Summer 2019


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So many updates I will do them in stages :D

Firstly, my lower back went today. I was sitting awkwardly which I wouldn't usually do but have felt there is no danger. Thinking back I later realized I had hack squatted the other day. I have a list of exercises I know cause me issues but I had totally forgotten I had done them. I was going low as well and it must have done something. When I don't rack pull, deadlist, squat etc my lower back is never great but it never goes ever. I stopped doing them all last time my back went but done 2 sets in a superset the other day so I am guessing it was that. It went and I couldn't move but lay down for 1 hour and it started feeling better. So nothing major this time. Regardless there was no way I was missing the gym today. I could have broken my foot and I still would have been in the gym tonight :D

Big session and I feel great now. I wore a back support and it felt good. It helps keep my waist in as well so a bonus. I changed it up and used 5ml synthetine preworkout. Reason being synthelamin is the only synthetek product I don't ever use. I feel great on it but both times I have used it I have broken out (acne) on it which is rare so I know it's that. I researched it and it's not uncommon when using vitamin b12. Syntheselen also contains vit b12 and since I started using it I broke out a little. It could be the aas but as I am going away in 2 weeks I would rather just drop it incase it is the vit b12. I have been fine in the past on it but again would rather just drop it. I will carry it on after my holiday. So it's 5ml synthetine from now on which I love and it's my fav dose. In my experience the more the better with synthetine but common sense needs to be used so I come to the conclusion for big/fast results and the fact I can do it in 1 shot 5ml is a great dose for me.

Tonight I trained chest, tri-ceps, calves and quads.

Flat Smith Press... 1 working drop set with 2 drops. 4pps, 3pps and 1.5pps with dead stops. I only got 3 or 4 reps with 4pps which is less than normal but I put everything into them. I wish I could have got a video as this was a brutal set.
Machine Fly... 2 working sets.
Machine Press... 1 working set.
Standing Cable Hammer Press... 1 working set.
Close Grip Bench Press supersetted with Tri-cep Cable Extensions... 2 working sets.
Unilateral DB Tri-cep Front Extensions... 1 working set (with assisted reps) for each arm.
Unilateral DB Tri-cep Side Extensions... 1 working set (with assisted reps) for each arm.
V Grip Tri-cep Extension... 1 working set with 50kg and then double the reps with 25kg.
Leg Press Calf Presses supersetted with Seated Calf Raises... 4 working sets with pauses at the top and bottom.
Leg Extensions... 5 sets of 50 reps going up in weight.

I surprised myself with the leg extensions. The machine had 2 plates on so I done a few sets of 10-15 reps with pauses to warm up. Then I done 50 reps. I moved up to 3 plates and done another 50 reps. It's written down to do 3 working sets so I figured 4 plates for 50 reps and that's it. However I figured let's just go on till I can't get 50 reps. I moved up to 6 plates and that killed me to get 50 reps. I was on the floor shaking after that. But it felt good and my quads were on fire after 5 sets over a short time.

Post workout I had chicken cooked in my own spice mix and some vegetables in a little light soy sauce...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
An update about my fathersons order. They have many famous fitness guys modelling their clothes. I have issues buying tops to fit me and pants are impossible so I figured they would be a good bet. On their site they basically have tops in a super tight fit and others in a regular fit. Some of the models are in great shape and they have people like Mike O'Hearn, Jeremy Buendia and Andrei Deiu on their website.

Andrei Deiu looks quite big (very lean) and is tall like me but it states he wears a large in t-shirts and xlarge in the slim fitting stuff which seems small. So I wasn't sure what to order as I haven't fit into an XL since I was a teenager. I figured they must be quite large sizes plus I have purposely dropped about 20 pounds and I want things to be fairly tight. I decided XXL for the regular fitting tops and for the slim fitting stuff XXXL. I have just tried them all on again and everything is very tight and I will be resending 80% of the order back and getting a size up. So XXXXL for the tight stuff and it will still be tight. XXXL for the regular fitting stuff which I want to be tight. So even though they are on fitness websites all over their sizes are not big at all.

