It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are good. My appetite has lowered recently and I have just gone with it but I will push things more soon. The lowered appetite was from using adrol for 3 days then nanodrol for 3 days. I am back on tbol so it will come back. I have already started getting slightly more watery in places so I don't mine toning it back temporarily anyway. The added water is down to a few things which include adding in 10mg MK-677. It's also worth noting I have slight gyno in my left nipple so my estrogen has risen which was to be expected on 850mg test with no AI. No big deal and I am on 20mg nolva daily and 20mg aromasin eod now. The arom tabs are impossible to cut in half so I will just dose it eod. I will change over to e3d's soon and the nolva will be dropped a few days after the gyno disappears. I will also start lowering my test dose down later in the summer probably to 750mg then 500mg and stay at that dose.

My goal is to grow lean but I have always planned to tighten up for the later part of the summer. Before covid19 happened my goal was to get huge then diet down for summer but that went to shit so I am just growing and staying fairly lean. I will probably end the summer on 500mg test and add in some tren a and avar. I will follow a similar diet just lower carbs and fats slightly. So I wont' get extra big or extra lean but if I can be under 10% at approx 260 pounds I will be happy with that. Right now it's full steam ahead and I will actually be upping my carbs now. I do need to lay off all the nuts especially with my cottage cheese and they are part of the reason I have softened up more than I would like. Last night I must have ate about 100g fat (900 cals) just from the nuts I added to my tub of cottage cheese :eek::D No big deal though as it won't take too much for me to get back to where I need to be.

I had a massage today and I have some knots in my upper and lower back which I knew. One has also effected the ROM in my right shoulder which has effected my pressing recently. I have booked another appointment in for next week as well so that should help matters. I would book more but he is busy and it's very expensive where I live. I trained push and pull and then had a day off before training legs earlier. Going off memory but my 3 workouts looked like...

Flat Barbell Press... 1 working set with 3pps.
DB Flyes... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Press... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Standing Cable Front Raises... 1 working set.
Standing Smith Shoulder Press... 1 working set with 2pps.
EZ Bar Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with 25kg per side.
Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.

Reverse Pec Deck... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Machine Pulldown... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 2 working sets (pulling high and medium).
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 2 working sets for each side (1 loading and one drop off) pulling low.
Barbell Shrugs (from the back)... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3pps and 1 drop off with 2pps).
Machine Lower Back Extensions supersetted with Machine Ab Crunches... 4 hard sets going up in weight each set.

Leg Press Calf Presses... 3 working sets.
Calf Extensions... 1 working set.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 2 working sets.
Leg Press... 2 working sets (low, wide and deep then low, close and partial).
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.

I was rushed for time today with legs but it was brutal. I should note I stretch my calves and sometimes do body weight sets between my main sets as well. The leg curls were with the full weight rack but the sldl's were just light weight and high reps with the thought of just getting as good a stretch as possible. Leg press were all deep apart from the final working set which was solely quad focused and with the safeties on so I can literally push till I can't move it another inch. I have been doing a lot of heavy leg extensions recently and they are helping but today was just a quick set with the middle of the stack for high controlled reps to get as much blood in there as possible.

I have been having my fav smoothie a lot recently and today I swopped the mixed berries with just blueberries. With that went synthepure whey isolate, pineapple and oats. About 140g carbs (80g from pineapple and 60g from oats) and 50g protein (not counting oats) in that shake within minimal fat (just from the oats). The pineapple and blueberries go so well together. All the fruit I use is fresh apart from my smoothies were I use frozen berries so they are locked full of nutrients. The shake is bright purple colour due to the berries and I could live off it if I had to as it tastes that good.

Tomorrow will be PUSH and more of the same. I will probably add in some cardio as well. Plus my usual pre and post supplementation but no slin and just lr3 post workout. With the LR3 I will load carbs and aminos with minimal fat.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's hot here now so I am going through a lot of water... well I should say EAA's. I have drank 1.5 litres of water with EAA's 5 times today and I am going to have another one now. I will have to order more as I am running out. Nothing beats drinking an ice cold drink when it's hot. I trained and went in the sauna and steam room today and was boiling when I was leaving the gym. I pretty much knocked back some watermelon flavoured EAA's in 1.5 litres of ice cold water afterwards. I love flavours like watermelon, passion fruit and nectarine in times like that. The synthetine and syntheselen combo definitely add to the heat as well and I am going to make sure I am consistent with both as I notice a huge difference in my look when I am dosing both daily. It was PUSH today and it felt good. I still have issues with my traps but pressing felt light today so I could have even gone heavier but I still went to complete failure with 3.5pps. I always use the safeties in the smith machine so I fail when I can't move it another inch and it drops.

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing DB Front Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set for each side.
Incline Smith Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3.5pps and 1 drop off with 2.5pps).
Machine Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Chest Press... 1 working set.
Close Grip Bench (2.5pps) supersetted with Cable Tri-cep Extensions (full weight rack)... 1 working set.
Machine Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
10 mins cardio.

It's worth noting I like to use what I would describe as transitional movements between body parts. They are movements that will hit both of those body parts. I tend to mostly do the same exercises but I will rotate certain ones from time to time. I usually decide what movements I will do in my session on my walk to the gym and often it starts with the transitional movements. So today training PUSH I went with 2 movements that I would put between shoulders and chest and chest and triceps. Today they were an incline chest press so hitting front delts and chest and then close grip bench for my first tri-cep movement which obviously hits chest (especially the inner part) very effectively. I will also take my time warming up with these movements as I will go heavy so I am in no rush to get up to my max weight.

