Inversion Table


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
My wife bought me an inversion table for my birthday this year. I've been wanting to try one but I was very skeptical so I never got one. She got an Ironman brand for only $200 and it's solid af and very well made it seems.

Anyways, I've had it three days and used it twice (the first day I was working and didn't put it together).

So I'm starting out with about a 60° inversion for ten minutes. Not too much of an angle or too long. I can tell A HUGE difference in my lower back and surprisingly my shoulders after only using it twice.

I hang with my arms above my head so I can try to rotate my shoulder girdle back more since I've got slump shoulders. After both sessions I've had a very noticeable improvement in shoulder ROM.

Also, it doesn't feel like it when you're laying back but, my lower back feels so much better. Time to time I'll reach up to grab the handles when my shoulders are tired and relieve a little pressure. When I put my arms back over my head I felt my lower back feel like it released and tons of tightness went away.

I dunno if it's gonna be a game changer but, I'm enjoying it so far and excited about hanging like Dracula lol.


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
Definitely take it slow with the angle. I actually hurt my lower back on one a few years ago. The g/f at the time had to help me get unbuckled and off of it after something in my lower back started hurting. Im not sure what exactly happened, but my lower back was completely locked up for about a week. That was some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. I’ve been too scared to get back on it since then.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
Definitely take it slow with the angle. I actually hurt my lower back on one a few years ago. The g/f at the time had to help me get unbuckled and off of it after something in my lower back started hurting. Im not sure what exactly happened, but my lower back was completely locked up for about a week. That was some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. I’ve been too scared to get back on it since then.
Yeah I didn't go crazy on the angle and still felt a Really good stretch.

Good info!


New member
Dec 10, 2018
Please keep us updated on how the inversion table works out. Been considering getting one for a while


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
I have used one a few times and could feel a big difference. As gearpro posted be careful with the angle as I know 2 guys who have hurt themselves more after using one.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
I am thinking about investing in one. Nothing replaces therapy/massage but it's not cheap. This sounds like it would be a good investment. I tried one on vacation once and I liked it.


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jun 8, 2018
I use an inversion table every evening. I'll roll out on the foam roller and do some stretching, hang on the table then go straight to bed afterwards. By going straight from the inversion table to bed I feel like it stretches out my back and hips, creating more tractions and separating the discs in my back, allowing them better circulation and less compression as I sleep.

Something else that I'll do from time to time for my shoulders to help loosen them up and increase ROM is getting one of those pull up bars you can put on the doorframe and hang on it for a few minutes before I go to bed. Its a lot harder to hang there then it looks as your hand grip fails and you start to really feel your lats/& shoulder clavicle stretching. I suppose its similar to the DC stretching, but you don't weigh yourself or anything like that. Works great and keeps my shoulders and lats well stretched out.


Feb 2, 2007
I use an inversion table every evening. I'll roll out on the foam roller and do some stretching, hang on the table then go straight to bed afterwards. By going straight from the inversion table to bed I feel like it stretches out my back and hips, creating more tractions and separating the discs in my back, allowing them better circulation and less compression as I sleep.

Something else that I'll do from time to time for my shoulders to help loosen them up and increase ROM is getting one of those pull up bars you can put on the doorframe and hang on it for a few minutes before I go to bed. Its a lot harder to hang there then it looks as your hand grip fails and you start to really feel your lats/& shoulder clavicle stretching. I suppose its similar to the DC stretching, but you don't weigh yourself or anything like that. Works great and keeps my shoulders and lats well stretched out.

What table do you have?


Registered User
Dec 12, 2018
I had one of the original hang ups about 20 yrs ago. The thing broke a weld and collapsed on top of me upside down. I had to shake the thing apart with my feet strapped in before I suffocated. My chiropractor got me the heavy duty version after that at no charge. We weren't a suing nation back then. Not trying to scare you but I always made sure someone was home when I used it after that.


Mar 27, 2014
I saw one on the side on the side road the other day- it looked brand new. I should have grabbed it.


