Obvious Foods To Dodge


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Ok, getting ready to start next cycle for summer and am looking for size but want to diet decent so that I'm in good shape. I'm picky eater so what are some obvious foods to stay away from. I have no problem not eating fast foods and meals at restruants but here's what I eat a lot.

Pizzas bought from Grocery store!
White Rice with almost all meals with grilled meat/sea foods
Basically I eat only waht i buy at the store but what should i stay away from besides the obvious sweets, etc...?

*im looking for size but want decent shape and abs too*


Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
Switch the white rice to brown rice. Get carbs from sweet potatos green vegtables stay away from regular potatos. Any pastas or breads make them whole grain anything high in fiber. I would loose the pizza. Keep your protien high. Chicken, tuna ,steak. Don't know what your body wieght is but figure your protien should be 1 and a half times your body wieght , gram per pound.Carbs should be a little less than one gram per pound with one day of high carb intake. Fats 40 to 50 grams . Eat regimentlly 6 or 7 meals same time every day. Portions !!!! Eat till your full not till your sick. There are some really good diets on this site written by people who really know what there talking about. This is a basic overview and the way I do it and it works well for me. But remember the gear is only worth what your feeding it. If you don't eat right its just a waste!! So diet is 90% of the battle. Good luck


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The above covers all the bases really. Just keep protein high and only have essential fats and complex carbs. To be honest it is always best having one goal at a time. So if you wanna get bigger and ripped then you really have to concentrate on getting bigger first. So you work as hard as you can in getting as big as possible. Then when you get more than enough size you cut it and change your diet accordingly. But I understand how it is a summer cycle and you wanna just gradually go bigger and get toned and hard. I have forgot what you plan to do cycle wise... whats compounds you using this cycle? If you let me know that will help me out in regards to your diet.

Like you mention stay away from fast foods and restaurants etc. But I would also get rid of those pizzas. Chicken, steak, tuna etc are top for protein. Get a good protein powder too. I would be having about 3/4 meals per day and 3 shakes (each with fruit) so that is your 6/7 meals per day. The synthetek protein is great. You should grill your meat. But shallow frying with olive oil is also great. I shallow fry everything cos olive is good for you and other way of getting those extra calories. Make sure you include lots of good fruit and vegetables in your diet too. If you eat sweets then simply swop them for something like raspberries or blueberries. They contain lots of antioxidants and are greast for overall well-being.

If you are wondering where to get those essential fats simply get nuts... such as brazil nuts or almonds. They are so good for you and contain lots of good fat. You can have a few every protein shake. A cheaper way of getting that fat is buying a jar of natural peanut butter... I love the stuff.

Basically it all depends upon your individual goals. As I was trying to bulk lots I included lots of cheese, potatoes, pasta and bread (wholemeal) into my diet. But as you wanna do it more gradually and keep the fat off if your having the peanut butter or nuts then stay away from cheese. Cheese is good for you (lots of protein too) but has alot of satuated fat (bad). I think you will be sorted with your 3 shakes and the meals we mention.

I like to eat organic meat. It can be extremely expensive (£6/$12 for 1) so now I just settle for these ready to eat chicken breast. They have no addititives but of course it's from caged birds. Won't bore you with all that. I am sure a supermarket in the US will stock a similar product. Just pieces of chicken breast with nothing added ready to eat (they are only £1 here). I go through 3 of them a day. Because most would hate cooking chicken/steak 3/4 times daily and might get fed up. Just mix the chicken, steak and fish so you never get bored. Be inventive with sauces too. I could list 1001 things to eat but one major tip would be things like chilli's. You could do stuff like Thai chilli chicken. Chilli increases your metabolic rate and is great for fat loss. Once you get started with the meals you will surprise yourself. Maybe search the internet for recipes or ideas.

Make sure you drink lots of water too. Have it steadily throughout the day. That will help keep water retention down. Water also prevents dehydration. Dehydration puts the brakes on fat loss so it is vital to drink atleast 2-3 litres daily. Hope it helps


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Thanks, most this stuff I had on mind already but you guys gave me a lot of more input onto my diet. Im taking all advice into hand. I'm gonna cut the pizzas out and that's gonna be hardest for me to do. Also, I only eat oranges and some apples. All other fruits completey untolerable to my tastebuds..i tried for years and just can't do it. Vegetables, potatoes, rice, corn, cellery, and salads are all i can bare too. I'll try it all in advice though and look up some stuff.

