Have you ever been broke?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
This guy Seth is about as real a person as your going to find. He's well grounded. If this guy was a coach I'd hire him...……



Registered User
Feb 26, 2017
I was a freshman at Cleveland State University on a partial swimming scholarship in 1977-78...in May of 78 I had ZERO $ one weekend...no food...nothing...so I went to the old Cleveland metropolitan stadium and stood outside begging for $ at an Indians game...I made $7... I bought a $1 ticket in the bleachers and bought 4 hot dogs and 2 beers...that event has stuck with me for 40 years...I am now retired and owe nothing to anybody while pulling in a nice pension with a fat savings account...I worked 2 and 3 jobs at the same time throughout my life...don't get me started about today's entitled youth!.........


Donating Member
Apr 11, 2017
I've always thought about that but never experienced it personally for better or worse, funny I had a friend ask me this same question a couple nights ago. I've been broke but not to the point where I didn't have money or options to eat. When I say broke I mean I didn't have money to go on a vacation or buy something stupid and this is when I was much younger. I used to be a heavy gambler, well I still gamble but I can better afford it better now and haven't gone down to 0 since I was in my early 20's and even then like I said it's not like I didn't have money to eat, have a car, housing or pay small bills. We sure as shit weren't wealthy but my family always owned business so I was always always working, I always had multiple jobs even when I didn't want them so even if I was broke today I would be okay by tomorrow. That and I come from a stable household so if it ever came down to it I could go to them, as embarrassing as that was and now it's the opposite where I take care of my parents and sisters so I'm definitely paying it back and then some. Though I know a lot of households even being stable once you reach a certain age you're cut off, it wasn't like that for me.

What really opened my eyes and made me think about it was this chick I've been dating around with. She's a good girl very intelligent and did all the right things in life, has a masters and recently got a very good rewarding job but for a very long time as an adult had a shit job but it was all she could find with her degree to try and move up. She told me stories about how she didn't have money for food would go to taco bell and get ONE taco and give them the debit card and act all shocked that it didn't go through and sometimes they would just give her the taco and sometimes they wouldn't. It wasn't as if she was irresponsible with her money or didn't work hard it was just that all the money she had barely covered her bills and it was what it was, she didn't have any luxuries and still doesn't. I always chided people who are broke as being lazy and not go getters but the older I get, I'm 34, and seeing people my age who are from the same kind of environment as me and working hard and just can't make it I'm starting to realize how wrong I am for that. The funny part is that it's usually people with college degrees who can't make it because they are stuck with loans and pursuing jobs with their degrees which are worthless. Those guys who worked in the factory out of high school are usually doing pretty well, society has changed and the old rules don't apply anymore people are having trouble adapting.

Anyway I'm rambling the thread title just touched me off, long story long everyone has different circumstances and I'm learning to be more sympathetic towards people who are having trouble in life as I get older instead of just labeling them.
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Jan 26, 2015
I've been there! I put myself through 7 years of college working 3 jobs. I now have a great career, but I started a business on the side for extra income, because of my fear of going back where I once was. Anything is obtainable with hard work and discipline!


Registered User
Dec 28, 2007
After being out of work for almost a year I didn't have the money to pay my mortgage, truck payment or any other bill. I was able to get a job and decided that wouldn't happen again. That was 15 years ago. I have had no bills other then my mortgage for the last 12 years. Can pay cash for a new truck when I want one and have invested enough so that I can retire within the next year if I want.


Donating Member
Jul 25, 2012
Yes, a few times in college with a kid on the way. And 2 years ago when I was laid off, I hadn't made wise investments up to that point.. It's a bad feeling but at the same time puts things into perspective and gets your motivation up. At least for me.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
Wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, though my parents got by and did what they had to make sure my brother and I got what we needed. Most of the stuff I have had to work for, though I probably spoil my own kids too much, lol. I've always worked since I was a little kid, not like these fukking lazy ass people these days depending on the system to pay for their shit and sitting at home doing nothing, or just having kids they cannot afford and expecting people to pay for their family. Going through college gives you perspective even further on learning how to budget, or starve, lol! I get paid decent, but am not close to being rich, and still pauing back on my college loans. Have 2 kids so they come first before me, or trying to figure out how i'm going to come up with money for HGH and cycles.

