

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was wondering if any of you guys have tried Long R3 IGF-1 . I am thinking about trying it whilst I am off. If you have how long did you cycle it and at what dose. Thanks


Aug 28, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
I was wondering if any of you guys have tried Long R3 IGF-1 . I am thinking about trying it whilst I am off. If you have how long did you cycle it and at what dose. Thanks

Ive used on a handful of occasions.
IMO the best regimen I ran was IGF1LR3 PWO at 60-80mcg


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Good stuff IMO if you get some thats real. It works Fast and is a Lot more affordable then Hgh. If I had some here Now id use it Straight away.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
With more research I am thinking about trying the Long R3 IGF-1 with MGF. I read it might be best to inject the MGF straight after workout and then the Long R3 IGF-3 1 hour later. I might just go with the original thought cos they are fairly expensive. I was thinking of about 6 weeks duration at 100mcg per day (100 for each if I do both). What you guys think? If I just do the one I will inject that straight after my workout in the main muscle I worked out (50 each side). I am gonna look into best prices etc on various internet sites. Your welcome to PM me any good sources you know that sells them! Thanks


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I think Omega has a UK website and distributer that has a pretty good follwing in the UK. Ill have to look for it but Ill send you a link since I know that your from that area and I beleive it is Legal for research?

I dont know anything about Mgf-Pgf-Hgh Frag or any of that stuff.
I have experimented a good bit with the Igf-lr3 and Hgh and those are the two Id be spending my money on if it were me.
If I could afford it Id use Good Hgh year round between 5-10iu per day.
Id Use the Igf-lr3 at 50-100mcg On and Off in cycles of a few weeks on and a few weeks off. All that of course to go with the anabolics and food which always come first.

The first Time I used the Igf-lr3 Elvia was the 100mcg vials from China.
(The good good Ones that came in a Kit with the amps of Water)
I used it 50mcg per day (injected in Biceps IM) 2 days On and 1 day off (I Used it on Training days)

I used it this way for a few reasons... 1 Trying to spread it out as Im not a rich guy and money is always a factor. 2 When mixing with water I was told it has to be used within 24hrs or it begins to degrade.

Now days 95% of it will come in 1 mg vials or bigger that take a special mixing solution. Its hard to Find the Kits or the Individual 100Mcg vials. The reason for that is Its Tougher to Import them.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
UK website


Make sure to do your homework. Im not sure If they are affiliated with the same Omega I know from here or Not. If They are I know he is a good guy with a good following. Do some checking up on them though...The UK site above I dont know anything about so Im just passing that along.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:

Make sure to do your homework. Im not sure If they are affiliated with the same Omega I know from here or Not. If They are I know he is a good guy with a good following. Do some checking up on them though...The UK site above I dont know anything about so Im just passing that along.

Thanks alot Rajjin. I actually had their site on my favourites cos I noticed they sold the stuff. I have never really researched peptides but in the last few hours have found something very useful. That somethign useful is CJC-1295. Has anyone tried it?

The reason I mentioned the MGF is because I heard the 2 combined are very good. But also the MGF is good to take after the IGF. I am either just gonna go with the IGF or after I find out more abot the CJC-1295 might pick that. It is actually cheaper than the IGF.

Yeah I have researched more and decided 50-80mcg would be best. My intention is whatever one I choose to use in between AAS cycles and maybe add some to a cycle sometime (test). Thanks for the info and can anyone let me know if they have tried the CJC-1295.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will use the site you supplied if I pick the IGF over the CJC-1295 (GHRH).

Pasted a useful statement below-
Another advantage that IGF has over GH is that it has much more of an affinity to attach to muscle cells instead of bone and organ cells. Growth hormone has been know to cause a lot of organ enlargement and bone elongation since it attaches to all types of receptor cells.

But of course that would be if you done it over years and years.

Check the below site out cos they have both on sale. Tell me what you think about CJC-1295 (GHRH). It's nothing to go by really but there is a site and someone praising it and he seems to have the most knowledge of anyone I have read etc. I know people can copy and paste etc but he really does have an extensive knowledge. And he is not attached to the board or trying to sell anything or promote any sites... you can't buy it on any of the sponsors etc.