I also bought some shorts and figured just buy the biggest they have which is a 38inch waist. They are as tight as can be but contain 2% elastane so stretch so I am happy with them. I was thinking when I order more shorts/pants to get a 36 inch waist as my waist will shrink over the next 2 weeks but no chance I will fit my legs in them. So all in all a successful purchase but I am sending back most of the order on Monday and getting the size up. They have some nice stuff so figured I would post about it. I am in no way associated with the company.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I forgot to state if you ever order just get your normal size but a size up in the slim fitting clothes.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Hams, bi-ceps and abs tonight. Due to my lower back nothing crazy with the hamstrings. Although I did do many light weight pump sets on the standing leg curl machine with no rest just rotating right to left and so on. I also decided to really focus on my bi-ceps/forearms and performed more sets than usual. Very fast paced with multiple supersets and slow and controlled reps. I won't list all my movements as they were very misplaced and in no set order. A good workout tonight though and something different. Nothing crazy so I will be fresh tomorrow.

I am not liking the side effects from the tren a this time round. Considering I have dropped weight my cardiovascular performance feels horrible due to it's effects on my breathing. Carditone also causes nasal congestion which only multiples things. As discussed previously I will be dropping carditone soon as I won't need it as my bp has lowered (I use other bp supps as well). I will also drop tren next week as well. I may come down to TRT but it's most likely I will swop over to something else for the rest of the summer then drop down to TRT until winter time. I am thinking something simple like 500mg test c, 400mg mast e and 300mg deca. I would use NPP but I like to dose that ed or eod and as I just want to have 2 injs per week to keep things easy. I will carry on losing bodyfat on that cycle and may add a few things in at the end of summer.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yesterday I trained back, chest and abs. I supersetted everything and it felt good...

Decline DB Presses supersetted with Incline Bench DB Rows... 1 working set.
Machine Pullovers supersetted with Machine Hammer Press ... 1 working set.
Lat Pulldown supersetted with Machine Flyes... 1 working set.
TG Machine Row supersetted with Flat Barbell Press... 2 working sets.
Seated Cable Row supersetted with Chest Dips... 2 working sets.
Abs for 15 mins

If I superset I still lift as heavy as I always do. So all machines were with the full weight rack. The machines rows were with 4pps which is a little less than usual but that machine feels very heavy. Now the only exception is whenever I superset flat barbell press I never go heavy. It's just a rule I have and I am sure I would be fine but I hear about so many pec tears on that movement I prefer to keep it 2pps and I really slow down the reps and use perfect form.

I go away in 8 days so the other night I thought maybe just up things slightly for the next week so I added a little extra tren and mast. I wake up after 90 mins sleep drenched in sweat having a panic attack :eek: It was a bad one as well. I can't be bothered feeling like that again so I am lowering my tren from 40mg to 20mg for the next few days then dropping it. The same for mast as well and that will be dropped to 30mg then dropped. Test p is still at 40mg ed and last night I added a 125mg test c shot. I will do another 1 in a few days then one on the day I leave and carry that on when I get back after 5 days. If I had any winny, proviron or halo I would dose them but no bother I will just wait until I get back from my 2nd trip on the 17th July before adding anything else in. So for the next few days it will be 40mg test p, 30mg mast p, 20mg tren a and 40mg avar. With some test c in the background building up which I will add deca and maybe mast e when I get back. I should add I have been using 20mg tamoxifen daily for about 6 weeks as well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I was very low in energy and due to train legs. I left it very late and decided to train. I really pushed it hard and struggled through. My workout was very simple and all isolation work. I could say my lower back was a reason but I also just felt like training this way. All movements are ones I really like and get a lot from. I can also overload the targeted muscle and feel safe doing so. Honestly 3 working sets into my calves and I was ready to go home but really pushed through. A brutal session but not as taxing on the nervous system so I should be gtg tomorrow night.

