Rhonda Rousey


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
Seems her 5 minutes of fame are over?! Holmes owned her that entire fight and finished it in fashion...Rousey had no chance striking with her and couldn't even use her ground game.

I've always said I thought Rousey was nothing special and used more of pre-fight intimidation against her opponents then anything else and that once she had no choice but to fight a striker she was going to look stupid (guess she can't talk anymore shit about that punk Mayweather):

Ronda Rousey vs. Holly Holm - UFC 193 Highlights - YouTube


Mar 8, 2014
Rousey talked shit and bought into her own hype...so full of herself she didn't even have the decency to touch gloves in the start of the fight. Then proceded to get the living shit beat out of her :D. Heard she had to get her lip sewn shut, and has a broken jaw. That ko kick from Holmes was awesome!


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
WTF!!!!!!! I woke up to this shit! Im stunned. I've grappled my whole life, did NAGA for jiu jitsu and judo comps in college. I thought Rhonda would be a female Tyson. I'm shocked she lost and kinda embarrassed by the loss....just wtf!


Feb 2, 2013
Yeah, she met her nemisis and got her jaw broke in 3 places. Hopefully HH will represent the sport better than trailer trash RR.



Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Congrats to Holm...That was great!

The reports that Rousey had a broken jaw were false...just because she went to the hospital, rumors began to swirl. http://fansided.com/2015/11/15/ronda-rousey-jaw-not-broken/

It's never been hard for a grappler to stop a boxer, so I was surprised that Ronda let her ego get in the way and tried to box with her. Ronda has okay stand up by MMA standards but nowhere near Holly Holm's pedigree.
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AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
RR was too aggressive for sure. HH was definitely in her head i think, thats why she was a bit more in her face than usual but at the same time i think she really slept on HH and her skills. Edmond has no doubt done tons for her skills but is he too much of a yes man for her? i believe so. it really seems her game plan was fucked from the start! i would have been telling her in the corner after that first round to fight smart and quit chasing because she is kicking your ass but Edmond did not do anything of the sort. in her position brutal honesty is always best and yes men will end your run in a second. make no mistake RR is nowhere near done and i would love for her to get a new coach, stop the movies and put 100% into her fight career because we will no doubt see HH and RR #2 in 2016. RR is still a champion, its in her DNA but HH is also a champion and has been for years. the future of the women's bantam weight division is bright and we all have the privilege of watching. i wish the best for both of these ladies and have enjoyed watching over the years. thank god for HDNET and now AXSTV for bringing the action to us over the years!



Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
RR was too aggressive for sure. HH was definitely in her head i think, thats why she was a bit more in her face than usual but at the same time i think she really slept on HH and her skills. Edmond has no doubt done tons for her skills but is he too much of a yes man for her? i believe so. it really seems her game plan was fucked from the start! i would have been telling her in the corner after that first round to fight smart and quit chasing because she is kicking your ass but Edmond did not do anything of the sort. in her position brutal honesty is always best and yes men will end your run in a second. make no mistake RR is nowhere near done and i would love for her to get a new coach, stop the movies and put 100% into her fight career because we will no doubt see HH and RR #2 in 2016. RR is still a champion, its in her DNA but HH is also a champion and has been for years. the future of the women's bantam weight division is bright and we all have the privilege of watching. i wish the best for both of these ladies and have enjoyed watching over the years. thank god for HDNET and now AXSTV for bringing the action to us over the years!


Rousey needs to switch camps...Edmond Tarverdyan hasn't really had any fighters with a great record...Manny Gamburyan, Travis Brown, and now RR. She should have started with Jackson-Winklejohn...can't now since Holm trains there.

Another reason to leave Tarverdyan, aside from the fact that her mother hates him, is the fact that he recently filed bankruptcy!

Ronda Rousey's coach claims bankruptcy, trustee pursues GFC for liquidation - Bloody Elbow


Jun 10, 2013
She wasn't herself from the beginning of the fight and to see all these dumb motherfuckers who were all about her jump the bandwagon as soon as she lost y'all are what's wrong with sports all together. Win or lose you support the team or fighter you've always supported hell in a longhorns fan and still will support them till the day I die regardless if they even win another championship as long as the Aggies don't I'll be happy lol


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Krissy Lynn did a porn where she was dressed like RR for brazzer...just saying


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
One thing is for sure, her aura is gone forever. They built her up like Tyson and once Tyson got the bully beat out of him, he was done. Highly doubt she'll be back and of course the tv and movie execs just tuned her out. She has no draw appeal as a loser. Harsh reality, but she's financially set for life and doesn't need to worry about it anyway.


