Evening myself out


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
I'm starting my next cycle Feb. 17 and I'm thinking of front loading with dbol. I haven't used dbol because but I hear good things.

I'm trying to get some extra bulk before I start my cutting cycle which will follow immediately after. But my question is this...

My left tricep, bicep, and forearm are a bit smaller than my right. My bicep is about a half inch smaller on my left than my right and my tricept is around there as well, and same with my forearm. While I'm front loading with dbol, I had planned on just doing major muscles (chest, back/shoulders, legs) until my cutting cycle actually starts, at that time i will be doing full body workouts. But with the dbol, can I do those major muscles and a few days a week just work on those three muscles in my left arm? or how can I go about evening myself out?

Input, PLEASE!!

Thanks all...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
I'm starting my next cycle Feb. 17 and I'm thinking of front loading with dbol. I haven't used dbol because but I hear good things.

I'm trying to get some extra bulk before I start my cutting cycle which will follow immediately after. But my question is this...

My left tricep, bicep, and forearm are a bit smaller than my right. My bicep is about a half inch smaller on my left than my right and my tricept is around there as well, and same with my forearm. While I'm front loading with dbol, I had planned on just doing major muscles (chest, back/shoulders, legs) until my cutting cycle actually starts, at that time i will be doing full body workouts. But with the dbol, can I do those major muscles and a few days a week just work on those three muscles in my left arm? or how can I go about evening myself out?

Input, PLEASE!!

Thanks all...

First and most important thing is you have to look at the balance of weight when you do your exercises (cos you can't be doing extra sets on the left all your life). I don't get why you would just do those muscles when you are on the cycle. Surely that defeats the object of being even. You should be exercising all body parts on or off cycles. Sure if one area needs more attention you concentrate on that more than others (key is balance). A prime example of the above is when you see loads of big guys with chicken legs cos they just concentrate on upper body.

As far as doing the left side a few times per week - you should only do your arms once per week cycle or no cycle. They grow in recovery after intense training of course. You can do them twice per week. I wouldn't rec just doing your left arm. I would do both but maybe be more intense (heavier) on the likes of left arm bi-cep curls. Using dumbell exercises and giving it that extra push with the left side to even you up eventually.

My best advice would be going to a personal trainer (who knows their stuff cos many don't) and explaining the situation and them going through the many exercises and ensuring your form is correct (that way you won't have this problem in the future cos the right goes bigger again). Cos you must be using your right side more than your left (more pressure). The only other thing I can think of do you wank off about 10 times per day or do something else with your right arm that would be doing that!

By the way I see fellas who are huge and been going to the gym for years and if someone was to mention form etc they would get defensive (even aggressive) and think they do it correct. But most don't regardless how big they are. So don't get offended when I say see a personal trainer about form. Cos it only takes a tiny little quirk or habit to make you push up with your right arm 70 and the left 30. So over time you will get uneven because of the slight fault in form.

Dbol is a great kickstart. If you have never done it b4 you will love it. I assume you are taking a test base and maybe something like Eq or Deca to begin with. You would only need 25mg dbol and you will probably put on about 12-20 pounds in 4 weeks (atleast). Because it is your first time 25 is good (you can do 40). But I would rec doing 40mg 2nd time cos you should love it first time round.


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
I appreciate the input Elvia, but i should have mentioned before that I do train hard on and off cycles. I just thought that while I was on the cycle, I would have an advantage and could let it catch up easier and quicker. I understand tho about training both arms but just going harder with my left, I can do that. I'm definately not offended about the personal trainer comment, I know you're giving me the input I need to hear from every angle.

As for the Dbol, yes it will be my first time using that particular steroid. It isn't, however, my first cycle. I will be basing it with Test Prop, as I will be doing a cut cycle after I put on the pounds that dbol can give me. It's kind of like an extra boost to give me more size before I shred myself.

Dbol with an AI should keep some water weight off and give me mostly lean gains, and with the Test prop added, I think that would constitute more for lean gains as well. I'm looking forward to this upcoming cycle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
I appreciate the input Elvia, but i should have mentioned before that I do train hard on and off cycles. I just thought that while I was on the cycle, I would have an advantage and could let it catch up easier and quicker. I understand tho about training both arms but just going harder with my left, I can do that. I'm definately not offended about the personal trainer comment, I know you're giving me the input I need to hear from every angle.

As for the Dbol, yes it will be my first time using that particular steroid. It isn't, however, my first cycle. I will be basing it with Test Prop, as I will be doing a cut cycle after I put on the pounds that dbol can give me. It's kind of like an extra boost to give me more size before I shred myself.

Dbol with an AI should keep some water weight off and give me mostly lean gains, and with the Test prop added, I think that would constitute more for lean gains as well. I'm looking forward to this upcoming cycle.

Yeah I see the logic in that. Obviously if you try to even out on your cycle it will be so much easier than off. Yeah the dbol should give you that extra boost before you shred. I would rec armidex with it. You can do nolva but it is nowhere as good to reduce water weight. Test P is a good choice too. I reckon you will probably put on about 20 pounds in the first 4 weeks but they can easily be shred down with effective diet, training, cutting compounds and PCT. When people are doing dbol on this thing it always seems to be 40mg written down. I would rec 25mg for you taken 5 times per day (5mg tabs)Good luck to you.