Keep it coming and thanks guys.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It sounds like your sorted. To be honest it sounds like you know all the stuff you need you just really want those pizzas! When someone cuts certain foods from their diet they can struggle. I can tell you will be fine. But many (usually when trying to lose weight) will be good for say 1 week then pig out. But a good way of preventing that is changing the metality behind it all... and giving yourself a treat. Although your situation is completely different you could use the same approach.

Why don't you do all you say and not eat the bad stuff. Then say on a Sunday you allow yourself a pizza which you love. Because it is a treat you look at it differently (positively) and appreciate it more. Not to mention the fact pizzas can be decent and some aren't that bad anyway (especially if you wanna bulk abit). I guarantee it will make you feel so much better cos you won't be going 12-16 weeks without your fav food.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Yea, that does make a lot of sense. As of now I'm just snacking on my oatmeal (for fiber) alot more so that im no as hungry to where I want a whole pizza. I dont have problem staying away from the fast food places but I do usually cook and eat with cheese which I'm gonna cut out. Looks like i'll be using that George grill I got a lot more now. I really do wanna bulk but I need to clean up the diet some. I already quit drinking. And the rice I can change over but that was somethign I was eating a lot with grilled meats so it wont be hard to stop that.

Thanks again and meanwhile keep the tips coming...one pizza a week sounds good for now.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
The rule is, stay away from anything white and/or bleached. Your body breaks it down too fast for you to use all of it before it is converted into fat. Brown rice is whole grain, and much better for you than white rice. First of all when rice is bleached or under gos treatment, all the nutrients are robbed. And it gos from a complex carb to a simple carb. Complex carbs take longer to break down, therefor released into your body slower and are less likely to convert into fat, as long as you are not over eating. Complex carbs also require your body to use energy in order to digest them, so you are burning extra weight by simply eating complex carbs, instead of simple carbs. I make california brown rice all the time. I do use a small amount of butter, but that can be omitted. To really add some flavor add some crushed garlic, lemon, and herbs before letting it simmer and it tastes pretty damn good. And honestly whats the difference between store bought pizza, and pizza from somewhere else? It all has the same ingredients, which come to the same ending...more fat. Every one enjoys pizza, you just have to ask yourself, whats more important, pizza or feeling good about yourself?. You are doing good with the oatmeal though, its whole grain. Just dont add that butter and sugar, that is so easy to do. Instead add some dried berries such as blueberries or cranberries. These will add calories, so put that into concideration, but they are much better for you than butter or sugar, and they will make the oatmeal much more bearable to eat without butter or sugar. I hope this was helpful man, and good luck on your diet. Remember dont think of food as taste, rather think of food as a fuel for your growth and nutrition.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
questions said:
The rule is, stay away from anything white and/or bleached. Your body breaks it down too fast for you to use all of it before it is converted into fat. Brown rice is whole grain, and much better for you than white rice. First of all when rice is bleached or under gos treatment, all the nutrients are robbed. And it gos from a complex carb to a simple carb. Complex carbs take longer to break down, therefor released into your body slower and are less likely to convert into fat, as long as you are not over eating. Complex carbs also require your body to use energy in order to digest them, so you are burning extra weight by simply eating complex carbs, instead of simple carbs. I make california brown rice all the time. I do use a small amount of butter, but that can be omitted. To really add some flavor add some crushed garlic, lemon, and herbs before letting it simmer and it tastes pretty damn good. And honestly whats the difference between store bought pizza, and pizza from somewhere else? It all has the same ingredients, which come to the same ending...more fat. Every one enjoys pizza, you just have to ask yourself, whats more important, pizza or feeling good about yourself?. You are doing good with the oatmeal though, its whole grain. Just dont add that butter and sugar, that is so easy to do. Instead add some dried berries such as blueberries or cranberries. These will add calories, so put that into concideration, but they are much better for you than butter or sugar, and they will make the oatmeal much more bearable to eat without butter or sugar. I hope this was helpful man, and good luck on your diet. Remember dont think of food as taste, rather think of food as a fuel for your growth and nutrition.