Today I dosed LR3 about 1 hour post workout then had a smoothie with approx 160g carbs and 50g protein. Basically the same as yesterday so synthepure whey isolate (50g protein), pineapple (80g carbs), oats (60g carbs) and blueberries (20g carbs).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I mentioned stress recently but not too many details but it's definitely effecting things. I am good but just in a very awkward situation but just getting on with things. I often go the gym just to get away from things. That happened yesterday and I got ready in auto pilot in many ways and left but I wasn't really feeling it. I was hoping the pre workout would sort me out and it did to an extent but my body/mind definitely needs a break. I still had a great training session but because of how I was feeling I added in a few new movements and mixed things up for a change. I done some pull ups, assisted pull ups, pulldowns, db rows, machine rows and barbell shrugs. Due to the way I am feeling I had today off and will probably do the same tomorrow and maybe the next day. I need to recharge my batteries in many ways. My appetite has also disappeared so I have barely ate for 2 days. As a result I am taking the break and I have also dropped the tbol. I know what to do and will continue to push the fullness for a few more weeks after this short break then I will start to move down to tighten up.

I am not one to stress at all and I know things will be fine soon I just need some time to sort everything out. I posted about my dad getting rushed to hospital and the fact I can't fly back due to covid 19. Some of the other things I didn't mention is I broke up with my gf of 5 years a few weeks ago but we are still living together (in a small apartment). I am fine with that but I can't fly back due to there being no flights. I will be moving countries very soon and I am in the process of sorting out a new place to live. I will have to just pay without a viewing as I need something sorted for when I am able to fly back. I also have all my belongings here which I am gonna just leave half of them and when I can I will fly with 2 large suitcases. I may ship over some supps etc I have as well. Now the awkward and most stressful thing is my dog and well it's a very long story but the short of it is I can't fly with him as dogs aren't allowed. I will have to fly back with my stuff then return here and basically get a train or flight to another country then a taxi service through the tunnel and then a train to my hometown. So it's not just as simple as flying back with Flex and my suitcases. Most of the apartments I like also don't accept pets. There are a few other things as well :eek: Life is always good though just a very awkward time. Once I am set up in a new country with Flex in my own place life will be back to great and I can start having some fun.

It's 9pm and I have had 1 smoothie to give an indication. Obviously far from ideal but I am not too bothered. I find many guys on here worry about the slightest thing and they panic over silly things like not being able to inject for 1 week when they go on holiday. Obviously consistency is vital but a few days of not eating much is not going to worsen my end result. It will shrink my waist and give my digestion a bit of a break. Once I start building up the meals again all that loss fullness will come back straightaway. It's not like I am prepping for a show were these things can make a difference and just want to look big and ripped so the little things don't bother me at all. I am just listening to my mind/body and when it's ready to push again I will take full advantage of that.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I must have eaten something bad for me to end up the way I did. I did have a takeaway one night so it could have been that. The first day I didn't eat until the night and before that meal I was severely bloated. Even 3 days in with minimal food my stomach was very bloated and whenever I ate or drank I would be in bad pain. I am sensitive to bloating but feeling like this is extremely rare for me. It's a mental thing but if I feel ill I usually don't bother injecting as I haven't for about 5 days now. Nothing major because I have test c in my system but I was obviously dosing eod so I will restart from tonight and stay consistent now.

I had 4 days off from the gym but trained tonight and it felt good. I was going to the toilet normally the first few days but I didn't feel right and was so bloated so last night I decided to take 500mg metformin. I take it from time to time through the year but haven't for awhile. We all know the stomach effects it can sometimes have and I figured maybe it would help out and it actually did. In the morning I woke up very early and ended up on the toilet many times over about 2 hours but I feel it done me good. I didn't take anything to stop me and just made sure I stayed hydrated. I have since ate 4 times today and I feel so much better and that's why I decided to train. I even risked a preworkout and I was fine with it and ended having a great session. My stomach is still not 100% but it's getting there. I will probably stick to 4 meals tomorrow and see how I am then likely move up to 5 the next day.

Warm Up.
Incline Smith Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3.5pps and 1 drop off with 2.5pps and deadstop reps).
Machine Flyes... 3 working sets (10 sec static hold then reps with med weight, full weight rack standard reps then partials, lighter weight high reps).
Chest Dips... 1 working drop set (20kg db then body weight).
Unilateral Cable Lateral Raises... 1 working set for each side.
Unilateral Cable Front Raises... 1 working set for each side.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 1.5pps and 1 drop off with 1pps).
Machine Unilateral Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with each arm.
Cable Pushdowns... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight (50kg, 40kg, 30kg and 20kg).
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set with body weight for high reps.
Cross Trainer for 10 mins on my tiptoes.

Training was slightly different today and I done some higher rep working sets but it all felt good. I was just happy to be able to train and it has helped my body. I will see how I feel tomorrow and decide if I am going to train. I have a weird forearm injury so I may just skip pull and do legs next but I will see how I am. I am curious if anyone else has ever done this because I am not clumsy but have weirdly done it a few times in my life. When I woke up early and was really tired I walked into a door handle but it hit my forearm. I done it really fast and hard though and couldn't make a fist for a few mins. I could feel it when pressing heavy today and whenever I had to pick up plates. Nothing serious at all and as I wrote it's the 3rd or 4th time in my life I have done this :eek::D

In other news I have found a new place to live and paid a deposit today so I just to wait for everything to go through. The place I have found is amazing and is ideal for me and Flex. Some major changes ahead and I am looking forward to it :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just when I thought it was getting better it got much worse. What a terrible few days in regards to actual bodybuilding. I have got to the point I am scared to eat in many ways. I will be fine and it's just temporary but I have had some sort of flare up. I have posted info and pics about distention/bloating in the past. For me earlier in the week I looked great and now I look terrible. I look like I have had 3 months off and ate pizza all day :eek::D Obviously it's mainly just my gut so an exaggeration but it really does make a massive difference. My gut is probably 6 inches bigger than a few days ago. Whenever I eat I get horrible pain so I have to be extra careful. I also broke out in a rash on my chest and arms. I have dropped a few things that could be contributing and I also added in an anti-histamine last night. I just want this to go soon. I saw someone I hadn't seen for a few days and she said I have lost loads of weight on my face. So I have a chiselled face and a 42 inch waist :eek::D

I am starting to think it may be the small dose of bromocriptine I recently added so I have stopped it. I took it yesterday and got really bad afterwards. I was feeling ok but after having my usual smoothie (with the bromo) I started feeling worse. I will also watch my intake of the smoothie ingredients (mainly whey isolate and oats) as well. Anyway I get to the gym and I am not great but by the end of training I felt horrible. That is definitely the bromo as I posted it has been stopped. I felt like I was going to faint when I walked home. Now I still had a great session and pushed hard but the 2nd half was a grind. Moving forward I hope dropping the bromo and watching certain foods should have me much better very soon.

