NEW Crypto-Science Forum!


Sep 17, 2003
:new: CRYPTO-SCIENCE :new:​

Many people have been profiting during the rise of this cryptocurrency era, myself included! Now you can too!!

Pesty4077 has provided many with information on where, when and how to invest in the various cryptos that are on the market and all have benefited greatly from it!

He has decided to provide that information to all of you as well!

For only $50 a month you receive FULL access to our Crypto-Science forum and be guided by our Crypto-Expert Pesty4077. There you will receive:

  • Information on creating and managing a portfolio.
  • How to invest in altcoins.
  • Where and when to invest in the various cryptos on the market.
  • Long and Short term holds for greater profit.
  • Crypto-Mining.
  • Ways to avoid unnecessary fees when buying/selling.
  • And much more!
Referral Program: Pesty4077 has also offered $10 OFF for every referral you send to him to gain access to the forum. 5 referrals will gain you a FREE month access!

You can subscribe to the Crypto-Science forum here => AnaSCI Crypto-Science


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
This will be an interaction forum. The key is for all us to make money in a growing market. This is the future here.


Sep 17, 2003
I will be setting up a subscription function that will be located within your usercp.

There you will be able to pay directly through the forum without having to contact anyone.

This may take a few days as I am very busy right now and have the tech's working in other areas.

So for now please just private message Pesty4077 for access and payment options.

Thank you.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
This was posted in another thread...Figured I would copy it here for anyone else wondering:

Thats so cool! This is a very common service provided. Question: does he have a publicly viewable trading portfolio that have logged his trades these past few years? So we can verify he is actually on top of his shit!?

Offering the tutorials and walkthroughs is cool but youtube can do that very well for free. Plus we already help each other for free in the business subforum on this forum (because we're all "bros" together on this shit and we want everybody to do extremely well!).

So, the main service I see being offered for the payment being the trade tips. So it would be cool to see the actual trades he made and how much he beat the market by. Let's say just holding bitcoin as the baseline, he should be beating 16x returns on his money from 2017 (what you would have made just holding and not trading at all) to offer "pay for trading advice" as a service. Otherwise, if he or YOU are not beating 16x returns, it would be better served just buying bitcoin and holding than attempting to trade (trading and beating the market is hard bro!). Many people beat 16x returns on their money this past year even though that seems MIND BOGGLING!!! :D Many....MANY people did not beat 16x returns on their money this year attempting to trade. How much did he beat 16x returns in 2017 by I wonder? Hopefully a lot! :)

Just a tip to make this offer competitive with other seasoned traders offering the exact same service.

Most of the help I seen coming in that thread was from Pesty himself :p

But you can direct all these questions to him man, it's his forum, his deal...I'm only copying the thread, well and taking his advise, making a good profit! All my holding are in the green right now because of him:cool:

I know one thing when it comes to profit...If Pesty can take that $50/month and translate it to $1000 profit for me, I'm sold...I've been dealing with him less then a week and have already profited $3k!

This is from a week of working with Pesty (I cut out my total holdings because that's no ones fucking business lol)...So in a week if I cashed out everything I'd be at almost $6k:


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
I pay $97 a month to be a part of an exclusive group of top investors who some worked on wall street. So, I am not getting free advice either. I want some of us to get into pre-sales with ICOs. There is 4 to 6 times gains. You are making me laugh about coins though, it doesn't matter if it dips, we all know it will go up overall in 2018. What you really want to know is which ones will profit the most and have a stable platform. I have included a screenshot of only part of my portfolio. This was just taken. This is for 8 weeks with profits. 15K in profit. I am sure I can help some people just getting started to not make same mistakes I did.


Sep 17, 2003
I have been introduced and spoken with the individual(s) whom Pesty is referring to. Their track record over the years speaks for itself! You will be receiving solid advise.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I pay $97 a month to be a part of an exclusive group of top investors who some worked on wall street. So, I am not getting free advice either. I want some of us to get into pre-sales with ICOs. There is 4 to 6 times gains. You are making me laugh about coins though, it doesn't matter if it dips, we all know it will go up overall in 2018. What you really want to know is which ones will profit the most and have a stable platform. I have included a screenshot of only part of my portfolio. This was just taken. This is for 8 weeks with profits. 15K in profit. I am sure I can help some people just getting started to not make same mistakes I did.

I don’t see a pic at all, it sure what anyone else sees.

