Concerns on overdosing/label claims..


NPC Judge / AnaSCI VIP
Oct 14, 2015
We are seeing tests on this forum and a few others where the mgs on the label don't seem to matter.. If the label says 200mgs ( in some cases) we are seeing a result of 300mgs.. Now many will say that's great and ' we love overdosed gear'... But should you?

Let me play Devils advocate for a moment.. Say a person wants to run 200mgs if test for trt purposes or a bridge.. He believes he is running 200 mgs.. But in reality he maybe running 300 mgs.. Now in my case the difference in estro related symptoms from an additional 100mgs can be felt.. At 200 mgs i need aromasin three times a week at 12.5 mgs.. ( been doing this forever) .. Now I can tell you when I bridge I run / reduce to 300 mgs and my estro greatly increases.. From lab work I have i now need 12.5 mgs of aromasin a day to keep me around 35 e2.. In other words double..

We are seeing numerous people posts tests in testosterone levels from running trt.. Or what they believe is trt.. These totals in their blood work are extreme for trt.. Yet the individual praises the " gear" as being powerful and high quality.. But the gear is not accurate.. This can lead to inaccurate expectations of accurately dosed gear.. And the need for additional supplements to counter it.. " this gear from xyz is crap" or maybe it's accurately dosed and you have been getting overdosed gear..;)

Now none of this matters to those looking to bulk in a cycle.. You may already be running 2 grams.. But even then if a competitor or gym rat wants to run a cycle that they can accurately access this can be misleading.. Say he wants to run 1250 of test cyp.. But in reality he's running 1750 of test.. Are we heading to where we don't know what the hell we are running ??

I'm all for overdosing gear by 10 percent to remedy any mishaps in powder quality or lose through filtration etc.. But 250 mgs of test being 275 mgs is exceptable.. But 400 mgs is a bit out of line.. Now I have noticed that it comes mainly in the form of test... Test is cheap and easy from a cost / benefit ratio to overdose.. You won't see primo...or NPP too much overdosed.. Too expensive.. But again a overdose of 25 mgs is much different than 125 mgs.. Is it better than underdosed..?? Hhhmmm yes in a bulking cycle... Sure.. But .....

So in closing maybe if one is running trt or very low test in their cycle is ug the way to go..? ? I, personally, want a accurate accessment of my cycle or trt.. When I want to run 200 mgs a week I want 200 mgs.. I know what to expect.. I know what addition supps to run.. I want to know what to expect.. I don't want a 2000ngs of test in my veins at this time.. ( AND PLEASE NOTE..this is not directed to any one source.. There are a few other boards and sites running tests also.. Some are very accurate in the label claims.. Some are spiked way high.. And there are about two dozen being tested around the Internet.. I am friends ( some are pretty close friends) with numerous sources and I have told them this personally.. I'm just saying if it say 300mgs on the label make it 300 mgs.. If not the label means nothing..) I know this may not stop as each manufacture is out to corner their share of the market and having the " most powerful gear" is the way to do it.. But just remember it may not what you thought you bought... :cool:


Sep 17, 2003
This should make for some good discussion for those using ugl's for their trt regimens. Thanks for bringing this up LATS!


Donating Member
Aug 25, 2013
Awesome post. I completely agree, it makes it hard to know what dosages work well for you when the actual concentration of the gear is 150% of what it is labeled.
Then when guys get blood work they expect to see Total Test >1500 on 150-200mgs of cyp a week, because that's what other guys are posting.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I'm on self prescribed trt. I've always had a concern about dosing with ug labs. On the up side now I know what the dosage is of my sources gear and I can adjust it accordingly.

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Registered User
Aug 27, 2016
That's why we accurately dose our products and do not over dose them to such high doses, because our TOP LEVEL COMPETITORS need to have correct dosing for their preps.

get it in ya

Donating Member
Jan 26, 2014
I am entirely with you on this one, these overdoses were brutal

I agree, but as a whole-for sales over dosed wins for sales. I think most would agree the typical gym ratt wants over dosed product. I am not talking about smart people like lats, I agree with him on this btw. everyone wants the highest dose for there money which isn't always smart


AnaSCI Approved Tester
Mar 7, 2016
Can't disagree with you either.