Lots of great info there. But I don't agree with your last sentence. I completely get why you put it and sometimes you do just have to eat it even if it isn't nice. And thats a good way to think so you have the positivity even when you are biting into something horrible or tasteless. Like I hate sardines but I make myself eat them for their benefits and protein. But at the same time just cos you change your diet and get rid of 'bad' foods doesn't mean you can't enjoy most meals. And having a few sauces here and there (homemade) may include more calories etc but it's not like you are trying to lose weight. But again you can make some amazing really healthy meals. The obvious example is chicken. That I suppose is a boring meat with not much taste (legs maybe but not breast). But you have 1001 things you can add to it to make it a great dish. Stuff like lemon, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, chillis, hot pepper sauce, thai green curry, thai red curry, beansprouts, lime, blackbean sauce etc etc etc. If you do them homemade you don't have all the crap (additives etc) you get when you buy the stuff from a supermarket. Not to mention the fact all that cooking will be good for when your transformed body attracts the attention of more ladies and they come around for dinner etc (if your single of course). My experience is a well cooked dinner always leads to first night sex... or maybe I am just dating the wrong women!


Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
why are you triple posting the same shit? Only once man. and if you really have to ask this question, i'd say you need to do a lot more research on your own


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
1) Because I can read all the text in books i want, i wanted personal advice to answer my personal questions. yea i shouldn't have posted three times but when i post where the actual thread belongs it gets NO responses and everyone here talks about everything so i tried here too.
Last edited:


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Yeah your right about that last sentence, that isnt the way everyone should look at it. I love food, mexican food, pizza, burger and fries, greek food, IHOP, and when I am training, I can have none of these things, so it helps me to get myself in the mind frame of thinking that way, because some of my meals are down right nasty. But you are right, once you get used to really healthy eating, there are some meals that are just as good as pizza, or Al Pastor Super Nachos.
I live out in california, and people are getting a whole lot healthier out here in general. Everyone is going organic. The other day I saw whole grain pizza dough at the grocery store, for making your own pizza. Choose the right toppings, and go light on the cheese, and you could keep a little pizza in your diet, and have it be good for you. Think creatively man, and good luck with staying strong.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2006
GetSwullll said:
1) Because I can read all the text in books i want, i wanted personal advice to answer my personal questions. yea i shouldn't have posted three times but when i post where the actual thread belongs it gets NO responses and everyone here talks about everything so i tried here too.

my point is that there is a search button and I'm sure your answers are there. I dont mind you asking questions but dont flood the board with the same thing. I have enough trouble keeping up with deleting the spam. I dont need to clean up after members too


Aug 28, 2005
GetSwullll said:
Ok, getting ready to start next cycle for summer and am looking for size but want to diet decent so that I'm in good shape. I'm picky eater so what are some obvious foods to stay away from. I have no problem not eating fast foods and meals at restruants but here's what I eat a lot.

Pizzas bought from Grocery store!
White Rice with almost all meals with grilled meat/sea foods
Basically I eat only waht i buy at the store but what should i stay away from besides the obvious sweets, etc...?

*im looking for size but want decent shape and abs too*

stay away from SODA's like coke,pepsi etc...


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
sTaTic said:
my point is that there is a search button and I'm sure your answers are there. I dont mind you asking questions but dont flood the board with the same thing. I have enough trouble keeping up with deleting the spam. I dont need to clean up after members too

Your right..my bad. Wont happen again


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
ALIN said:
stay away from SODA's like coke,pepsi etc...

Yea, I don't drink soda barely ever. Sometimes I'll drink a diet soda. Is their even benefit to drinking diet (besides no sugar) or should I just dodge SODA period. Cuz I can do that no problem..i just wanted to know cuz i've read random answers. And I assume sweet tea should be dodged too because I usually use that as a substitute and add my own sugars but Ill probably just quit that too.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006
Got it guys..thanks for help. I'll search rest on my own but I'm looking forward to making the small changes that matter big time.

I'll keep yall informed on next cycle gains.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
GetSwullll said:
Yea, I don't drink soda barely ever. Sometimes I'll drink a diet soda. Is their even benefit to drinking diet (besides no sugar) or should I just dodge SODA period. Cuz I can do that no problem..i just wanted to know cuz i've read random answers. And I assume sweet tea should be dodged too because I usually use that as a substitute and add my own sugars but Ill probably just quit that too.

There have been studies showing the toxicity of many artificial sweeteners. Sucralose has a decent reputation (found in splenda)


New member
Apr 27, 2008
How many calories would one eat while on cycle if his calorie maintenance is about 3,200 calories?


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
The studies that show toxicity from artificial sweeteners is bogus. In order to get the toxicity from artificial sweeteners they found in lab rats one would have to drink twelve cases of diet coke every day for 10 years. I got my info from the journal of th American medical association.