Future Cycles


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just gonna list my 3 next cycles I have planned carefully. Just curious what you guys think. Before I do just wanna mention I know I will respond better to 3 shorter cycles as opposed to two 14 week cycles. And I am fully aware of the pro's and con's of an oral only cycle. Diet will vary throughout but will always be clean/good.

July 08 (6 week cycle)

Weeks 1-6= Tbol at approx 40mg per day (30, 40, 40, 50, 50, 50)
Weeks 1-4= CEE (1 tub)
Weeks 4-8= Bulgarian Tribulus (1 tub)

PCT (1 day after last tab)
Days 1-17= Nolva at 20mg
Days 18-23= Nolva at 10mg

Oct 08 (9 week cycle)

Weeks 1-6= Test E at 650mg (325 X 2)
Week 7= Test E at 450mg (250 and 200)
Weeks 1-6= Mast E at 400mg (200 X 2)
Week 7= Mast E at 250mg (150 and 100)
Weeks 1-4= Dbol at 40mg per day
Weeks 2-9= Adex at 0.5mg per day
Weeks 5-9= Proviron at 50mg per day (25/25)
Weeks 2-8= HCG at 500IU every 7 days

PCT (2 weeks after last injection)
Days 1-21= Clomid at 250mg at day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg and days 12-21 at 50mg
Days 1-23= Nolva at 20mg per day
Days 24-30= Nolva at 10mg per day

Feb 09 (11 week cycle)

Weeks 1-7= Sust at 650mg (325 X 2)
Week 8= Sust at 450mg (250 and 200)
Weeks 1-7= Mast E at 400mg (200 X 2)
Week 8= Mast E at 250mg (150 and 100)
Weeks 1-6= Tbol at 40mg per day
Weeks 3-11= Adex at 0.25mg per day
Weeks 7-11= Proviron at 50mg per day (25/25)
Weeks 4-9= HCG at 500IU every 7 days

PCT (3 weeks after last injection)
Days 1-21= Clomid at 250mg at day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg and days 12-21 at 50mg
Days 1-23= Nolva at 20mg per day
Days 24-30= Nolva at 10mg per day

I am likely to do a cutting cycle in late summer 09 consisting of Test P, Tren A and Avar. I might try some peptides which I have mentioned this week in between cycles.

Let me know what you guys think. Thanks
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Jun 18, 2008
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I think it's a good cycle....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should be getting my tbol any day now... can't wait. I got the BD ones so looking forward to trying them out. I know most hate oral only cycles and think they are a waste but I am very confident I will get excellent gains and keep most (70-90%). I have probably read about 500 opinions on why not to do them but I look forward to it. Just want something that won't shut me down that much and is a nice little run up to my main cycles. I don't expect amazing things... when I say excellent gains I mean for what I am doing. I will be happy with 7-10 pounds. Most of my gains will come from the other 2 cycles and I imagine that will be about min 35 pounds kept after all of them. You never know but I will be happy with that. It could even be 50 pounds as I plan to eat every piece of chicken/steak in sight. I will write how I am mid cycle and at the end.

I think I have 18 days of nolva so will do that for PCT. I have loads of clomid so might just do 10 days of that too. I might just leave the clomid out as I plan to now do my tribulus during PCT. Gonna be 6 weeks of tbol at approx 40mg per day. With the PCT I will do 4 weeks of Tribulus at the end. Gonna do CEE too probably weeks 2-6.

I plan to do sme Norateen 2 just to give me a kick in the 4 weeks after PCT. Then I start cycle 2 in Oct.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
That's a great way to truly assess what you get from Tbol, and oral-onlys are not a waste all of the time. You might plan on upping the dose to around 60mg-80mg/day, but 40mg should be alright for a noticable effect. Depending on your current level your lb goals might be a bit over expected.

Good luck & enjoy


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
That's a great way to truly assess what you get from Tbol, and oral-onlys are not a waste all of the time. You might plan on upping the dose to around 60mg-80mg/day, but 40mg should be alright for a noticable effect. Depending on your current level your lb goals might be a bit over expected.

Good luck & enjoy

Yeah. Because I love dbol and noticed a change straightaway I will be doing that in the 2nd cycle. But the 1st is just a mini cycle just to give me some nice gains and to access what exactly the tbol does for me. That way if it works well I will do it for the 3rd cycle (I don't like to do the same thing in the following cycle and like to mix it up). If not then I will probably take anavar or dbol depending upon my exact goals at that time.

