Recent content by OzMonster

  1. OzMonster

    HGH Genotropine cycle

    Hi guys, i need some help...i have never used Growthy before and i managed to score some genotropine. I have also got some sust 250 and deca (100ml/ml) any advice about a suggested cycle with the growthy? how many iu's of the growthy should i inject a day? i have used sust 250 in the past...
  2. OzMonster

    sust 250 and deca stack any suggestions

    Just want some advice on stacking these 2...I have sust 250 and deca 100 from organon. I wondering what you guys think is a good stack.. So far I have had a few suggestions: 600mg of deca a week for the first 4 weeks and 500mg of sust a week divided into 2 shots a week for the whole 12 weeks...
  3. OzMonster

    Best NO product

    Im currently using BSN NoXplode and am pretty please with it.i have recently started seeing a lot of new products popping up for example SAN fierce and the Gaspari Superpump, what products do you guys think is the best?? should i stay with the BSN or is one of the others better? opinions guys...
  4. OzMonster

    hamstring exercises

    Does anyone know any good hamstring exercises, im tore my hamstring about 8 weeks ago and i need to strengthen the hammy, i need to try and stretch it out as i dont want short tight hammy's as i play a running sport... also can the gear cause u to tear a hammy? 1 of the docs here said that...
  5. OzMonster

    Gear in OZ

    Im from Australia, anyone else here from OZ??? I Have been training for about 6 years now and done a few cycles...i am finding it extremely hard find good gear here? is anyone else having the same problems?? I think most of what im getting is no good and is also overpriced...Would appreciate any...