Mar 27, 2014
I think the next fight should be a great one - she won't fuck around as much and just get down to business
Hell knows if she will win or loose again - very humbling
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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Just the fact that she is legitimately good and lost, doesn't mean some of the assholes in the media get a free pass at being cock sucking pieces of shit. Champs lose and when they do don't reveal in their misery....it pisses me off. I've been in sports competitively my whole life, and been good enough to be ranked at a few. If some ass hole, who doesn't even do my sport, is happy I lost I would feel sorry for them.

Yeah people some times get cocky and when they do lose they look like jack asses. But that doesn't discredit everything they did.

I just got tren-somnia and my g/f just showed me a thing where LADY Gaga said some shit about RR. That tranny loving whore of Babylon has no room to talk shit about someone's ring conduct or ACTUAL TALENTED PERFORMANCE!


Jun 10, 2013
Just the fact that she is legitimately good and lost, doesn't mean some of the assholes in the media get a free pass at being cock sucking pieces of shit. Champs lose and when they do don't reveal in their misery....it pisses me off. I've been in sports competitively my whole life, and been good enough to be ranked at a few. If some ass hole, who doesn't even do my sport, is happy I lost I would feel sorry for them.

Yeah people some times get cocky and when they do lose they look like jack asses. But that doesn't discredit everything they did.

I just got tren-somnia and my g/f just showed me a thing where LADY Gaga said some shit about RR. That tranny loving whore of Babylon has no room to talk shit about someone's ring conduct or ACTUAL TALENTED PERFORMANCE!

It seriously pisses me off as well. And the whole not touching gloves before the fight was due to holly bumping Rhonda's head at the weigh ins. On any given day a. Hamp can lose but I guarantee she'll be back as a champ. Look what clip I found not everyone wins all the time



WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I like Holly alot she is a great fighter. But now you got these guys saying they were lookin at her crotch at weigh ins and it looks like she has clitoral enlargement so she must be on steroids.....WTF

She did a weight cut, everything is puffy and dehydrated, maybe she had a fat pussy who knows...but these fuckin nobodys are soooooooooooo ready to throw the steroid card out at people is fucked up.


Jun 10, 2013
I like Holly alot she is a great fighter. But now you got these guys saying they were lookin at her crotch at weigh ins and it looks like she has clitoral enlargement so she must be on steroids.....WTF

She did a weight cut, everything is puffy and dehydrated, maybe she had a fat pussy who knows...but these fuckin nobodys are soooooooooooo ready to throw the steroid card out at people is fucked up.

Fuck it let em all juice and be monsters. I mean when the home run records were being broken it was the most watched baseball games in history. I wanna see 300 lbs running backs getting demolished by 350+ lbs defensive lineman lol. Just like ufc I'd love to see these big fuckers completely demolish each other instead of dance around the ring like mayweather.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Ronda Rousey is one of the most skilled judo fighters in the world. Men included. Thats where her camp went wrong and it goes to show just how stupid they are. Who ever posted she should change camps was 110% on point. Rousey was in no way ready to fight Holmes. I could go through a laundry list of reasons but just to name a few. She was and has been way too lean at her weigh in's. This one is no exception. Mid way through the first round her body was done. She was noticably weak and Imo it was due a good bit with her pre-fight hydration or lack there of. Her gameplan was just absolutely rediculous. Ofcourse the last 3 or 4 fights she has been in have been just as bad. She herself has said she hasnt trained seriously on the ground in something like a year and a half? Are you fucking serious. Thats like Mayweather saying ya my hands are the best in the world so Ive decided just to train my legs from now on. Need I say more? Just pisses me off that whether you like Rousey or not personally you have to respect her dedication and talent on the ground. Which btw is where ALL her fights should be. If a rematch happens and due to the $$$ it will draw I cant see Dana White letting it not happen. I would predict, as long as Rousey gets her entire act together, a pretty quick win for Rousey. Then a pretty quick exit from MMA all together. Smart on her part if she does....AR....