Warm Up.
Abs and Lower Back for 10-15 mins.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Flyes... 2 working sets.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 2 working sets (pulling high and medium).
TG Rows... 2 working sets (3pps with pronated grip and 4pps with hammer grip).
Machine Pulldowns... 1 working set with the full weight rack.
Shrugs using the TG Shoulder Press supersetted with DB or Cable Shrugs... 2 working sets (1 loading with 6pps then db shrugs and 1 drop off with 4pps then cable shrugs).
Bi-ceps and Forearms for 15 mins (cable curls, cable reverse curls, db curls, db hammer curls, spider curls, concentration curls and cable wrist curls).

My forearm was ok but I could feel it for certain movements (pronated machine rows for example). The rack and smith were taken so I decided to do my shrugs on the technogym shoulder press. I put the seat on the lowest setting with a mat on top and stand up and it feels great. I can only fit 6pps but it's plenty and much more than I can do with the smith or barbell variation. The later movement for shrugs is used with lighter weight mainly for feel/pump and usually well over 20 squeezed reps.

I have had a little chicken and a small synthepure shake with salad and fruit and I am ok. No pain at all so I am going to train legs. Post workout I will have beef mince, rice and some vegetables. Although I woke up very early so haven't slept much so not ideal but a morning with no stomach pain I will definitely take. Once I get over this I am going to mutate because I am eager to change fast. Once my stomach is back to normal I am looking forward to loading in the carbs :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am still bloated but have felt no pain at all today so I am happy. After every meal yesterday I would get bad stomach pain. I have just had 2 fairly large postworkout meals (beef mince, green peppers, cherry tomatoes and rice) within about 90 mins and I feel fine. I didn't eat that much for the rest of the day so I am up to 4 meals for the day now. I will end the day with cottage cheese and some nuts to make 5. I am also going to add 1 scoop of Garden of Life's Raw Organic Fiber and 10g glutamine pre bed as well. So things are looking much better. I will eat in a similar way tomorrow and go from there. My leg workout tonight was very basic but effective.

Warm Up.
Calf Presses... 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Leg Press Feet High and Wide... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Leg Press Feet Medium... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Leg Press Low and Close... 1 working set with the previous set's drop off weight.
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.

The pump was incredible and I could see veins coming through my quads. Before training I took 10mg cialis and 1 scoop of Muscletech's Peak Series Preworkout. My intra was 2 scoops of EAA's, 75g HBCD's and 10g l-glutamine. Post workout was 200mcg IGF-1 LR3 (100mcg unilaterally).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am starting to look more like my normal self now. No pain and less bloating but there is still some to lose. I am feeling much better today though. I have had 3 meat (2 x beef and 1 x chicken) with rice meals today. I added some peppers and cherry tomatoes to those meals but small amounts just to keep things simple and aid overall digestion. Although post workout for something a bit different (with no issues) I decided to have some Kellogg's Zimmy Cinnamon Stars with coconut and rice milk with approx 40g protein from synthepure.

Something I started doing recently which just makes sense to me is if I am using an aid for shuttling nutrients (slin, lr3 etc) post workout I will eat first then save that aid for before my next meal. To gauge things optimally you would need to check blood glucose and use certain aids based on that reading. Although if you're depleted postworkout after training hard your body is primed for taking in nutrients. Afterwards it could really benefit from using an aid to increase the uptake of nutrients for that 2nd post workout meal. This is especially useful when trying to load in plenty of nutrients/carbs in the few hours post workout. Obviously if you have an intra shake (especially with pre workout slin) that can change things as well so just do what you feel best with.

I only ate chicken and rice 1 hour ago and already feel like I could eat again so that is a very good sign moving forward. I will still take it easy and just build up my tolerance again over the next few weeks. I should be moving country very soon so I want to keep everything else the same whilst getting this bloat down and then I can make changes to my plan and really move forward fast. After the move I will probably drop test down to 500mg, drop the npp and add in a little tren and then some avar to finish the summer with.

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working drop set (just 1 drop) with each arm.
Seated DB Front Raises... 1 working set.
Seated DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
TG Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3pps and 1 drop off with 2pps).
Machine Flyes... 2 working sets (1 loading with full weight rack and 1 drop off with about 75% of the stack).
TG Chest Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 4pps and 1 drop off with 3pps).
Chest Dips... 1 working set.
Unilateral Underhand Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with each arm.
Standing EZ Bar Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Cable Pushdowns... 1 working set.

It's worth noting quite often I rest very little between my loading and drop off sets as I probably wait about 30 secs. Those TG Chest presses felt really heavy today as well and I failed on the 3rd rep with 4pps :eek: I immediately dropped down to 3pps and got (I think) 12 controlled reps.

Pre workout I had 6iu humalog, 4ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen. I didn't dose my AAS last night so as I was training early I just dosed them preworkout (250mg test c, 100mg test p and 50mg npp). After my slin I ate 2 bananas and for intra I had 3 scoops of Amino+, 5g extra glutamine and 75g HBCD's. Before my 2nd post workout meal I dosed 150mcg IGF-1 LR3. I am going to stick with that protocol until I move abroad. You may have noticed the extra synthetine and syntheselen well I figured I could do with all the help possible getting my body back to where it was and I will carry on with the same doses for the rest of summer.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am pretty much back to where I should be. Most of the bloat has gone. It's crazy the way it came and gone. If guys remember the distended pic I posted ages ago this was even worse. Some idiot gave me abuse for posting that pic very recently stating I look like shit etc. All for posting a pic showing temporary bloat brought on by food intolerances. The forum's can be a weird place at times. You can never please everyone and no matter what you take too much, look like shit for your dose, take too little, you look great and must be lying about doses, your diet is shit, your diet is great etc.

