Metabolism Change - Is a cycle for me?


New member
Aug 1, 2005
I am 29 , 6'2" and about 255 lbs. I have been working out off and on for 5-6 years. I work out for 4-6 months at a time and end up taking 2-3 months off between. The problem is that I almost always end up gaining weight when I work out, when my intention is to lose weight. I get disgusted when I cant lose the fat, but just keep gaining muscle. I guess I am one of the easy gainers.

I have almost always been in to the powerlifting movements and have avoided cardio. However over the past two months I have done cardio at least once a day, sometimes twice and have still worked out with zero loss of weight, however I can feel a big difference in body. I am looking to see the difference though. I have never done a cycle, but am interested in trying it. I have done the creatine thing and prohormones and saw great gains. I have cut calories and carb intake, but dont seem to get past the weakness that accomponies the carb cutting.

Is it too soon to cheat? Sustenon 250, winstrol tabs, Deca, and clenbuterol are all pretty available.

The biggest obstacle is the third shift job, where I sleep from 8AM- 3 or 4 PM and work from 11 PM - 7AM. However my job is very light, so I could eat at my own pace. I just dont know how to eat at this time. This has screwed up the metabolism. The last 10 lbs I gained are from this job.....and not where I wanted it.

Thanks for your help and replies.


New member
Aug 1, 2005

I am sorry that you can't loose any weight. I am just the opposite i can't gain any weight. I eat 4-5 times a day and take note of the calories and protein that i take in with every meal. Do you have any suggestions that could help me out?


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
I definitly would not go on a cycle if your goal is to loose weight. You will gain more weight if you do. It sounds like you just have to adjust your diet. What does your diet look like now?


New member
Aug 1, 2005
In the morning I take a multi-vitamin with a bowl of cereal. lunch a sandwich, pizza and chips. then a good dinner. Like chicken, steak, pastas with vegtables. Then a snack before i go to bed.


New member
Aug 1, 2005
When I first started working out, some aminos, a couple cans of tuna a day and creatine were all that I needed to gain 20 lbs in 3 months of drug free workouts. I tried Andro last year with almost the same results, except I gained alot of strength like when i first started working out.

My logic on the cycle is more muscle = more fat burned. My goals at this point are not strength, but to work out injury free for 12 months straight. The weight loss is not an immediate necessity.

From reading all day, I am considering the Sust 250 cycle for 10-12 weeks (two cc's per week) and working in the winstrol at weeks 8-12. Then using clen and novadex for post/recovery. This sound rediculous or what?


New member
Aug 1, 2005
Oh, and the diet is screwy because of the work hours.

Breakfast at 4:30 in the afternoon - Muscle Milk shake

Subway after hitting the gym about 6:30 - ft long seafood & crab on wheat

I try and eat again about 10 or 11, something protein based with as little sugars and carbs as possible. I have been trying this for past month and dont feel tired or hungry. I know on the cycle, I have to eat right, but how effective is it to eat at 2 or 3 in the morning? I feel like my metabolism is changing to cooperate with the schedule, but at first it was shocked. Sorry for so long post.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
Honestly I would stick with a healthy diet and add a clen/ECA stack. It's very easy for a person to gain 20 to 30 pounds on a cycle. Also, more than likely your going to want to eat a lot more when your on a cycle. If you want to loose weight, gear is not the way to go.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
K-sLiM said:
I am sorry that you can't loose any weight. I am just the opposite i can't gain any weight. I eat 4-5 times a day and take note of the calories and protein that i take in with every meal. Do you have any suggestions that could help me out?
From now on it might be a good idea to post your own thread so that each individuals thread can be answered accordingly... ;) ......Its proper board etiquette..... :) ........Sometimes the thread can tend to sway off topic when this happens causing the origianl poster's question to never get answered..


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Zaven said:
From now on it might be a good idea to post your own thread so that each individuals thread can be answered accordingly... ;) ......Its proper board etiquette..... :) ........Sometimes the thread can tend to sway off topic when this happens causing the origianl poster's question to never get answered..
Good catch Z...it was drifting-Pin teach you to do that?


