

Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Not sure if Searile is the correct spelling. But has anyone heard of an Anavar made by Searile was told it was a high quality? They are 2.5 mg a peice. Anyone heard of this , and how good they are if you have? Thanks guys
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Feb 24, 2007
mac762339 said:
Not sure if Searile is the correct spelling. But has anyone heard of an Anavar made by Searile was told it was a high quality? They are 2.5 mg a peice. Anyone heard of this , and how good they are if you have? Thanks guys
I can't say from exp. for your situation but 2.5mg was a common dosage/pill...You'd have to pop a lot of those for an acceptable male dosage though. Maybe just skip the guessing game and order from one of the board sponsors. I can tell ya, you won't be dissapointed.:smoker:


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Thanks Tyrone. I did order from a board sponsor still waiting, so grabbed these while I had the chance to get going before my order comes. Been a little over two weeks. I read that Searile was discontinued but I also know that the source I got them from is realible.Question I took 10mg before work and sware I felt like a F-ing furnace. I was burning up, has anyone experienced this on Anavar? I was told these were of high quality and know a couple guys that competed in a show recentlly heavy wieghts and they said 20mgs a day. Im only 163lbs at 5'3" so I figured I would try the same. I know my order they recommend 20 to 50 . I plan on 40 . Any feed on that ? And what is the best PCT after this I am doing soley Anavar? Thanks again Tyrone


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
mac762339 said:
Thanks Tyrone. I did order from a board sponsor still waiting, so grabbed these while I had the chance to get going before my order comes. Been a little over two weeks. I read that Searile was discontinued but I also know that the source I got them from is realible.Question I took 10mg before work and sware I felt like a F-ing furnace. I was burning up, has anyone experienced this on Anavar? I was told these were of high quality and know a couple guys that competed in a show recentlly heavy wieghts and they said 20mgs a day. Im only 163lbs at 5'3" so I figured I would try the same. I know my order they recommend 20 to 50 . I plan on 40 . Any feed on that ? And what is the best PCT after this I am doing soley Anavar? Thanks again Tyrone

You should still do the the usual protocol in regards to PCT even with just anavar. Loads of people think PCT is not needed with anavar but it will shut you down slightly if taken for extended periods. I assume you are doing it for 6-8 weeks. Nolva and clomid are completely different but nolva is much more effective. I would do 3 weeks PCT with Nolva. You don't really need clomid but both would be fine. I read 40mg and even 60mg all the time and that is pointless. A dose of 20mg is more than enough. I would do the following

Days 1-18= Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Days 19-21= Nolvadex at 10mg per day

I am yet to do anavar but if I did I would do 40mg. That is the dose I would do with most orals. The usual protocol is 20-50mg so it all depends upon brand and goals etc. If your cool with 20 and want more just move it up to 40 max. You should always go on feel with a max limit set before you start. Hope you have a great cycle.

I should just add if you research it many will say PCT is not needed and they have cycled avar and not done PCT and was fine. And that will be true cos it is not very suppressive but you should always be cautious. Scientifically it is needed and will only add to your cycle. Just keep the nolva at the 20 slightly working down... none of this 60, 40, 20.
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Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Thanks man .Now Anavar does not Aromitize and I always thought Nolva was just an anti estrogen so if Anavar does not convert to Estrogen what is the nolva doing? The reason I chose Anavar was no worrys about gyno and its mild effect on the natural test production. I really appreciate all the help I wanna get the most out of this and be safe while doing it. So all the imformation is real helpful. Thanks guys.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
mac762339 said:
Thanks man .Now Anavar does not Aromitize and I always thought Nolva was just an anti estrogen so if Anavar does not convert to Estrogen what is the nolva doing? The reason I chose Anavar was no worrys about gyno and its mild effect on the natural test production. I really appreciate all the help I wanna get the most out of this and be safe while doing it. So all the imformation is real helpful. Thanks guys.