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
That's what I'm hoping... I was thinking of running it for 5 or 6 weeks at a low dose (25mg or so), so if I can gain 20 in the first four I'm wondering what 5 or 6 can give me?! Also, with the weight I gain i'm hoping to keep as much of the muscle as I can (hopefully with the AI, I only gain mostly muscle) and then the Test Prop will maintain the muscle I gained plus add more on while on that. I plan to use T3 and clen as well during the cycle so i plan on having a stomach that looks like freddy kruger got to it.

Yeah i'm hoping I can even my arms out, but I shouldn't have a problem. I just know to train the left a little harder than the right. But to not completely NOT train the right arm.

*Does Dbol give you mad stretch marks? What if I used a lotion where my chest meets my delts to allow the skin to stretch easier and not cause stretch marks?


Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
easiest way to even yourself out is start using your left arm for everything instead of your right. Open doors with your left. rack weights with your left. you are so used to using your right arm that it's obviously going to be bigger. Try it, it works.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2007
Your big arm is probably better coordinated and used more. Try to do more with the smaller arm. If you're one who may masturbate (I was raised Catholic, so this is not permitted for me) on occasion, that is not a bad place to start. If you bow hunt, try the other side for practice. My right arm has a nicer peak, but I'm working on the left side currently. I even make a conscious effort to use my left for the TV remote (seriously). My older son is ambidextrous and his arms look identical.

As the coordination improves, you'll be more apt to use either arm for daily duties.


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Geez, I wouldn't have guessed that at all. That's actually a good idea, because you're right, I do use my right (dominant) arm more than I do my left. When I start arm lifts, rack weights, open the refrigerator, just about anything really. I'm going to start with the left and i'll see how that works.

I'm weird when it comes to that stuff though. For example I'm right handed, but I shoot pool left handed, among other things. I'm also dominant with my right leg and I place kick with my right leg but I punt with my left leg. But thats beside the point, I'm going to try and use my left arm more often and see what happens.

Thanks static and oldtestman for bringing that to my attention.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Good suggestions above. Cos most people use a certain arm most of the time and over years it is bound to make a slight difference. And if you have big arms anyway then that difference could be an inch or two. I have been trying to use my left arm more but not cos it is smaller just cos I think it is much better to be able to use both... cos my left arm throw is a funny sight.

I done dbol at 25mg for 6 weeks and I know it accounted for 90% of my gains (I done tren too). I put on over 20 pounds. The thing is I would say I put on 90% of my total gains in the first 4 weeks and the last 2 were not much more. 6 weeks is the max you should go to but I think it will be fine for you. You will get great gains from it. Then you can looking at cutting with the compounds you mention in the 2nd half of your cycle.


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Great news, I'm looking forward to seeing what Dbol can do for me. 20 pounds would be perfect, and when I cut with Test prop and Tren Ace as well as the cutting compounds and my diet I hope to see some decent results. I'm 5'10" 190-195 now and at the completion hope to be around 205-210 cut.

Elvia, I asked this before but I don't think you saw it. Since Dbol gives you quick gains, does it also give you stretch marks? I have small ones now in the crease of my armpit but you can't even notice them unless I stretch my arm to my side (perpendicular). Would coaco butter or some type of lotion/scar cream do me any justice in preventing them?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
Great news, I'm looking forward to seeing what Dbol can do for me. 20 pounds would be perfect, and when I cut with Test prop and Tren Ace as well as the cutting compounds and my diet I hope to see some decent results. I'm 5'10" 190-195 now and at the completion hope to be around 205-210 cut.

Elvia, I asked this before but I don't think you saw it. Since Dbol gives you quick gains, does it also give you stretch marks? I have small ones now in the crease of my armpit but you can't even notice them unless I stretch my arm to my side (perpendicular). Would coaco butter or some type of lotion/scar cream do me any justice in preventing them?

That would be a possibility with any compound that put that much bulk on you. When I used dbol I was cool. I am doing test c and deca now (test c is the cause) and it is mainly fat I am gaining (I don't mind) but I am getting those red lines under my chest and sometimes on my stomach. Never had them b4 in my life.

Stretch marks are left behind when the skin is bascially over stretched (fast weight gain is our reason), and fibers in the middle layer have broken. My ones are fresh stretch marks and are coloured red. They can slowly fade into white over the course of several months. You can reduce and even eliminate them but preventing them is much easier. You basically need to improve your skins elasticity. So any lotion that is used for strech marks should help. Yeah Cocoa butter is other one that is good for them too. You should also try supplemetning vitamins A,C and E. Those may help increase the strength and elasticity of the collagen within your skin and reducing your chance of forming stretch marks. The other thing you can do is drink lots of water (that is a must anyway). So all the above will prevent you from getting them in the future (and help the red ones go).

Now if you have actual white ones and want to remove them you can do a number of things. There are loads of home remedies such as Retin-A cream. R-A has Tretinoin in and this can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Other tip would be to exfoliate your body daily. Plus the creams I mentioned above too. Added to Cocoa butter and the 3 vitamins would be:
Rose hip oil
Jojoba oil
Castor oil
Shea butter

Plus you can increase circulation (hot baths and massiging the area regularly). Even sunbathing would help you... that will get rid of minor ones (wear sunscreen though). Vitamin E gel will also help too. You just get the capsules and break them open and run the stuff into skin over the stretch marks (daily for 2 weeks).

There are some medical procedures but you wouldn't need them (unless the above doesn't work). I can tell it is a problem for you so I hope the above helps.


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Yeah, thanks... Those should help. I have lotion with shea butter that's for skin regenerating at night. I also just bought this stuff called "Scar Zone" that's supposed to fade and diminish them. I'll keep all the above mentioned in mind and see what happens.

Thanks for all the input