Steroid boost


New member
Jun 28, 2014
I have never taken steroids before and have a few questions. I am only wanting to take them for 1 cycle to boost me to where I want to be, then will maintain from there unless left unsatisfied, then will take a 2nd cycle. I am not wanting to spend a lot of money but obviously something that works. Questions are listed below:

1. Oral or inject?
2. What steroids do I need for a huge boost? Again cheap, but something that will work.
3. I will lift 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday so when would I need to take the steroids.

Any and all info is greatly appreciated!!


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
there are so many ways to approach what you are trying to do it's mind boggling...my advice would be to read read read, soak up some knowledge, lay out the best plan you can come up with, and then let the experts critique said plan...I'll give you a hint to go off of...injectable testosterone, it's cheap and it works!

also please let us know age, height, weight, body fat percentage, diet, number of years training naturally, goals, aspirations, etc... the more info the better!
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Mar 8, 2014
The search button here is your friend, use it for a few hours...read over all the steroid profiles and do some homework, then like bobcat said come back when you have an idea about things and someone will help


New member
Jun 28, 2014
I don't really have a plan. I am 6', 180lbs. I work out 3 days a week right now but have came to a hold on gaining strength. My bench press has stopped at 255. I have looked a variety of steroids, but its like reading Chinese to me. I just need to know which is the best to use for a decent price that will help with adding strength and cutting the muscles.

But from the sound of it, injecting is better than oral? Or not?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007


Dec 20, 2013
am I just being a d***, or does this thread and this guy's questions honestly just look plain retarded?

somebody please tell me


Jun 10, 2013
am I just being a d***, or does this thread and this guy's questions honestly just look plain retarded?

somebody please tell me
You're just being a dick jk. But I don't answer very many people who don't introduce themselves. A very odd question.

Op(author) read the rules if the board give us more in depth age, stats(bf, height), workout style, diet, etc

Op do a bunch if research before diving head first into the shallow end. Simple and easy test e
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Registered User
Jul 1, 2013
6' 180lbs? First cycle would be food and lots of it. Food is the key. Also more frequent training might help. Your off more than you are on with only training three days a week. Not being a dick here but that's just what I see from what little info has been give by the OP. Use the search feature and it will guide you in the right direction bro. After you have narrowed down what exactly you think your options are and what your primary goal is I'm sure you will get much more help. But throwing out the I wanna get cut and strong bit leaves way to much space that needs to be filled.


New member
Jun 28, 2014
To the ones who are actually giving helpful info (do more research, etc...) THANKS!! I will sure do that. I have never considered doing steroids until now and have no understanding on what I need to get.

To the @$$holes telling me to simply eat more, or that my questions are retarded, fuk off. I thought forums were to retrieve info in area's that you are unclear on? Fuk me for askin, don't have to worry about me asking any more.

Again, to you that have helped me by simply having me do more research, THANKS!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 2, 2009
am I just being a d***, or does this thread and this guy's questions honestly just look plain retarded?

somebody please tell me

Instead of making useless comments why not try pointing him in the right direction? The only thing retard was YOUR question!

Like Ironfist did, point him in the direction of the stickies so that he can read, learn and come back with a plan for others to critique.


Jun 10, 2013
I have never taken steroids before and have a few questions. I am only wanting to take them for 1 cycle to boost me to where I want to be, then will maintain from there unless left unsatisfied, then will take a 2nd cycle. I am not wanting to spend a lot of money but obviously something that works. Questions are listed below:

1. Oral or inject?
2. What steroids do I need for a huge boost? Again cheap, but something that will work.
3. I will lift 3 days a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday so when would I need to take the steroids.

Any and all info is greatly appreciated!!

To the ones who are actually giving helpful info (do more research, etc...) THANKS!! I will sure do that. I have never considered doing steroids until now and have no understanding on what I need to get.

To the @$$holes telling me to simply eat more, or that my questions are retarded, fuk off. I thought forums were to retrieve info in area's that you are unclear on? Fuk me for askin, don't have to worry about me asking any more.