Yeah your right. Nolva is a derivative of DHT, it is structurally incapable of converting to estrogen. I would still rec it though. But of course you could still be fine without any PCT and just time. But as you stated avar does have a mild effect on natural test production. Many say it doesn't but it will suppress you slightly. I rec nolva because 20mg will increase test by 158%. To get that same effect from clomid you would need to take more like 150mg. Therefore, I think nolva is much more effective and safer to use. Many experience sides from clomid too whereas nolva is usually tolerated with no bad sides (usually no sides at all). You are making me wanna order some avar for the next 8 weeks! I am planning a test p, mast p or tren a and avar cycle next spring. I am likely to wait and just do what I have planned but you never know.
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Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Tempting huh. Question if the Nolva increses my Test by the numbers you say is there a risk of gyno from the Nolva . Meaning when I come off the Nolva if my Test is still high is my body gonna want to compinsate by producing more Estrogen resulting in a risk of gyno?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
mac762339 said:
Tempting huh. Question if the Nolva increses my Test by the numbers you say is there a risk of gyno from the Nolva . Meaning when I come off the Nolva if my Test is still high is my body gonna want to compinsate by producing more Estrogen resulting in a risk of gyno?

No you will be fine. But like with most things you can rebound but not with the doses I suggested. You will be at no risk to gyno. You should just look at nolva as giving you alittle kick after your light cycle. Even doing just 10mg would do that.

Like you stated the estrogen from nolva is a very weak form... it will have no major (bad) effect on a male body. It's the much stronger type of estrogen called Estradiol which is produced from Testosterone... that is what causes gyno. So again you will have nothing to worry about regarding gyno.

I am sticking to my original plan and just waiting till Sept till I go on again.
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Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Elvia thanks man I really appreciate the feedback again helps me do this right and eased some concerns thanks. I'll keep ya posted on the progress. Good luck in September . Thanks again man


Aug 28, 2005
mac762339 said:
Not sure if Searile is the correct spelling. But has anyone heard of an Anavar made by Searile was told it was a high quality? They are 2.5 mg a peice. Anyone heard of this , and how good they are if you have? Thanks guys

It was Searle back in the past and they were top notch just low mg per tab.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Ok so then I was told with these that I only need 15 to 20 mg a day. Again the guy that told me this and I got them from is trust worthy. But with all I have read it says 20 to 50 mg. Can one Anavar at 2.5 mg be as strong or stronger than another 10mg tab? All depending on the name brand?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
mac762339 said:
Ok so then I was told with these that I only need 15 to 20 mg a day. Again the guy that told me this and I got them from is trust worthy. But with all I have read it says 20 to 50 mg. Can one Anavar at 2.5 mg be as strong or stronger than another 10mg tab? All depending on the name brand?

Yeah different brands can mean alot. What it is many are UG labs and they may be very strong or they may not. But with the likes of Schering etc they are pharmaceutical companies so all products are human grade so are likely to be much more effective. They are made under strict regulations so should be much better quality compared to UG labs.

My understanding is the Searle 2.5mg anavar were great. That Searle was a great company (human grade) and based in the US but it was discontinued. But I think they are available again. I think they give them for the treatment of things like alcoholic hepatitis, AIDS and Turner's syndrome (in the US). Thats why your source probably as been able to get some.

You are right you shouldn't need as many. Just go to 20mg and see how you feel. I have read a male dose is 7.5mg-15mg per day. That sounds very low but I assume they would do the job. I would see how 20mg is and try for more just to give you that extra edge.
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Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Ya thats the plan . What do you think about time on before I should be able to tell whether the dose is ok or I should adjust? Meaning approx time Anavar would need to be in my system to start to see and feel its benefits ? And with the 2.5 at 20mg a day I have been splitting the dose 2 tabs at a time spread throughout the day to reach 20mg. That a good idea because I belive I read its system life is approx eight hours . So is it better to keep a continuous stream or bang all of it at once? Which would be more beneficial?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
mac762339 said:
Ya thats the plan . What do you think about time on before I should be able to tell whether the dose is ok or I should adjust? Meaning approx time Anavar would need to be in my system to start to see and feel its benefits ? And with the 2.5 at 20mg a day I have been splitting the dose 2 tabs at a time spread throughout the day to reach 20mg. That a good idea because I belive I read its system life is approx eight hours . So is it better to keep a continuous stream or bang all of it at once? Which would be more beneficial?

