Testosterone enanthate


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
This might sound like a silly question but is the active life of test e 14-16 days? The reason I say that is because I always thought it was and if you go on numerous sites it says 14-16, 15 etc etc. But I have recently read on a few sites it's active life is 8 days so much shorter than cypionate and test blends. Can someone in the know clear this up for me. Because if it is 8 days that looks appealing for my next cycle that is likely to be fairly short but for bulking. Thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Researching it more I have found info suggesting it is a few days shorter than c. Just the very fact the molecular weight of the ester is 130.1864 (enanthoic acid, 7 carbons) would suggest it is shorter. As heavier weights usually mean longer active lifes (cypionate is heavier than e and then sustanon is heavier is than c).

I am just curious cause I am planning to now do 6 weeks on, 8 off (4 pct) and then 10 weeks on, 12 off (4 pct). And for the first cycle I would be best to pick test p but if the active life of test e is shorter I may use that. For the second I will pick a longer ester or blend.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kawasaki1 said:
This is the site I've always used to check out compounds: http://www.steroidsprofiles.com/
It says here that the active life for Test Enan is 8 days.....

Yeah I am gonna go on 8-10 days. But it doesn't matter too much as I do 4 weeks PCT so even if I start alittle early it will be fine. I will just use proviron for the last week of the cycle and then for 10 more days and then start my nolva etc. Plus I inject any longer estered compound twice weekly. I am just curious because obviously there is a big difference between 8 and 15 days.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Yeah, I would go by that site, it seems to be the most accurate.....


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Yeah I am gonna go on 8-10 days. But it doesn't matter too much as I do 4 weeks PCT so even if I start alittle early it will be fine. I will just use proviron for the last week of the cycle and then for 10 more days and then start my nolva etc. Plus I inject any longer estered compound twice weekly. I am just curious because obviously there is a big difference between 8 and 15 days.
You have to consider the amount of exogenous testosterone in your system as well. 1000mg will not clear to sub-endogenous levels at the same rate or timeline as 400mg will for example. I would consider 4 weeks of PCT immediately post cycle as being only a week worth in my opinion as 3 weeks is a good standard for when recovery can start and 2 weeks being a safe zone without wasting too much money on wasted PCT.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
You have to consider the amount of exogenous testosterone in your system as well. 1000mg will not clear to sub-endogenous levels at the same rate or timeline as 400mg will for example. I would consider 4 weeks of PCT immediately post cycle as being only a week worth in my opinion as 3 weeks is a good standard for when recovery can start and 2 weeks being a safe zone without wasting too much money on wasted PCT.

I was planning on doing about 500-650mg per week. I didn't plan to do PCT straightaway. I would start PCT about 8-10 days after my last injection. And that PCT would go on for 4-5 weeks. So if it is in my system for 2 weeks after my last injection it will be a 3 weeks PCT. I doubt the figure would be 3 due to the amount etc. I just wanna start it as early as possible even if that means a few wasted days. But again if that is a few days it is not a waste imo cos it will be a good build up to the actual PCT... meaning in my last cycle I done a SERM throughout so doing a few days extra next time when I have done none all cycle will be fine.

But thanks for the info cos I didn't know that (3 weeks). So I will go on feel at the time but I will be more inclined to keep PCT for 1 week later then planned if I do test e. Which really means going on my original thought of 14-16 days active life for test e.
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Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
I was planning on doing about 500-650mg per week. I didn't plan to do PCT straightaway. I would start PCT about 8-10 days after my last injection. And that PCT would go on for 4-5 weeks. So if it is in my system for 2 weeks after my last injection it will be a 3 weeks PCT. I doubt the figure would be 3 due to the amount etc. I just wanna start it as early as possible even if that means a few wasted days. But again if that is a few days it is not a waste imo cos it will be a good build up to the actual PCT... meaning in my last cycle I done a SERM throughout so doing a few days extra next time when I have done none all cycle will be fine.

But thanks for the info cos I didn't know that (3 weeks). So I will go on feel at the time but I will be more inclined to keep PCT for 1 week later then planned if I do test e. Which really means going on my original thought of 14-16 days active life for test e.
There's much more to a steroids active life and half-life than the number of days to half the blood concentration. In a simplistic exaplanation, just looking at 600mg of Enathate with a half-life of 8 days would give us the following:
8 days 300mg
16 days 150mg
24 days 75mg
32 days 37.5mg
40 days 18.75mg
48 days 9.375mg
Consider than 100mg is a standard hrt dose and would yield a reading of around 500 or so which is average, we might/should consider than the level where recovery can start to happen as it dips below natural endogenous levels. So going with this common train of thought we are looking at around 21 days to 100mg (many other factors to consider, but let's keep it simple for now). Another thing to consider is that when using compounds like Deca which cause a complete suppression at 100mg and even lower, and with its longer half-life, even at 4 weeks out you are unable to reach full recovery and is part of the reason that I and others recommend stopping most all compounds other than test at least 2 weeks earlier than your test so that it/they can clear and you can gain recovery before you stop your PCT. Many people in my opinion/experience start pct too soon and/or stop to early and are only, let's say, 75% recovered, which can be fine as the body will recovery without pct drugs given the means and the time.

