I've heard it all now


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
people on YouTube apparently are convinced the earth is flat...that it actually looks just like the United Nations flag and we are enclosed by Antarctica...
Heres a thread about it and few short videos...tons more on utube
the 'Flat Earth Theory' thread | Popular Liberty at the Daily Paul




The scary part is the more I watch the more I think they could actually be right....it's freakin me out! am I the most gullible person in the world or what? has anyone else heard about this??


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Don't be stupid. The only thing those videos prove is how stupid people are. If the Earth is flat, all forms of mathematics and science cease to be applicable or valid. We've been to space! We have pictures of the planet from space and from the moon! There have been hundreds of scientific experiments to prove the earth is round. Don't give their retarded ideas credence by watching those ridiculous videos. Those people should be shot in the face.

You're smarter than this, Bobcat. Don't be suckered in. They have no argument.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
Don't be stupid. The only thing those videos prove is how stupid people are. If the Earth is flat, all forms of mathematics and science cease to be applicable or valid. We've been to space! We have pictures of the planet from space and from the moon! There have been hundreds of scientific experiments to prove the earth is round. Don't give their retarded ideas credence by watching those ridiculous videos. Those people should be shot in the face.

You're smarter than this, Bobcat. Don't be suckered in. They have no argument.

I hope you're right...I'm not that smart, I was pretty hammered all the way thru college...I remember doing formulas in physics where they gave you the constant or you had to memorize the constant...but I don't remember where the hell they got the number from...I hope it's not from two hanging lead balls in the 1700's haha


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
From Wikipedia...not the best source I know

"The accuracy of the measured value of G has increased only modestly since the original Cavendish experiment. G is quite difficult to measure, as gravity is much weaker than other fundamental forces, and an experimental apparatus cannot be separated from the gravitational influence of other bodies. Furthermore, gravity has no established relation to other fundamental forces, so it does not appear possible to calculate it indirectly from other constants that can be measured more accurately, as is done in some other areas of physics. Published values of G have varied rather broadly, and some recent measurements of high precision are, in fact, mutually exclusive.[3][6] This led to the 2010 CODATA value by NIST having 20% increased uncertainty than in 2006.[7] For the 2014 update, CODATA reduced the uncertainty to less than half the 2010 value."


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I don't get what point you're trying to make with that? The scientific community doesn't argue that gravity is difficult to measure, or to even understand. Even the leading physicists don't really have a perfect understanding of what gravity is or how it works. But, a lack of a complete understanding of one of the fundamental forces of the universe does not somehow make the Earth flat. I'm not even sure how people relate those 2 ideas.

A lack of complete understanding of any scientific principle does not negate any other known fact in another area of science. It simply means that there is more work to be done, more experiments to be conducted, and room to further grow and expand our understanding of the underlying principle. There's just more work to do before we understand it fully, it doesn't mean gravity doesn't exist and the Earth is flat.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Hhhmmm.. but what if its on ancient aliens on the history channel? (Sarcasm)


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
I don't get what point you're trying to make with that? The scientific community doesn't argue that gravity is difficult to measure, or to even understand. Even the leading physicists don't really have a perfect understanding of what gravity is or how it works. But, a lack of a complete understanding of one of the fundamental forces of the universe does not somehow make the Earth flat. I'm not even sure how people relate those 2 ideas.

A lack of complete understanding of any scientific principle does not negate any other known fact in another area of science. It simply means that there is more work to be done, more experiments to be conducted, and room to further grow and expand our understanding of the underlying principle. There's just more work to do before we understand it fully, it doesn't mean gravity doesn't exist and the Earth is flat.

Well I would relate the two by saying if the fundamental forces of what we base all of modern science on are poorly understood, crudely measured, and practically impossible to replicate or figure out on your own.....seems like putting a lot of faith in the scientific community...seems like believing something just because it is too complicated for you to understand so these really really smart people MUST be right

When I see more "work to be done" all I hear is more tax money wasted...science is like a religion you are indoctrinated in from birth, instead of putting money in tbe offering plate they just take it from you like thugs out of your taxes....30billion dollars to put a man on the moon that very well may have all been just filmed by Stanley Kubrick...that's a lot of tax payer cheddar

Just seems the older I get the more everything turns out to be a scam...I could just see this being the MOTHER of all scams

Or maybe I'm just looking for any reason to believe in God. The older I get the more I think the bible is right.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Even the Catholic Church acknowledges that the Earth is round, gravity exists, and that evolution is true. You can believe in the bible without becoming a crazy conspiracy theorist nut bag.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
well...sully is probably right, most of these people should be shot in the face lol

still fascinates me that so many people go through the trouble to make these videos. what is the point? are they just trying to get followers so they can make money from advertisements? who the hell would want to advertise on a conspiracy nuts channel? just so weird to me

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
well...sully is probably right, most of these people should be shot in the face lol

still fascinates me that so many people go through the trouble to make these videos. what is the point? are they just trying to get followers so they can make money from advertisements? who the hell would want to advertise on a conspiracy nuts channel? just so weird to me

Some conspiracies are baseless and idiodic.

Others, not so much. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But, I know things most people in this country do not.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Some conspiracies are baseless and idiodic.

Others, not so much. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But, I know things most people in this country do not.

Very true. There's a huge gap between being a conspiracy nut and being privy to information that others aren't because you were there. I've been in the same situation, and experienced things first hand that I later saw on the Internet and tv getting twisted into these nonsensical conspiracies.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
its funny how you tell a devoutly religious person something about reason and logic and they stick their head in the sand and refuse to even entertain other ideas....tell someone who grew up in the modern western world that pictures can be faked, large projects can be piece mealed together so nobody sees the big picture, math can be distorted, light and perception can be distorted etc etc they refuse to even entertain the idea and stick their head in the sand....seems like two sides of the same coin to me....

How do we know it's a globe again? photos from nasa and only nasa and that we don't fall off because of gravity which we proved in 1790's by two lead balls hanging from a garden shed roof? There's gotta be better evidence right?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
There's an old experiment, even older than the lead balls. Really simple, too.

2 people at different latitudes dig a hole in the ground. At an agreed upon time of the day they simultaneously take a measurement of the angle of the shadow inside the hole. Because light rays from the sun hit the planet in parallel, if the earth were flat the angle of the shadow in each hole would be the same no matter where you were located longitudinally.

But, the earth is round. So, the angle of the shadow in the hole changes based on our latitude north or south of the equator. The further north or south one goes, the steeper/shallower the angle gets. This experiment is really easy to repeat. It just requires a little bit of coordination between people over long distances. I've done it myself.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
The thing that really strikes me is, what would be the reason to deceive the entire world about the shape of the planet? What's to be gained? I'm usually fairly good at seeing both sides of any issue, but I can't even begin to come up with a reason for tens of thousands of people to engage in a conspiracy that would have gone on for the last 600-700 years. And the scope of the deception would have grown exponentially over the millennia to include governments, private industry, the entire space industry both private and government, academia, and who knows what else. To what end? What would be the point? Who would be gaining anything from that?

Our government has a hard time pulling off basic conspiracies involving a handful of people over a short period of time with monumentally epic consequences. Does anyone believe they could be party to a conspiracy that has been on going for centuries, and involved untold thousands of people both now, in the past, and even more going into the future?

And are these geniuses on YouTube really the enlightened minds that are going to free us from our informational oppression? I wouldn't let most of those people put air in my bicycle tires.