Anavar should be taken throughout the day. That is much better compared to taking all of them at once. It keeps blood plasma steady and as the active life is fairly short you need to space them out in order to have it in your system all day (longer than taking all at once). But again people do it different ways and treat certain orals differently. But I would say 95% would say space them out. Yeah for the 20mg dose do 2 tabs morning, afternoon, evening and night.

Time before you see results... that can be different for everyone. For hardening effects I imagine just a few days. Even for feeling I imagine on the 2nd day you will feel a big difference cos it hits you straightaway. But for overall effect (if diet is good too) it will be a gradual thing. With some progress by the end of week 1 and alittle bit each week after. Anavar can do amazing things but it is more likely to just make you feel really good and gains will be slow and gradual but solid. Thats why you should do the 6 weeks and see how you feel and maybe extend to 8 or so.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Well I don't know if I am feeling harder three days in or its a placibo effect cause I know Im on but feel real tight.And as far as dosing again reaserching its chemical life I felt splitting them through the day would be best so glad you renforced that . I am not excpeting miracles I would just like some modest gains and to feel good and look hard for the beach. My plan was for 12 weeks was gonna stay on right through the summer ,that is if I vitamin comes through been a couple weeks gettin a bit anxous. So is twelve ok or too long? You are a wealth of imformation my friend and I thank you. I did as much research as I could find until what I found began to get repetitive so your imput is real helpful . Thanks man
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
mac762339 said:
Well I don't know if I am feeling harder three days in or its a placibo effect cause I know Im on but feel real tight.And as far as dosing again reaserching its chemical life I felt splitting them through the day would be best so glad you renforced that . I am not excpeting miracles I would just like some modest gains and to feel good and look hard for the beach. My plan was for 12 weeks was gonna stay on right through the summer ,that is if I vitamin comes through been a couple weeks gettin a bit anxous. So is twelve ok or too long? You are a wealth of imformation my friend and I thank you. I did as much research as I could find until what I found began to get repetitive so your imput is real helpful . Thanks man

It's surprising how many people think anavar is not liver toxic at all. Although it's toxicity is low it is still a 17-alpha-alkylated oral. It is much lower compared to other 17aa orals such as anadrol etc. Well you can take avar for long periods but you just have to be careful. 6 - 8 weeks of avar shouldn't do much to your liver but 12 is fairly long. But basically I have heard of people cycling strong orals such as dbol for very long periods (not good) and they were fine.

Yeah so to answer your question 12 weeks should be fine if you take certain precausions. Don't be drinking alcohol. I used to drink all the time (still do when off) but it is a really good feeling when you go say 12 weeks without. It really makes a difference to your body... especially if you want to cut/tone. Just make sure you drink lots of water as that will help with your liver (and it is essential anyway). You could throw in a liver protector such as LIV-52. Milk thistle is a decent add on but doesn't really do anything (the high amounts of water is better). When I am cycling dbol, adrol I take synthegine from synthetek industries (banner on this site).

Yeah your right not to expect miracles. Many will say avar only is not a good first cycle but I disagree. It will get you used to everything and should give you decent results. Don't expect to get size from avar.. you might get alittle. It's more for cutting and hardening so if you just want to look good on the beach it is a great choice (what I hear it is probably the best choice). If you ever need any help in the future about anything else just ask on here and I am sure we will all help you out. Happy training.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Forgot to mention that it's best to take avar during meals/snacks as absorption is better then. It's not a must by any means but just a useful tip I heard. If you wanna look cut for the beach I would suggest you check out the natural section (on here). Some good info there about diets. Stuff like 6-7 meals per day each with protein in etc etc.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ignore the above got mixed up. So did you end up doing other brand of avar cos you mentioned 10mg tabs in your thread this week. Did you get balkan ones?