Moral Dilemma


Dec 2, 2013
I have a situation and a need your guys(and girls) help. I've been seeing this girl for a while and let's call her Jess. He have fun and stuff like that but we are no way compatible. We hardly ever fight or even argue which may sound good but we all know that's not healthy too. But Jess has a sister and let's call her Molly. She and I just click on almost all levels And Molly and I even have our differences and got into it a few times. Molly even trains and watches what she eats as I do. Molly is also dating someone and he's a total douche bag but she doesn't want to hurt him even though he's an ass, let's call Dan. I don't care about what happens to Dan, I just hate the thought of hurting Jess. But I really do think that Molly is the one. Any suggestions? Here's a pic of Molly and Dan.


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Registered User
Jan 21, 2012
Hmm, that's a tough call. Dan does look kinda like a douche. Maybe you could show her what a real man who do to her. Try to let Jess down easy though. Don't tell her that her sister is hotter or anything along those lines even if she says something mean when you tell her you're leaving her. You can't stay with someone you're not completely in love with just to stop from hurting her feelings.

I say tell Molly how you feel, take her out and show her just how much you have in common. Maybe she will realize Dan isn't right for her and you are and hell, maybe Dan could date Jess since neither of them workout.


Nov 20, 2012
Damn, thats quite a pickle you seem to have yourself into there. They're sisters??


Dec 2, 2013
Hmm, that's a tough call. Dan does look kinda like a douche. Maybe you could show her what a real man who do to her. Try to let Jess down easy though. Don't tell her that her sister is hotter or anything along those lines even if she says something mean when you tell her you're leaving her. You can't stay with someone you're not completely in love with just to stop from hurting her feelings.

I say tell Molly how you feel, take her out and show her just how much you have in common. Maybe she will realize Dan isn't right for her and you are and hell, maybe Dan could date Jess since neither of them workout.

You make some excellent points, viking. Thanks


Nov 20, 2012
I'd just play the field between the two of em till I got caught. Well, that's what I would have done 20 years ago


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Chris, you dirty dog you! Phoenix, although I don't see any problem ever dating siblings, I think timing and understanding are very important here. You and your current gf need to part with no reservations and an understanding that you personalities are simply to different to spend a lifetime together. Are you certain her sister has interest in you? You did mention you had your quarrels with her. This could be OK or very bad. I can tell you in 3 years dating my wife I never once fought with either of her two sisters. You seem to be at a point where you are looking long term which is great. You must also choose very carefully. Not telling you to stay with your current gf or go with her sister, but I can tell you the things you mentioned can change like diet and exercise. When I married my wife, she was 170# and could have cared less about eating right and exercising. Now, she is my training partner and looks like a fitness model. Like you, we hardly ever fight and get along exceptionally well to this day. My first wife we fought alot. We both trained, watched what we ate, but were terribly incompatible. Focus on the their qualities that will not change like their personalities and their hearts. The things that can change may or may not come, but I think you will find it really doesn't matter. If my wife stayed at 170# I would be just as happy. Weigh their best qualities and let your heart decide whos best for you. Good luck


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Dan does seem to be not her type.. What I would do is get the two sisters together , have a sit down talk with both and say " hey do you want Dans light switch or a king cobra ?" Whatever one grabs a tug first she's the one..IF they both fight over the snake then I'd marry both and become a polygamist pig such as thee as I'm living the dream with Judy and Sue now..


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Time for Sully to inject some reality here. You have found yourself in a very complicated quagmire of a love triangle. You want one, you're with the other, she's with someone else, and you wanna make the switch without anyone getting their feelings hurt except Dan, right? No fucking way it happens like that.

#1. You're not the kinda guy that could pull off that switcheroo in the first place. I know this, because the kind of guy that could pull this off wouldn't be on here looking for advice on how to make this happen. He would already have pulled it off and be breaking Molly's back. If you need advice on how to pull this off, you have neither the necessary game nor the emotional detachment to make this happen. In short, if you coulda, you already woulda.

#2. This can't be done without lots of people's feelings getting hurt. Any chick that would go for some guy that her sister had just been dating isn't the kinda girl you really wanna be involved with long-term anyway. That's poor white redneck meth head trailer trash shit right there.

#3. The kind of guy that could pull this off wouldn't care about hurting the feelings of anyone involved. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and u can't switch sisters without risking tearing apart a family. And if you had the emotional detachment to make this happen, you'd be the biggest douche bag in this situation, not Dan. Don't be that guy.

