My Back Surgery


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Thanks Pitshack.

ODin, ya they are very long I didn't expect them to be that long and they are painful as f*ck. I can only imagine the look of the of them drilling them in. They help reinforce everything and give extra stability, since my spine had shifted so much and had to do so much realignment since the shift was around 50% on L-5 to S1 he definitely wanted to put them in or said if he didn't there would be a good chance down the road that he would need to. What isn't easy to see in the photos is the disc implants they put in.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012

How's the recovery comin along Jim?

hey brother sorry for the late reply and thanks for asking, my back seems to be getting better! Since surgery I haven't had the numbness and pain I did after being on my feet for only a couple minutes which was completely waist down. I take a few minutes walks about twice a day and no real pain while doing so, my balance is a little off sometimes but not bad. Still obviously have back pain and some pain from the iliac crest screws they put in but nothing like recently after the surgery. My biggest issues is still having some bad nerve pain in my feet which when it started was pretty unbearable but it has improved some and is mostly just in my right foot now. I am now using a bone stimulator so hopefully that is helping, I am suppose to get another CT towards the end of the month and see my neurosurgeon the beginning of next month so I am interested in finding out what it shows.

Here's the real BS my primary writes all my pain meds and meds post surgery as the surgeon does not write scripts. Just the other day they called me and told me I failed my drug test which was a false positive since I only take exactly what she prescribes me. So I would normally be seeing her next week to refill my scripts and am on 6 10mg Percocet/day, she also prescribes Valium(which is a Benzo) which I am don't take much of cause it makes tired and am going to be discontinuing it soon, I also take a muscle relaxer, and gabapentin. They called and told me I failed my drug test and am on other Benzos(things I have never even heard of) as well as the Valium and dismissed me as a patient. So know I am left with a little more than a week of my normal Percocet dose that I am just supposed to ween my self off of in about a week! So I did some research and the failed drug test(false positive) is due to the way the Valium Metabolizes and states it in the FDA Valium insert package. I told them about it and they didn't give a fck and acted like I was wrong cause the urine test is soo reliable and wasn't even allowed to talk to my Dr. Below I will paste the metabolism part of the valium insert from the FDA which are the exact drugs that showed up in my system. So know I'm trying to find a Dr. that will help me before I have to deal with a very unpleasant withdrawl and more pain.

Diazepam is N-demethylated by CYP3A4 and 2C19 to the active metabolite N-desmethyldiazepam, and is hydroxylated by CYP3A4 to the active metabolite temazepam. N-desmethyldiazepam and temazepam are both further metabolized to oxazepam. Temazepam and oxazepam are largely eliminated by glucuronidation.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Find a pain management doctor/clinic ASAP and explain it to them. The withdrawal won't be fun if you can't this figured out quickly!


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Find a pain management doctor/clinic ASAP and explain it to them. The withdrawal won't be fun if you can't this figured out quickly!

Thanks Bio, I had already started the search when I posted about it. It took a little searching, especially during these times with some going to phone call visits only due to the virus which are only for existing patients but I found one and am seeing him in a couple days.

I'm still having bad nerve pain in the feet, mostly just one of them which I hope will end soon as it is miserable. I have been putting on some oils for it and some prescription lidocaine on it which helps but only for a certain amount of time. If anyone has any suggestions for it I'm all ears...


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Jim, are you using Gabapentine for the nerve pain ?

Yes I'm on gabapentin @ 600mg x 4 times per day, my nerve pain has got much better in the feet and almost completely gone which I am so grateful for cause it was really bad.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012

Do you think I'm good to start my gh I'm right about 3 months post surgery. I haven't been able to find that thread from Gotgame on PM regarding it...


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
Damn Jim. That looks rough. Hope your able to heal up and have a high quality of life, bro.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Damn Jim. That looks rough. Hope your able to heal up and have a high quality of life, bro.

It was rough bro but it's getting much better. I'm moving around pretty good and walking a good distance now. I think I'm gonna start doing some baby squats. I think I'll start taking some gh tonight @ 2iu's/day for a week and then bump it up to 3iu


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012

Just wanted to update that things have been getting better, I started physical therapy last week going 3 x week and am also doing stretches and exercises daily at home and walk around the neighborhood as well. I see my doctor on Neurosurgeon on the 27th and will probably start going to the gym and start doing some machine workouts after that. I started Mauvetop Hgh last week. I am still taking some pain medicine but have definitely cut down on them which is good since taking them for over a year has caused addiction to them. Currently my supplements are:

300mg Test Cyp/wk
Mauvetop 3iu/day at night to help with sleep
TN Whole Food Vitamin 3 x day (awesome vitamin, highly recommend)
TN EAA's 1-2 x day
TN Citruline Malate w/ AAKG(arginine) 1-2 x day
TN Taurine 1-2 x day
TN Joint Supplement 2 x day


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Crazy. I am pleased you are feeling much better. Do you think your issues are more genetic and just gradual damage over the years? Have you ever been injured during lifting?


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Just wanted to update that things have been getting better, I started physical therapy last week going 3 x week and am also doing stretches and exercises daily at home and walk around the neighborhood as well. I see my doctor on Neurosurgeon on the 27th and will probably start going to the gym and start doing some machine workouts after that. I started Mauvetop Hgh last week. I am still taking some pain medicine but have definitely cut down on them which is good since taking them for over a year has caused addiction to them. Currently my supplements are:

300mg Test Cyp/wk
Mauvetop 3iu/day at night to help with sleep
TN Whole Food Vitamin 3 x day (awesome vitamin, highly recommend)
TN EAA's 1-2 x day
TN Citruline Malate w/ AAKG(arginine) 1-2 x day
TN Taurine 1-2 x day
TN Joint Supplement 2 x day

That's great news! It takes time but you're getting there!!


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Good God, just reading the shit your going through is painful bro.
Hope nothing but the best for you friend.



Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Good God, just reading the shit your going through is painful bro.
Hope nothing but the best for you friend.


Just now seeing this been off the board for a minute but thanks CG. It's been pretty rough, my Neurosurgeon said I'm gonna probably have a ups and downs as far as the pain goes until I'm a year out or so from the surgery. I'm still having some pain and some nerve pain mostly in the foot as far as nerve pain goes but I'll get ran*** nerve pain in the glutes and the legs as well. I got a new pain management doctor which is great, he is really on top of his game. Depending how the next few months go we might be looking into putting a Spine Stimulator in.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
Just wanted to give an update that I finally started back in the gym this week! I'm glad to finally be back in there lifting weight. I'm taking it easy and doing 12-15 reps and lot of machines. Let me tell you I am sore!!! But it's a good muscle sore not a back pain sore, actually I haven't had any additional pain in the lower back and actually think I have less pain. I am also working with a new physical therapist that is very sports related and actually used to be the PT and Strength coach for OU. He really seems to know his shit compared to the last guy I went to.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2013

Remember you well from back in the day on other forums. I remember PMing on a couple of things and I always appreciated the responses.

I had no idea of your surgery and hope you are recovering well from it. Saw your post on the Syntek products and I don't think you'll be disappointed. I've used some of them with good results. Had a few buddies use the fat burning products with good results.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
That's great news! Keep those muscles stretched and enjoy the road back!!