New cycle


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007
How does this cycle look???

Week: 1-4 (40 mg dianabol)
Week 1-10: (600 mg test E) (400 mg decca) (1 mg arimidex eod)
Week 11: (600 mg test E) (3000 I.U HCG)
Week 12: (3000 I.U. HCG)
Week 13: (1500 I.U. HCG) (150 ed clomid)
Week 14: (1500 I.U. HCG) (100 ed clomid)
Week 15: (100 ed clomid)

Any input would be really appreciated. I hope I'm doin things the right way! Lemme know.
My stats are: 185lbs, 5'6 and 11% body fat.
Looking to gain 20lbs off this cycle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
jarhead95 said:
How does this cycle look???

Week: 1-4 (40 mg dianabol)
Week 1-10: (600 mg test E) (400 mg decca) (1 mg arimidex eod)
Week 11: (600 mg test E) (3000 I.U HCG)
Week 12: (3000 I.U. HCG)
Week 13: (1500 I.U. HCG) (150 ed clomid)
Week 14: (1500 I.U. HCG) (100 ed clomid)
Week 15: (100 ed clomid)

Any input would be really appreciated. I hope I'm doin things the right way! Lemme know.
My stats are: 185lbs, 5'6 and 11% body fat.
Looking to gain 20lbs off this cycle.

Your PCT needs to be changed. You read HCG is best to for PCT on many sites but I can guarantee 90% on here will say still away from it for PCT. Plus if you do include for PXT you need to be doing Clomid/Nolvadex for 3 weeks after your last shot of HCG cause it will rebound. Your actually cycle looks good and you will get the gains from it. I would do other week though (defo) for the test and deca. Do you have the stuff now? Most will say test c is better than test e but they are so similar it doesn't really matter (just c has more of a kick). I would do HCG at 500IU perevery 7 days whilst on. One 1mg tab of armidex can produce estrogen suppression by 80%. You need some estrogen for muscle growth. You should be taking between 0.25-1.0mg per day. I would do the dosage you are doing bu split it so it is 0.5mg per day. Plus it is liver toxic and can bring it's own sides so a lower dosage is good for that too. Remember that as you are doing test e and deca you should start PCT atleast 2 weeks after your last shot (make it 3). So my cycle for you would be (maybe even do test 13 and deca 12):

Week 1-4 = Dbol at 40mg per day
Week 1-12 = Test E at 600mg per day
Week 1-11 = Deca at 400mg per day
Week 1-11 = HCG at 500IU every 7 days
Week 1-15 = Armidex at 0.5mg per day


Week 15-18= Clomid at 300mg day 1, 100mg days 2-11, 50mg days 12-21
Week 15-17 = Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 18 = Nolvadex at 10mg per day

Hope it goes well for you.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Throw in a multi vitamin and liver protector and you will be sorted. Something like Tribulus can be good after PCT to give you that extra kick.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007
Elvia1023 said:
Throw in a multi vitamin and liver protector and you will be sorted. Something like Tribulus can be good after PCT to give you that extra kick.
Thanks pal! I knew I was close. This will be my third cycle, but the first two didnt go as planned, just didnt have the right gear that worked good for me. Does anyone else have any input? rAJJIN?!!
Everyone that I spoke with said that HCG is a must for post cycle and that if you use too ofted during cycle you can reverse the effects it has. I've heard both valuations on HCG though. My testi's still arent the same from the last cycle I did. I ended up getting really sick during the 7th week and had to quit and never even did PCT during or afterwards. Just want to do things right this time!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
jarhead95 said:
Thanks pal! I knew I was close. This will be my third cycle, but the first two didnt go as planned, just didnt have the right gear that worked good for me. Does anyone else have any input? rAJJIN?!!
Everyone that I spoke with said that HCG is a must for post cycle and that if you use too ofted during cycle you can reverse the effects it has. I've heard both valuations on HCG though. My testi's still arent the same from the last cycle I did. I ended up getting really sick during the 7th week and had to quit and never even did PCT during or afterwards. Just want to do things right this time!!

You don't have to do HCG every week. It is not even a must at all. How long has it been since your last cycle? Cos usually your little men should be back to normal within a few months. Make sure you have sufficient time between your 2nd cycle and this one. You can do the HCG when you need it. On my cycle now because I didn't have it at the start I done (in the middle of) other approach with the HCG. Every 4 weeks or so you do 500IU per day for 7 days. You could just do about 700IU (or 500IU) for 4 days every 4 weeks. The 4 days could be in the space of a week so not each day following. That way on a 14 week cycle you can do it weeks 3-4, 8-9 and 12-13 and the last one will set you up for clomid and Nolva PCT. There is no right answer. Just use it when you need it. You are right about taking too much (it is strong stuff). The every 7 days is a good approach. You could have a space in the middle of the cycle with that approach but I feel if you do that your best doing the every 4 weeks and a few times in the week instead of just 1.

