Test E, adrol, and pct nolva and arimidex


New member
Jan 3, 2013
Hey guys,

here are my stats as of today
6' 0"
age 24

ok guys so im looking at running

Test E at 250mg 2x a week 1-10
then adrol 50 week 1-4 need help on how much is good to take?
arimidex .25mg week 8-12
nolva 50mg week 10-14

This is my second cycle i did sustanon 250 for 4 weeks on its own bc i got it given to me from a friend and didnt really know anything about it so i really screwed the cycle i seen gains but not much my diet was not there and my training was dumb that was when i was 18. Now ive done some reasearch and talk to a few of my older fam and my diet is straight and my routine is on key ive been working out since i was 16 in football and now just trying to get to about 230 but with alot of muscle i have peaked my bench a 250 and at my weight i cant go no farther so any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
well you have hardly peaked at 250lbs bench, you need to adjust your training and im not sure what else but at your age with a good diet and solid training you can make great gains. you are setting yourself up for failure if you are counting on the gear to push you passed 250lbs bench. that is not heavy at all. there is something else that is wrong you should get straightened out first then run your cycle and you will love it even more. ok, so you're 24. are you getting plenty of quality sleep? are you drinking alcohol regularly? smoking? is your diet really on point? honestly look at these things bro, you could be shooting yourself in the foot and not even know it. if bench is your goal then simply switch up your routine. i mean switch it up entirely not just a little. train your ass off! not talking or texting on your phone or grab-assing with your bro's but seriously training with monster intensity. you will only get out of your training what you put into it. now if you aren't interested in taking my advice and still want to run your cycle to break 250lbs bench and most likely fall back on old habits and loose most of what you gain then yes, 50mg ED is good dose for Anadrol. listen to your body and dont take the arimidex unless you need it. as for your Nolva you should start it on day 14 after your last pin of Test E and you should run it at 40/20/20/20/10 this is how many mg you will take every day over a 5 week period. just my opinion on everything stated here but it is the right thing to do bro. fix your training and diet and sleep, quit partying if you are and get seriously focused. just trying to help you out and looking out for your best interest. good luck!


6' Tall
43 YO
20+ years Training


Jan 12, 2006
Porn Forum :)
vpiedu hit it dead on. There are so many variables involved that you need to make sure that all of those things are on point before moving onto the gear stage. Once you have those other variables in check your first cycle will bring you to the next level. Remember you will never have another cycle like your first!!


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Sus 250 is a terrible first cycle . It's an advanced sup that needs to be teamed with other esters so your hormones don't do the roller coaster up and down cycle IMO . As regards to this new cycle test 500 and 50mg Ed of Drol should do you well if all is legit.. Watch for gyno and have some nova ready if you are prone to it. Keep us posted brutha and eat up.. And also grab some liver care product like synthergine or milk thistle..drol can be rough ,it is on me..


New member
Jan 3, 2013
well thanks guys for your input i appreciate it! im gonna look at everything and see what it is i need to do just go over it all


New member
Jan 10, 2013
I'm bigKA cousin and we are doing this cycle together. I'm 24, 180 lbs 6ft about 12% body fat.
Our diets are pretty spot on. Loads of calories about 190-220g of protein a day. No alcohol or smoking from either of us and we train 5 days a week, cycling muscle groups. We are just really looking for that extra boost in our body.
I had a question on the adex. We don't take that until signs? I was under the impression it was everyday.

I was also thinking about throwing in a month of winstrol at 6-10 weeks to tighten everything up?


Jan 12, 2006
Porn Forum :)
I'm bigKA cousin and we are doing this cycle together. I'm 24, 180 lbs 6ft about 12% body fat.
Our diets are pretty spot on. Loads of calories about 190-220g of protein a day. No alcohol or smoking from either of us and we train 5 days a week, cycling muscle groups. We are just really looking for that extra boost in our body.
I had a question on the adex. We don't take that until signs? I was under the impression it was everyday.

I was also thinking about throwing in a month of winstrol at 6-10 weeks to tighten everything up?

Some people will take the Adex throughout at .25mg/ed, others prefer to hold off until needed.

Stanz is good to run at the end half of a cycle for 6-8wks at around 30-50mg/ed or 50-100mg/eod.


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Ok thank you. Everything I wanted to know.