Registered User
Apr 26, 2018
Awesome anyone plans on training through old age ( like myself ) you may already have experience with lower bsck issues or it should be a part of any routine . In some way . The inversion table is basically traction to relieve pressure on the intertabral discs etc . In 1995 I had soine reconstruction and since I have a mini routine for my erectors and sacral muscles , my spine is the strongest part of my body and never do I feel any pain or discomfort in my back at age 54 and I do all types of presses squats bent over weighted moves like rows with good weight . However post soine surgery hypers and deads and nautilus lower back was the focus of every patient that has major spine surgery in at the time considered the best orthopedic hospital in the country . ( Boston ,Ma) I still to this day do variations of my PT but like someone said earlier make sure if or when you decide that you break in slowly as you can strain your back as it’s easy area to injure . Especially if you have neglected it . I also for 40 years do martial arts in which being slammed 100 times day on my back is common in practice yet I I have no pain ever . I’ve turned my erectors and traverse an***inys into a built in belt thus I never wear belt either . Belts can cause muscle atrophy if you rely . Me only if I were a competitor in power lifting would I wear . I do squat and deadlift bent rows with upward of 225 pounds on all movements. Hyperextentions including reverse hypers build erector but also mimic traction at the bottom . Our bodies only as strong as where it weakest , my lower back will always be priority. Carry on with inversion I’m jealous


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
I was looking at a few brands a few months back. They all looked very similar. Prices are fairly low on amazon. I had it down to Ironman or Innova but never ended up buying. I am tempted to order one now.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
I was looking at a few brands a few months back. They all looked very similar. Prices are fairly low on amazon. I had it down to Ironman or Innova but never ended up buying. I am tempted to order one now.
I have the iron man one. It's solid af


Registered User
Jul 3, 2017
I use an inversion table every evening. I'll roll out on the foam roller and do some stretching, hang on the table then go straight to bed afterwards. By going straight from the inversion table to bed I feel like it stretches out my back and hips, creating more tractions and separating the discs in my back, allowing them better circulation and less compression as I sleep.

Something else that I'll do from time to time for my shoulders to help loosen them up and increase ROM is getting one of those pull up bars you can put on the doorframe and hang on it for a few minutes before I go to bed. Its a lot harder to hang there then it looks as your hand grip fails and you start to really feel your lats/& shoulder clavicle stretching. I suppose its similar to the DC stretching, but you don't weigh yourself or anything like that. Works great and keeps my shoulders and lats well stretched out.

I think going straight to bed after using the table is a great idea, I bought one years ago and had to stop using it because I couldn´t stand the pain in my ankles / feet. One of the first times I used it I went back to vertical immediately and actually felt my spine compress again like an acordeon. Ankle pain would be my main concern if buying a new one, Teeter does seem to make excellent tables albeit expensive, has anyone tried them versus more standard brands?


New member
Nov 20, 2018
Guys this is too important to mess around. About a year ago I bought absolute best Teeter money could buy. I don't know about the cheaper ones but this thing is a battleship! I believe it was over $300 but who cares! Think on what you spend on "supplements" I was to the point where I could not stand up for more then 5 mins without sitting down. All lower back pain. Year later I'm 90% better. Sometimes I get 2-3 loud pops in my lower back, better than sex!


Registered User
Jul 3, 2017
Guys this is too important to mess around. About a year ago I bought absolute best Teeter money could buy. I don't know about the cheaper ones but this thing is a battleship! I believe it was over $300 but who cares! Think on what you spend on "supplements" I was to the point where I could not stand up for more then 5 mins without sitting down. All lower back pain. Year later I'm 90% better. Sometimes I get 2-3 loud pops in my lower back, better than sex!

Hello graybass, Is the ankle support on the Teeter comfortable or at least not painful? The table I mentioned above was cheap and a frickin´torture device, I´m on the heavy side (113kg) so that doesn´t help my case either.