Registered User
May 18, 2005
kell11 said:
Good catch Z...it was drifting-Pin teach you to do that?
lol.....I've just noticed how bad a thread can get off topic when this happens...... ;) .......like it may do now....lol :D


Registered User
May 5, 2005
its hard to get the right combonation to gain muscle without fat. I would suggest increasing your muscle mass, then diet hard with lots of cardio to get rid of the fat, and hope you don't loose too much muscle in the meantime.

then after you do that work on getting bigger again.

basicly bulk and cut,bulk and cut.


meanderson said:
I am 29 , 6'2" and about 255 lbs. I have been working out off and on for 5-6 years. I work out for 4-6 months at a time and end up taking 2-3 months off between. The problem is that I almost always end up gaining weight when I work out, when my intention is to lose weight. I get disgusted when I cant lose the fat, but just keep gaining muscle. I guess I am one of the easy gainers.

I have almost always been in to the powerlifting movements and have avoided cardio. However over the past two months I have done cardio at least once a day, sometimes twice and have still worked out with zero loss of weight, however I can feel a big difference in body. I am looking to see the difference though. I have never done a cycle, but am interested in trying it. I have done the creatine thing and prohormones and saw great gains. I have cut calories and carb intake, but dont seem to get past the weakness that accomponies the carb cutting.

Is it too soon to cheat? Sustenon 250, winstrol tabs, Deca, and clenbuterol are all pretty available.

The biggest obstacle is the third shift job, where I sleep from 8AM- 3 or 4 PM and work from 11 PM - 7AM. However my job is very light, so I could eat at my own pace. I just dont know how to eat at this time. This has screwed up the metabolism. The last 10 lbs I gained are from this job.....and not where I wanted it.

Thanks for your help and replies.
i am very familiar with this kind of screwed up schedule. i deliver newspapers as my main source of income so i go to work at 2am and usually get most of my sleep during the day.
best thing to do to help loose weight is proper timing of your cardio and also to change up your workouts. when you get up mid afternoon, go right to the gym prior to eating or drinking anything and do a cardio session of at least 30 minutes in duration. then wait at least 30 minutes after you are done before you drink a protein shake. do a second cardio after your workouts.
for your workouts, you need to switch over to a high rep low weight system while trying to cut fat. do 12-15 reps per set and take no more than 30-45 second breaks between sets. this will elevate your heartrate and get it into a fat burning mode. it you want to maintain strength while doing this i would recommend using anavar alone. 40-50mg per day for about 8-10 weeks should suffice. it has been shown to help break down adipose tissue(fat cells).
for your diet, make sure you are eating 7-8 small meals per day. total cals should be around 15x your bodyweight but no more and protein intake should be at 1.5x bodyweight per day. avoid eating carbs within 3-4 hours of your established bedtime. avoid condiments on your foods, use salsa or just plain spices and also limit your salt intake. do not drink any sugary drinks but drink loads of water to the tune of 1.5-2gals per day if you can.
for added help you can try an OTC fatburner such as lipo6 or ripped fuel.


New member
Aug 1, 2005
Once i dropped back to two meals a day, because I did not want to eat late at night, I think that my metabolism dropped considerable since I was used to eating at least 4 times a day. I am going to try and eat a couple more times and do the cardio twice a day for another couple months. The CLA stack? that the old caffiene, aspirine, and ? something else stack? Remember reading about it in the 90's but haven't spent as much time researching in a while.


meanderson said:
Once i dropped back to two meals a day, because I did not want to eat late at night, I think that my metabolism dropped considerable since I was used to eating at least 4 times a day. I am going to try and eat a couple more times and do the cardio twice a day for another couple months. The CLA stack? that the old caffiene, aspirine, and ? something else stack? Remember reading about it in the 90's but haven't spent as much time researching in a while.
just remember, your late at night is mid afternoon when you are sleeping not 2am. treat your schedule like it is not like it should be. it is imperative to eat at least 6 small meals per day to maintain metabolism levels. to only eat 2-4 times would cause your metabolism to lower due to insufficient food supply and it will only make it harder to loose the fat. when at work late at night focus on healthy snacks and protein drinks for your souce of nurishment. just make sure you keep eating throughout the night until bedtime in the morning.