Yeah I read countless threads saying how bad oral only cycles are. But to be honest they tend to be from people who do big (good) cycles and haven't actually tried oral only. But all the fellas who might not want to inject (or whatever reason) and do them on occasions always say they are really good. The key is I am not expecting amazing gains and just want to do this mini cycle that makes me feel good and doesn't shut me down that much.

I have started on 20/20 each day. That will go up to 20/30 and then probably 30/30. I have more than enough tabs to go upto the mg you say if that is what I decide.

That 35 pound figure was just an approximation. But I think that will easily be achieved (after 3rd cycle PCT). Just breaking it down like the following would get to 35 pounds (and I think these are very achievable targets).

Cycle 1- 7 pounds after PCT
Cycle 2- 17 pounds after PCT
Cycle 3- 11pounds after PCT

Maybe change the above to 5/15/10 (30 pounds). I will let people know how I find the tbol.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just thought I would let people know how I am finding the tbol. Basically it is really good. Nothing amazing but I never expected that in the first place. I have only been on it for 2 weeks but can feel the strength coming into place. I will have a better picture in other 2 weeks. I should say I have been bad this week. Basically I am still young and used to go out all the time (everynight). But in past cycles I would go 3 months without a drink and I am very disciplined. But as I am not really thinking of this as a cycle and just a tester I have been out a few times. My liver is spot on so not worrying about that. But anyway I had put on about 4 pounds in the 2 weeks cos of the tbol and huge amounts of protein. But I ended up going a 3 day bender and basically didn't eat for 2 of those days. I done a few things I used to do (mdma so you can't eat on it). Last time I will touch the stuff but I can't complain... on the Sunday I was sunbathing and getting wrecked with 5 girls (4 strippers) so I was in my element! Anyway I lost 7 pounds in the 3 days but they will be put back on very fast.

The next 2 weeks I am gonna just be my norm and really go for it. I hear tbol takes about 4 weeks to properly hit in (strength) so I will just wait and see. My body is looking good though. The 3 days actually made my 6 pack come out more so I can't complain! My next cycle is what is gonna make the difference. I think after that I will be at the size I wanna be at. Then I will just cut it up as much as I can.

So far I can rec the BD tbol. I have experienced no sides whatsoever... nothing. I decided to leave the CEE. I am just doing Norateen Hollywood body as a little add on. It's totally overpriced but just gives me alittle kick. Also on LIV52 DS for my liver.

All the stuff will finish at the same time. Then I will do a mini PCT. I will do 10 days of clomid and 21 of nolva. I have tribulus too I am gonna start for PCT.

After the tribulus I am gonna use a wasabi liver protector to cleanse all my system (4 weeks). Then I will start my main cycle of dbol, test e and mast e. I have all my add ons for that too. I have protein (with BCAA), glutamine, taurine, multi vitamin with ginseng, joint care, fish oils, milk thistle and LIV52. It sounds alot when I list them all but they are all low dosed (apart from the protein).

Raj I just ordered myself 50mg of MT2. I only took 30mg and the comments I got. I went to my mates the other day and he thought it was his black mate going through the gate... seriously. I will take the 50mg slowly cos I don't wanna go a silly colour and the dark spots come out loads. Gonna try and get some real sun. Sunday was the first proper time I have this year and I turned black/brown. Sunbeds make my tan go alittle more orange I find.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just letting you guys know my progess. Basically the tbol is a success. My strength has gone up... nothing major but I feel the difference. Thats the thing I have been thinking it isn't great cos I don't feel that buzz like with dbol. I don't feel like an animal when lifting. But you can't be expected to with just a oral only cycle. I don't feel bigger but I didn't in my last cycle... thats just cos it is gradual and you don't notice day by day. But when I run I can tell I am heavier. Anyway just weighed myself and I up by 7/8 pounds. And if you count what I weighed after my binge I am up by even more. So anyone who just wants that little extra I would completely rec tbol. It had given me no sides whatsoever and only good solid gains.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
Just gonna list my 3 next cycles I have planned carefully. Just curious what you guys think. Before I do just wanna mention I know I will respond better to 3 shorter cycles as opposed to two 14 week cycles. And I am fully aware of the pro's and con's of an oral only cycle. Diet will vary throughout but will always be clean/good.

