Igf-1 which is better..? Media or Receptor...


Registered User
May 18, 2005
Is Receptor grade Igf superior over media......What is the difference..?


Registered User
Feb 9, 2005
Receptor grade is of higher purity. I've seen different numbers for where it starts but 95-99% pure seems to be the range for receptor grade and media grade can go as low as 76% from what I've read. I've also read that receptor grade can be ran for longer periods of time as it does not desensitize the receptors as much as media grade. I saw no strength increase or increase in size but there was a little fat loss when I was not being picky about my diet. Receptor grade is supposed to be twice as potent as media grade and thus the dosage for media grade needs to be twice as high as receptor grade to get the same results.

I have only tried pre reconstitued media grade and this is what I noticed from it:

- improved memory and concentration
- almost painful muscle pump (I actually had my jaw muscles get painfully pumped while eating
- No loss of libido whatsoever and this was coming off of a 15 weeker of Test,EQ,Tren & Winny. The stuff gave me wood big time.
- Very noticable increase in appetite (and this is post cycle)
- Got my balls back to normal size faster
- Only lost 4lbs after coming off cycle and 20lbs on the bench
- Actually experienced euphoric feelings after injecting, I just felt really good and positive about everything...it was nice, almost like doing some rec drug.

I'm going to try receptor grade next and see what I notice from that...


Registered User
Feb 9, 2005
Media grade is cheaper than receptor grade but in the long run it's actually more cost effective to use receptor grade because the dosage is half as much as media. So media grade is cheaper by the vial but receptor grade is cheaper for a cycle.

I don't know what grade Gen Sci's IGTROPIN is but it's probably safe to say that it's receptor based on the high price tag for the stuff.
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Registered User
Feb 9, 2005
Ah....GenSci's IGTropin is media grade...bizzare...I thought since it was so expensive it would be receptor...


Registered User
Oct 18, 2004
Human LONG™R³IGF-I (Media Grade)

Purity: > 85 % (by N-terminal sequence analysis)

Molecular Weight: 9110 +/- 2 daltons – confirmed by Mass Spectrometry

N-terminal sequence analysis: 18 residues > 95 % single sequence

Biological Activity: Type 1 IGF receptor binding assay: ED50 > 15 ng/ml
IGF binding protein assay: ED50 > 200 ng/ml
Stimulation of protein synthesis in rat L6 myoblasts: ED50 < 10 ng/ml

Endotoxin: < 0.1 EU/µg

Human LONG™R³IGF-I (Receptor Grade)

Purity: >95 % (by HPLC and N-terminal sequence analysis)

Molecular Weight: 9111 daltons – confirmed by Mass Spectrometry

N-terminal sequence analysis: 18 residues > 95 % single sequence

Biological Activity: Type 1 IGF receptor binding assay: ED50 > 15 ng/ml
IGF binding protein assay: ED50 >200 ng/ml
Stimulation of protein synthesis in rat L6 myoblasts: ED50 < 10 ng/ml

Endotoxin: < 0.1 EU/µg

Now, realistically, RG is better than MG. Will you notice the difference? Yes, I guarantee you will notice the difference b/w spending 200 dollars a mg and 500 dollars a mg. Will you see a difference in the results of your reserach... probably not enough to justify the 250% increase in cost.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2004
So above you can see the purity is slightly different (3), and the only other marked difference (if you can even consider it “marked”) is the molecular weight. The media grade may be off a dalton or two from the receptor grade. Also the purity standard is slightly less than that of RG.

Allow me to put this into a little plainer form of English. You can drive a Ferrari or a High Performance BMW M series. Both are hand-built. Both go real fast. You will get plenty of ass driving either one. But you can’t open up either one on the freeway because you’re hampered by traffic, speed limits, etc…

What’s the diff. then? You’ll pay about a hundred grand for the BMW, and about five times that for the Ferrari. Why!?!

I’ve seen many posts on IGF and many of them say many different things. Many of them say the same thing. Doesn’t mean any of them are right.

I saw a post by someone who is a rather respected Vet on the boards who stated “Only buy Lyophilized powder form of IGF! This is the only way it comes and any other form is faked, or junk, or ruined”. (2) Not true. Yes, Lyophilized powder is more stable than an improperly reconstituted form, but there are other factors that will play into that purchase. Perhaps the most import reason you don’t want to buy Lyo IGF is the fact that the IGF peptide is EXTREMELY delicate. It’s best to operate in a nitrogen environment, and when possible (and necessary) at slight vacuum (-25 kPa to be more specific).

Filtering requires some special skill and equipment also. (Taken from manufacturer’s site: Filter Sterilization of GroPep Peptides If sterilization is required, the peptide solution should be filter sterilized using a membrane with low protein binding; an example of this is the Millipore Millex-GV Cat. No. SLGV025LS.

