Next Cycle


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have decided what I will be doing/ordering for my next cycle. I guess I have put alot of thought into it with time scales etc. I have done it so everything finishes at different times in regards to active lives etc. Let me know what you guys think.

Week 1-10= Sust at 650mg per week
Week 11= Sust at 400mg
Week 12= Sust at 200mg
Week 13= Tues at 75 mg and Tues on week 14 25mg

Week 1-10= Mast E at 400mg per week
Week 11= Mast E at 300mg
Week 12= Mast E at 200mg
Week 13= Mon at 75 mg and Mon on week 14 25mg

Week 1-4= Dbol at 40mg per day
Week 1-4= Adex at 0.5mg eod. I will keep this on hand incase I need it in future weeks but as the mast acts as a weak anti-estrogen I doubt I will need it.

Week 8-12= Winny at 40mg per day
Week 8-12= Proviron at 50mg per day (25/25)

Week 1-12= HCG at 500IU every 7 days

Days 1-21= Aromasin at 20mg per day
Days 1-14= HCG at 500IU eod
Days 1-32= Nolva at 20mg per day
Days 33-35= Nolva at 10mg per day

Thats it. I know it looks alot but that is just cause of the way I listed it. It is a pretty simple cycle if you forgot about changing doses. But I wanna taper down the injectables so I just listed how I will do that. There are numerous reasons for my 5 weeks of nolva. But again it will go on feel so that may change during that time. And as I am doing HCG during I will stop it a few weeks early as it is included during the first 2 weeks of my PCT. Again the HCG may go from eod to 3 times per week as I will go on feel at the time.

I know I can mix the injections but I am gonna do them over 4 days per week cause I feel that will work best for me. Plus I don't mind injecting at all (I quite like it in a strange way). So it will be Test on Tues and Fri and Mast on Mon and Thurs.

Throughout the year I take LIV-52 and milk thistle for liver support and a normal potency multi-vitamin. I will be using one bottle (4 weeks supply) of synthergine liver protector when I do the dbol and other for when I do the winny.
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Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Looks Good Elvia! Should Deffinatley get some good results.

I have to ask though what Kind of sustanon do you have :)
Weird weekly amounts since it comes in 250mg amps. I know theres other versions out there though. Goodluck buddy


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I was thinking the same thing as rAJ on the mg's?! Also, why such the low and continuous taper, how would you be able to get 75 or 25mg of Sus in a shot?!

The weeks and everything else looks good!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
To be honest the figures are just an approximation. Test in my last cycle ranged from 500-1000mg per week. I wrote 650 simply cause I was thinking 700 but then thought I would do abit lower. As it's 250mg per ml I will probably just do 2.5ml (2 X 1.25) so it will be about 625mg per week. Saying that I will be using stealth sachets and they are usually overdosed so I will probably be getting closer to 700 if they are.

Raj actually started me thinking about tapering test doses. So I tried it last cycle and it felt good. It's just used to avoid a heavy crash. But again with sust that is not likely anyway due to it's large active life. During the last few weeks of my last cycle when I was on just a small amount I actually felt it even more. Obviously you are horny etc all the time when on but I felt that if more so. I noticed my erection was like steel when I was tapering down. When I use alot of test it is always good but it can change from time to time. It's hard to explain but I just mean only you will know with you and only I know with me. Like a girl I would be with would never know anything but it can just feel different to me. Anyway you get the idea!

In regards to lowering to such a tiny amount. Well the average male produces about 8-15mg of test each day naturally. So naturally I can only estimate I am at the very top so about 105mg per week (I started growing a beard when I was something silly like 14 and losing my hair at 17!). Anyway I have read it is good to go below your natural test level before you try and regain your natural test through PCT etc. And to me it makes sense what I read instead of crashing from a high level and trying to quickly regain your test levels. I guess your sort of giving your body a helping hand. I could be wrong but I have felt pretty good since coming off so will probably do the same next time. Saying that my test levels must be fairly low cause I usually want sex all the time and now I am not really bothered. If I had a girl with me I would want sex but without one I am not really thinking about it! I will be starting my tribulus on the 12th May so that should help matters.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just remembered that the stealth Masteron doesn't come in the enanthate ester. And I would rather not mix sachets and others. So I will just get the amps instead. I know I can do the normal mast p but I would rather not mix that with 3 weeks active life sust. I would if it was shorter like Eq etc. Just checked Alin and there is no Masteron E amps so hopefully they will be there when I order. I don't need them till August/Sept so hopefully it will come in by then. I will PM Alin now just incase he knows if it might.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I see your point, too much work for me though:) Keep us posted on your results!!
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am not trying to complicate things but I just had a thought and would like your opinions. Basically I have decided I don't want to do cycles over about 12 weeks in the future. The above is a great cycle but with 12 weeks of sust than is gonna equal a total of 15 weeks. And I don't want to stop at week 9 plus I read a good approach. If I do it the below way I can easily control the taper at the end and start my PCT as soon as possible. Plus I think the difference between say 12/13 weeks and 15 weeks interms of gains is minor but recovery can be quite alot. So what do you think of (I won't list dose etc cause I have above so no real need)-

Week 1-4= Dbol
Week 1-8= Sust
Week 9-12= Test P
Week 1-8= Mast E
Week 9-12= Mast P
Winny 8-12= Winny (tabs)