By the way, I personally would recommend, as far as pct goes, to run your AI 2-3 weeks past your last shot and then start your serms. The 'just in case' factor is covered as AI's tend to increase testosterone just as well as SERMs though not in a healthy way. A sample would be to run the AI 3 weeks past, run Proviron 6 weeks past, and the Serm 9 weeks past (for a total of 6 weeks)
week 01 ARIM PROV
week 02 ARIM PROV
week 03 ARIM PROV
week 04 ----- PROV NOLV
week 05 ----- PROV NOLV
week 06 ----- PROV NOLV
week 07 ----- ----- NOLV
week 08 ----- ----- NOLV
week 09 ----- ----- NOLV
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
There's much more to a steroids active life and half-life than the number of days to half the blood concentration. In a simplistic exaplanation, just looking at 600mg of Enathate with a half-life of 8 days would give us the following:
8 days 300mg
16 days 150mg
24 days 75mg
32 days 37.5mg
40 days 18.75mg
48 days 9.375mg
Consider than 100mg is a standard hrt dose and would yield a reading of around 500 or so which is average, we might/should consider than the level where recovery can start to happen as it dips below natural endogenous levels. So going with this common train of thought we are looking at around 21 days to 100mg (many other factors to consider, but let's keep it simple for now). Another thing to consider is that when using compounds like Deca which cause a complete suppression at 100mg and even lower, and with its longer half-life, even at 4 weeks out you are unable to reach full recovery and is part of the reason that I and others recommend stopping most all compounds other than test at least 2 weeks earlier than your test so that it/they can clear and you can gain recovery before you stop your PCT. Many people in my opinion/experience start pct too soon and/or stop to early and are only, let's say, 75% recovered, which can be fine as the body will recovery without pct drugs given the means and the time.

By the way, I personally would recommend, as far as pct goes, to run your AI 2-3 weeks past your last shot and then start your serms. The 'just in case' factor is covered as AI's tend to increase testosterone just as well as SERMs though not in a healthy way. A sample would be to run the AI 3 weeks past, run Proviron 6 weeks past, and the Serm 9 weeks past (for a total of 6 weeks)
week 01 ARIM PROV
week 02 ARIM PROV
week 03 ARIM PROV
week 04 ----- PROV NOLV
week 05 ----- PROV NOLV
week 06 ----- PROV NOLV
week 07 ----- ----- NOLV
week 08 ----- ----- NOLV
week 09 ----- ----- NOLV

That looks like a good routine. What do you think of the below doses? Or do you think more arimidex (or prov) would be needed? What about aromasin instead of the adex?

week 01 ARIM at 0.5mg PROV 50mg (am/pm)
week 02 ARIM at 0.5mg PROV 50mg (am/pm)
week 03 ARIM at 0.5mg PROV 50mg (am/pm)
week 04 ----- PROV 50mg (am/pm) NOLV at 20mg
week 05 ----- PROV 50mg (am/pm) NOLV at 20mg
week 06 ----- PROV 25mg NOLV at 20mg
week 07 ----- ----- NOLV at 20mg
week 08 ----- ----- NOLV at 10mg
week 09 ----- ----- NOLV at 10mg


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Alpha I just wanna ask other question regarding this and other thread this week. You know you said about the 6 on, 3-4 pct, 2-3 off and 1 week off everything. I don't get what you mean cos I would have thought the above simply means 6 on and 3-4 pct and the then 2 or so off everything. Anyway what do you think of the below for a PCT (starting just after last injection) regime on a 6 week cycle. Basically looking at the table above but shortening the time scale due to the shorter cycle. Bare in mind that probably test p would be picked.

week 01 ARIM at 0.5mg PROV 50mg (am/pm)
week 02 ARIM at 0.5mg PROV 50mg (am/pm)
week 03 ----- PROV 50mg (am/pm) NOLV at 20mg
week 04 ----- PROV 50mg (am/pm) NOLV at 20mg
week 05 ----- ----- NOLV at 20mg
week 06 ----- ----- NOLV at 10mg

Saying that if I done the likes of dbol for I would most likely take adex throughout the actual cycle at 0.5mg.