July 08 (6 week cycle)

Weeks 1-6= Tbol at approx 40mg per day (30, 40, 40, 50, 50, 50)
Weeks 1-4= CEE (1 tub)
Weeks 4-8= Bulgarian Tribulus (1 tub)

PCT (1 day after last tab)
Days 1-17= Nolva at 20mg
Days 18-23= Nolva at 10mg

Oct 08 (9 week cycle)

Weeks 1-6= Test E at 650mg (325 X 2)
Week 7= Test E at 450mg (250 and 200)
Weeks 1-6= Mast E at 400mg (200 X 2)
Week 7= Mast E at 250mg (150 and 100)
Weeks 1-4= Dbol at 40mg per day
Weeks 2-9= Adex at 0.5mg per day
Weeks 5-9= Proviron at 50mg per day (25/25)
Weeks 2-8= HCG at 500IU every 7 days

PCT (2 weeks after last injection)
Days 1-21= Clomid at 250mg at day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg and days 12-21 at 50mg
Days 1-23= Nolva at 20mg per day
Days 24-30= Nolva at 10mg per day

Feb 09 (11 week cycle)

Weeks 1-7= Sust at 650mg (325 X 2)
Week 8= Sust at 450mg (250 and 200)
Weeks 1-7= Mast E at 400mg (200 X 2)
Week 8= Mast E at 250mg (150 and 100)
Weeks 1-6= Tbol at 40mg per day
Weeks 3-11= Adex at 0.25mg per day
Weeks 7-11= Proviron at 50mg per day (25/25)
Weeks 4-9= HCG at 500IU every 7 days

PCT (3 weeks after last injection)
Days 1-21= Clomid at 250mg at day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg and days 12-21 at 50mg
Days 1-23= Nolva at 20mg per day
Days 24-30= Nolva at 10mg per day

I am likely to do a cutting cycle in late summer 09 consisting of Test P, Tren A and Avar. I might try some peptides which I have mentioned this week in between cycles.

Let me know what you guys think. Thanks
Why are you stopping the Test at week 7 and dropping the dose....that really doesn't make sense to me.....

Do you respond well to running cycles like this....If so then just ignore what I'm about to say....;)

Those type of cycles are not good IMO for short bursts type cycles........why do you think you'll respond better doing it that way instead of 12 week cycles..?

If you want to run short cycles you should run things like....Test supspension, Test prop, winstrol, masteron (which you are) omnadren, sust. , dbol, Tren ace (Not Tren E) etc....not long acting esters

and a 6 week cycle of Tbol is pointless to me....just has no benefit other than gaining some extra water weight and strenght for 6 weeks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Zaven said:
Why are you stopping the Test at week 7 and dropping the dose....that really doesn't make sense to me.....

Do you respond well to running cycles like this....If so then just ignore what I'm about to say....;)

Those type of cycles are not good IMO for short bursts type cycles........why do you think you'll respond better doing it that way instead of 12 week cycles..?

If you want to run short cycles you should run things like....Test supspension, Test prop, winstrol, masteron (which you are) omnadren, sust. , dbol, Tren ace (Not Tren E) etc....not long acting esters

and a 6 week cycle of Tbol is pointless to me....just has no benefit other than gaining some extra water weight and strenght for 6 weeks

Well firstly the tbol only cycle is like I listed...infact I don't really consider it a cycle. It was just to see how I respond to the compound and to give me alittle boost without much sides. Because when your on 3 different compounds it is hard to know what is doing what. And although I had tiny expectations they have been blown away. I have put on lots of lean muscle in only 6 weeks and am looking extra ripped but have still put on about 9 pounds. I am not like some and think tbol only is a proper cycle but like I said I have been surprised. Moreover I have experienced no sides whatsoever so I can't say anything bad about it... oh a few spots but that is it.

I hear what you say about 12 weeks cycles and I understand. But I know for a fact I will get better gains from 2 shorter cycles as opposed to one longer one. My last cycle was 16 weeks and fairly harsh but recovery is fine... although slow. I do think 12 weeks is thebest time to cycle for but of course it depends upon so many different things. 12 weeks I would say is the longest you can go before recovery starts to get greatly effected.

Because I am likely to go on TRT this will effect my proposed cycles alittle. I am likely to do the following cycle now.

Weeks 1-12= Test E
Weeks 1-4= Dbol at 40mg per day
Weeks 8-12= Winny at 50mg per day

Then I wil start PCT 2 weeks after and do a 4 week PCT. Then I migth wait a few weeks before going on a standard 250mg test e dose per week till I start my following cycle.

Oh and just adding although the above isn't a proper taper I do think recovery is so much better when you taper down your test dose. Don't mistake that for pyramiding because that I find abit pointless (old skool). Becuase if your on 300mg or 500mg your gonna be completely shutdown so you might as well be getting the most you can from every week of your cycle. But gradually tapering down over a few weeks is great for recovery... ensuring your final week is actually lower than your normal range.
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