I have kept my diet very basic and the same as yesterday just to ensure there are no major reactions to foods. I need to start eating more vegetables (greens) and fruits again so I will add some in soon. I ordered greens/fruit powder as well but the order has been stopped and I need to get it sorted.

Beef mince, green peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice.
Steak (beef), yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes and long grain rice.
Preworkout... 6iu humalog, 10mg MK-677, 4ml synthetine, 1.5ml syntheselen and 1 scoop of Muscletech's Peak Series Preworkout.
2 bananas.
Intra... 3 scoops of Amino+, 75g HBCD's and 10g glutamine.
Post- Kellogg's Zimmy Cinnamon Stars with coconut and rice milk with approx 40g protein from synthepure.
150mcg IGF-LR3
Chicken, orange peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice.

That's what I am up to and my next meal will probably be beef and rice again. I will end with cottage cheese and probably nuts. Although I have some nice fruit so will add that in as well. Things are definitely feeling better now I just need to sort out all my moving plans.

Training was PULL and felt great. I added more volume but it felt good. I have tweaked my right trap but it's nothing serious and to be fair not a surprise :eek::D

Warm Up.
Reverse Peck Deck... 1 working set (not planned but was waiting for a bench).
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 2 workings sets (1 pulling high and 1 pulling medium).
Machine Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Smith Rows... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3.5pps and 1 drop off with 2.5pps).
Barbell Upright Rows... 1 working set with 30kg per side.
Barbell Shrugs (behind the back)... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3.5pps and 1 drop off with 2.5pps).
Machine Unilateral Rows... 1 working set of high reps with each arm (pulling low with elbows tucked in).
Cable Curls... 1 working set with the full weight rack.
DB Curls... 1 working set of high reps.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working drop set with 4 drops in weight with 30kg, 24kg, 20kg, 16kg and 12kg db's.
Rope Curls... 1 working drop set.
Abs and Stretches for 10 mins.

I think today was about 1 hour and 30 mins and I looked so much better post workout. Nothing special but after the last week it was nice to see my abs again. Well sort of because I am a hairy mess. I will get shaved and sort out some updated pics for before I move. I hope everyone is well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I would like to think it's also my body getting back to normal but adding in 10mg MK-677 preworkout has had a big impact on my appetite. I ate the cereal with whey isolate then the chicken and rice meal. Later I decided to have cottage cheese with grapefruit and blueberries first. Then I just had 2 steaks totalling about 300g but I could have easily ate double. I will probably eat again before bed but will keep it mainly protein and fats.

I have also started taking in some fibre pre bed with 500mg metformin and will carry that on for the foreseeable future. There is actually some data suggesting the combination of metformin and fibre is good when treating diabetics (insulin sensitivity). Although I didn't start using it for that reason. I merely wanted to get rid of the tub before I leave and I also figured it would be useful because I haven't been eating as much high fibre foods (fruits, oats, nuts, greens and seeds etc) as I usually do. My fibre intake has gone down significantly this week so I will supplement whilst I start adding in all those foods back in.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just realized I never posted yesterday. I trained legs and was so destroyed I ended up eating my meals and just going to bed. Right now just to be safer with my back when it comes to legs my main focus each session are heavy leg presses. The main aim is to do 1-2 working sets with as deep as possible rom. That really does make all the difference. I also usually do 1 set with a closer stance and less rom but all quad focused. On top of that will be a working set of leg extensions. For hams it's abusing myself on a leg curl variation (my current gym only has a seated one) and for sldl's it's usually lighter weight with the key work being "stretch". I do go much heaver at times with sldl's but I have to be careful. Then of course just abusing myself on the adductor (and abductor) machines. Calves again just sheer abuse and many different techniques but an added thing for those is I now do cardio sessions with a big focus on my calves. The way I focus on my calves during cardio varies but it could be an incline, on my tip toes or actually doing calf raises as I move/walk.

Warm Up.
Leg Press Calf Presses... 3 working sets using 3 different weights.
Seated Calf Extensions... 1 working set with each leg separate then 1 working set with both legs together.
Seated DB Calf Raises... 1 working set.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set for each leg.
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Hip Adductors... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight (I walked like a penguin after this set).
Leg Press... 3 working sets (2 with feet wide and low with deep rom and 1 with feet closer and low with shorter rom).
Leg Extensions... 1 working drop set.

Today I trained PUSH and it felt really good. I tried my new preworkout (Rhino Rampage) and that really had me in the zone. Yesterday for LEGS I dosed all my usual but today I haven't done any slin or lr3. Today I just dosed synthetine and syntheselen preworkout. Tomorrow I will add back in the usual around my PULL workout. Today I also added in a little volume for my working sets and most were with 15+ reps.

Warm Up.
Incline Bench Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Incline Bench Front Raises... 1 working set.
DB Partial Lateral Raises/Swings supersetted with DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set with 30kg and 10kg db's.
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set with each arm then 1 working set with both arms.
Standing DB Press... 1 working set with 30kg db's.
Smith Presses... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3.5pps and 1 drop off with 2.5pps).
Machine Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Press... 1 working set with hammer grip.
Machine Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with each arm then 1 wroking set with both arms.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set.
Cable Pushdowns... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight (full weight rack, 80%, 60% and 40%).
15 mins cardio on exercise bike on level 15 (slow-moderate pace mainly to get a good leg pump).

My diet has been very similar the last 2 days. Mainly meat and rice with vegetables. With a very large amount of cereal post workout and cottage cheese later on. Here is my diet from yesterday...

