What should I major in?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I want to get this discussion going again. I've been looking into the business degree and doing some research on possible career paths, and I need a little more real world information on what different job titles actually mean. I found a partial list of different potential job titles related to a business degree, and if anyone can help to clarify what some of these different titles actually mean as it relates to what one might actually do on a daily or annual basis, that would be fantastic.

Here's a picture of the job titles I found. Feel free to comment on anything you know about any of them.


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I'd like to see this thread really get some input, I'm sure as many people that look through the board there's a lot more very useful info on the subject if just a portion of the traffic would start posting.....


Registered User
Oct 28, 2012
Chester, VT
OK, one issue you have to get clear is this:

Degree Titles Do Not Equate to Job Titles

(Say that three times. Let it sink it)

Now, as a *GENERAL* rule, anything that uses the word "analyst" is code for "using math and statistics to analyze data to drive decision making.* For instance, an Analyst may research and conclude that Locations A, B, and G of a company should be shut down because their revenues don't cover their expenses...or they may decide that the company needs to expand in the Latino community based on hard data showing an actual interest in the product. An IT analyist is looking at the efficiency of the computer systems within the company.

Business Development is akin to Marketing: it is the question of how to increase market share or sales. It may be looking at new product line development, or breaking into new geographic or demographic markets. It might also entail working with other businesses in the field to leverage each others strengths.

Business Operations usually refers to Managing inside procedures (can the factory be more efficient? Should customer service be talking to sales or shipping before creating a policy? Should we work 4 days round the clock, or 7 days with one shift each?)

Based on that whole list you posted, they ALL fall into one of these three categories.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
OK, one issue you have to get clear is this:

Degree Titles Do Not Equate to Job Titles

(Say that three times. Let it sink it)

Gotcha Mill. That wasn't where my thinking was going, but I appreciate the direction. I was just investigating possible career paths with a business degree, and those were some of the titles that came up. I just needed some idea of what differentiates one from the other.

And your answer was exactly what I was looking for. Thanx again. I'll have more questions soon.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
I think all those business titles translate into "we need a honest, educated, but not too educated white male to manage a bunch of poorly paid idiots" lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I think all those business titles translate into "we need a honest, educated, but not too educated white male to manage a bunch of poorly paid idiots" lol

Apparently it's right up my alley then. I'm white, male, honest, not too educated, and I've spent 20 years working with poorly paid idiots. Maybe it's meant to be.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I think all those business titles translate into "we need a honest, educated, but not too educated white male to manage a bunch of poorly paid idiots" lol

Keep in mind that method of doing things is exactly why the world,especialy the us, is in the shity shape its in ......but by all mean full steam ahead with a failed direction......lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Keep in mind that method of doing things is exactly why the world,especialy the us, is in the shity shape its in ......but by all mean full steam ahead with a failed direction......lol

Just to be clear I was referring to the under intelligent educated blind leading the uneducated blind....had no implication toward you Sully...you strike me as an intelligent guy......anyway have you found a direction your leaning on this yet?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Just to be clear I was referring to the under intelligent educated blind leading the uneducated blind....had no implication toward you Sully...you strike me as an intelligent guy......anyway have you found a direction your leaning on this yet?

I got a buddy. It never occurred to me to take an offense. I undertood the situation you were referring to completely.

At the moment I'm leaning toward either some sort of Business degree or Management degree. They have a few different options for each, so I need to do some reading. I don't qualify to be admitted to their Business degree program, so I'll have to wait until I speak with someone at Admissions to really sort out my options. In the mean time I'm still doing some general research on career goals and options to see if I can find a niche that I fit into.

It probably won't be until later this year or early next year before I enroll, so there's still plenty of time for more research until then. The whole situation is extremely fluid, so I'm exploring as many different options and directions as I possibly can.

By the way, I greatly appreciate everyone's input so far. Even if you don't feel like you contributed anything useful, I promise you that something helpful was taken from it. Even if it was only "don't be like that guy!" Just kidding. Thanx again guys.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Bumping this thread. It's almost time for me to make a decision. I'll likely be starting classes sometime in the next 6 months, so I've really got to start narrowing things down.

Here's my current question. Is a Bachelor's Degree in business worth anything by itself, or does one really need to continue on get their MBA? I'm not completely opposed to working on my MBA after I have my Bachelor's while I'm working somewhere. I just don't want to get out of school with a bachelors in business and find out that to make a decent living everyone expects you to have an MBA before they'll even talk to you.

Any insight or guidance anyone?
Jan 26, 2015
You can't go wrong with a degree in business admin. Being a fireman, people know you are already discipline. Get a degree in BA and get into production supervision. Big factories are paying well, including another pension and 401 k. Many will purchase your stocks every month if you are salary. Just sit in an office and be a role model