If you do the 1500-2500IU every 4th/5th day for PCT that is other approach. It would rebound but you just ensure you do your PCT of clomid and Nolvadex for 3 weeks after the HCG. But 2500IU is a fair amount. If you were to do it that way you could do the same in the middle of the cycle but personally you are doing it to get your little men back to normal and if you do it in the centre they will go back to peanuts after a few weeks. I would do other approach and leave it out of PCT. If you do the every 4 weeks aim it so you have the final one near the end of the cycle. Nolvadex at 20mg increases testosterone by 158% and add the clomid you should be sorted for PCT this time.


Registered User
Dec 21, 2007
Sounds good, but I would get some prop instead of dbol for your first 4 weeks. When front loading started to become popular I tried it and prop seems to work the best in my experience. Remember you want to ween yourself on then hit your cycle hard, which judging by what you you got goin on its sounds good. Maybe a prop dbol combo for your first 4 weeks. Sorry just not a fan of front loading with orals. Not to crazy about dbol when anadrol is around. I also agree with elvia1023 on the HCG.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
gippywool said:
Sounds good, but I would get some prop instead of dbol for your first 4 weeks. When front loading started to become popular I tried it and prop seems to work the best in my experience. Remember you want to ween yourself on then hit your cycle hard, which judging by what you you got goin on its sounds good. Maybe a prop dbol combo for your first 4 weeks. Sorry just not a fan of front loading with orals. Not to crazy about dbol when anadrol is around. I also agree with elvia1023 on the HCG.

Either way would be cool. As it is your 3rd cycle I don't see the need of doing a prop/dbol combo. But it would give amazing results so is a great suggestion (I am doing it in my next cycle). The test c would take many weeks to kick in. You probably won't feel the true effects till about week 5 even (strength wise). But it is in your system straightaway and you will notice changes after a few days of injecting it. Thats why I feel the dbol to kickstart will be excellent. I reckon you will probably put on your desired 20 pounds in the first 3/4 weeks. Then you just maintain it and try to go up that little bit each week and improve your strength and size gradually. With effective PCT you should have 20 pounds extra weight afterwards.

My exp with dbol was amazing. But even if it was not good I wouldn't be warning you off cause compounds react different to everyone. I am trying adrol next week for 5 weeks so I will tell you how I get on with that. I want to compare it with the dbol but it will take some beating.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2007
Elvia1023 said:
Either way would be cool. As it is your 3rd cycle I don't see the need of doing a prop/dbol combo. But it would give amazing results so is a great suggestion (I am doing it in my next cycle). The test c would take many weeks to kick in. You probably won't feel the true effects till about week 5 even (strength wise). But it is in your system straightaway and you will notice changes after a few days of injecting it. Thats why I feel the dbol to kickstart will be excellent. I reckon you will probably put on your desired 20 pounds in the first 3/4 weeks. Then you just maintain it and try to go up that little bit each week and improve your strength and size gradually. With effective PCT you should have 20 pounds extra weight afterwards.

My exp with dbol was amazing. But even if it was not good I wouldn't be warning you off cause compounds react different to everyone. I am trying adrol next week for 5 weeks so I will tell you how I get on with that. I want to compare it with the dbol but it will take some beating.
My last cycle was dbol, test prop and decca. I got really sick after I started making really good gains, but the test prop was too harsh for me to keep running it. I never got used to it. I still have a shit load of test prop left, but dont want to touch it after the last experience.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2007
Hey Jarhead - Yep, most say HCG during cycle - not for pct. It'll just add to the recovery time if your boys are getting help with hcg. I'd use 500mg a day for 5 days on week 4, 8, and 12. It should enhance your cycle - a little kick. Just my 2 cents.



Registered User
Jan 23, 2007
oldtestman said:
Hey Jarhead - Yep, most say HCG during cycle - not for pct. It'll just add to the recovery time if your boys are getting help with hcg. I'd use 500mg a day for 5 days on week 4, 8, and 12. It should enhance your cycle - a little kick. Just my 2 cents.

Sounds good Oldtestman. I think I'll go that rout!


Registered User
Dec 21, 2007
Elvia, are you going to be using androl( test undeconate) "the red rugby balls"??? All I can tell you is try to get the organon brand androl and you will love them. Take two 1 hour before training you will get a crazy pump and you will notice it right away in your forearms. By the way nice pic!!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
gippywool said:
Elvia, are you going to be using androl( test undeconate) "the red rugby balls"??? All I can tell you is try to get the organon brand androl and you will love them. Take two 1 hour before training you will get a crazy pump and you will notice it right away in your forearms. By the way nice pic!!!

