First Cycle Ever - Test E Advice Please


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
Ok first cycle ever. I've been advised to use 250mg a week. So my question is, do i split that into 112mg shots twice a week? I'm going with the 250mg because it is what i've been advised to do, but can somone expain why so low, i understand it's my frist cycle, but wouldn't i get much better results from say, 400mg? I guess i'm just looking for a little explanation of why i shouldn't go higher. But as i said, i'll do as advised.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
250mg is pointless (that is a usual TRT dosage). You will be shutting yourself down for no real benefit. First cycle should be 400-500mg per week split into 2 injections. That will be a good solid cycle. Do you have your PCT sorted?

By the way I had a fire and my comp melted away so thats why I haven't been on this week. Need to sort out a new comp soon (on mates comp now).


Aug 28, 2005
jsr2188 said:
Ok first cycle ever. I've been advised to use 250mg a week. So my question is, do i split that into 112mg shots twice a week? I'm going with the 250mg because it is what i've been advised to do, but can somone expain why so low, i understand it's my frist cycle, but wouldn't i get much better results from say, 400mg? I guess i'm just looking for a little explanation of why i shouldn't go higher. But as i said, i'll do as advised.

if your just doing 250mg,,,do 1 inject every 5-7 days.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Yes I agree 250 twice a week or say every five days. But You need to have a pct in place. also you didn't mention how long you were planning to do this.
So we need your stats
body fat index
your past experience in exercise.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Elvia1023 said:
250mg is pointless (that is a usual TRT dosage). You will be shutting yourself down for no real benefit. First cycle should be 400-500mg per week split into 2 injections. That will be a good solid cycle. Do you have your PCT sorted?

By the way I had a fire and my comp melted away so thats why I haven't been on this week. Need to sort out a new comp soon (on mates comp now).
I disagree! First can we have some stats here? How old, how tall, how heavy, how many years training?

Second, you can make amazing gains on 250 wk. Just make sure your diet is excellent, your training even better and you will make some serious progress. it is only your first cycle, you need to know how your body will react to this.

I do agree with having yopur PCT on hand before you start. Also do yu have the needed ancilliaries in case of unwanted sides? Make sure you do your research. No turning back once you push that plunger!


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
well i've been training for about 5 years, last 2 serious. i'm 5'9, 230 lb, very little bodyfat not sure exactly what it is right now though. my diet is good, i eat every 2 hours, 8-10 times a day, brining in an average of about 300 grams of protein a day, only about 50 grams being from supplements. and yes i have PCT on me and in check and i have nolva in case of sides. ummmm, i'm pretty young though. im 21. i'm probably going to get some critisizm for that huh. so be it, i can use it. is it just a terrible idea altogether for me to start a cycle? i have almost 300 BD tbol tablets too but i'm not going to use them.


Registered User
May 18, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
250mg is pointless (that is a usual TRT dosage). You will be shutting yourself down for no real benefit. First cycle should be 400-500mg per week split into 2 injections. That will be a good solid cycle. Do you have your PCT sorted?

By the way I had a fire and my comp melted away so thats why I haven't been on this week. Need to sort out a new comp soon (on mates comp now).
250 mgs' a week is not pointless and can be very effective.....and 250mgs' is not a typical trt dose....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Zaven said:
250 mgs' a week is not pointless and can be very effective.....and 250mgs' is not a typical trt dose....

I agree cos 250mg per week is a very high TRT dose. And if you was going to a doctor it would be half the amount. So your right it is not a typical TRT dose. But I would say most on here who were to go on a TRT dose would use something close to 250mg... therefore thats why I said typical. And yeah you could get good gains from 250 cos the average male produces much less than half that amount naturally.

Anyway just read your stats and you shouldn't be starting a cycle now. I know it is hard cos when your young your in a rush to start everything. I am only young too. But please just continue training naturally and wait till atleast 23 before you start. You seem to have a good schduele going so you simply don't need it now. Saying that your weight is huge for a 21 year old at 5ft 9. Are you sure about your bf? If your that big at hat age I can't see the need in wanting to be bigger just yet. Just train naturally for now and you will never regret it. If you do AAS now you will probably only regret it.

