

Donating Member
May 21, 2018
What's up guys! I just found this forum and so glad that I did.. Been on two other forums for years but over here seems a little more transparent and authentic if that makes sense. Anyways I was hoping I could get some help with finding a legit, tested Primo. Any and all help would greatly be appreciated. I was about to either go through Viking or Growth clinic but it seems like there are better options or officially tested options.. Since I cannot see the results I would appreciate if anyone can help me.. Thanks in advance!!!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
What's up guys! I just found this forum and so glad that I did.. Been on two other forums for years but over here seems a little more transparent and authentic if that makes sense. Anyways I was hoping I could get some help with finding a legit, tested Primo. Any and all help would greatly be appreciated. I was about to either go through Viking or Growth clinic but it seems like there are better options or officially tested options.. Since I cannot see the results I would appreciate if anyone can help me.. Thanks in advance!!!!

For what it's worth Genotec had Jano test a random vial from our latest batch and it come back at 95%. Granted this was done outside of the official testing and we sent it in (but it was a random vial). We get things tested from a variety of sources when we can to ensure complete accuracy. Everything we had tested came back in the 85-120% range. Usually things are in the 95-105% range but Geno started using larger containers due to the volume of orders and wanted to see how things looked. If you donate $25 or post 25 good posts you will be able to view the testing results on here.


Registered User
Mar 9, 2018
Hijack. Whats the sweet spot for Primo; I saw JP say 700-1g or dont run it as it's a waste of money. I wanted to run 700 PrimoE for my first prep? Also longer ester Primo/Mast fine for precontest if im not going to pull them?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Primo, masteron and tren with anavar is a great prep combo. You can switch out the anavar for winny if you like.

As far as doeses, JP is about as (NO BULLSHIT) a guy as it's going to get. IMO you can hang your hat on almost anything the guy says about BBing.


Feb 2, 2007
Hijack. Whats the sweet spot for Primo; I saw JP say 700-1g or dont run it as it's a waste of money. I wanted to run 700 PrimoE for my first prep? Also longer ester Primo/Mast fine for precontest if im not going to pull them?

For me you need to run primo higher than most other aas. 300-400mg won't do much but 700mg looks good. You could add 3-400mg masteron and some test and you have a good cycle. Maybe add an oral for the last 6 week as well.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2005
Respectfully disagree I’ve run primo at least 12-15 times 400 always does me fine I run with sustenon tren or winny . However my 30 years of bodybuilding I always say no one can say what your sweet spot is . This post just to me validated that all of us respond differently- we all have different lifestyles, genetics , training ,eating habits , stress or ability to handle . Do many variables. I use anadrol precontest but the Injecable version and always come in fuller with fibers through my tris and erectors while guys say they bloat . To me too many reasons to include . My advice try . Keep adding until you log whatever progress you seek . You are your best teacher . Always .


Sep 17, 2003
First, welcome to the board!
Second, you must read the rules here ~ No asking for sources (you can read reviews within the sponsor's forum).
Third, we do regular product testing on all sponsors, once you reach 25 posts you will be able to view the test results within that forum.


Feb 2, 2007
Respectfully disagree I’ve run primo at least 12-15 times 400 always does me fine I run with sustenon tren or winny . However my 30 years of bodybuilding I always say no one can say what your sweet spot is . This post just to me validated that all of us respond differently- we all have different lifestyles, genetics , training ,eating habits , stress or ability to handle . Do many variables. I use anadrol precontest but the Injecable version and always come in fuller with fibers through my tris and erectors while guys say they bloat . To me too many reasons to include . My advice try . Keep adding until you log whatever progress you seek . You are your best teacher . Always .

You are correct and some can get results on the smallest doses. 400mg is not a low dose either. For most people from what I have seen they do need higher doses of primo to get the results they expect. Primo is about solid muscle and is great when dieting to maintain muscle. But I get more from 150mg tren than I do 400mg primo but I get no side effects from primo. It's always smart starting low in dose and increasing if needed.


Donating Member
Jan 3, 2013
For what it's worth Genotec had Jano test a random vial from our latest batch and it come back at 95%. Granted this was done outside of the official testing and we sent it in (but it was a random vial). We get things tested from a variety of sources when we can to ensure complete accuracy. Everything we had tested came back in the 85-120% range. Usually things are in the 95-105% range but Geno started using larger containers due to the volume of orders and wanted to see how things looked. If you donate $25 or post 25 good posts you will be able to view the testing results on here.

