Lycan Venom's Bi's & Tri's Syntherol Log

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright, so it is time I begin. Waited a while for the holidays to be over with before I started up as I dont know how my body will react.

Wont lie, I have been scared shitless after researching all the how to's as I do not want to fuck up and hit a nerve or make my arms look stupid. Finally came to the realization that the idiots who look nasty and end up in the hospital use actual mineral oil or are allergic reactions to certain compounds.

I have read up on Big A's protocol and did some anatomical research as well to find out exactly where nerves, tendons, ligaments, veins and arteries should be located. Built up the courage to finally dive into it. Don't want to let anyone down, so here it goes!

Attached before pics. No pump and before working out. 17" nothing special.


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lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Alright, I didn't get a chance to take pictures but tonight was the 1st set of injections. Scared of hitting a nerve or vein, I took my sweet time. Now that the jitters are over and no pip, i am more confident.

I seriously can not believe I have no pain at all. I get it is only 1ml but I would think I would have some soreness. Non at all. I will see in the next few days.

My protocol will be 1ml for 10-14 days. I am tore between both of Big A's protocols but should know by the 10th day what I want to do.

(Pulled from Synthetek website) invaluable information, so thank you Big A.

What I recommend to people that are just starting out using these oils is to use 1ml per head of muscle per day, or every second day, for a week or so and see how they react to it. That way they can judge how many ml they can use per muscle head and how often.

Some bodybuilders use 1ml per muscle (that is 1ml per muscle head – ie. inner head, outer head, etc). 1ml is used per day, every day, for a period of 2 weeks followed by a one week rest period. Then repeated.

If you have all the size you wish and just want to shape the muscle, as adding a peak on the biceps, then inject the spot, in the peak of the muscle, with 1ml every day or every second day until you obtain the peak that you desire.

The quickest way to increase a muscle’s appearance to maximum size is by following the regimen below:

1ml per muscle head every day for 10 days

2ml per muscle head every day for 10 days

3ml per muscle head every day for 10 days

If you would be using Syntherol™ in both biceps and triceps simultaneously, you can add up to 3 inches on your arms in those 30 days.

BICEPS: inner and outer head. One can feel the “split” in between the two heads of the biceps when a bicep is felt with the other hand. Apply the Syntherol™ on each side of that split. If you want to increase the length/thickness of the bicep, apply Syntherol™ more in the inner head (closer to the body). If increase of the peak is desired then apply Syntherol™ more in the outer head.

TRICEPS: One does not need to apply Syntherol™ in the outer/horseshoe head, unless it is really lacking development behind the other tricep heads. Syntherol™ is applied in the middle and rear heads of the triceps. Generally, at the back of the arm, the upper portion is the rear head and the lower portion is the middle head, as the two heads overlap each other somewhat.

Dangers – Site Oils are safe, if certain precautions are taken, same as when injecting anything else. You always have to aspirate. Always! You DO NOT want the oil to go in a vein. Always massage the area after the shot so scar tissue build up doesn’t occur. And most importantly – USE COMMON SENSE!

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Felt something similar to DOMS during the night and some stiffness. Stretching my srms out whuke sleeping and waking up with a hot shower and rubbing the muscles have helped. Nothing to cry over, just like DOMS.

Going to do my 2nd set of injections later tonight. Will keep updated regularly.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Brother I'm following along with this....When I say I'm going to be stage ready by fall I mean it and I'm just fuckn Leary as hell of site oil but know it's probably gonna have to be part of the journey whether I like it or not....So I'm on board to see what it actually does for you...

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I'll keep updating daily with thoughts and opinions. Pics every 10 days depending on which route I go. Been debating on entering my first show (for my son) but I would really want to do it right and have guidance from someone. Never planned on using SEO ever but figured I could use the free log to contribute to the board and possibly help others or encourage guys like myself to give it a try.

I will say I needed my wife's help, especially hitting the horse shoe area of the tri's as I cant see them. So either have help or figure it out usimg a mirror but for me that shit would be hard.

I can not stress enough about aspirating. I was in a vein or went through and back into one. At first i got a few air bubbles but decided to pull a little more and BAM I drew blood. I was just about to inject too. Scared the shit out of me and the wife lol. Im not skinny enough to see through my skin yet but i was already about 5/8 in deep.

About to do my chest, delt, tri and forearm routine. Will report back tonight after injections.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Ok so 2nd day of shots. Faster this time and less nervousness. The wife wants to be a registered nurse and started her preliminary classes, so this is her clinicals lmfao

So far so good, im sure in a few hours and in the middle of the night I will wake up with stiff arms or more aches. Popping a few NSAI to help with the possible pain.

Pain is nothing comoared to when I first started pinning gear in my delts. I woukd have dead arms for a few days and coukd barely move. This seriously is more like DOMS. Maybe because I am at 17" and just a year ago I was at 19"... idk

Will update more tomorrow.


Mar 27, 2014
You should take a pic of a measurement device on your arm for your self and post the difference at very end of log
I know you know what your doing but make sure the oil is deep enough in the muscle and your not coming out the sides
This will be cool to watch this log.

I'm gonna watch every inch

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I need to go buy another flexible measuring tape, my kids just played with it and broke it a while ago. I used a string and tied knots and measured with my (trade) measuring tape. 2nd day of injections and already at 1/8"-1/4" stretching out.

Sister in law went into labor today and it's NYE, but will post a measured pic asap.

Last night no additional pain, this morning I am already adapting to the injections and not feeling stiffness or soreness as much. This is helping to build up my confidence for sure.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013

The video is the only thing I found where a well known bodybuilder with experience gives advice and pin points where to inject SEO for biceps and triceps.