I should have asked you your stats to be fair from the start. Don't get much comp time now so just tried to answer it straightaway.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
i'm not sure about my bf actually. all i know is i can see my abs. and all that fat that i do have is around my stomach and nowhere else. i eat a shitload of food though and don't do much cardio. and i agree that i am young. but i guess you could say i'm in a hurry. i joined this site 3 years ago and have been learning ever since.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
jsr2188 said:
i'm not sure about my bf actually. all i know is i can see my abs. and all that fat that i do have is around my stomach and nowhere else. i eat a shitload of food though and don't do much cardio. and i agree that i am young. but i guess you could say i'm in a hurry. i joined this site 3 years ago and have been learning ever since.

I would say your best just doing the same for the next few years. But incorporate cardio sessions into your workout. Get your fitness up and by the time your 23 you probably won't even want or need AAS. But if you do just ask away and many will advise you the best route to go down. Your too young at 21. Your natural test is at it's highest now so there is simply no need. Your just gonna mess with your natural supply and it may cause difficulties after cycle. I am young too. I started at 23 and even I think that is quite young so just wait till atleast then. I was like you and trained hard in the gym from a young age so wanted to rush things too. But I waited till 23 and I advise you to do atleast the same.

Making sure your protein intake is high (like you do) and maybe investing in a good creatine is all you need to be doing. Make sure your diet is clean and just be healthy (cardio).
Last edited:


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
i guess i will wait. you are right though i do want to rush things for some reason and i dont' even know why. i think it's because i've been reading about AAS for a few years now and am just excited and axious to see how it feels. i do have a good creatine, and i also have some good BCAAs. ever since i got the BCAAs and upped my calories i've been surprized with myself. went up around 10 pounds on the bench every week for a steady 3 weeks....which is probably another reason why i shouldn't start AAS right now if i'm still getting natural gains like that. i've been wanting to do cardio but wouldn't that slow down my gains a bit? anyway, i will wait a couple more years. i typically do as advised espcially coming from experienced people. i will admit it might be a little hard for me to wait seeing how i have all the stuff already.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
jsr2188 said:
i guess i will wait. you are right though i do want to rush things for some reason and i dont' even know why. i think it's because i've been reading about AAS for a few years now and am just excited and axious to see how it feels. i do have a good creatine, and i also have some good BCAAs. ever since i got the BCAAs and upped my calories i've been surprized with myself. went up around 10 pounds on the bench every week for a steady 3 weeks....which is probably another reason why i shouldn't start AAS right now if i'm still getting natural gains like that. i've been wanting to do cardio but wouldn't that slow down my gains a bit? anyway, i will wait a couple more years. i typically do as advised espcially coming from experienced people. i will admit it might be a little hard for me to wait seeing how i have all the stuff already.

You are so right to wait. To be honest I would get rid of the stuff. Sell it to someone you know uses (or give it away). Just don't be storing it in yours. Plus if that was me at 21 and I decided to wait I reckon if I had it for a few months just staring at me from my cupboard... saying hello when I was getting ready for the gym... I would probably just start it when I felt I needed a boost! :D

Your best just getting rid of it. Like you have stated your gaining naturally and that sounds like great gains you have listed. Just be natural and keep training as hard as you can. If your gains slow or even stop don't think about AAS just look at your training and your diet.

Cardio will slow down your gains. But at your age, height and weight slowing them down isn't a bad thing. Plus you wanna be healthy and look even better. For a toned physique you need great diet, training and lifestyle. Training shouldn't just be weights but cardio too. Your bf will lower with effective cardio and as your still lifting heavy you will gain muscle and lose fat. Your pounds may not go up but that is not important as your more than enough for your height (alot more). I am 210 pounds and 6ft 3 and look big. So you most look very wide being the weight you are. Plus cardio is good for your heart and overall fitness. The amount of huge men I see who are strong but couldn't run down the street if asked... it's not good and it's not healthy.

Just keep with the protein and BCAA's and you will be sorted. Creatine is good at times... but the main reason that works is because it makes you hold water (it is still great to use at time). Goodluck with your training and just keep on reading on this forum so by the time your 23/24/25 if you wanna try something you have the knowledge to do so wisely.


Registered User
Oct 10, 2007
250 a week is great as long as everything else is ready to go. that means diet is perfect and you know how to do pct. by the way...whats up oldfella...lol just noticed you were over here too.


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
tkav1980 said:
250 a week is great as long as everything else is ready to go. that means diet is perfect and you know how to do pct. by the way...whats up oldfella...lol just noticed you were over here too.
HAHA how are you bro? Seem to be having trouble getting on to Pro M at present. How's everything going?