If people are going to compare serums, they'll for sure will be happier the higher the number.
The number of people running TRT doses is lower compared to people cycling, imo and those people for sure want the highest possible dose.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
I would just assume the ugl's would want their shit straight I'm not as messed up about a few milligrams here or there but when something is 100mg or more off that's fucked up.....not only does it fuck with our dosages to me it's a sure sign of zero fucks givin on the ugl' s part and if they don't give a fuck about something as simple as getting the milligrams right what else do they not give a fuck about......think about it brothers


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I would just assume the ugl's would want their shit straight I'm not as messed up about a few milligrams here or there but when something is 100mg or more off that's fucked up.....not only does it fuck with our dosages to me it's a sure sign of zero fucks givin on the ugl' s part and if they don't give a fuck about something as simple as getting the milligrams right what else do they not give a fuck about......think about it brothers

I wouldn't say that's it at all...I would think that is viewing at an extreme?!

I think giiy nailed it on the head...I think these ugl's are catering more towards the gymrat which is of course the largest consumer in the market by far...Your regular everyday user is always going to praise a higher mg/ml result over even something as simple and pointless as 10mg/ml under.

Think about it...When all of us started out in this game we would have RAVED to the high heavens if a product would have tested out at SRCS as being 100mg/ml+ over! Yes as we get older, and most end up just wanting that trt fix to keep their levels above their aging bodies then of course you want a more accurate product but like I said when we were new into this we would have invested all of our gear use into a source offering a highly overdosed product!


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
This is a good topic! I have to agree with lats on this one.

I'd rather have properly dosed gear than over dosed and not knowing where it lands batch to batch (or brand to brand). This is more for health purposes for me. It will be interesting to see how the non-test results play out. Test can be somewhat easy to manage the sides for most, but I'd not want to inject tren if it were severely over dosed, at least not without knowing.

I agree with the small amount of over-dosing, but very large amounts is probably not a good thing.

If you would have asked me this question in my 20's, I'd have given a different answer, but now that I'm 41 and a father to 2 little kids, I have to take care of myself more.

THIS ALL BEING SAID...my hats off to the sources. I'm not gonna even come close to slamming them for this, but I think these tests will help them adjust some figures in their prep.....assuming their raws are constant with each batch. It's a crapshoot unless they test them before producing the final product though.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
See that's another good point the raw manufacturers may be really inconsistent also so even if the ugl tries like hell to be on point they won't be.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
I wouldn't say that's it at all...I would think that is viewing at an extreme?!

I think giiy nailed it on the head...I think these ugl's are catering more towards the gymrat which is of course the largest consumer in the market by far...Your regular everyday user is always going to praise a higher mg/ml result over even something as simple and pointless as 10mg/ml under.

Think about it...When all of us started out in this game we would have RAVED to the high heavens if a product would have tested out at SRCS as being 100mg/ml+ over! Yes as we get older, and most end up just wanting that trt fix to keep their levels above their aging bodies then of course you want a more accurate product but like I said when we were new into this we would have invested all of our gear use into a source offering a highly overdosed product!

How many times have you seen a ugl get busted and their mixing their shit in a bathtub or in highly unsanitary conditions? I don't disagree with you at all with some sources that have been around forever I believe IP came in over 100mg on Enanthate I would trust IP with anything I buy......but its shitty to see such a discrepancy on either side way to high or way to low I don't see either one as being a good thing.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
How many times have you seen a ugl get busted and their mixing their shit in a bathtub or in highly unsanitary conditions? I don't disagree with you at all with some sources that have been around forever I believe IP came in over 100mg on Enanthate I would trust IP with anything I buy......but its shitty to see such a discrepancy on either side way to high or way to low I don't see either one as being a good thing.