Again, to you that have helped me by simply having me do more research, THANKS!
Listen you need to give us a lot more info and a proper intro. We deal with a lot of spammers, kids, etc. So just coming on here saying I have no idea what I'm doing but I wanna take an illegal substance ain't the best route to take. And also telling some of the vets to fuck off because we say o research and answer our questions about history, eat more, stats is just plain retarded yes. We're the Ines who will help you out in the long run but starting a thread without saying:
hello my names so and so I'm 25 years old and weigh 180 lbs. I've been training hard for the past 2 ½ years and reached a plateau blah, blah, etc.

Does that sound a little a better


Feb 7, 2013
Instead of making useless comments why not try pointing him in the right direction? The only thing retard was YOUR question!

Like Ironfist did, point him in the direction of the stickies so that he can read, learn and come back with a plan for others to critique.

No you're wrong- it's not wrong if us to think this guy is retarded...

He could of googled "first steroid cycle" or anything like that and it would have generated a billion articles that would of kept him busy reading and learning for the next few months-

Then at that point he could of come in here with at the very minimum base line level of info and had a semi useful conversation with us. This forum is not elite or bbing.com and we don't do hand holding.

So to the original poster- go google some things first so have a clue about what to even ask-


Jun 10, 2013
No you're wrong- it's not wrong if us to think this guy is retarded...

He could of googled "first steroid cycle" or anything like that and it would have generated a billion articles that would of kept him busy reading and learning for the next few months-

Then at that point he could of come in here with at the very minimum base line level of info and had a semi useful conversation with us. This forum is not elite or bbing.com and we don't do hand holding.

So to the original poster- go google some things first so have a clue about what to even ask-
How much tren are using "E" lol


Mar 27, 2014
I have every one try creatinine and L Argoniene first before juice- just that before gym should put 30 lbs or more on the bench- and 10lbs on body- steroids arn't the answer yet at all.


Dec 20, 2013
lol Phoes comment about how much Tren enigmatic is on... LOL!!!

Op, if you need a Steroid cycle to budge 6' 180 and 255 Bench, you may want to reconsider.

I was 5'11 210 with semi visible abs in 1 year completely natural training because I ate ridiculous amounts of food, trained body parts about 2x a week with appropriate volume, and had adequate rest, nutrition. After cutting it was 170 very very lean and was at 315+ Bench. My genetics suck too, trust me. It was all food and research.

You need more food and research.

Give info about how long you've been stuck at a 250 Bench, how you train, calories, etc.

Using steroids to pass 255 Bench when I have completely natural friends around 385 is honestly hard for me to swallow.

I'm not being elitest, or a jerk at all. I'm being completely honest and if you don't like it, sorry?!? Truth hurts. I can't do well in ifbb physique at the moment because my chest is absolutely awful and I have bad Chest genetics. I admit it and let people tell me about it instead of being offended.

But yeah give some of that more basic info first.


Sep 17, 2003
No you're wrong- it's not wrong if us to think this guy is retarded...

He could of googled "first steroid cycle" or anything like that and it would have generated a billion articles that would of kept him busy reading and learning for the next few months-

Then at that point he could of come in here with at the very minimum base line level of info and had a semi useful conversation with us. This forum is not elite or bbing.com and we don't do hand holding.

So to the original poster- go google some things first so have a clue about what to even ask-

Actually no, the ones that are posting with the attitude here are wrong!

This is a steroid educational forum, and ranks #1 in the google search engine for 'steroid discussion'.

My board will not turn into every other board out there where people bash someone that comes here asking a question regardless of the content or their educational level on the subject!

In this day and age if someone wants to use steroids they are going to (I do not agree with it but it is the way it is). It is the job of this forum and for the members that have been there before to make sure that those people do it right by (like has been said above) pointing them in the right direction.

I have noticed too much bashing and members forming little cliques here lately that are being more disrespectful with new members and it is going to stop. Bottom line, if you don't like a question that someone asks or you do not feel like redirecting them to the stickies that people have spent countless hours on typing up specifically for newbies than do not post in the thread, period!