Note that extreme care must be exercised in filtering dilute protein solutions because of the likelihood of adsorption to the filter. Growth factors require the same care in handling. Filtration for sterility is best done on either the 1 mg/ml stock solution or the 0.1 mg/ml working solution diluted in 10 mM HCl. It may be possible to filter more dilute solutions if a carrier protein is present but caution should be exercised.

Important Recommendations:
*Do not add the peptide to low protein or protein free media prior to filter sterilization.
*Use a filter membrane with low protein binding characteristics.
*Filter sterilize the IGF peptide separately at a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml (diluted in 10mM HCl) or greater.)

Chances that you’re going to fuck it up… ? Pretty damn good. This is why you want to buy your IGF properly reconstituted and in the proper medium with the right pH (done with HCL acid (10 mM HCl), not vinegar or many of the other “methods” I’ve seen lately).

I’ve also seen many posts from equally respected Vets touting the advantages of RG over MG and why the only IGF with which to go is RG. They are equally mistaken and equally unqualified to render this opinion as the person referred to above. It’s not true. Plain and simple.

(1) From the manufacturer's website: GroPep scientists have produced Media Grade human LONG™R³IGF-I to provide an inexpensive yet high quality potent IGF-I analog for use as a growth factor supplement for serum-free or reduced-serum culture media. GroPep scientists have engineered this analog with the express purpose of increasing the biological activity of the IGF-I molecule. LONG™R³IGF-I is significantly more potent than human IGF-I in vitro. The enhanced potency is due to decreased binding of LONG™R³IGF-I to IGF binding proteins which normally inhibit the biological actions of IGFs.

(2) Just as a point of clarification: I see posts here and there about how IGF did nothing for someone or they think they were sammed. Chances are, a large percentage of these posts are a result of damaged IGF and not necessarily a scam. Although a small amount of these people may have been scammed, IGF is extremely delicate. Improper reconstitution, storage, shipping methods, excessive vibration, buying it 2nd, 3rd, 4th -hand, etc... can all cause the IGF peptide to erode. This is why it is critical that you know the source of the IGF and how it was reconstituted, etc.

(3) I contacted Gropep and the explaination they gave goes like this: The purity of the MG is actually supposed to read >85% [so editted above]; however, most of the media grade actually far surpasses that standard and is not much different that RG, only that they cannot guarantee the purity standard exceeds that of the RG, and thus, sell it as MG. The letter from Gropep also was sure to state at the very end "Be aware that NO GroPep product is approved for use in humans."


Registered User
Feb 9, 2005
I've been on receptor grade IGF for a week now. I reconstituted it myself from lyophilized powder. I'm taking 60mcg a day split into two 30mcg injections.

Honestly I noticed more off of the pre reconstituted stuff that used benzyl alcohol that I never refrigerated versus the receptor grade stuff I reconstituted using saline solution. I was extremely careful in reconsitituing it but I am wondering if it was damaged. One would think that after a week I should be feeling something but I don't know for sure if I really am feeling anything. I feel really positive and good and I have been extremely hungry all the time but I was expecting more...Of course the other stuff didn't really become super noticable until two weeks in.

I've been doing tricep injections and I have noticed that my triceps are absolutely hard as rocks right now and that they appear fuller than normal overall but this could just be my natural (ass kicking) state. =)

I'm going to give it another week and if I don't feel anything overly significant by then I must have damaged the peptide...


Registered User
Oct 18, 2004
l3i0hazard said:
I've been on receptor grade IGF for a week now. I reconstituted it myself from lyophilized powder. I'm taking 60mcg a day split into two 30mcg injections.

Honestly I noticed more off of the pre reconstituted stuff that used benzyl alcohol that I never refrigerated versus the receptor grade stuff I reconstituted using saline solution. I was extremely careful in reconsitituing it but I am wondering if it was damaged. One would think that after a week I should be feeling something but I don't know for sure if I really am feeling anything. I feel really positive and good and I have been extremely hungry all the time but I was expecting more...Of course the other stuff didn't really become super noticable until two weeks in.

I've been doing tricep injections and I have noticed that my triceps are absolutely hard as rocks right now and that they appear fuller than normal overall but this could just be my natural (ass kicking) state. =)

I'm going to give it another week and if I don't feel anything overly significant by then I must have damaged the peptide...


Registered User
Feb 9, 2005
I'll give it another week and see what happens... today after injecting I felt medium hypoglycemia which in itself is bad but I don't see how that could happen if I totally destroyed it...got a new kind of pump in the gym today as well that I am not familiar with...my arms are like solid rock right now.
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