How to cure Gyno (Bitch Tits)


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Hey Guys, I wanted to know is there anything solution to getting rid of Bitch Tits without surgery? If It is, Is it Anything I Can I take to make it Go away permanently? Thanks 4 d help
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
qmack26 said:
Hey Guys, I wanted to know is there anything solution to getting rid of Bitch Tits without surgery? If It is, Is it Anything I Can I take to make it Go away permanently? Thanks 4 d help

Have you got gyno through steroids? If so what steroids have you been using? Or is this a natural problem you have had throughout your life?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
There are 2 main ways besides surgery. The first is weight loss and natural exercises but I doubt your interested in that (and you might not need it).

I it is a new problem due to hormonal changes (steroids) you should start taking nolvadex. Or even lectrozole has that is much stronger. It all depends upon the severity of the gyno. If it is just a small lump then do nolva. If it is a bad problem go with the stronger compounds.

If you have done lots of Deca then gyno maybe caused by progesterone. Therefore clomid or nolva etc wont help. You would need to take something like caber or brimo. The dostinex would be the best (caber) to help matters. But this form of gyno is very rare and even if you done a test/deca cycle it will be 99% of the time be estrogenic gyno so go with nolva etc. Just telling you for future ref cos cycles such as deca/tren or deca/adrol increase chances of progesterone induced gyno.

So just google lectrozole and nolvadex
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
qmack26 said:
I used D-bol, Nolva and i dont think I got off right

Dbol is the cause of many cases of gyno. Well you have estrogen related gyno so serms or AI's will help. I don't get what you put. So I assume you done your nolva with dbol and then stopped them both together.... or did you do alittle nolva longer than the dbol.... ? For future ref dbol only cycles are not good. How long was you doing the dbol?

Anyway if you have any nolva left your best getting on that straightaway. You say bitch tits but how bad is it. Surely it can't be that bad cos you wouldn't just leave it to get worse if it was (or have you). When did you finish your cycle? It all depends upon the severity but I would say a good starting dose would be 40mg of nolva and do that till the problem goes and as it does slowly taper the dose down. But if it is really bad you might have to look into lectrozole etc cos that is stronger. I do think AI's are best for getting rid of gyno as opposed to serms.

Ideally if it isn't bad you should use arimidex and maybe even add 20mg of nolva to that. But if it is bad then lectro is the best route. But it is strong stuff and will kill your sex drive so we need to know more info interms of how bad it is and how long you have had the problem.
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Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
its Not that bad but if you look from side you can tell i stopped D-bol an Nolva all at once My musle tissue is very soft know lik girl tits i was on 4 two months D-bol 30Mg & Nolva 50Mg a day


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
you still didn't say if you had it before you started the dbol. I assume you did get it from the dbol it is one of the side effects of dbol. if so follow the directions of Elvia. If you had it before and the dbol increased it the nolv and or other meds will not get ride of it completely. First give us your body fat percentage body weight and hight. A high body fat content will cause more side effects such as gyno and other side effects. we need more info. I personally am naturally prone to gyno but I control it by diet and exercise. NOT MEDS. But they are helpful whilst on the juice.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
qmack26 said:
its Not that bad but if you look from side you can tell i stopped D-bol an Nolva all at once My musle tissue is very soft know lik girl tits i was on 4 two months D-bol 30Mg & Nolva 50Mg a day

Fuck that is one bad cycle. Did someone recommend that? Taking the nolva was a good thing but at 50mg - well that is shocking. But regardless of that you should be fine. For future ref if you ever want to take protection during a cycle look at arimidex or aromasin. One of those two are great alone but even adding proviron to the equation can be good too. Keep the nolva for PCT (after your cycle).

How long has it been since you finished? If it hasn't been that long most of it will slowly disappear over the next few weeks. My rec would be to just do maybe a few weeks of nolva at 20mg. There is often debates that if it has been too long there is no point in doing any form of PCT. But in imo if you still haven't recovered properly then you should always try one out... even if it is 2 months after the cycle. Even if you have began to regain your natural test I think SERMS at a low dose even after someone has messed up their cycle can be of great aid.

What is your libido like? Are you ok in that area or is not as good? If that is the case then defo do a few weeks of nolva at a small dose. Most importantly keep your diet tight and hit the cardio and do lots of stretching before and after exercise. The tissue will disapprear and harden up fairly fast if you do everything correctly. Just look at this as a learning experience. If you ever want help on cycles just ask away on this forum as there are lots of great guys on here who will be happy to help you out.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
No i did't get Gyno inteal I used D-bol its been 4 months sinced it happen and yes i believe my Libido was badly affected im 18, 5'9 height, 166 weight, 19% body fat


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
qmack26 said:
No i did't get Gyno inteal I used D-bol its been 4 months sinced it happen and yes i believe my Libido was badly affected im 18, 5'9 height, 166 weight, 19% body fat

I am just in a rush now (going to a girls for a late night booty call!). Have you thought about going to your doctor and getting tested for your testosterone levels etc. Your bf % is not extremely high but is high enough to indicate you are in the segment for people being extra sensitive to gyno. All that stuff I said about test etc please ignore. You shouldn't be doing steroids till you have atleast 5 years training behind you and have reached or almost reached your natural limits. You can't put an age on it but atleast 21. I think atleast 23 is best though.