Good video. You can do anything if you work hard.

If people put as much time and energy into their career (or family for that matter), as they do training, bodybuilding and buying drugs, they'd be amazed at what they could accomplish.

That said, i'm a BB addict like everybody else. One tip.....Sub-Q low dose Test E injects for most of the year is a Godsend, and it forces people to put more effort into eating and training, while having more money for other things;)


Donating Member
Jun 8, 2017
Totally! I love Seth's mindset. It's the tough times that build character. I can totally tell whether a person's ever been through the struggle or not haha.

Blue collar family and I grew up mostly in a military school/ boot camp. Nobody really had any more/less than the guy next to you. Wasn't with my family. It was a challenging place. Then was crazy broke in undergrad and worked. Built a fair amount of wealth for myself after graduating.

I had supposedly found salvation (dream job, wealth, hot gf, etc). It's weird though, once I was there... I still felt like something was missing. A stifling emptiness.

It wasn't until very recently that I realized how unhappy I was in life (with money or without). Have you ever heard that lecture by Dr. Wayne Dyer where he talks about suffering from the disease called "more"? Changed the way I look at life. Theres a couple books I've been reading recently that touch on a similar concept.

Seth brings up a great point, I haven't started building a family yet. I really don't know what it's like to hardcore provide for a household.

I'm bookmarking that vid. "Strap it on and pack a lunch. Cause it's gonna get a whole lot harder". No joke. In one way or another life gets a hell of a lot harder.
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Feb 6, 2012
Watching it now. He is a smart guy and speaks from the heart. I have been broke so I appreciate what I have today.


Mar 27, 2014
Broke- I don't call that broke
Still able to stay in college
Still able to train and eat.
Sorry- that's not broke to me at all
No disrespct to any one hopefully


Donating Member
Jun 8, 2017
indeed. I've played that vid back a number of times since Concrete posted it. Especially in the AM before I walked out of my house into the world.

Seth with the critical reminders.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2017
Olympic peninsula
different people have ideas of what broke is lol. when I started paying 1700$ a month child support. lol I made it 6 days without food at one point while ;living in a honda crx with my dog. then I lost my job and it got much worse. lol ya I know what its like. I lived 6-7 years like that. going to college and training are not related at all to being broke guys. I guess some guys never really have to experience hard times. things are better now and for years I was certain I wasn't going to make it. but im still here and im still fighting.


Oct 30, 2012
i was so "broke" at one time where of course i paid my bills and rent.. those were my first priorities...i was eating beans out of a can mixed with tuna fish in the microwave... GROSS! but it was cheap and i ate it.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
In this country broke is not really what it is elsewhere. I always had food on the table and a roof over my head. I have struggled and can relate to many of the above posts but it's not as if I was homeless for years going days without food on the streets.


Registered User
May 27, 2018
I saw this video, it might not be as bad as many people said on the thread but that still a very hard situation especially with kids. Guy seems like a straight forward person and speaks a lot of truth about the industry.


Oct 30, 2012
In this country broke is not really what it is elsewhere. I always had food on the table and a roof over my head. I have struggled and can relate to many of the above posts but it's not as if I was homeless for years going days without food on the streets.

i live in a large city in the USA and when i see homeless people asking for money for food... i refuse... because 2 times in my life i literally saw them jump in a car with their friend and drive off after i gave them $5....so now when i go out and with a female(of course females get sad when they see someone homeless begging for food)... i tell the female i am with... "look at them they are fat as shit!" "they arent starving!" ..my opinion is most homeless people dumpster dive(behind restaraunts) for food and use money given to them for drugs or alcohol.. i was in the food buisness for 10 years would see alot of dumpster divers.. i never said nothing..as long as they followed one rule.. i told them to not ask anyone for money or id call the cops, because it would scare off our customer base..so i really dont feel any sorrow for homeless people in the USA.....3rd world countries, yes i do..not in the USA