Can anyone let me know if they have tried it or know anyone who else. Thanks guys


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I have known a couple of guys that have used CJC-1295 a few times and had great things to say about it (I'll see if I can get ahold of them and find out more about it for you bro)!! I have never used it first hand so I can't comment on it?!

My personal choice would be either HGH or Igf-lr3...For me right now Igf-lr3 would be the pick since it's cheaper then HGH at the moment (it's been a rough last couple of years).....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kawasaki1 said:
I have known a couple of guys that have used CJC-1295 a few times and had great things to say about it (I'll see if I can get ahold of them and find out more about it for you bro)!! I have never used it first hand so I can't comment on it?!

My personal choice would be either HGH or Igf-lr3...For me right now Igf-lr3 would be the pick since it's cheaper then HGH at the moment (it's been a rough last couple of years).....

Thanks alot. I want something that will put on a decent amount of mass and still keep me lookign good for the summer. But of course thats the attractive with Igf-lr3 as it adds lean muscle and reduces fat.

The CJC-1295 is human growth release hormone (GHRH). I look forward to finding out what you hear as I will defo try one of them.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just realized a site I saved to my favs awhile back has them both. And the prices are good. Gonna wait on more info and then decide. I can get the CJC-1295 for $216 for 6mg! I would do 500mcg per week (250mcg X2) so that is 12 weeks supply. 10mg is $320!

Now the Long R3 IGF-1 is $380 for 3mg. I would do 50-80mcg per day. Would I be best doing that 5 days on 2 off. If so that would be 250-400mcg per week. So if that was 400mcg per week the 3mg would be just over 7 weeks (if tapered up would be over 8 weeks) supply. I could do 3 weeks on 3 off then 3 weeks on 3 off and then about other 2 weeks on. I am right in saying you should have breaks with that one?

Just gonna wait for more info. I know the Long R3 IGF-1 is tried and tested and should be good. But I have read loads saying how the GHRH (CJC-1295) is great. Plus it is cheaper and £ is a bit tight at the moment. Keep the info coming. Thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will do 50mcg of Long R3 IGF-1 and 50mcg of MGF each day. That rising (if comfortable) to 80mcg and maybe even 100mcg (for both). B.Roberts (who isn't a good source by any means but writes some ok things) says the best protocol is MGF straight after your workout then 1 hour later you do the Long R3 IGF-1. I usually get to the gym about 8pm so maybe I could just do the Long R3 IGF-1 prior to my workout and the MGF afterwards. Plus you read different opinions everywhere so spacing the 2 out more would be better imo. I would have to get 3mg of each so that would be $380 + $192= $572


The CJC-1295 starting at 500mcg per week (250mcg X2). Then rising to 1mg per week (500mcg x 2). Then if comfortable increasing to 1.5ml per week (750mcg X2). The 10mg at $320 would cover that.

So it's out of the above. I will defo do one of the 2 and then do the other sometime in the future.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
If anyone can provide more info I would appreciate it. Reason being I am gonna order in the next week. I have written out a 11 week cycle for the CJC-1295. If I do the Long R IGF-1 I will do 4 weeks on 4 weeks off as I hear that is best. Would I be best doing ed or 5 on 2 off in the week or other way. Everyone seems to do it different ways and I know everyone is different but I would appreciate anyone letting me know what they found best and I will just adopt their way as I am new to it. But I guess it also depends on training plan. I will be doing Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri gym sessions so maybe 2 on 1 off would be good. Thanks


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I haven't been able to get ahold of them yet (one got fired and the other works the night shift, in a different building)...I'll keep trying and see what I can come up with for you bro.....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kawasaki1 said:
I haven't been able to get ahold of them yet (one got fired and the other works the night shift, in a different building)...I'll keep trying and see what I can come up with for you bro.....

Thanks for that. I am curious how they got on. I will get one of the 2 in the next week. Might just go for the cheapest one. I don't mind being the anasci guinea pig for the CJC-1295.