Aug 28, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
This might sound like a silly question but is the active life of test e 14-16 days? The reason I say that is because I always thought it was and if you go on numerous sites it says 14-16, 15 etc etc. But I have recently read on a few sites it's active life is 8 days so much shorter than cypionate and test blends. Can someone in the know clear this up for me. Because if it is 8 days that looks appealing for my next cycle that is likely to be fairly short but for bulking. Thanks

8-10 days no doubt,,,after day 10 levels drop rapidly


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Alpha I just wanna ask other question regarding this and other thread this week. You know you said about the 6 on, 3-4 pct, 2-3 off and 1 week off everything. I don't get what you mean cos I would have thought the above simply means 6 on and 3-4 pct and the then 2 or so off everything. Anyway what do you think of the below for a PCT (starting just after last injection) regime on a 6 week cycle. Basically looking at the table above but shortening the time scale due to the shorter cycle. Bare in mind that probably test p would be picked.

week 01 ARIM at 0.5mg PROV 50mg (am/pm)
week 02 ARIM at 0.5mg PROV 50mg (am/pm)
week 03 ----- PROV 50mg (am/pm) NOLV at 20mg
week 04 ----- PROV 50mg (am/pm) NOLV at 20mg
week 05 ----- ----- NOLV at 20mg
week 06 ----- ----- NOLV at 10mg

Saying that if I done the likes of dbol for I would most likely take adex throughout the actual cycle at 0.5mg.
The above sample protocol was meant for long-esters which aren't practical for short cycles. For a shortie; I'd use short-esters and start PCT imediately with no waiting - the suggestion of cruising on the AI while the exogenous steroids left the body before starting PCT was simply for a long-ester plan, which again aren't a good idea for several reasons with a short cycle.
So to answer your question:
for a short cycle I'd just drop the first two weeks of "pct" and start the Nolvadex(or whatever) right away and run Proviron for half of it (2 weeks)
week 01 NOLV at 20mg PROV at 50mg
week 02 NOLV at 20mg PROV at 50mg
week 03 NOLV at 20mg
week 04 NOLV at 10mg
week 05
week 06
Take a week off from all compounds/drugs/training and then start over


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
The above sample protocol was meant for long-esters which aren't practical for short cycles. For a shortie; I'd use short-esters and start PCT imediately with no waiting - the suggestion of cruising on the AI while the exogenous steroids left the body before starting PCT was simply for a long-ester plan, which again aren't a good idea for several reasons with a short cycle.
So to answer your question:
for a short cycle I'd just drop the first two weeks of "pct" and start the Nolvadex(or whatever) right away and run Proviron for half of it (2 weeks)
week 01 NOLV at 20mg PROV at 50mg
week 02 NOLV at 20mg PROV at 50mg
week 03 NOLV at 20mg
week 04 NOLV at 10mg
week 05
week 06
Take a week off from all compounds/drugs/training and then start over

Sounds good. I got mixed up and was meant to write test e and not test p. My next cycle will be test e and the one after will be sust (so 1 week longer). As we have discussed earlier the 2 weeks adex and pro etc would be best for test e.

Next summer I am likely to do test p, tren a and might throw in some avar at the start. I would have thought as test p goes away in a few days you would be best to wait just under a week after your last shot before you stopped the adex and pro etc. But you are saying it will be best to start straightaway. So when you say straightaway to do mean about 3 days after the last test p injection or just straightaway as in the next day.

Last night I quickly just wrote out my next 2 cycles I plan to do. I will post them on here later today. Hopefully if anything is fine I will do actually as I write. I have even set out a start date cos if I didn't I would probably end up doing it earlier and I want to have lots of recovery time so I can get the most from my next cycle. It will also make me really go for it having a date set out. Just concentrating on cardio fitness and toning over the next few months. I have changed the 6 weeks 8 off alittle so let me know what you think when I post them. Thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I get it now with the 1 week off everything...so training too. I tend to have maybe 1 or 2 week per year were I try to have them off. Doing your plan that would be the perfect time to do so. I will defo do that next time round. I will have to do a test p, tren a or mast cycle sometime and do it that way. Throwing in either dbol/tbol/avar/winny too.


New member
May 31, 2008

I have many times both...about how important anti estrogen is useing test..my doc has me on enanthate...but I was told under 1/2 gram a week..no anti is needed ? I only take 100mg a week ?? thanks guys !!