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    snake and arrow 5mg d-bol tabs

    anybody got any closeup pics of real ones?
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    The benefits of Chia Seeds in your cooking!

    Ch-ch-ch choose chia 1. Chia is gluten free 2. It is super high in dietary fibre, making it great for digestion and healing digestion issues. 3. It contains 20% Omega 3 ALA, making it a super food for the brain and heart. Chia has eight times more Omega 3 than salmon! 4. It boasts 20% protein...
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    Whole lemon / Lime tip

    You guys that like lemon herb chicken etc or pasta dishes heres a tip I got from a professional chef. Wash and scrub a whole lemon or lime Put whole lemon or lime in freezer to make solid Use a fine grater or zester to use complete fruit, rind and all, in or on top of whatever you are cooking or...
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    Why are pill bottles orange?

    Why are They Orange/Amber? "The primary reason for orange-colored prescription bottles--and any colored or opaque prescription bottle, for that matter--is to prevent light from degrading the medicines inside through photochemical reactions. Many substances--milk, beer, medications...
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    Heart rate monitor

    Anyone here use or have used one and have advice on which model to buy that's not super expensive etc . I see there's so many out it's crazy. Some with chest straps some without. I'm wanting a basic model cause I been a normal 90 bpm at rest and need to see how it changes throughout the day.
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    cycyle AAS & insulin

    Can anyone tell me if I should wait for PCT to use insulin or would I be okay using during a cycle of AAS. My cycle plan is as follows. deca400 week 1-8 anadrol50 week 1-4 test500 blend week 1-8 HCG as well Winstrol-small amount for anti aromatase effect Should I wait to finish cycle and follow...
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    it itches..

    75 mg ed tren a and test prop. Thing is that a day out two after inject the area gets slightly swollen and itches. Never had this problem on any other cycle. Had anyone else had this issue?
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    last hcg shot

    can I start supplementing proteins stright after my last hcg shot?