Just one quick question, are altcoins/Bitcoin something that someone can benefit from investing in if they don’t have a large sum of money to invest initially? Let’s say in the $2-3k range. I keep hearing that to make any real money in it you have to have a $20-25k initial investment, or it’s just not worth it.


Sep 17, 2003
I don’t see a pic at all, it sure what anyone else sees.

Just one quick question, are altcoins/Bitcoin something that someone can benefit from investing in if they don’t have a large sum of money to invest initially? Let’s say in the $2-3k range. I keep hearing that to make any real money in it you have to have a $20-25k initial investment, or it’s just not worth it.

$2000-$3000 is more then enough to get invested in crypocurrencies. I did not start with anymore then $5000 when I began.

Those talking about $20-$25k to make anything do not look past bitcoin. They don't realize there is much more to be made profit-wise from the various other cryptos.

**Just messaged one of my tech's again about the attachment issue.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Matsuo Munefusa, earlier I was a little annoyed with the questions directed at me...Had been dealing with that clown in the sponsors section and was just copying a thread over there so didn't really have any intentions of getting involved in that thread after that...But I understand your questions because money is money!

That being said, many of us don't have the vision guys like Pesty and yourself have...You give me $1000 and tell me to multiply it, I'm going to sell drugs and make it a million every time! You tell me to invest it and I'll be broke by breakfast lol.

Me and many others don't have that vision to foresee the dips and crashes...And definitely not the vision to tell the difference! I'm an aggressive/angry man so I would never be able to invest in anything other then what I could work with my own hands.

So guys like myself and many others will always end up having to pay for those services if we wanted to make money in this shit...And like I said if Pesty keeps taking my $50 each month and making my profit more then that, then I'll keep paying the man lol! Not only will it keep me making profit longer but I also don't have to worry about giving myself a heart attack :p

You definitely know your shit as well...A value to that forum, so I hope to see you posting in there man!


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
I don’t see a pic at all, it sure what anyone else sees.

Just one quick question, are altcoins/Bitcoin something that someone can benefit from investing in if they don’t have a large sum of money to invest initially? Let’s say in the $2-3k range. I keep hearing that to make any real money in it you have to have a $20-25k initial investment, or it’s just not worth it.

Sully, my initial investment was 5K. That is perfect to start out and once you make money, you will want to be more involved.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I don’t see a pic at all, it sure what anyone else sees.

Just one quick question, are altcoins/Bitcoin something that someone can benefit from investing in if they don’t have a large sum of money to invest initially? Let’s say in the $2-3k range. I keep hearing that to make any real money in it you have to have a $20-25k initial investment, or it’s just not worth it.

My first 5 buys were all for ETH...They ranged from $300-$349 each (ETH worth $570 at this moment).

You can easily take a $1000, flip it to $1500, flip it to.., flip it to.., etc...Within the first couple days working with Pesty I was already up $1100 on cash outs!


VIP / Donating Member
Jun 20, 2008
Things are moving guys and we haven't seen anything yet. 2018 will be a banner year. Don't miss out. Join our group and we will talk about these things and best way to go.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
First tip dropped in there today guys...That section will be huge for guys wanting to profit in 2018!


Donating Member
Jan 5, 2017
What platforms do you use to trade altcoins?

I'm interested in this and have bitstamp.

Currently hold BTC and ETH only.


Sep 17, 2003
What platforms do you use to trade altcoins?

I'm interested in this and have bitstamp.

Currently hold BTC and ETH only.

All questions are answered in stickies within that forum.

Once Pesty has confirmed those joining the group I will update their access.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
My first 5 buys were all for ETH...They ranged from $300-$349 each (ETH worth $570 at this moment).

You can easily take a $1000, flip it to $1500, flip it to.., flip it to.., etc...Within the first couple days working with Pesty I was already up $1100 on cash outs!

What are the tax implications of trading crypto currency? I thought I read something about the IRS regulating it, but can’t remember any details. Is it taxed as income or capital gains tax?


Sep 17, 2003
What are the tax implications of trading crypto currency? I thought I read something about the IRS regulating it, but can’t remember any details. Is it taxed as income or capital gains tax?

Capital Gains Tax.

There is a portfolio program in the forum to manage your holdings and even an accounting tab for taxation purposes.

We have real time charts embedded within the forum to track all cryptos at current rates.