Steak (beef), orange peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice.
Steak (beef), red peppers, cherry tomatoes and long grain rice.
Preworkout... 6iu humalog, 10mg MK-677, 4ml synthetine, 1.5ml syntheselen and 1 scoop of Muscletech's Vapor1 Preworkout.
1 banana and some red/green grapes.
Intra... 3 scoops of Amino+, 75g HBCD's and 10g glutamine.
Post- Kellogg's Coco Pops with coconut and rice milk (approx 230g carbs) with approx 50g protein from synthepure.
150mcg IGF-LR3
Chicken, green peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice.
Cottage cheese, blackcurrants, cranberries, walnuts and cashew nuts.

I weighed myself today and I was 116.5kg so not bad considering I ate next to nothing for about 3-4 days and just been slowly easing the food back up since then. I will also start adding greens back in mainly in the form of asparagus, kale and spinach. Although I did receive my new greens powder today which looks great so I will now use 1 serving every morning.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a day off today. I have also relaxed the diet a bit and included some fats and carbs I wouldn't usually eat regularly. I am glad I did because both meals tasted incredible. I now have a greens shake first thing in the morning with certain supps and take Flex out for approx 30 mins before I eat.

Steak (beef), green and yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice.
Synthepure smoothie with pineapple, oats, mixed berries and water.
Steak (beef) with melted extra mature cheddar cheese on top with olive and tomatoe focaccia bread.
Synthepure smoothie with 2 apples, 1 kiwi, green grapes, blueberries, oats and water.
Steak (beef) with a toasted fruit loaf drizzled in extra virgin olive oil.
My last meal will be cottage cheese, blackcurrants, cranberries, walnuts and cashew nuts.

I have also added in a few new supplements. I am taking an array of supps and apart from the lowered blood pressure I can tell they have made a big difference. I will get extensive blood work done in a few weeks time as well so I can see where everything is. I was getting nosebleeds from past orals and also when I would go to the toilet it would dribble but since I added my supps both of those issues went away.

Life Extension Endothelial Defense (GliSODin® and pomegranate complete)... 2 caps AM
Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Stress and Fatigue Formula 101 (GABA, B1, B6 AND B12)... 2 caps AM/PM
Now Foods Blood Pressure Health... 1 cap AM/PM
Jarrow Formulas Wild Bitter Melon Extract... 1 tab AM/PM
NOW Foods Prostate Health... 3 tabs daily
21st Century Pomegranate Extract... usually 1 cap in the PM with 2 meals.
21st Century Fish Oil and Bulk Powder's Krill Oil... 3 fish oil and 2 krill oil PM with 2 krill oil in the AM. Sometimes I add 3 fish oil in the AM as well.
21st Century 10mg Melatonin... 1 cherry flavoured chewable tab (they taste great) before bed.
Synthetek's Synthergine... 2ml AM/PM.

Amazing Grass Raw Reserve Premium Greens with 25 Billion Probiotics... 1 serving in the AM.
Hydrapharm Nootrovit Multi Vitamin... 3 caps per day.
Glaxon Sedative Sleep Aid... will replace my melatonin with this approx 2 times per week (probably on leg days).

I am looking forward to training PULL tomorrow and due to the rest day I will probably go with 1 heavy lower back loading exercise. The rest is always as heavy as possible for the given rep range but I choose carefully when I am going to hit my lower back directly with the same intensity. I hope everyone is good :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I feel great tonight. Things are moving nicely now and I will just carry on with the same approach for now. I can tell after I move and make a few changes things will really get interesting. For the next week or 2 I just want to get fuller and fuller and keep everything as tight as possible. I am eating beef approx 3 times everyday now and it's having a nice effect. I done the large bowl of cereal post workout again today and I don't see any reason why that can't stay in for longer. When I write large bowl it's approx 250g carbs so a nice amount. I have actually ran out of humalog so I am not using it now but I will add it back in when I sort out a new bottle. Tonight was PULL and a variety of movements but very fast paced as well. I was in the gym for 1 hour and 20 mins.

Rope Face Pulls and Rows (Warm Up).
Reverse Pec Deck supersetted with Rear Delts Flyes using the Seated Lateral Raise Machine backwards... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes supersetted with Incline Bench DB High Rows... 1 working set.
Behind the Neck Lat Pulldowns supersetted with Lat Pulldowns to the front... 1 working set.
Machine Reverse Lat Pulldowns supersetted with Machine Lat Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Barbell Rows... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3pps and 1 drop off with 2.5pps).
Behind the back Barbell Shrugs supersetted with DB Shrugs... 1 working set with 3pps then 30kg db's.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows (pulling low with elbows tucked in)... 1 working set with each side.
Cable Curls... 1 working set.
Reverse Cable Curls... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Curls... 1 working set.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working drop set with 4 drops in weight (30kg, 26kg, 22kg, 16kg and 12kg db's).
DB Spider Curls supersetted with DB Hammer Spider Curls... 1 working set.

My diet today...

Steak (beef), peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice.
Synthepure smoothie with pineapple, oats, mixed berries and water.
Steak (beef) peppers, cherry tomatoes and long grain rice. I also had a bottle of innocent fruit juice (mango and passion fruit).
Intra... 3 scoops of Amino+, 60g HBCD's and 10g glutamine.
Post- Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes and sliced banana with coconut and rice milk (approx 250g carbs) with approx 50g protein from synthepure.
Beef Mince, peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice.
Cottage cheese, blackcurrants, cranberries, walnuts and cashew nuts.

I have also snacked on a few spoons of cashew butter in between meals as well.

Tomorrow will be legs and more of the same but I will include a big dose of LR3 pre workout with 4ml synthetine and 1.5ml syntheselen.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs tonight and it completely done me in. I have just sat here for over 3 hours on my phone with no energy to move. I had a shake postworkout but will eat soon. It wasn't planned but I was that out of it I figured just do a shake. I have an opened bag of Optimum Nutrition gold standard gainer so I am thinking I will go through that before I move. The top doesn't shut properly and I could just put it in an empty tub but I will just use it once daily over the next week to finish the bag.