So 12 1/2 weeks total and then I start PCT which I have listed above. I will lower the amount of HCG to 3 times weekly for the first 2 weeks of PCT. I think the above looks pretty good and it will give me a chance of experiencing different compounds I have yet to try so will know how I react to the different esters. So it is basically the same just added alittle edge to it. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
I am not trying to complicate things but I just had a thought and would like your opinions. Basically I have decided I don't want to do cycles over about 12 weeks in the future. The above is a great cycle but with 12 weeks of sust than is gonna equal a total of 15 weeks. And I don't want to stop at week 9 plus I read a good approach. If I do it the below way I can easily control the taper at the end and start my PCT as soon as possible. Plus I think the difference between say 12/13 weeks and 15 weeks interms of gains is minor but recovery can be quite alot. So what do you think of (I won't list dose etc cause I have above so no real need)-

Week 1-4= Dbol
Week 1-8= Sust
Week 9-12= Test P
Week 1-8= Mast E
Week 9-12= Mast P
Winny 8-12= Winny (tabs)

So 12 1/2 weeks total and then I start PCT which I have listed above. I will lower the amount of HCG to 3 times weekly for the first 2 weeks of PCT. I think the above looks pretty good and it will give me a chance of experiencing different compounds I have yet to try so will know how I react to the different esters. So it is basically the same just added alittle edge to it. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks
I like the other one better. I am not a fan of coming off with short esters unless you started with short esters. I understand the philosophy and reason, it's just that I prefer the 'no crash' method presented earlier. When you add the Propionates you are spiking you blood levels as there will still be plenty of exogenous steroids present, so basically I see it as a steady raise in levels weeks 1-8 with a sharp spike and then nothing but the little boost that the Nolvadex and Hcg will give while your endogenous levels start to recover. Honestly at 12 weeks and less, I would just stick with the Propionate esters from start to finish and shoot EOD or even 3x/week maybe reduce weeks a bit and run the orals all the way or run dbol for 6 and something easier like Var for 6 more? Here's a simple example:
01-10 Test P 525mg/week
01-10 Mast P 350mg/week
01-05 Dbol 40mg/day
06-10 Wins 60mg/day
01-10 Hcg 500-800iu/week
11-14 Nolvadex 20mg/day
I enjoy 6-9 week "cycles" myself. A good plan I like is 6 'on', 6 'off' (with 3-4+ of them being pct) with 1 week off from everything including lifting and then repeat. It's a 13 week plan and fits perfect into 4 per year.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
I like the other one better. I am not a fan of coming off with short esters unless you started with short esters. I understand the philosophy and reason, it's just that I prefer the 'no crash' method presented earlier. When you add the Propionates you are spiking you blood levels as there will still be plenty of exogenous steroids present, so basically I see it as a steady raise in levels weeks 1-8 with a sharp spike and then nothing but the little boost that the Nolvadex and Hcg will give while your endogenous levels start to recover. Honestly at 12 weeks and less, I would just stick with the Propionate esters from start to finish and shoot EOD or even 3x/week maybe reduce weeks a bit and run the orals all the way or run dbol for 6 and something easier like Var for 6 more? Here's a simple example:
01-10 Test P 525mg/week
01-10 Mast P 350mg/week
01-05 Dbol 40mg/day
06-10 Wins 60mg/day
01-10 Hcg 500-800iu/week
11-14 Nolvadex 20mg/day
I enjoy 6-9 week "cycles" myself. A good plan I like is 6 'on', 6 'off' (with 3-4+ of them being pct) with 1 week off from everything including lifting and then repeat. It's a 13 week plan and fits perfect into 4 per year.

Yeah I am thinking about starting shorter cycles with less recovry time. When you say 6 on 6 off. Do you mean 6 on and then say 3/4 weeks PCT and 2/3 weeks nothing then start again. Oh just read it again and realize you mean what I just wrote. I will have to keep it a try. Just combining test p and tren a etc etc with different orals.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Yeah I am thinking about starting shorter cycles with less recovry time. When you say 6 on 6 off. Do you mean 6 on and then say 3/4 weeks PCT and 2/3 weeks nothing then start again. Oh just read it again and realize you mean what I just wrote. I will have to keep it a try. Just combining test p and tren a etc etc with different orals.
Yes 6 on, 3-4 pct, 2-3 off and 1 week off from everything - I think you should enjoy it.

With shorties I use Prop and Mast as my base usually and add: Tren or NPP usually and often Dbol and/or Anavar - not much else as I'm boring when it comes to steroids and cycles. Longer cycles usually get the same compounds, just with longer esters.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
Yes 6 on, 3-4 pct, 2-3 off and 1 week off from everything - I think you should enjoy it.

With shorties I use Prop and Mast as my base usually and add: Tren or NPP usually and often Dbol and/or Anavar - not much else as I'm boring when it comes to steroids and cycles. Longer cycles usually get the same compounds, just with longer esters.

Yeah I was thinking exacting the same. Something like-

6 weeks
Test P
Dbol (maybe 4 or 5 weeks)

6 weeks
Test P

6 weeks
Test P

Maybe even do some for 5 weeks then do 3 weeks PCT and then have about 3 weeks off and then start over again changing the oral. Through the year maybe swopping the Mast with Tren A etc.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Cause I really don't like the feeling of being off for so long. Especially when you do something like 16 on so full recovery can take a few months. When I am on I train like a bear (I do most of the time) but the feeling when you first start your cycle and a few weeks in can't be beaten. So by doing short but frequent cycles I would have that boost regularly and I can see it really adding to my size and appearance.
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Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Yeah I was thinking exacting the same. Something like-

6 weeks
Test P
Dbol (maybe 4 or 5 weeks)

6 weeks
Test P

6 weeks
Test P

Maybe even do some for 5 weeks then do 3 weeks PCT and then have about 3 weeks off and then start over again changing the oral. Through the year maybe swopping the Mast with Tren A etc.
My favorite is:

Prop 50mg-75mg/day
Mast 50mg/day
Tren 50mg/day
Dbol 25mg/day (injectable)
Cyto 50mcg/day
Arim .25mg/day