

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I know it's alittle early but just wanted to list my progress on my current cycle. I have been doing 600-700mg test c and 300-350mg Deca per week (sachets). I like to use proviron for it's hardening properties during a large chunk of my on time. Anyway as many know I didn't get my tabs for ages (adrol and pro). Anyway only went up about 2 pounds in 6 weeks on my sachets! And all my gains plus more was just fat really (I should have put the nolva up to 20mg instead of 10 I guess). Anyway after 5 days of doing the pro (and 20mg of Nolva cause of the adrol addition) I have noticed a huge difference. My diet is exactly the same and although I don't feel the same buzz of the pro as last time (different brand) but physically I can already notice a difference. I have hardened up completely and it's only been 5 days. Plus I have been doing my adrol tabs for 5 days and I am just over 5 pounds heavier! I hope this continues as I plan to do them 4/5 weeks. I am taking milk thistle and liv52 to help with the protection. I know compounds react different for everyone and as it's my first time with adrol it will have a greater effect compared to other times. Nevertheless 5 pounds in 5 days and I will let you know if it continues. Ideally I would love to be 20-25 pounds heavier after the 5 weeks.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add my sachets were eco oils from a seller online and I ordered tabs but they still haven't come (over 4 months). So I went on Alinshop and made an order for sachets and tabs and I got them in a week! The adrol tabs I am using are from Alinshop and they are from Balkan P. I got stealth sachets from Alinshop too and I will start them on Mon. I am swopping over from Eco Oils to Stealth half way through this cycle to see if they make a difference. I am doing 50mg adrol with the same dosages of test c and deca listed above. Thanks again Alin!


Nov 13, 2005
hey bro..

So I read your two posts and I cant figure out your cycle...your six weeks in and your doing a-bombs? I hope that was not from week 1.

Can you clarify and list your cycle out completely including PCT?



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
drob29 said:
hey bro..

So I read your two posts and I cant figure out your cycle...your six weeks in and your doing a-bombs? I hope that was not from week 1.

Can you clarify and list your cycle out completely including PCT?


No I had planned to do the usual 12 weeks of injectables with a kickstart of adrol. I was thinking 4-5 weeks of adrol. After ages (3 months) I got told they would reship all my stuff and I would have it within 1 week. I then received the sachets and I thought about waiting for the tabs but just started. I know that was a mistake and I should have all the stuff I planned to use b4 starting a cycle - but I didn't mind just doing the sachets alone cos test c and deca is plenty for good gains (plus I had PCT and protection sorted apart from Proviron but that is not a must).

Anyway I had done 6 weeks of the sachets before receiving my tabs. I ended up ordering again to make sure I got some and used Alinshop. I got them all in 1 week so was made up (still haven't got my original order of adrol tabs from a seller that isn't a sponsor on here). I have ordered from him b4 and it was fine but this time I just didn't get them.

I am gonna do an extra week now. So my cycle is:

Week 1-13= Test C at 600-700mg per week
Week 1-12= Deca at 300-350mg per week
Week 6-11= Anadrol at 50mg per week
Week 1-5= Nolvadex at 10mg per day
Week 6-16= Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 6-16= Proviron at 25mg per day
Week 4-5, 8-9 and 12-13= HCG at about 500IU for 3-5 days in the particular week. Basically how much I feel is needed.

I am also taking a multi-vitamin, milk thistle and Liv52 (started week 6) throughout.

PCT to start 3 weeks after my last shot and on 1st April

Week 17-20= Clomid at 300mg day 1, 100mg days 2-11, 50mg days 12-21
Week 17-19= Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 20= Nolvadex at 10mg per day

After PCT I will go on LA Muscles Norateen Heavy Weight 2 to give me that little boost or maybe something liek Tribulus.

Just realized it has only been 4 days of adrol and 5 pounds. Hopefully that will carry on. Good sign that it has done that so I can see my 20-25 pounds easy after my 5 weeks. I am swopping over from Eco Oil sachets to Stealth on Mon as the gains I had in the first 6 weeks were shocking. I can't understand why. I know it takes a awhile to kick in but 2 pounds max in 6 weeks - not right. Hopefully the stealth will give me that extra boost along with the tabs.

I have a diary I have set up that includes everything I have to take for each day and I just tick off. So I do 3 Liv52 tabs per day so I just tick each time I have one. Very planned but I think that works best. I would be fine without but I am taking so many tabs etc that I sometimes forget what I have taken that day. The worst is when you will have something like dbol (or adrol) or my nolva and literally 1 min after I am unsure if I have taken it or not. Rare for me but still I hope I am not the only person who does that!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just adding my next cycle will be Sust at about 600-700, Eq at about 400 and a kickstart of dbol at 40mg for 5 weeks.

I am also taking Dostinex after this cycle and for about 6-8 months to lower my prolactin levels cos my last cycle consisted of Tren E and this one Deca.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I know many will say just do the adrol for 4 weeks and I might. Just gonna wait till 4 weeks and then see how I feel and see what my progress was weeks 3-4 (did it slow dramatically from the previous week). You do really feel it go down don't you? I can actually feel my body struggling to digest the tab. Must be doing some damage to peoples insides. Thats why I would never do more than 50mg - just no need for it. Saying that it doesn't bind that well compared to dbol and thats why you need more (50mg tabs). So I would rather just do 50mg of dbol.