Whenever I go to the gym I know what movements and rep ranges I am going to do but I sometimes modify things on the spot depending upon how I am feeling and if I am training later then the actual time could be a factor as well. Tonight I got in quite late and didn't have that long until the gym closed so I naturally just started supersetting all my movements and it felt great. I was limited to pin loaded machines so it was basically the full weight rack for everything so that didn't change but it was a good intensity technique to have everything coupled together. I had the whole corner of the gym to myself so I just abused myself without a care in the world :D

Warm Up.
Leg Press Calf Presses supersetted with Bodyweight Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with Leg Press (high and wide stance)... 2 working sets.
Hip abductors supersetted with Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press (medium height and width) supersetted with Leg Extensions... 2 working sets.
Kettlebell Squats... 1 working set.

I also had a shiatsu massage earlier today as well. It's my 3rd in 3 weeks. The guy is great and uses his elbows and goes very deep. My whole body is riddled with inflammation due to hard training but my shoulders are really bad. I knew this anyway but I love my heavy pressing. Although I definitely need a deload so from tomorrow that will happen. Even when I shaved my head the other day I had to keep having breaks because my shoulders were killing me just having my arms held up. I know what I need to do but I just love pushing it in the gym but I will listen to my body and take the very needed break. I will be back to 100% soon but I know I will have to be smarter in the future if I am going to avoid any major issues when I am older. Everything else is fine though so it's full steam ahead for everything else.

Incidentally I am actually fairly pleased with how my shoulders have developed recently as they are probably the best they have ever been and I am liking the change in shape (more 3d looking) I have created over the last few months. When I state deload I just mean very high rep ranges but I will still going to failure but over 20 reps for everything. Although I am best having a break from going to complete failure for at least 1 week so I will. I definitely won't take preworkout on push days because it gets me too amped up and I end up getting carried away :eek:

I move country in just over 1 week and once I am settled this log will really take off :) I will sort out some updated pics in the next few days.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am destroyed tonight. I have been sorting out all my stuff and packed a few boxes to ship to myself where I am moving. I also have 3 suitcases and 1 of them is full of supplements (mainly protein and carb powders). Recently I have just been listening to my body and not pushing things one way or another. By that I mean I am eating good but definitely not pushing size. I am progressing nicely and my weight is still climbing upwards but very slowly. So I will purposely push the fullness as much as I can for a short time then I plan to come down. When I am in my new place I will start carb cycling as I respond very well to it. So a mix of medium then low days to tighten up then 1 high day. A low day for me will be about 200g, medium about 400g and high I will really push it so about 1000g carbs. That will be combined with lower test (500mg), tren a (40mg ed) and insulin (with lr3). After about 3-4 weeks of that I will add in some avar (40mg) and finish nicely for the summer.

Today I trained PUSH and it was the start of my deload due to my shoulder issue. I enjoyed training so much and I may even follow the same approach for PULL and LEGS just for the next week or 2. For PUSH I will be training like this for approx 2 weeks but I imagine when I start training in the UK (gym's open on the 25th) I will probably go back to my usual heavy training fairly soon. It was a nice change though and I enjoyed myself in the gym. The weight was kept much lower but the intensity was still high because rest periods were minimal. Although I didn't go to true failure that much but training like this hits you hard in other ways.

I won't (I couldn't even if I tried) list out my entire workout but it was just a complete mix of movements. Lot's of variations of lateral and front raises. Lot's of super or tri sets. I ended shoulders with seated db presses supersetted with seated db lateral raises. I could barely lift my arms up 10-15 mins in. Chest was a mix of flyes and presses. I done some cable presses for the first time in a while and they felt great. I always get an amazing connection and pump with cable presses. I only went up to the middle of the rack for most movements. For machines presses I kept it at just 2pps. I would do large sets using a wide, middle and close grip and 10 reps for each so 30 reps in total. Tri-ceps were more of the same. I ended with a tri-set of Standing EZ bar overhead extensions, underhand pushdowns and rope pushdowns (pulling down and out). Then a few sets of leg extensions to get some blood in my quads. I finished with some abs and stretches.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I shaved (just electric) my body it what felt like about 2 hours :eek: I was like a gorilla beforehand so it took ages. I have a rash (red dots) all over but that should disappear by tomorrow. I am looking ok and I will push the carbs more then work back down. Most would think just diet now but I have a plan and like to stick to it and I am in a good place to work from. I have major issues with my lats but I have improved them so I can't complain and everything else is ok. My waist is ok and I know after some low days it will look much better so no worries there. All in all I am feeling good. Once I add tren in and play about with carbs I know it will make a big difference.

Dried fruit is not perfect in some ways but I use it at times for a few reasons. It is rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and it's also high in phenolic antioxidants. I pick certain ones that are loaded in micronutrients such as blackcurrants, goji berries and cranberries. I often add them to my rice and I love the taste and it gives the meal a nice little boost. I like them with cottage cheese as well and usually add walnuts, cashews and/or macadamia nuts. They are also useful if you have taken insulin as the meal contains a blend of fast and slow carbs.

It was PULL day and I kept all working sets 15 reps or over. I took no preworkout yesterday but today had a full serving of Rhino Rampage and honestly felt like a machine in the gym. It's has a really good effect and is very strong.

Rope Face Pulls and Rows (Warm Up).
DB Pullovers... 1 working set with 40kg db.
Incline Bench DB High Rows... 1 working set.
Behind the Neck Lat Pulldowns supersetted with Lat Pulldowns to the front... 2 working sets.
Barbell Rows... 1 working set with 2.5pps.
Behind the back Barbell Shrugs supersetted with DB Shrugs... 1 working set with 2.5pps then 30kg db's.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows (pulling low with elbows tucked in)... 1 working set with each side.
EZ Bar Curls... 1 working set.
EZ Bar Reverse Curls... 1 working set.
Unilateral Cable Horizontal Curls... 1 working set with each arm.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working drop set with 4 drops in weight (30kg, 24kg, 20kg, 16kg and 12kg db's).
10 mins cardio (elliptical).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs tonight and nothing really changed as I always train with 15 or over reps for legs anyway. I did fail on 12 reps on 1 set but everything else was over that. Just like last time I was destroyed afterwards. I really hate the big leg movements because I know how much it will take out of me. It's not the same pressing or rowing. I know if I push it on legs I will be useless for at least 3 hours afterwards. I recover very fast due to my nutrition and supplements but no matter what after the actual training session I am mentally gone.

