$10K To Invest?!


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I posted this elsewhere but I think discussions like these benefit all of us willing to listen to those that view the world in that business perspective:

For you ballers for some serious discussion (obviously $10k is nothing serious for the high-rollers in the room but...fuck you, learn me anyways:p ):

If you had $10k to invest today, what would you throw it on and why?! (And serious discussion, not bullshit like the new Super realistic Asian love dolls lol)

I've blown through so much money over the years and I've ALWAYS said, I should invest in something...Shit like netflix (when it started dropping when they were cutting the stream and dvd packages in half and then blew back up right after all the huffing and puffing from customers (because none of us ever cut our service like we said we were going to lol)...Or when BTC was low, or now with ETH and Ripple...But I've never followed through with any of it.

Shit like that has never been one of my strong points...Not the losing the money because that's all most of us ever do is make money and lose money, every single week. I think it's more of you have to have a vision to see things in that view (the entire world is just a business opportunity, which it is):

But I figured a good serious up-to-date discussion, picking through the heads of you guys that thrive in that environment and know how shit works.


May 19, 2014
Simple. I would love to Start my own coffee store. But raw beans roast some every morning people can buy them roasted or raw. They can buy a cup or grinders or even the home coffee bmroaster. Anything to do with coffee. French presses or steamers or perks.
The wife and I have been talking about it for 2 years now but since I got laid off from my last job we don't have the extra $$$ so maybe when the oilfield recovers I will

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I posted this elsewhere but I think discussions like these benefit all of us willing to listen to those that view the world in that business perspective:

For you ballers for some serious discussion (obviously $10k is nothing serious for the high-rollers in the room but...fuck you, learn me anyways:p ):

If you had $10k to invest today, what would you throw it on and why?! (And serious discussion, not bullshit like the new Super realistic Asian love dolls lol)

I've blown through so much money over the years and I've ALWAYS said, I should invest in something...Shit like netflix (when it started dropping when they were cutting the stream and dvd packages in half and then blew back up right after all the huffing and puffing from customers (because none of us ever cut our service like we said we were going to lol)...Or when BTC was low, or now with ETH and Ripple...But I've never followed through with any of it.

Shit like that has never been one of my strong points...Not the losing the money because that's all most of us ever do is make money and lose money, every single week. I think it's more of you have to have a vision to see things in that view (the entire world is just a business opportunity, which it is):

But I figured a good serious up-to-date discussion, picking through the heads of you guys that thrive in that environment and know how shit works.

There are several threads about this very same topic on Quora. If you haven't been there yet, it's sort of like Yahoo Answers, but with actual smart people answering questions. They have several entrepreneurs and professional investors there that routinely answer this type of question. The answers vary, and you'll still have to do a fair share of homework, but it's a good place to start lining up a few basic ideas and options.


lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Did a thing in highschool where if you could invest $10k in a government bond and sit on it for 20 years it woukd come out more than a million dollars. I know that is a long time and not a lot of money especially here in Cali, but it is a retirement plan eay better than busting my ass in a union to get less than 50k a year.

Another woukd to invest into a neely set up government and buy up all of their currency (exchange) like some of the military dudes did for Iraq.

Get into the legalized marijuana industry here in California or a business that can offer services to that industry.

I couldn't "play" stock trading. Way to volatile for my taste. I hate to gamble money.

I would take a risk and play tony montana however. I guess gambling my freedom rather than money seems appealing to me like a dumb ass. Smh.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Choatic is also very correct about the coffee industry. I watched a documentary about it and hiw lucrative it is. Bery hard to import the good stuff out of those asian contries though.

One last thing is that the medical field in 2nd & 3rd world countries is on par if not superior to united states. So maybe invest into the medical field their or again Marijuana simce it is going to boom in Thailand and by consequence Laos in the next 2 years.

It is medically legal and will be recreationally legalized very very shortly. The origional veitnam era thai sticks. Those guys know how to farm and the climate is perfect.

Just importing would be an issue possibly. Still working on logistics myself.


Mar 27, 2014
I am running down to an auction in a few days - gonna bid on 6 chevy SUV's and 2 john dear tractors- I'll bid $1,000 each for each suv and up to $400 each tractor - if I can get them - i can sell the cars for up to $5,000 pc. And the tractors up to $2,000 pc.
Wish full thinking right?
Never know if you have a blown trany or something else major. The tractors - hopefully the diesel engine is Good on them.
Great investment or a great way to lose a lot of money???
It is fun - but very addicting


Mar 27, 2014
The auction was crazy money -
I could buy from a dealer
the suv's were more then i would ever think of selling them for.
Next one
just have too save my money


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Good luck Squatster!!!! I know a couple guys that buy from auctions and they make a good living at it. Your a good dude so hopefully Karma will do its job....AR....