Why can't I just take dbol alone?


Feb 7, 2013
Hey Enig, can explain more in depth about it not being a dht or analogue please. Apparently I need to brush up on my research again. I hate bro science and always say for people to do their own research. I also do not like to give out bad info like I did saying it was considered in a DHT. I personally considered it to be a DHT, guess that is my fault for not being as scientific as you.

I know it is already in the 17 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase category but for the sake of learning... Maybe go in depth about the processes of the conversions for 19 carbon androgens from the 3 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (Although it is the 17α methylated*derivative*of*boldenone) to either directly convert to Estrone via aromatase enzyme or into Testosterone and then into Estradiol or from testosterone into dehydrotestosterone via the 5 alpha reductase. I would be curious if you know the conversion rates or any other info you have on the subject as mine is limited. All I know is that Metandienone binds to and activates the*androgen receptor and, it is metabolized into methylestradiol*by*aromatase.

Always looking for more knowledge as I have only had introductory college classes in biology, chemestry, bio chemistry, nutrition, physiology and kinesiology. I wish I could be a William Llewellyn.
well maybe I'm wrong actually, but as far as I remember the chemical structure of Methandrostenolone is that it's a testosterone analog, with the difference being an added double bond at the carbon 1 and 2.

But I guess from a more simpler perspective the fact that it converts into estrogen is immediately indicative that it is not a DHT analog

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lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
It's not about who is right or wrong, we all know here on AnaSci we can have educated conversations and find knowledge and truth amongst our members without being dicks and name calling, bashing or calling people out. You were on to something and it made me think. From what I understand it is its own compound that has a higher affinity to convert into an estra and first needs to convert into test before ultimately converting into dht which it has a lower affinity for. I had to find textbooks, charts and check out google scholar. So I think the issue is because it is an "oral boldenone" maybe older guys consider it to be a dht because boldenone has a higher affinity to turn into test than into dht and has a much lower affinity into an estra. Where is the damn TEDTalk at for this shit lol.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Why can't I keep gains on a dbol only cycle? I understand we are supposed to take test E with the dbol in order to make up for all of the testosterone lost during the dbol cycle. However how does taking taking test make me keep all my gains as opposed to just taking dbol alone. If I were to take dbol alone with a perfect diet, can't I keep my gains? (With Proper PCT at the end of the cycle)

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You can. Will it be as effective as having more stable constant blood levels a secondary oil based gear would bring if done with it? No. But you certainly can and will still see rewards assuming your diet is on point. It's a steroid. ANY steroid can be taken as a stand alone drug.
Germany was ONLY using D-bol at the Olympics. guess is worked for them. Don't by into the brolore and "experts". Use your common sense friend. end of thread.