YouTube videos and it looks like he puts his guys thorough he’ll and from what I seen a lot of legs and back. But I won’t know any of that stuff till late October. I need to lose some BF by then. Not going to be a problem for me I’ve already lost 1% and want to be no more than 15, but my goal is 14% in mid October. So my Fortitude training continues
And speaking of that it was muscle rounds for legs today
Hack squats 4x6 230
Leg press 4x6 540
Seated calf raise 3x20 135
Leg extensions 4x6 195
Lying ham curls 4x6 130
Feeling better about my legs as this Fortitude training goes on, I’m essentially working legs 3xs a week, same as upper body, I’ve never done legs more than once a week and now that I’m doing it more I’m liking it more and more (if that makes sense) Arms and back tomorrow, then I take 2 days off and that will complete my first month and then 2 more weeks of the blast phase

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Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Going to use a mild fat burner for a month or so. I’m going to put up the supplement list of the 2 different products, could someone give their opinion on which one! I’m leaning towards Evogen Lipocide IR but maybe I’m missing something

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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
You may want to hit up Elvia about his choices for fat burners? He seams to know a lot in this area.


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Very confused on my BF% Mid to late July when I checked my BF% it was 17. I checked it beginning of August, down to 16. I checked it today it said 12.9. I have been on LGD 4033 did 2 weeks but I’m not buying it that i shed 3%. I have been training hard, eating better as well but I’m skeptical it’s 12.9. I put in all the info correct, just puzzled, I’m going to keep going with that I’m somewhere in the 15s. Today I added a mild OTC fat burner which I will use for a month.
Felt good doing my upper body muscle rounds today
All movements are 4x6 except my ab work
Deadlifts 215
Bench 205
Bicep curl 50 each arm
Skull crusher 55
Shoulder press (machine) 115
Since I switched to a life fitness machine tocso my shoulders I can put up more weight. I did everything with full reps and sets next time I’m going to raise everything by 10 lbs except the bicep curls, I had a rough time doing the last set but that was my last exercise. Off for 2 so o can recover, 1st month of Fortitude complete!

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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Get a skin caliber. Those scale "hold the handle" things never work right. I found that taking pics is the best way.


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Did my load phase the past 2 days and today was upper body. Nothing new really, tomorrow off and then muscle rounds, going to go up in weight on everything!

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Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Today was muscle round for legs, didn’t update my load days but will my muscle rounds. Today was legs and I went up in every exercise, kind of proud of myself, Fortitude has taught me to appreciate leg days

Hack squats 4x6 270
Leg press 4x6 590
Seated calf raise 3x20 160
Leg extensions 4x6 210
Lying ham curls 4x6 140
Tomorrow arms

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I was very open about my issues with PTSD and TBI so we already established that EQ will never be in the picture.

Ok, I’ll show my ignorance here. What’s the link between PTSD/TBI and EQ? This is something I’m completely unaware of. I had my own struggles with PTSD, but not TBI, when I returned from deployment. I can’t say that EQ has ever given me any issues outside of really exacerbating my IBS-C. This one has my interest peaked.


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Ok, I’ll show my ignorance here. What’s the link between PTSD/TBI and EQ? This is something I’m completely unaware of. I had my own struggles with PTSD, but not TBI, when I returned from deployment. I can’t say that EQ has ever given me any issues outside of really exacerbating my IBS-C. This one has my interest peaked.

The lines are blurry from the symptoms of PTSD and TBI with regards to memory loss, anxiety etc. They diagnosed me with multi trauma because they aren’t even sure what’s causing what. EQ gives some people anxiety but some don’t have any symptoms like that al all. Just from my personal experience I was fine with 2 weeks of 300mg/week but was told I wouldn’t get anything out of it with less than 600 a week, I bumped it up and a couple weeks later I started getting really anxious and nervous and having weird thoughts, not suicidal but just bad thoughts popped up in my head l, I discontinued it and within a week started feeling back to normal again. So now I don’t even want to take a chance. The bad thing is I have at least 4 unopened vials that are sitting in my closet [emoji23] I have at least tried every steroid except Var and Winny and none made me feel quite like that, never a problem with Tren but I’ve never done anything higher than 200/week. I may just being to cautious but I just didn’t like the way I felt when I was at 600a week, I see some people do 900-1000, wouldn’t be my cup of tea

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Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Today’s workout was lightning fast. I had a half hour and went at it like an assassin. I had s dr appt at the VA today for my Botox injections on my head for my migraines. It’s 32 shots on various areas all over my head and by my traps. I needed to do my workout today because the next 2 days my head hurts a little. I had to substitute deadlifts for pulldowns because of my time restraint but I did go up in everything from last week
Bench 4x6 215
Pulldowns 4x6 160
Dips 4x10
Machine shoulder press 4x6 140
Bicep curls. 1 arm 4x6 50
Very happy with this first month and some change, I can already see a little difference... muscle memory kicking in, I’ve been on the gym 4 days a week for 5 weeks now and the diet is steadily getting better. I’ve cut down the soda and candy quite a bit. 1 soda a day and if I have my night cravings for sugar I have a banana or an apple or some popcorn and not starburst or gummy bears or stuff like that. I think this alone will help our in the long run and once later October comes I’ll be on the diet that my coach writes up!

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Registered User
Jun 2, 2018
This is a strong point and using the mirror instead of a scale is the way to do this. You will be building muscle and burning fat.

Get a skin caliber. Those scale "hold the handle" things never work right. I found that taking pics is the best way.


Donating Member
Dec 27, 2016
Last week of blast phase then do a short cruise phase than back to blast. Happy with my progress so far and in 2 weeks its time to put up my 1st progress pic. Looking for small things not anything big, but I would like some feedback, harder to tell myself, the more eyes the better. Next blast phase will be all about maintaining strength and cutting a little more BF

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Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
I have heard they produce incredible prep results. And they do it consistently. GOOD FOR YOU! Hope your not bashful about gear bro...…..lol :)

I heard the same so I added him on social media and it's client after client coming in hard and shredded so he obviously knows what he is doing. I also heard he likes high gear so I hope RA0153 is ready :p