Walk away from the whole situation entirely. Give it some time, date other chicks and later, if the opportunity presents itself, take a run at Molly. But don't be surprised if it doesn't work out then either. Blood is thicker, bro. There's 3 billion chicks out there, I guarantee you can find another one that you're perfectly compatible with, if you're willing to look.


Dec 2, 2013
Time for Sully to inject some reality here. You have found yourself in a very complicated quagmire of a love triangle. You want one, you're with the other, she's with someone else, and you wanna make the switch without anyone getting their feelings hurt except Dan, right? No fucking way it happens like that.

#1. You're not the kinda guy that could pull off that switcheroo in the first place. I know this, because the kind of guy that could pull this off wouldn't be on here looking for advice on how to make this happen. He would already have pulled it off and be breaking Molly's back. If you need advice on how to pull this off, you have neither the necessary game nor the emotional detachment to make this happen. In short, if you coulda, you already woulda.

#2. This can't be done without lots of people's feelings getting hurt. Any chick that would go for some guy that her sister had just been dating isn't the kinda girl you really wanna be involved with long-term anyway. That's poor white redneck meth head trailer trash shit right there.

#3. The kind of guy that could pull this off wouldn't care about hurting the feelings of anyone involved. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and u can't switch sisters without risking tearing apart a family. And if you had the emotional detachment to make this happen, you'd be the biggest douche bag in this situation, not Dan. Don't be that guy.

Walk away from the whole situation entirely. Give it some time, date other chicks and later, if the opportunity presents itself, take a run at Molly. But don't be surprised if it doesn't work out then either. Blood is thicker, bro. There's 3 billion chicks out there, I guarantee you can find another one that you're perfectly compatible with, if you're willing to look.

Sounds good. Fuck it! I'm going for Molly and here fine squatting ass . My happiness comes first. Screw them., :D
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The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I never talk about these things, but here goes with a real world example.
When my brother was 28 he married an attractive 18 year old woman. They seemed very much in love. When she was 8 months pregnant, he cheated on her. He got caught, and after putting the mother of his child through hell by deceiving her so horribly, he proceeded to cheat on the other woman with none other than her sister, producing another child out of that tryst.

A woman he was involved with later was married. Her lover killed her and himself in a jealous rage, although my brother escaped harm. He lives with this and sleeps quite soundly.

That my friends is the epitome of emotional detachment. I do not speak with this piece of human refuse and that is what you will be attempting to emulate by trying to pull any switches. To echo Sully, Don't be That Guy.
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Dec 2, 2013
I never talk about these things, but here goes with a real world example.
When my brother was 28 he married an attractive 18 year old woman. They seemed very much in love. When she was 8 months pregnant, he cheated on her. He got caught, and after putting the mother of his child through hell by deceiving her so horribly, he proceeded to cheat on the other woman with none other than her sister, producing another child out of that tryst.
That my friends is the epitome of emotional detachment. I do not speak with this piece of human refuse and that is what you will be attempting to emulate by trying to pull any switches. To echo Sully, Don't be That Guy.

Thanks for the perspective, Grimm.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
just do it. don't regret anything in life and let anyone get in the way of the right person for you. feelings will be hurt, but oh well. the heart desires what it needs. give it to it or pay the consequences later. the truest shit you will hear.. speaking from experience. jess is a friend and molly is your girl. go get her!


Registered User
Mar 8, 2013
Boston MA
No trying to stop banging one and start with the other sister.

You see that's your problem. No one likes a quiter. Fuck'em both. Reminds me of a story. Stop me if you've heard it. A father bull and son bull are sitting on a hill looking down on a meadow full cows. The son says to the father " hey, what da ya say we run down and fuck one Of those cows?" The father bull replies "nah son, we'll walk down. Fuck'em all."


Registered User
Dec 6, 2012
Your Mom's House
I'm going to chime in here and give you a little bit of a reality check. You're probably not going to like it, but oh well.

If you do make an attempt at Molly, chances are she will side with her sister and you will be with neither.

If Molly goes for it, she and Jess will probably never speak again. This won't just affect them, but their entire family. No holiday or Birthday will ever be the same in that family. If you can sleep at night knowing you broke up an entire family, you Sir are the Douche Bag, not Dan.

That being said, remember these girls probably have a father. If some little dick even tried this with my daughters he better run for the fucking hills.


Edit: Also it was not cool to post a picture of the 2 on an open forum without their consent. Especially if you are not willing to post one of yourself.
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Registered User
Mar 8, 2013
Boston MA
Any way you can get them to work together like a team. Maybe Molly gets mon- Thursday and Jess gets Friday-Sunday. Then switch or you can all just be together all the time. No need to split them apart when you can bring them together.