I should be getting some anyday now. I have ordered 2 types from 2 different sellers. They are:

- Anapolone Oxymetholone made in Turkey (sold on Alinshop and many others)

- Androlic by British Dispensary (big green tabs)

I would prefer to use the BD ones but will start whatever I get first. If I get the others first then the BD ones soon after I will swop over. I will get the organon brand next time I try them (thanks). My cycle now is test c and deca with the adrol thrown in probably week 6-10/11. My next cycle is dbol (kickstart for 5 weeks), sust250, Eq. I love dbol but if adrol is great too I will just swop them each time. Yeah I was planning to take my 50mg tab about 6pm-8pm (I go the gym at 9pm). I had so many good vids but I can't upload them but my new pic is hard to beat.


Registered User
Dec 21, 2007
My fault I thought you were taking another product andriol...your taking the good shit 50mg.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
gippywool said:
My fault I thought you were taking another product andriol...your taking the good shit 50mg.

I thought I had never seen organon Adrol! Do you like andriol? I heard it is not too good. That muscle growth is slight to moderate at best (even with huge dosages). Suggesting that the absorption may be the reason cos test is so strong and results from andriol are not. But at the same time it barely converts so sides are minimal so it is a good product to use. I don't know anyone close to me who has done it. I will have to try it out sometime to see for myself. Thanks


Registered User
Dec 21, 2007
I tried them before to see what the hype is all about. Yes your right no major gains with them, but great if you need to look good for a few hours like for a show or a day you just want to look your best. Take two 1 hour before training and you will get a nice pump from them. They are very safe too, but in and out very fast. Just soming I thing you would enjoy having around. You can get the organon one's on Pharmabolic.com. I have not been on that site for some time now since Alin and Ivitamins came about, so you would need to check for availablity. They are good to have and throw in whenever you need them.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
gippywool said:
I tried them before to see what the hype is all about. Yes your right no major gains with them, but great if you need to look good for a few hours like for a show or a day you just want to look your best. Take two 1 hour before training and you will get a nice pump from them. They are very safe too, but in and out very fast. Just soming I thing you would enjoy having around. You can get the organon one's on Pharmabolic.com. I have not been on that site for some time now since Alin and Ivitamins came about, so you would need to check for availablity. They are good to have and throw in whenever you need them.

I will defo get some then when I next order (March). So are they cool just to take when you need them and as you say when you want that good pump. What dosage would you rec? What about 250-300mg say one day per week? I guess that wouldn't be too bad on other test usage (too much). But you mention to take two tabs so that would just be 80mg of test undecanoate... that is suppose to equal 50mg of raw testosterone (just looked it up). So shall I just do the 2 tabs as a little boost and not a large dosage like 250mg? Thanks


Registered User
Dec 21, 2007
You can take as much as you want really, I know one dude that takes one per hour. I like to just take 2 per day 1 hour before training. If you are using other test products no need to go crazy just sprinkle in the mix. Naturally the more you use the better or longer lasting result. Most of the products I use can be harmfull, so throwing something safe in makes sense I guess. I bet you will notice a difference in your forearms first. It's funny I couldn't stop looking at them. Also I know what to use for me and what works best for me. It's taken alot of years of experimenting with different products to know what works and what is a waste of time and money, and there is always a new company or product to try. I know its possible that you will have a different reaction, but still curious if results are the same. The forearm thing has been the common ground for me and friends, the fact that you are a woman could change things. I doubt it, please let me know.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
gippywool said:
You can take as much as you want really, I know one dude that takes one per hour. I like to just take 2 per day 1 hour before training. If you are using other test products no need to go crazy just sprinkle in the mix. Naturally the more you use the better or longer lasting result. Most of the products I use can be harmfull, so throwing something safe in makes sense I guess. I bet you will notice a difference in your forearms first. It's funny I couldn't stop looking at them. Also I know what to use for me and what works best for me. It's taken alot of years of experimenting with different products to know what works and what is a waste of time and money, and there is always a new company or product to try. I know its possible that you will have a different reaction, but still curious if results are the same. The forearm thing has been the common ground for me and friends, the fact that you are a woman could change things. I doubt it, please let me know.

I'm not a woman! Ha. Elvia was my gf's name (dumped her now cos it's abit awkward her living in Venezuela and me the UK). I will defo give them a try! You are right about different compounds reacting different but I am sure they will be a good add on. Like you said nothing silly (dosage) but just something to add to the mix. Because it carries barely no sides and is convenient that they are tabs. Looking forward to feeling the forearms like you say. I do certain exercises for the forearms and when I am finished they feel 3 times the size and rock hard (I don't get a pump like that in any other area) - so I look forward to seeing what it is like with the andriol. My name is Kev by the way. Thanks


Registered User
Dec 21, 2007
Sorry about the mix up, just saw the pic and guessed wrong. Funny too because I been reading what you've been taking and I was saying to myself shouldn't she be bigger....LOL! Nice to meet you Kev my name is Chris.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
gippywool said:
Sorry about the mix up, just saw the pic and guessed wrong. Funny too because I been reading what you've been taking and I was saying to myself shouldn't she be bigger....LOL! Nice to meet you Kev my name is Chris.

That would be some women on 50mg adrol! Saying that her arse on my pic looks pretty pumped up to me!