Can't wait to start seeing those boosts.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Winnie tabs or inj? Keep an eye on joint pain. Since a first cycle you should have no issues .. And keep liver aids going through out the winnie cause it can be harsh on a liver as you probably know.
Yeah I'm not prone to estro so I use dex in emergency.Keep us posted guys and get big..


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Tabs. And I knew it was harsh on liv but never really got pointed to a good aid. I just figured lots and lots of water would help.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Tabs. And I knew it was harsh on liv but never really got pointed to a good aid. I just figured lots and lots of water would help.

The sponsor synthetex carries synthergine and Or I also like to use 360mg of milkthistle extract split twice a day or a product called liv-52.. And of course cranberrry or lots of water to keep everything flushed out..


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
I'm bigKA cousin and we are doing this cycle together. I'm 24, 180 lbs 6ft about 12% body fat.
Our diets are pretty spot on. Loads of calories about 190-220g of protein a day. No alcohol or smoking from either of us and we train 5 days a week, cycling muscle groups. We are just really looking for that extra boost in our body.
I had a question on the adex. We don't take that until signs? I was under the impression it was everyday.

I was also thinking about throwing in a month of winstrol at 6-10 weeks to tighten everything up?

not being a dick here but if you guys cant break 250lbs bench something is wrong and gear isnt your answer. think of what you are saying and who is reading it boys. your training is not on point! fix it and your bench will improve. ignore it and remain comfortable and it will not. what are you going to do when your cycle is over and your bench goes from 275 back to 225? look guys, you cant tell me your training isnt the problem if your eating good and sleeping and not partying. you think this is something new to me? you think i havent seen this shit a thousand times? you think i dont deal with guys just like you every day at my gym right now? well guess what i do. i know, so dont try and BS this issue. fix your training! im not telling you not to do gear at all but if you dont fix your underlying problem it will do nothing for you but cost you money. and both of you need to do more research, you shouldnt be putting shit in your body if you dont know shit about it. im seriously not being a dick guys i just hate to see you do this and not address your training especially since you asked and you are getting educated answers. just think about it cobra, i have been consistently training for longer than you have been alive and you are trying to imply you guys arent the problem but you are. just man up and fix it bro. this is all meant to point you in the right direction and help you to continue to progress. sorry for going off so to speak here i usually dont go on like this but im on 700mg/wk Tren A right now and my patience is a little thin. guys if you are open to posting your TRUE and HONEST NON-IMBELLISHED workout routine here you can get lots of help and i personally am glad to help you guys with your bench. good luck.



AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
just for the record i dont use adex until my body tells me to because driving down your estrogen also drives down your cortisol and that causes joint pain. this is also the reason i use adex. some other products drive it down too much where i can control it more with adex and drive it down enough to stop sides and keep training without pain. i am old and i need all the help i can get:)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Test E/C at 500mg (250 mon and thurs) for 10 weeks
Adrol at 50mg daily weeks 1-3
Nolva at 20mg weeks 12-15
Nolva at 10mg week 16

Protein at 220g is fine if your carbs are more than double that. What does your diet look like?

Goes against the grain but I wouldn't bother with adex this time. Get some to have on hand and get lots of nolva and your gtg.

Your bench... I understand the concerns and they are valid. But don't be trying to lift weights you can't just cos someone on the net says you have to. I know alot of guys who struggle to bench 250 and they are big. Watch as many vids on you-tube and research as much as you can about proper technique and absorb it all. Your strength will come in time the more you learn and the more you apply yourself. But I would rather see you doing 15 strict reps on most movements than trying to push the weights as much as you can. Again strength will come with time and knowledge.

Vpiedu is spot on with his advice though so listen to him. One more thing... Vpiedu where did you get your tren... that is strong stuff :)
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Registered User
Jan 11, 2013
Want to gain 20 to 30 poud bench press? Try smolov bench routine I can bet you will blow way past 250 without gear.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Vpiedu dont strangle the poor kid ..I'm glad your arms can't reach thru the computer and shake him up.. Lol.. Jst kiddn.. I wish i could do tren. It's good to speak the truth brutha like you say ..


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
yeah, sorry about that one man :banghead: im running my homebrew from pellets. :)

No need to apologize most have been there :D Good advice as always from you just an interesting method of delivery :) Well atleast you have probably scared them from doing tren anytime soon :D