President Obama Escalates War on Steroids


Sep 17, 2003
President Barack Obama has designated steroid dealer Mihael Karner as a “kingpin” under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. Why is this a significant development in the United States’ war on steroids? What does it mean for individual steroid users?

The precedent-setting Karner case represents the first time a President of the United States (POTUS) has considered international steroid distribution such a serious offense that the POTUS has chosen to implement the Kingpin Act. The act was originally passed as a tool in the war against the powerful and violent Columbian and Mexican drug cartels.

Of course, these narcotics traffickers are responsible for moving psychoactive drugs such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine into the U.S.

Karner, as the owner of the Asia Pharma steroid laboratory and various steroid ecommerce websites, is distributing performance-enhancing drugs utilized by bodybuilders and athletes to improve physical appearance, to enhance muscle size and strength and/or to improve athletic performance.

The POTUS’ decision to invoke the Kingpin Act is an indication that the U.S. considers the individuals and entities involved in the worldwide distribution of anabolic steroids as dangerous as the cartels responsible for the worldwide distribution of cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines.

The Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act is a tool that is used to legally “block” private property owned by the “significant foreign narcotics traffickers.” The “blocking” of private property is essentially equivalent to government seizure. But the taking of assets by “blocking” is even worse in that it can be maintained indefinitely. At least criminal forfeiture provides an option for judicial intervention via forfeiture proceedings.

Designating Karner as a “kingpin” gives the United States the authority to “take” all of his property and assets subject to U.S. jurisdiction.

Not only can the United States take his assets, it can take “all property and interests in property” belonging to a foreign citizen, designated by the government, who chooses to do business with Karner.

So, foreign steroid vendors who choose to buy Asia Pharma steroids from Karner may run the risk of having their assets seized by the U.S. government (if the property is subject to U.S. jurisdiction).

The Kingpin sanctions don’t stop there. Even U.S. citizens are “prohibited from engaging in any transaction or dealing in property” with Karner according to the U.S. Department of Treasury.

U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in any transaction or dealing in property or interests in property of [SDNTK]s and from engaging in any transaction that evades or avoids the prohibitions of the Kingpin Act. These prohibitions affect trade transactions as well as accounts, securities, and other assets.

What does this mean?

If an American bodybuilder buys Asia Pharma steroids and or orders steroids from any of the many websites operated by Karner, could they be in violation of the Kingpin sanctions?

Maybe. Maybe not. The language in the Act is so broad that individuals who, even unknowingly, buy steroids from Karner could be considered in violation.

Bodybuilders who are buying steroids on the black market or over the Internet already know they are in violation of local and federal steroid laws. And the penalties for steroid possession and distribution are serious. But the penalties for violating the sanctions imposed by the Kingpin Act are in an entirely different category of seriousness.

Individuals who violate the sanctions could face up to a $5 million fine and 30 years in prison not to mention a civil penalty imposed administratively of up to $1,075,000.

This hardly seems fair for anyone who unknowingly buys steroid from Karner. After all, how many steroid users know Karner owns Asia Pharma? And how many know which steroid ecommerce websites are operated or controlled by Karner?

The likelihood that any individual bodybuilders would ever be prosecuted for unknowingly violating the sanctions seems remote. But according to broad language used in the letter of the law, it may be a possibility.

Clearly, the POTUS hopes the Kingpin sanctions are effective in crippling Karner financially. If the designation doesn’t succeed in facilitating his extradition to the United States for prosecution, the federal government at least hopes it deters other people from conducting business with Karner.

The following is an overview of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act published by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of Treasury:

What You Need to Know About U.S. Sanctions Against Drug Traffickers

The Kingpin Act blocks all property and interests in property, subject to U.S. jurisdiction, owned or controlled by significant foreign narcotics traffickers as identified by the President. In addition, the Kingpin Act blocks the property and interests in property, subject to U.S. jurisdiction, of foreign persons designated by the Secretary of Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney General, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of State, who are found to be: (1) materially assisting in, or providing financial or technological support for or to, or providing goods or services in support of, the international narcotics trafficking activities of a person designated pursuant to the Kingpin Act; (2) owned, controlled, or directed by, or acting for or on behalf of, a person designated pursuant to the Kingpin Act; or (3) playing a significant role in international narcotics trafficking.