When I say you really feel it I am cool and have experienced no problems although it hasn't been that long. Getting up is hard though! I set my alarm for 10am as I was off and I ended up getting up at 3! I seem to sleep alot easier of a night too. Not really felt the sick symptoms like many say you get from adrol.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I wasn't gonna post my progress this early after my last progress but thought I should. Reason being I started splitting the dosage in halves all of 3 days ago. And well in that huge time of 3 days I have put on 6 pounds! So that is about 11 pounds in 8 days! I still prefer dbol cos although I am getting huge (for me) it helps having enough time in the day to actually live which I am not with adrol cos I seem to sleep for about 12 hours every day. I set my alarm for 9 hours (plenty) and it is impossible to stay awake. Saying that it is only 5 weeks of the year so it is cool.

It does make you feel funky in the day. When I say funky I basically just mean alitle sick/weird but nothing bad (to anyone who hasn't taken it). The only bad thing is my legs. It happens whenever I run to the gym or when I was walking lots the other day. It was up a street called Mount Pleasant and it is called that cos it is basically a street that goes up. I had to stop cos my legs were so sore. I was like one of those 40 stone people stopping cos the steep is too much.

The feeling is hard to explain. Bit like when you have exhausted your muscle and it is completely pumped up and you can do no more. It felt like my calf and been twisted around to the front of my leg... weird feeling (I only walked up a hill too). It happend when I ran to the gym tonight (worse). I was in lots of pain and had to wait 10mins before I could do my leg workout. Strange I was fine with squatting huge weights but walking done me in. I know it's must be due to the fast increase in size and I guess water.

So anyway everything is bascially great apart from tiny things that don't mean anything. I almost forgot to mention the thing that does though - my sex drive has disappeared this week. I am not too bothered cos I don't a gf now and just meet up with girls when I want. I am still able to fine but I just don't feel like it much.

Anyway so 11 pounds in 8 days and counting! And although it is obviously watrer weight it doesn't feel like it. I feel just as hard as normal and I am made up with the results. Only 4 weeks to go on these tabs. Aiming for 25 pounds... nearly done half in one week so I should be cool.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My cycle is going ok. I have lost 3 pounds in the last few days though. I am trying to eat as much as usual but the sick feeling you get maybe isn't a big help. It is not a bad feeling at all but I just don't feel like eating as much as I usually do (cycle or no cycle)... I will though. I know adrol is the worst for water weight but all my bulk seems to be fairly solid. I will defo stick with dbol next time cos that just made me feel great and I had no sides at all. The adrol has lowered my sex drive too and given me spots. The sides are minimal and I am not bothered about them. But when compared to dbol that didn't make me feel sick at all (the opposte) and put the weight on me that I kept there is no contest. Oh I got no spots off dbol too. I have never had any spots on my back but the adrol give me a good 20 within 1 week. But like I said I am not bothered about having a few spots on my back cos they will go.

One thing that is good about adrol is the huge pumps you get. As people will know you even feel it without going to the gym. There is a bad side to that and it's a good thing I go to the gym when it is empty. Mainly because on adrol I look like I a twat after some of my sets. It is not so much pain but sometimes when I finish a hard set I literally wanna fall to the floor cos the feeling is that intense. That especially apparant when I do my bi-ceps. I don't know how to really explain it without sounding silly - bit like someone has swopped my arms and have stuck on solid plastic arms... strange but good feeling.

My mate has just ordered the same cycle as me cos he likes the results. My next cycle is gonna be Sust, Eq and Dbol. I may do Masteron E instead of the Eq... not sure yet.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I lost the 3 pounds. I would always think it would not make much difference but splitting would always be better compared to just 1 daily dose. But I guess with this adrol I am taking that is wrong for me. Cos I started doing the 1 tablet 1 hour before training (few days ago) and I feel and notice the difference already. So my total increase went down to 9 pounds (from 11) but it is up to 14 pounds (I have used the same scales each time). I have broken the 15 stone mark for the first time in my life so I am made up with that. By the way 15 stone is 210 pounds so not huge by any means but I look good for it cos I am 6ft 3 so I don't look overly wide but just decent. Hopefully I can get to about 220 pounds and then after PCT and recovery I will be on about 210+


Registered User
Dec 31, 2007
hey elvia..it is better to use an a.i. on cycle as opposed to a serm(nolva), i'd try to save that specifically for my pct...plus adrol has some progesteronic elements in its compound, so running nolva with it could increase the chances of prolactin based gyno...better to run a-dex as yer a.i., and injectable vitamin b-6 to inhibit prolactin at its sources........


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
flatblack said:
hey elvia..it is better to use an a.i. on cycle as opposed to a serm(nolva), i'd try to save that specifically for my pct...plus adrol has some progesteronic elements in its compound, so running nolva with it could increase the chances of prolactin based gyno...better to run a-dex as yer a.i., and injectable vitamin b-6 to inhibit prolactin at its sources........