I have always struggled with my legs partly due to my lower back but also because my legs are so long. However they are improving but because they are not genetically there I only have to take my foot off the gas for a week and the fullness just disappears :eek::D My quads are starting to look really big (for me) now though (especially with a pump). They are getting much thicker now. I hope that translates well in pics. I have seen a lot of tall guys with quite big legs but in pics their legs look small so it is a struggle unless the tall person is genetically gifted. It's funny there is a guy who trains in my gym (he trained legs tonight) and he looks decent and you can see he has good genetics. He has big legs and if you see him train you would just laugh. On his phone doing light weight and I have seen him train 50 times and it's the same every time. He was squatting 10kg per side for his max weight. Not even going deep with just 10kg per side. They don't realize how lucky they have it some people. Take a guy like that and have him eat and train like I do and the changes would be remarkable in literally 8 weeks.

Tonight I felt like doing barbell squats but I was smart so decided against it. It's common for me to have issues after barbell squatting but that's what a new and strong preworkout will do to you :eek::D Getting injured just before my flight with 3 big suitcases and hand luggage would be beyond stupid. I am still really progressing well just using leg press and leg extensions as my main quad movements. Although when I get to the UK I am going to find a gym with a good hack squat and I am going to progressively overload that for the following few months. My workout was similar to last rotations but I did have to change the order slightly due to the machines being used by other people.

Warm Up.
Leg Press Calf Presses supersetted with Bodyweight Seated Calf Raises (from squat position)... 2 working sets.
Hip abductors supersetted with Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets.
Leg Press (high/wide, high/close and med/med)... 3 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets.
Kettlebell Squats... 1 working set.

My diet today...

Beef, green peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice with blackcurrants.
Beef, yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes and long grain rice with goji berries.
2 bananas and 1 kiwi (and EAA shake).
INTRA- 3 scoops of Amino+ and 30g HBCD'ds and 30g Coconut Sugar.
POST- Lebanese take away of beef, lamb, chicken with salad, hummus, pita bread and a dessert of orange blossom rice pudding.
Beef, orange peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice with cranberries.
My last meal will probably be cottage cheese, walnuts, cashews, red/green grapes and blueberries.

The reason I ate fruit preworkout is simply because I waited too long to train and I was hungry and I don't like training (especially legs) on an empty stomach. I couldn't be bothered cooking so I just had some fruit with an EAA shake to fill my stomach and give me a boost. I have actually had 4 EAA shakes today. I am also nearly out of 1 bag of HBCD's so I have started mixing it with coconut sugar. I have more bags but it saves opening one just before I have to travel.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My back is still fucked but it's a weird one. Meaning if I stand up awhile I may get the occasional shock and I have to be very careful moving around but you wouldn't think there was anything wrong with me just stood there. However, if I sit down even for a few mins it can be horrible trying to get back up. I had to get the bus yesterday and was sat down for 10 mins or so. I get up and get off and my back just seized up. I couldn't straighten my back and had to stand there holding onto a rail for about 10 mins. Then every step felt like it could go again. I still had to get shopping though and I was ok in the end. I really wanted to go the gym yesterday but left it. Over the last few days it hasn't improved at all and feels just as bad as day 1.

Today I said to myself I am going to train no matter what. That may seem stupid but I know my body well and I know my back. But it's bizarre because I was literally crying out in pain unable to move with my back locked up and 90 mins later I left for the gym. It's amazing what 10 mins of an ice pack, 1 serving of pre workout and the walk to the gym can do. I knew I had to be careful but I knew being active will actually help me recover as well.

When I get to the UK I am going to join a gym with plenty of plate loaded back machines and I will be gtg. I have said it before but I will stick to it this time. I was very limited with my current gym and that coupled with me loving free weight back movements and no surprise I end up injured again. Although at the same time I do want to work on strengthening all areas but I also know it's just playing with fire performing heavier barbell rows, deadlifts and barbell squats. Slightly frustrating but the 24/7 gym I left the other month (didn't renew as I was moving) have just had all new Panatta machines fitted. A high and low back row and unilateral chest press amongst many so that would have been nice.

I feel much better now but I will see how I am when I wake up. I could feel it tightening up in the shower slightly so I put another ice pack on it and I was good again. I will have tomorrow off and go from there. My flight is very soon so I may just not train again and have approx 1 week off. The gym's reopen in the UK on the 25th. My main aim is just getting recovered as soon as possible so I can hit it hard again when I am back in the UK.

Training today was PUSH and I even went fairly heavy for some movements with no issues. Although weight was generally restricted to be safe and I just wanted to get a really good pump so I utilized various supersets. The workout gave me a massive physical and mental boost. It's been 4 hours since and I am still fine. I will ice it again before bed and see how I am in the morning.

Stretching (upper/lower back, glutes, hips, hamstrings etc).
DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets.
DB Front Raises... 1 working set.
Smith Shoulder Press... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight (2.5pps, 2pps and 1.5pps).
DB Seated Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Flyes supersetted with Machine Presses... 2 working sets.
Cable Flyes supersetted with Cable Presses... 2 working sets.
Tri-set of Tri-cep Pushdowns, Underhand Pushdowns and Rope Pushdowns... 2 working sets.