Good to know. I used geno's primo nov-jan and it did what it's supposed to do on paper. Felt good to me


Donating Member
Jan 3, 2013
Hijack. Whats the sweet spot for Primo; I saw JP say 700-1g or dont run it as it's a waste of money. I wanted to run 700 PrimoE for my first prep? Also longer ester Primo/Mast fine for precontest if im not going to pull them?

JP is also a massive human being so 400mg to him probably won't be the same as 400mg to a guy who carries 80 less lbs.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
What's up guys! I just found this forum and so glad that I did.. Been on two other forums for years but over here seems a little more transparent and authentic if that makes sense. Anyways I was hoping I could get some help with finding a legit, tested Primo. Any and all help would greatly be appreciated. I was about to either go through Viking or Growth clinic but it seems like there are better options or officially tested options.. Since I cannot see the results I would appreciate if anyone can help me.. Thanks in advance!!!!

Welcome to AnaSci! By making a minimum donation of $25 you'll be contributing to the testing that helps the community and you'll have access to all the results! Contact buck1973 for donation information.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
400mg primo is a good starting dose but I agree you may need more. Your stats and goals are big factors. If you are competing and weigh 250 you likely need more than if you are 200 and want to look good on vacation! Have you used primo before?


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
What's up guys! I just found this forum and so glad that I did.. Been on two other forums for years but over here seems a little more transparent and authentic if that makes sense. Anyways I was hoping I could get some help with finding a legit, tested Primo. Any and all help would greatly be appreciated. I was about to either go through Viking or Growth clinic but it seems like there are better options or officially tested options.. Since I cannot see the results I would appreciate if anyone can help me.. Thanks in advance!!!!

What do you plan to run? Any test with the primo? Doses?


Feb 6, 2012
I prefer longer cycles for primo. Last cycle I started at 300mg and increased the dose to 1000mg. I used that with test and some dbol at one point. 200mg/ml primo is useful for the higher doses but 100mg/ml should not cause any issues even with 3ml injections.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Currently running 1-test cyp (450) and know it’s supposed to be very similar to but stronger than primo. Can anyone that’s ran both verify that? (I’ve never had primo to compare to)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Registered User
Mar 1, 2005
There is no universal sweet spot for anything. Bodybuilding is a journey yes listen and study what others have done . But heed only you can find your sweet spot . That is the key to success. You need to just do it . Find a nominal starting point if you are new to this keep journal and records of all you eat do and feel . I have been a trainer for decades I consider my best advice is helping one understand that they are teaching themselves that each of us are the best teachers for us . Genetic , lifestyles , motivational compulsions experience good or bad all are variables that lend to us all having different experiences on anything . Hell even yourself over time will find that your responses or requirements change . The only constant in life especially bodybuilding is change . Never keep things the same . Maybe change then go back for a periodic time doing something but the body abs mind always Adapts - process defined as homeostasis- as a bodybuilder can be your biggest foe or best buddy . To go by another’s so called sweet spot just sets you up too fail . Especially if like some have found they need huge dosage of a particular compound . You use the least amount needed to progress . Is the golden rule . If you begin with mega dose when you are newer to something you’ve just taken away much of the potential benefit over long haul because you’ve burnt out your receptivity to it. Some guys bloat some guys stay shredded even when they eat like crap . Everything works symbiotically dietary habits , training methods are the main variables . PEDs enhance optimally those who understand this . Self control , patience , motivation are all components of strong mind . Strong smart training builds strong body . PEDs enhance these variables . You want the most for your money and your blood and sweat. Do ask and pick brains of the veteran guys on forums but ultimately it is you . You are the magic secret formula . Seriously 15 years totally natty almost two decades using chemical assistance- I’m not one that considered it cheating . Unless of course I’ve cheated Mother Nature - I respect the power of chemicals but I’m able to build and burn off too . Just realize that we all can have completely opposite experience sometimes . So always begin new things on lower side. I’m not saying ridiculous low but always remember you are your greatest teacher. Experience is your guide . Forgive me I’m just compelled to perseveration on that wherever I roam. Do continue to access forum . Hey is old guys weren’t lucky enough to have these when I began .


Registered User
Mar 9, 2018
Currently running 1-test cyp (450) and know it’s supposed to be very similar to but stronger than primo. Can anyone that’s ran both verify that? (I’ve never had primo to compare to)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nothing alike, DHB is more like a tren/EQ hybrid while Primo is the ultimate aesthetic compound. DHB makes you hard and lean, Primo makes your muscle bellies explode.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2018
I call Primo secret of the Pros. If it’s real, Primo is awesome and can be used in any cycle. Doses vary from person to person depending on what you want and afford.