Thanks flatblack. I used Nolva cos I had alot of it from my old cycle. I will be using armidex for all my future cycles. Yeah and keeping Nolva and clomid for pct (maybe sometime aromasin).

I know about the prolactin in regards to using adrol. It doesn't help I am also using Deca too! Not to mention the fact I used tren e in my previous cycle. I can only wonder what my levels are. Thats why I am ordering Dostinex soon. That will completely bring it down. I will start the Dostinex in a few weeks and run it for 6-8 months. Thanks for the advice.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add I take a multi vitamin and it contains 75mg of vitamin B6 in each tablet (one a day). I know injecting it would be so much better but it is a good little add on. If I was going to inject it I would only do about 400-800mg per week so it works out almost. It is a very strong multi-vitamin cos that is just one ingredient of many and the 75mg is 3750% in terms of the RDA. Zinc is also good for lowering prolactin (not great but useful) and 1 pill has 10mg of zinc which accounts for 67% of the RDA. When I finish this cycle I will add a ZMA product to aid recovery. But the dostinex I will get is better than anything and carries little sides compared to similar products. I will be taking 0.25mg twice weekly and then move up to 0.5mg twice weekly after a few weeks.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
flatblack said:
no prob.....good luck..............

Thanks. I know it must be high cos it takes longer to get it up after I cum. Plus I sometimes get headaches after I cum too. Strange but I am sure the dost will sort it out and more.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2007
LOL...running the caber, u should able to chip concrete with the little fireman:D.........hey have u checked out alinboard yet??


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
flatblack said:
LOL...running the caber, u should able to chip concrete with the little fireman:D.........hey have u checked out alinboard yet??

Just sent you a PM. You will probably think WTF when you read it! I like the sound of that. What did you experience when you took it? How long did it take for you to feel the benefits? What was your dosage? There is nothing on Dost anywhere but I have gathered a decent knowledge of what it does but I just wonder about someones personal experience of it. Oh and would you say 6-8 months is cool and if I loved it what time off would you say b4 starting again. How long did you take it for? Thanks


Registered User
Dec 31, 2007
Elvia1023 said:
Just sent you a PM. You will probably think WTF when you read it! I like the sound of that. What did you experience when you took it? How long did it take for you to feel the benefits? What was your dosage? There is nothing on Dost anywhere but I have gathered a decent knowledge of what it does but I just wonder about someones personal experience of it. Oh and would you say 6-8 months is cool and if I loved it what time off would you say b4 starting again. How long did you take it for? Thanks

really bro, i cant comment too much on the pm stuff as it pertains to coming...to be honest i really didnt know coming lowered prolactin levels, i only knew that the test level dropped some...i took caber a few years ago while running deca n some other goodies...i cant remember 100% about any sides, i do remember getting horny as hell when i ran it...i was only using it as a gyno preventative so i ran it at .5mgs every 4 days...the protocal for using it to get rid of existing gyno i believe, is tapering up to 1mg per day until the gyno is gone then tapering down again from that...i just ran it thru my cycle, i dont know any reason at all for running it 6-8 months unless someone was trying to get rid of a monstrous case of gyno........


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My PM included some info I knew on it. Because it's main use isn't really to get rid of gyno but like many compounds it has many interesting uses. But of course it will do that because it lowers prolactin. The reason for it lowering prolactin is because it is an dopamine agonist. So it raises dopamine levels so you will feel more happy throughout cycling it. Thats the reason you get so horny on it too. And yes you release prolactin everytime you cum and that is the main reason you have to wait before you can get it up again. So if you had very low prolactin it might take 1-3 mins or very high it might take a long time. Most products cause dizziness and nausea but sides for dost are very low. They studied that and Bromocriptine (similar compound) and the sides were somthing like 10% for dost and 60% for bromo. I shall try it out soon and see how it goes. I have heard most who use it effectively can do so for up to 1 year without sides. But I need to do more research on that. But of course doing it for 1 year may mean some form of withdrawal effects (although I heard you don't really get any). But if it directs effects dopamine I can only imagine it would cause some withdrawal effects. If I like it I will keep cycling for about 6 months. Then I will have a big break - maybe other 6 months. I don't plan on using deca anytime soon after this cycle and tren too so I don't see the need to use it again. Anadrol is not so bad and like you said vitamin b6 (and zinc) would help with that. I plan using dbol next cycle and after that I will probably use stuff like turinabol and anavar. Thanks for the info.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2007
oh no, yer right...most of the a.i.'s and serms we use were originally for cancer treatment in women, if i'm not mistaken... if yer looking for a happy pill bro, there may better choices than caber...and if ya find one lemme know :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
flatblack said:
oh no, yer right...most of the a.i.'s and serms we use were originally for cancer treatment in women, if i'm not mistaken... if yer looking for a happy pill bro, there may better choices than caber...and if ya find one lemme know :D

I'm soley using it to lower prolactin but if I am extra happy throughout the day then cool. Your right about the a.i.'s and serms... many are still used to treat cancer in women amongst many things.