Once you get all this sorted just realize your only 18 (I am not being patronizing) and just concentrate on having fun, your studies and/or your career and of course girls etc. And just train naturally till you get to a certain level. It is important to have solid foundations in place and to have hormonally matured before embarking on AAS. If you have any questions just ask away and I am sure many will try and help you out.
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Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Let me reiterate what Elvia said. 18 is to young for Steroids. If you would have come her first we would have recommended you do not touch them. 18 is too young. you are on a natural cycle at this age. I have seen young men your age hurt themselves taking steroids. when I say hurt themselves I mean they messed up there natural hormone production. Things you can do to get yourself back on track is do not touch anymore AAS for another 5 to 7 years unless under a doctors supervision. Second do things to boost your natural test by dieting. there are many article out there that will advise you on this. Mens health magazine has a book on this I cannot recall the name of it at this time but but you can google mens health and they have recommended reading list and the subject is the "T" plan or the "T" diet I cannot remember at this time but The "T" is for testosterone. It is a natural diet to boost your natural test . go to menshealth.com Third thing you can do is do some heavy compound lifting exercises. i.e. roman dead lifts. these type of exercises boost natural test production. When you go to the doc be sure you tell him what you have done and do not leave out any details. he will know what to do if you tell him. if you do not tell him he may recommend therapy that will not be best for your situation. good luck


Aug 28, 2005
qmack26 said:
Hey Guys, I wanted to know is there anything solution to getting rid of Bitch Tits without surgery? If It is, Is it Anything I Can I take to make it Go away permanently? Thanks 4 d help

High dose NOLVA over long period may help.
some are having success with the AI LETROZOLE for pre-exisitng gyno


New member
Dec 12, 2012
Bitch tits

Hi guys, I'm a 32 year old male. I have taken SD Matrix (tren bombs) twice before, the last time, about a year ago. I had Bulgarian Tribulus as PCT. I don't really know what i'm doing and I was poorly advised. I can't tell you how much i regret it.

I am a male of slim build, 6ft, 13st. Not sure of body fat. Would imagine around 15% perhaps

My nipples are sensitive when touched, tickly and puffy looking. I went doctors and have been advised to get a blood test to see what my test/Estrogen levels are. I am not confident in my doctor, he was having to google my problem. I thought I may get better advice on here.

Is there anything I can take or is it to late. When I feel my nipples, I can feel like hard tissue behind my nipple (giving it a pointy shape), although, when I'm cold, my nipples look normal. They sort of go hard and shrivel up like everybody else.

Any advice would be much appreciated



Jan 12, 2006
Porn Forum :)
Hi guys, I'm a 32 year old male. I have taken SD Matrix (tren bombs) twice before, the last time, about a year ago. I had Bulgarian Tribulus as PCT. I don't really know what i'm doing and I was poorly advised. I can't tell you how much i regret it.

I am a male of slim build, 6ft, 13st. Not sure of body fat. Would imagine around 15% perhaps

My nipples are sensitive when touched, tickly and puffy looking. I went doctors and have been advised to get a blood test to see what my test/Estrogen levels are. I am not confident in my doctor, he was having to google my problem. I thought I may get better advice on here.

Is there anything I can take or is it to late. When I feel my nipples, I can feel like hard tissue behind my nipple (giving it a pointy shape), although, when I'm cold, my nipples look normal. They sort of go hard and shrivel up like everybody else.

Any advice would be much appreciated


High dose NOLVA over long period may help.
some are having success with the AI LETROZOLE for pre-exisitng gyno

Take Alin's advise in the post I quoted here. See if that helps you out.


New member
Dec 12, 2012
Sorry one thing I didn't mention was that Ive also had Anavar and Winstrol. I'm informed these do not create Estrogen. If I continued to take these alongside Nova, would that be ok? I know Winstrol doesn't do a lot in its own, but that little bit of difference for me that I was happy with (slightly more fuller/hard look). I'm going on a stag do in May. The last thing I want to do is pull my top off and have bitch tits. I am not looking for the easy way out. I will be in the gym four times a week from now (weights and cardio) doing everything I can to get rid of them. Or is there anything else you would recommend me to take, or just stay clean and learn my lesson


New member
Dec 12, 2012
Sorry, one more thing guys. Is it safe to buy Nolva online or is it better to see one of guys in the gym that have it? I find it abit embarrassing so would rather not

Thanks for the reply


Registered User
Dec 7, 2012
Sorry, one more thing guys. Is it safe to buy Nolva online or is it better to see one of guys in the gym that have it? I find it abit embarrassing so would rather not

Thanks for the reply

nolva is easily attainable online mate, pretty much any pharmacy site will stock it