Bodybuilder dies from "too much protein"


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
At least that's how all the news agencies are reporting it. Most are barely even bothering to mention the part about her having a rare disorder that causes her body to not metabolize protein correctly which is what actually killed her. CNN is one of the only ones that took a paragraph to even explain the disorder. It sux that she died, but she didn't die from too much protein. She died because she didn't pay attention to her body and ignored the symptoms she was having. Basically guys, if you feel like shit, to tell your doctor.


Meegan Hefford, a 25-year-old bodybuilder, was found unconscious on June 19 in her Mandurah, Western Australia, apartment, according to CNN affiliate Australia News 7.
Days later, Hefford was pronounced dead. Only after her death did her family learn that Hefford, the mother of a 7-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy, had a rare genetic disorder that prevented her body from properly metabolizing her high-protein diet.
Urea cycle disorder, which causes a deficiency of one enzyme in the urea cycle, stops the body from breaking down protein, according to the nonprofit National Urea Cycle Disorders Foundation.

Normally, the body can remove nitrogen, a waste product of protein metabolism, from the blood. However, a urea cycle disorder would prohibit this.
Therefore, nitrogen, in the form of toxic ammonia, would accumulate in the blood and eventually reach the brain, where it can cause irreversible damage, coma and death.
"The enzyme deficiency can be mild enough so that the person is able to detoxify ammonia adequately -- until there's a trigger," said Cynthia Le Mons, executive director of the foundation. The trigger could be a viral illness, stress or a high-protein diet, she added.
"There was just no way of knowing she had it because they don't routinely test for it," said Michelle White, Hefford's mother and a resident of Perth. "She started to feel unwell, and she collapsed."
White blames protein shakes for her daughter's death.

'Nuanced symptoms'
Since 2014, Hefford, who worked at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and studied paramedicine, had been competing as a bodybuilder.
It was only after Hefford's death that White discovered containers of protein supplements in her daughter's kitchen, along with a strict food plan. White understood then that her daughter, who had been preparing for another bodybuilding competition, had also been consuming an unbalanced diet.
Hefford was eating "way too much protein," said White, which triggered her daughter's unknown urea cycle condition. (For most healthy people, a high-protein diet, when followed for a short time, generally isn't harmful, according to the Mayo Clinic.)
Hefford's diet included protein-rich foods, such as lean meat and egg white, in addition to protein shakes and supplements, her mother said.
"There's medical advice on the back of all the supplements to seek out a doctor, but how many young people actually do?" White asked.
Le Mons said, "typically, there are nuanced symptoms that just go unrecognized" with mild cases of urea cycle disorder. Symptoms include episodes of a lack of concentration, being very tired and vomiting.
"Sometimes, people think it's the flu and might even go to the ER thinking they have a really bad flu," Le Mons said, adding that a simple serum ammonia level test, which can detect the condition, is not routinely done in ERs.
It's unclear whether Hefford suffered symptoms of her condition. White, who hopes her daughter's story will serve as a warning to help save lives, believes protein supplements need more regulation.
The Australian Medical Association says there's no real health benefit to such supplements. And, while they may not be necessary for most people, they're not dangerous to most, either.
The estimated incidence of urea cycle disorders is 1 in 8,500 births. Since many cases remain undiagnosed, the exact incidence is unknown and believed to be underestimated.
"There's a myth that this disorder only affects children," Le Mons said, noting that one patient reached age 85 before diagnosis.
Regarding Hefford, Le Mons said that "this is not the first time this has happened." Other athletes, who like Hefford were unaware of their condition, have died when a high-protein diet triggered their condition.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Yeah my gf was telling me about this and right away I was like "there had to be some disease" ... yep. Sucks she died though as you said :(


Mar 27, 2014
The media sucks ass
Will they take the protein off the market now like clenbuteral or GHB?


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Somehow some fat lazy asswipe with an agenda will say it was actually due to her abusing steroids that also or entirely led to her death. Would be a shame if I'm right and they use her death to fuel another steroid witch Hunt....AR....


Sep 17, 2003
When I read this the first thing that caught my attention was the mother looking for tighter regulation on all supplements. Her daughter had a medical illness that should have been getting regular check ups to begin with. By the time she sought medical attention it took them another couple days to figure out the issue and by that time it was already too late.

It is a shame that she died, but it could have easily been avoided with proper heath care. To always look for something to blame is more irresponsible than the actual act of not taking care of your body to begin with!


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
poor girl.....just wanted to be something....

this sucks.....I hate reading about this shit.