Significant foreign narcotics traffickers and foreign persons designated by the Secretary of the Treasury are referred to collectively as Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers. Foreign persons designated under the Kingpin Act are referred to as “[SDNTK]s” on OFAC’s listing of “Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons” to differentiate them from the Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers named under Executive Order 12978 (see below).

U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in any transaction or dealing in property or interests in property of [SDNTK]s and from engaging in any transaction that evades or avoids the prohibitions of the Kingpin Act. These prohibitions affect trade transactions as well as accounts, securities, and other assets.

Corporate criminal penalties for violations of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act range up to $10,000,000; individual penalties range up to $5,000,000 and 30 years in prison. Civil penalties of up to $1,075,000 may also be imposed administratively.


Sep 17, 2003
President Obama Escalates War on Steroids – Targets Asia Pharma Owner with Kingpin Act

President Barack Obama has escalated the United States’ international war on anabolic steroids by designating steroid dealer Mihael Karner as a “Significant Foreign Narcotics Trafficker” or “kingpin” under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.

Karner (aka Jozef Topolovec) is a Slovenian national who has long been rumored to be the owner behind the steroid laboratory known as Asia Pharma. The Wall Street Journal has finally confirmed this to be true.

The Kingpin designation places Karner (and steroid distribution) on a government black list alongside individuals and violent drug cartels involved in the distribution of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, arms trafficking, murder, money laundering, extortion and kidnapping.

Karner was one of six individuals/entities recently designated by President Obama under the Kingpin Act in a May 31, 2013 letter to Congress. The list also included:

**Haji Kotwal Noorzai – the owner of a heroin processing operation and trafficking network based in Afghanistan. Noorzai is an Afghan national living in Pakistan who has ties to the Taliban.
**Luis Fernando Sanchez Arellano – the leader of a Mexican-based drug cartel based in Tijuana that was once considered “one of the biggest and most violent criminal groups in Mexico.”
**Los Caballeros Templarios – a Mexican-based drug cartel aligned with the Sinaloa Cartel that controls one of the largest methamphetamine trafficking corridors in North America;
**Los Cachiros – a Honduran-based cocaine cartel that coordinates drug transit through the Central American country for Colombian and Mexican cartels.
**Los Urabenos – a Columbian-based cocaine cartel known as “bandas criminales” that is also involved in arms-for-drugs trafficking, money laundering, extortion and drug debt collection.

Asia Pharma is a Malaysia-based umbrella company accused of distributing Asia Pharma brand anabolic steroids and other bodybuilding drugs through various websites.

Karner had been under federal investigation since early 2005. Karner, his wife Alenka and his brother Matthew were indicted in the United States District Court in Massachusetts in March 2010 on three counts of money laundering, conspiracy, steroid importation and steroid distribution.

Karner, with the help of family members, was accused of distributing hundreds of thousands of dosages of anabolic steroids between 2000 and 2008. Karner’s international steroid trafficking organization allegedly distributed as much as €38 million in steroids and laundered proceeds through various shell companies such as Northstar Trading Corporation, Ammersham Commercial Ventures Seychelles and Kalliope Limited.

Karner and his wife were arrested on December 27, 2011 after the Austrian “Einsatzkommando COBRA” raided their €5 million home in Klagenfurt. The couple was temporarily taken into custody pending extradition to the United States.

Karner was released and able to return to Slovenia after posting €1 million bail according to the Slovenian news website Siol.net. The Slovenian news website’s description of Karner’s return to Slovenia neglected to mention that the Karners illegally fled prosecution in Austria. The Austrian police and the U.S. Department of Justice subsequently issued arrest warrants and declared them international fugitives.

Slovenia does not have an extradition policy with the United States. Consequently, Karner remains free in Slovenia where he presumably continues to operate Asia Pharma and various other websites that distribute anabolic steroids.

Even though Karner may currently be outside the reach of the long arm of U.S. law enforcement, he faces considerable problems in Slovenia. The Slovenian Tax Administration has opened an investigation into allegations of tax evasion after it was determined that the Karners failed to report income between February 2002 until the end of December 2008.

