question for the "ladies"

ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
im am about 10 years older than my girlfriend and we match up very well. she is very outgoing and wild and im gettin a lil more reserve in my "old" age. we both like the same things and all that good stuff. we r both very comitted to each other. however, she has alot of friends that r guys, probably 90% and she talks to most of them as normally u would a friend, she also talks flirty to some of them (not dirty/nasty just tone of voice), goes to breaks at work with them (not her girlfriends), but not all the time. i will admit that it does bug me at times when she spends more time during the day with them than with me. i have voiced this to her and she tells me that i have nothing to worry about, she loves only me....how should i react to this??? how to handle is my question....

i have been divorced for 5 1/2 yrs and the reason for my divorce was, my X had alot of guy friends and she cheated on me with one of them. yep....i have trust issues in the "guy friend" area. any thoughts????


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
Ben, I am going jump on here until the girls do. I have been in that situation a couple times, never cheated on but still there. I have alot of girl "friends" as well, so i would make sure i said stuff like im hanging out with katie and were going to a bar with friends and all that. If she got jealous or said something, then i would bring it up about her and her "guy" friends. You really have a 50/50 chance whether she might be cheating or not. TRUST is huge, but you would know about that, since she is your girl. Some girls just dont get along with other girls, goes back to their upbringing. Best of luck bro.


Sep 19, 2004
I'll jump in here since no women have. How old is she? This just doesn't seem right to me. Reverse the situation, when you were "the guy friend" did you think of anything else but sleeping with the girl? Guys play the friend card all the time as a way of getting in the door. I'm 34yrs old but very old fashioned in this area. If there is something that bothers you about this and your woman loves as she says she does, then she should have no problem discontinuing these relationships. I'm guessing she is in her early 20's. This is typical behavior for that age. If she doesn't want to change, time to drop back and punt. JMHO


Registered User
May 29, 2005
down south
well i agree with all of the above. if you tell her your going out with a female friend that she doesnt know all that well she WILL ask questions and get jealous if not she probably already has a fall back in case you do decided to leave so you would be better off anyways , and the only real ''girl'' friends that i have had that i wasnt trying to play the friend card with was my buddies girls , and if she really cares for sure she will give those so called innocent relations up. ...i know i just repeated everything everyone else just said but they told you alll my advice before i had a chance..


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Cookie you never told me you were married????? What about us! :D I agree with Cookie on the big red flag when it comes to the flirting. Sounds like a girl who likes to get attention. I dated a girl who sounds like this one and I can say nothing good came out of it. What happens when her and her "friends" are all drinking and the flirting starts? If she truly loves you, I feel she should respect you enough to comprimise and leave the freindships at work and not at home. Careful brother, 90% of all women are EVIL! :twisted:

Cookie said:
I had many male friends before I was married. I found that most of them did want to use the "friend card" to get more than friendship. My husband recognized this before we married and asked that I sever ties with the few in peticular that he was not comfortable with so I did. I think it's fine to have male friends if they are commited to there own relationships but if there is any so called "innocent" flirting going on then you might consider that a big red flag. I think that if your girl loves you and respects your feelings then she will understand how this works and do what makes you both happy. Good luck.


Big Gunz
Sep 3, 2005
Wherever I'm needed baby!
For some reason, most of the girls that I have dated have had more guy friends than girl friends (those type of girls seem to be less dramatic and more down to earth). Anyway, there are two types of situations that I've seen in my multitudes of experience. I too have been cheated on in one of these types. First type of girl with guy friends: Requires alot of attention from guys, because she always needs reassurance that she is attractive and wanted by the opposite sex. This requires her to "innocently flirt" with her guy friends. This type of girl attracts the type of "guy friends" that will feed her needs and this could eventually (and usually does) lead to infidelity, (may I also note that "innocent flirting" could be considered being emotionally unfaithful). Type two: Doesn't trust other women because she sees them as they are, lying deceitful and coniving. This type of girl has been burnt by female friends, or grew up as a tom boy, being "one of the guys" until she hit woman hood. She is naturally more comfortable just "being one of the guys" and isn't afraid to punk out the first dude that tries to use the "just friends" card and let him know she doesn't play that (especially if she has a man). There is never innocent flirting because the "guy friends" that she attracts don't want to fuck her, and if they did, they got the hint real quick that if they wanted to remain friends with her, they wouldn't even hint towards it. Only the ones that truly admire her friendship will stick around, and even if they still want to fuck, they won't try (too often), and eventually see her as a "sister" where thoughts of intimate relationships become sickening or unheard of. My opinion, if there is innocent flirting, get rid of her, there is more of a chance for foul play. The other type of women is cool and usually extremely brutally honest, and you can see that trust isn't an issue from the jump. Just my experience.

Little Man

Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
somewhere, US
i would worry dude. she should wantto spend mmmore time with you then them. and yet if the girl is needy she will keep them around. more guys do want to get in her pants.not many guys will just have a friend thats a girl. unless she isnt cute. they are like sharks waiting for the bait to come to the water. so once something bad happens between you andher the friends will comfort her and thats when the cheating will happen. but she may be faithful also my ex still says she was to me even after i told her i cheated . andshe has a butt load of guy friends and was a dancer!
so she may be ok but i would worry. she should also not have a problem with bringing you around the friends..

ben johnson

Registered User
Sep 1, 2005
DAMN!!! thanks for the response'....first, she is 28 and has 2 kids (boy 8 girl 5 1/2) and has been married once but is now divorced. she has 2 older bro's and was raised a tomboy all the way. she likes to hunt, fish, camp, scuba dive...anything outdoors...go on trips and yet we do alot of drives in my truck and waste alot of gas just chillin together. on the other hand she can really dress up and is a knockout lookin lady, looks alot like the pornstar brittany skye (figured u all will know what "she" looks like u perves, not u ladies =} ) we have had many discutions about these guy friends and she has dropped the 1 that really bugged me but still talks to him now and again and the other one that buggs me she has to deal with now and then bkuz she works with him. and thanks cookie kuz im a "red flag" kinda guy...yes she is i think needy of the attention and she is a lil low in self asteem, dont know y??? maybe one of u ladies can address the "gorgeous woman, low self-asteem" thing. i guess one thing that bugs me is that i get no time with her lately and other guys do and im jealous of that. i will end here and continue at a later date....thanks....(sorry i cant spell for shit)... :cool:
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