When I first got injured I had a bad day or 2 but my diet wasn't really effected. I had a Mcfluffy but with that order I got 3 salads. I was low on food and was going to go shopping then got injured so I just ate the 3 salads for 3 meals and used what was in my fridge for the rest. McDonalds over here do really good salads that are just made with grilled chicken breast, lettuce, tomatoe and some cheese shavings. The dressing I get is a miniature bottle of extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. So all in all not bad at all and they taste great so it's something I occasionally get when I want something fairly cheap that I can order in. The rest of my diet has been good and mainly beef and rice with vegetables. I have lowered my overall meals/calories simply because I haven't been able to move much for a few days. My aim for this week is just maintaining fullness and condition whilst I am unable to train properly. When I get to the UK I will start loading up with higher carbs and heavy training then go from there.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was very surprised today because I woke up and my back felt like it had 99% recovered. Although it actually felt worse the more I moved through the day. Although I done my little routine and it felt much better so I figured I would train PULL and it went great. I won't list my entire routine but mainly machines and lot's of different rows and pulldowns. I did use db's for incline bench rows and rear delt raises. I kept the weight sensible and like yesterday mainly went for pump. Lot's of high reps sets with minimal rest in between. I did use the full weight rack for some rows and pulldowns so it's not like I went light but I was just very careful. I have some very old humulin-r that I will throw away before I travel so I dosed that postworkout and loaded up on protein and carbs. I am not a big fan of humulin-r and much prefer rapid acting slin. I must have had this 1 vial for over 5 years (it expired in 2017).

Contrary to what some may think I am not one for drawing up elaborate drug cycles. I take a variety of things from time to time but I tend to just go on feel and keep things fairly basic when I get. But sure if you have slin, mk-677/hgh, synthetine/syntheselen, lr3, orals etc it's worthwhile timing them effectively. I figured some may want to see what I will be doing drug wise to finish off the summer once I am settled in a new gym/home. I have posted in the past I could add stuff but I don't really see any point as a bit of test and tren with an oral is all I need.

50mg test p per day.
40-50mg tren a per day (will work up to that dose over a few weeks).
Now I have 1 bottle of mast e so I may just add in 200mg per week but it's not needed but I will probably do that.
40mg avar daily after a few weeks on the test and tren.
Now I want to trial Geno's new sdrol and I will at the end of this run for approx 2 weeks. I will go on feel but I will probably stick to 20mg and will run that with the avar at 40mg.

I have a few vials of the 70% purity lr3 left so will run that on moderate carb days. I will dose it quite high. I plan to get a new brand of lr3 (haven't decided yet) and if/when I do I will dose that at 100mcg on moderate carb days.

On high carb days (1-2 per week) I am going to dose lantus in the morning. I will start at 50iu and move up and see how I am but don't have a planned max dose but will push it more than I have in the past. With that I will probably dose 10iu humalog (x2) through the day.

I will also dose metformin on low days. Maybe 10mg MK and 2iu hgh x2 on high carb days only. I can't run either of them frequently as I just get too tired no matter how I dose them.

Synthetine and syntheselen will be dosed at 4ml and 1.5ml preworkout. Although on the high carb/slin day I may dose that twice.

I am excited to start and looking forward to training in a new gym. They are so cheap in the UK I may join 2 if it means I have access to more leg and back equipment. My core diet will be beef and rice with vegetables. Obviously fruits in there as well. I am holding my weight (259 pounds today) and condition so once I start this things will really come to life.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My back is feeling even better today. Definitely the best it's been since injuring it. I trained again today as well. I want to stay active as my flight is soon. I will train tomorrow as well and on the day of my flight will take Flex out a few times and just stay active. Once I am in the UK I will have a few days off and recharge. Obviously it's impossible to know but I was thinking the nail in the coffin so to speak may have actually been leg press. I use a pin loaded leg press in my current gym. The issue with it is I want to go as deep as possible so I have it on the lowest setting but I am 6ft 2 with long legs. On a standard leg press it's not an issue but with this I can't fit in so it's very awkward when first pushing the weight up on the 1st rep. When I finish my set I literally have to fall down to the side to get out of the machine. I was thinking at the time my back is not good like this. Anyway it's impossible to know and just something I will try to avoid in the future. I probably won't be using that machine ever again anyway.

I trained legs today and it's the most awkward day in many ways when having an injured lower back. Push is easy you just have to be careful especially with overhead pressing, picking up plates and moving around in general. Back is surprisingly ok and I can still train hard as long as I am supported and I just avoid any lower back movements. I also have to be careful with certain movements but generally it helps my recovery and never hinders it. Legs is much more awkward so I just played it safe. On paper it probably looks like a terrible session but it felt great. I still went heavy on all movements but was extra careful on the leg curls. I won't list the full details but basically leg press calf presses, seated calf raises, unilateral/both seated leg curls, hip abductors, hip adductors and leg extensions then 10 mins on the spin bike.

Enough of the boring bits and let me get sorted in my new place and I will be back bigger and better than before :) Most things are sorted so I can move into my new apartment fairly soon. I am going to stay in my parents for a few days first then get all my stuff into the new place. I have already looked at gyms where I will be living so will sort that out soon. They open on the 25th and I am thinking I will probably start training on the 27th so I have a few days to rest and get all my stuff sorted. Hopefully I can start posting some training videos now as well. I just asked Geno for some bits as well so they will come in handy :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained PUSH today and really went for it. A typical training day but it felt good. My back felt great but I know it's still not completely recovered yet. Some of my main lifts were a slight incline smith press with 3pps for 15 reps. 2 working supersets of cable flyes and presses. The full weight rack for 19 reps for machine lateral raises. The full weight rack for machine shoulder press for 18 reps. Floor EZ bar skull crushers with 25kg per side for 14 reps then some deadstop (3 sec negative) reps (had 5 in mind but after 4 it was gone). Stretches before and after for my back, glutes, hamstrings and hips etc.

I had approx 400mcg LR3 left in a vial and I just dosed it all post workout. It's definitely not right as I didn't feel that dose but I still loaded up on carbs afterwards. Hopefully I can sort out some good LR3 and I will dose that at 100mcg as that is plenty when it's good.

I fly to the UK now and I am going to have approx 5 days rest then hit in hard in a new gym. When I restart I will rotate the compounds in and start the new plan. Things should get good.