UPDATE 2013-June-4, GMT 9:22: Malaysia’s Federal Narcotic Crime Investigation Department (NCID) has launched an investigation into Karner and Asia Pharma.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
This Sucks. I think its meant to send a message to all those out thier who think they can make a shitload of money without paying for protection.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Maybe our countrys main zoo animal and circus performer should concentrate on millions lost in welfare to scammers , millionare tax frauds and wasted war monies to name a few?
Thank for the report Anasci.ib


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
My god. ...im with IB maybe the ignorent fucktard commander in chief should stop trying to divert americans attention from his disasterous failures as our president and the hole he has spent the american people into... a hole we will in all likelyhood never be able to dig ourselves out of all that spending and everyone i know is more broke than they have ever been in their lives with half the quality of life we had 6 or 7 years ago....ya thanks a lot Obama my country is in the worst shape its been in years because of you but you go ahead and waste millions of hardworking americans fucking taxpayers dollars trying to prosicute a dude that provides a service to make people feel good about themselves and get swole way to prioritize mr president you fucking ass!!!!


New member
Jul 7, 2013
In my opinion there is an attack on male type behavior in our country. Just look how they always belittle men on most sitcoms today. Acting like a "man" is frowned upon in today's society. I may sound nuts but just sit back and look at the big picture.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Anabolic steroids, huh folks? That's the BEST "villain" you can come up with? Pathetic. I guess people staying young and healthier through self administration of anabolics threatens some industries that depend on us being sick, weak and frail. Wow. Disgusting.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Anabolic steroids, huh folks? That's the BEST "villain" you can come up with? Pathetic. I guess people staying young and healthier through self administration of anabolics threatens some industries that depend on us being sick, weak and frail. Wow. Disgusting.

This is so true. ...you hit the nail on the head brother.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
In my opinion there is an attack on male type behavior in our country. Just look how they always belittle men on most sitcoms today. Acting like a "man" is frowned upon in today's society. I may sound nuts but just sit back and look at the big picture.

I believe its been proven that they put shit in tap water and food that makes us all more complient (less agressive).


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Dear President Obama; You failed in your mission to create jobs, you failed in your mission to pull out of our now 16.7 trillion debt.

You allowed your administration and branches of the Gov to spy on us, U.S citizens and our allies in Europe who are now imposing sanctions against YOU.

You said you'd protect those like Snowden who expose Gov corruption. Instead, you call him a traitor and accuse him of espionage.

Now, again you try to limit our freedoms by targeting one of the most insignificant parts of American life and claim that your doing anybody any good.

Fuck it, im going to Canada


New member
Jul 7, 2013
Dear President Obama; You failed in your mission to create jobs, you failed in your mission to pull out of our now 16.7 trillion debt.

You allowed your administration and branches of the Gov to spy on us, U.S citizens and our allies in Europe who are now imposing sanctions against YOU.

You said you'd protect those like Snowden who expose Gov corruption. Instead, you call him a traitor and accuse him of espionage.

Now, again you try to limit our freedoms by targeting one of the most insignificant parts of American life and claim that your doing anybody any good.

Fuck it, im going to Canada

Unfortunately in the end there will be nowhere safe honestly.


Jan 12, 2006
Porn Forum :)
This has to do with trying not only to control the US citizens but other countries as well.

With all the other scandals going on at this time the war on drugs should be on the back burner instead of him continuing to keep it on the forefront. How many billions of tax paying dollars went to the war on marijuana over countless years, now look it is being made legal. I understand criminalizing distribution but personal use and your personal right to choose?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
In my opinion there is an attack on male type behavior in our country. Just look how they always belittle men on most sitcoms today. Acting like a "man" is frowned upon in today's society. I may sound nuts but just sit back and look at the big picture.

Dude, I was at a outlet shopping center outside nyc and you WOULD NOT BELIEVE how the men dress. Half are wearing girls clothes. And many of them are from Europe. Metro sexuals are apparently "in" now.
I'm not very judgemental, but they didn't look good in the clothes and most had man breasts and bellies.......I just don't get it. De-masculanization of American men?


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
In my opinion there is an attack on male type behavior in our country. Just look how they always belittle men on most sitcoms today. Acting like a "man" is frowned upon in today's society. I may sound nuts but just sit back and look at the big picture.

You are totally fucking right! It's so bad that even Mrs. Triple is pissed about it! Our nation is turning into a bunch of neutered fatasses and only a very few of us are holding out and representing masculinity.

At least neutered fatasses are easier to kill than we are...