It might help others. Figure I would post it.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Not sure what to do since using seo. I hit arms the day of the 1st pins but before. I've read not to go heavy, so I'm thinking pyramid of high reps with light weight. Open to any and all opinions.

Since joining the forum I have experimented between stuff I learned in highschool like pyramiding and circuit training with 3x5's and 21's. Last winter I did my first 10x10 but did not get the size I thought I would, but it did give me more definition.

I tend to stick to this routine:
Pec's, Tri's, and Delt's.
Whole Back, Bi's, Forearms.

With that in mind, my arms are split up between two days with compound and isolated exercises.


Mar 27, 2014
How many weeks are you doing this?
How many bottles will it take?
Whay size syringes are you using?
You back loading the syringes?
You using any other juice or peptides with it?
Sorry for all the questions man - this stuff is cool
Sorry if you already had this info some were man

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
How many weeks are you doing this?

Not sure of what protocol I will follow yet. All depends on how my muscles react. Leaning towards to 30 day all out blast.

How many bottles will it take?

Straight from Big A on PM...

1ml/d x 2 muscle heads x 2 arms x 10 days = 40ml
2ml/d x 2 muscle heads x 2 arms x 10 days = 80ml
3ml/d x 2 muscle heads x 2 arms x 10 days = 120ml
3ml/w x 2 muscle heads x 2 arms x 6 weeks = 72ml
TOTAL for BICEPS = 292ml (3 bottles)

1ml/d x 3 muscle heads x 2 arms x 10 days = 60ml
2ml/d x 3 muscle heads x 2 arms x 10 days = 120ml
3ml/d x 3 muscle heads x 2 arms x 10 days = 180ml
3ml/w x 3 muscle heads x 2 arms x 6 weeks = 108ml
TOTAL for TRICEPS = 468ml (5 bottles)

If you do both, biceps and triceps, then that is a total of 760ml (8 bottles).

The above is if you are also lacking in the horsehoe for the triceps. If not, then you need for the tris the same amount as for bis as you are only injecting two tricep heads (rear and middle), so you would need a total of 584ml (6 bottles).

The above amounts are what you require to do Syntherol PROPERLY, to have maximum gains and to keep all the size and for that size to be permanent.

What size syringes are you using?

Currently using Nipro 3cc syringe with 25g 1-1/2. Syntherol shoots like nothing, could easily go with 27, 29, 31g needles. I like having a bigger barrel for grip but would not mind using a smaller needle. Buying some now.

You back loading the syringes?

No. If I was using slin pins then yes.

You using any other juice or peptides with it?

I have been completely off AAS (no test cruise) since Sept. except for the GW50 a month or two ago. I wish I had peptides, maybe in a few weeks when Income taxes come in. Just did a double red blood cell donation and getting prepared to run a 20 week cycle.

Sorry for all the questions man - this stuff is cool. Sorry if you already had this info some were man

It's all good bro, I appreciate being able to get my post count up lol.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
So I missed my pins yesterday with the new baby and party. So I just did 2ml per muscle head and feeling good. No PIP. Massaged vigorously, about to take a hot shower and hit the weights in an hour or so. Will report back later tonight to uodate with any soreness, issues or to answer questions. Feedback is always welcomed as I can always learn something and not get butthurt. I am always seeking advice and opinions from more experienced members.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
So I forgot to mention as right now at day 4, I do not have a "pumped up" feeling like others report. I do not feel stretched out to the max at all. I am sure, In a few more days or weeks it will or when I hit the weights. But just as normal cold sitting around, I feel fine and not like my skin is tight or like I have a pump all day long.

I was worried I would not be able to have full range of motion for work or daily life. However, I think because my arms were larger in the past, I am some room to play.. just a theory idk. But for those who have not been bigger before it may be a different story and they might feel stretched out/pumped up 24/7. I am happy I do not feel like that currently.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Putting my foot in my mouth now as I spoke to soon. I am now feeling swollen(pumped) and sore. Maybe doing the 2ml to make up for the missed day was a bad idea?

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
4th day in. Arms feel swollen now and a little stiff like i over worked them. Tender some what but very similar to DOMS still. Nothing scary or rushing me to the hospital for pain meds and muscle relaxers lol.

Shots go in smooth and dont feel like anything at all. Did hit pecs, delts and tris today. Maybe over did it as my tri's were not up to the task in strength. I felt my shoulders and pecs taking on more of the load. Especially my left delt because left wrist is broken permanently. Hit tri's and swear i felt the fascia tearing or something weird. I have actually felt it before on seperate ocassion where its a funny ripping or tearing or snagging feeling in the muscle fibers.. hard to describe.

Any ways, other than all that.. I am all good and feeling great.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Was sore all last night, barely slept as I had to keep moving my arms to stretch out. Today, arms hurt like a bitch. It had to be a combination of working them out and the seo. Hot showers, sitting next to a heater and wearing a sweater helps, because the cold makes my arms tense. Also, my damn tendons next to my triceps and elbow is killing me on both arms.

Very tired and hungry making me lethargic today. Diet change, holiday partying and hitting the weights most likely is taking a toll on me. Took the day off from hitting the weights, and been eating like crazy and trying to sleep. Will do my 5th set of pins in a while and KTFO.

Tomorrow is another day! Going to start the 2-4mi daily walks again and a low carb/high diet. Next month is back to muay thai and jiu-jitsu, just hope I can use my arms by then lol.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
5th set of pins and everything went well. The soreness from earlier slightly decreased and I did not take any NSAI's until right now, so I can sleep better hopefully.

Nothing else to report. Hope my rants are entertaining and informative.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Pinned last two days, arms getting used to it now I think. Tonight will be day 8. Only issue is pain in the elbow area.