We're not even discussing the sanitation practices...The thread is regarding overdosing concerns. We start discussing the sanitation aspect and we are opening up an entirely different can of worms and it doesn't matter what the product comes back dosed as.

BUT...You didn't comment to the point differences in our replies: When you were first jumping into this (don't know how long you have been doing it) but you wouldn't have drooled over a highly overdosed product, wouldn't you have?!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
We're not even discussing the sanitation practices...The thread is regarding overdosing concerns. We start discussing the sanitation aspect and we are opening up an entirely different can of worms and it doesn't matter what the product comes back dosed as.

BUT...You didn't comment to the point differences in our replies: When you were first jumping into this (don't know how long you have been doing it) but you wouldn't have drooled over a highly overdosed product, wouldn't you have?!!

My point on the sanitary practices was if they don't give a shit about proper dosages I doubt the give a shit about anything else (ie sanitary practices).

When I First started absolutely more the better but as I've became a little more educated I prefer to know my doses are correct and raise or lower them as needed or I see fit. Like I said before +/- a few milligrams no big deal but when somethings off by 150 milligrams I don't believe that's a good thing for a ugl to do intentionally just to attract your everyday gymrat.

If I have a script I wanna know the effects are going to be somewhat consistant with every single dose not a crap shoot every time I take it.
Last edited:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Great thread Lats. I was actually planning to start a similar thread but just left it in the end. In my experience some/many guys just want the cheapest product and the higher the dose the better. As k1 stated your typical gym rats. A good example is sales of test 400/500. Many assume guys buy this because they are dosing big and can do it with less ml per week. Whereas I know for a fact many/most buy it simply because it works out cheaper than test300 etc. So these guys seeing 300mg test really being 400mg will be made up. They don't really care what dose they are using as long as it's high and works out cheap.

To me overdosing by such a large margin is nearly as bad as under dosing. Something like 10% is good just to make sure but 30-40% is simply too much. What about the guys who want to move up their dose over years. They think they are on 1.5g test but really they are on 2g's. Then the next cycle they are using less as it's dosed 100% the label even if they think they are doing more. I personally feel crap on high test so I want to stay at about 750mg max so I don't want to be on cycle thinking it's 750mg and it's really a gram and I am wondering why do I feel off.

The TRT people even have more of a concern especially the ones going to their doctors to get tested and they have levels far too high because of an overdosed product.

So sure it it's great everything is real and coming out strong but some of the results are too high for me. If I wanted to run grams of test I wouldn't mind (obviously) but personally I want the label to be about right. Even if a product comes back 10% underdosed that is great to me. 10% either way and I would be made up with.

It's great to see the test results so thank you Anasci for posting them :) Everyone please continue posting on here as this could be an amazing forum again. This is the 1st board I ever joined :)

get it in ya

Donating Member
Jan 26, 2014
I think we all agree the only thing that will be way over dosed is test. after we get all these results I think other compounds will be slightly over or slightly under. overall most want things over dosed. I know lats is not complaining but I hope we don't get a bunch of members crying because things like test is overdosed. I feel bad for some of these sponsors lol, cant win either way:eek:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I think we all agree the only thing that will be way over dosed is test. after we get all these results I think other compounds will be slightly over or slightly under. overall most want things over dosed. I know lats is not complaining but I hope we don't get a bunch of members crying because things like test is overdosed. I feel bad for some of these sponsors lol, cant win either way:eek:

Trust me guys will complain over everything. I just think some of those results are really high. I also wouldn't be surprised if other things were overly high too. Most aas are fairly cheap to produce so it's not just a test thing. If I were using those brands and saw those tests I would never complain (I don't think I have ever complained about anything in my life). I feel sorry for the likes of vrs who's result came back lower. I have really liked his posts and attitude towards the testing and his transparancy. That is only a good thing but sometimes one bad result can lead to 50 guys wanting test c replacements.