Arm pump workout for 15 mins.
Seated Calf Raises supersetted with Standing Calf Raises... 10 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with Standing Leg Curls... 5 working sets.
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 10 working sets.

To give reference for my heaviest sets on leg extensions I was using the full weight rack with 1 leg using slow negatives and trying to hold the contraction so they were brutal.

Preworkout I had 40mg avar, 5ml synthetine, 20mg cialis and 1 serving of 5%'s Kill It Reloaded.

My abs are very indented now I am just holding some fat/water in my lower abs. I can see all the details coming in though. I think what I have done recently makes a good example of how you can get lean and look good for the beach even if you fuck everything up as long as you stay in a deficit using some drugs and train hard :eek::D I will have a few more low carb days then start adding some carbs (mainly rice cakes and fruit etc) back in to fill out before I go away. I will definitely get some pics done before I go. I shaved part of my front I just need to finish it off and get my gf to do my back.

I also dosed syntherol at 1.5ml in both bi-ceps heads and 2 tri-cep heads the other day. Plus yesterday at 1.5ml in both bi-cep heads again. That's why I added in the arm pump workout to get blood moving as my tri-ceps felt a little tight but feel good now.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My gf agreed to mind a dog this weekend so the apartment is a bit crazy. Dog hairs everywhere from the dog and Flex play fighting for about 6 hours straight :p

I have treats occasionally but very small such as 1 biscuit or 2 spoons of ice cream. So I don't go without but they are so small it makes very little difference and keeps me sane :D Obviously if I had something serious to get in condition for I wouldn't do that and would be much better. Although evenb counting the treats my carbs for the last week have literally been 75g max per day. The last few days that was closer to 50g. My fats are also lower than usual. I am doing a mini depletion. As a result I am very flat now and really feeling it. I have upped my water intake and consume a lot of sodium so it helps keep me a little fuller and the pumps in the gym are always there. I will add carbs back in on Sunday. Only 200g or so then 300g the next day and go from there. I like to experiment plus I know it will 100% make me look sharp for pics.

My plan is to do the above then I go away for 5 days. I will resume dieting when I get back then travel again for 1 week and will eat pretty much what I want. I will still train during the 2nd trip. After that I will resume dieting on test c, deca and mast e with some orals thrown in at the end of summer. I will do a proper depletion after my 2nd trip as I will have more time to do everything properly. Just for fun and to get in my best shape then it will be back on TRT and eating healthy but not worrying about calories.

Training is still the same split but I am temporarily modifying my approach. In the past it was all about the working set and just warm ups to get to that last set or 2. Now I am doing more hard sets (70-80%) and keeping the pace as fast as possible. I will still throw in some 100% sets when I feel they are warranted. I am doing this for a variety of reasons but most importantly I just feel like a change and I don't want to get injured. Those 100% sets take it out of my body and my shoulders are very dry, left hip is giving me issues, middle trap is on/off, right calf is strained etc. It's still 100% effort just done differently.

Tonight I trained back, shoulders and abs and it destroyed me. I like pushing through but my body has no energy on low carbs. I also trained very high volume tonight. I won't go into all the details but I incorporated a lot of different movements such as...

Machine pullovers using one arm at a time then both.
High and Low Pulley Cable Rows. On the low setting I bend over quite a lot but finish with a more upright stance and really pushed things.
Reverse pec deck for higher reps.
Standing cable shrugs using 2 standard handle grips. You get a great feeling when using 2 individual handles. I worked up to the full weight rack doing 15 slow reps at multiple weights with approx 15 secs rest. I like using the 2 handles for bi-cep and tri-cep work as well. I failed on 15 reps on the last set because I held the last contraction for as long as possible.
Lot's of upright rows and front raises.
Lateral raise machine.
I finished with abs for about 20 mins but I was half dead so rested between sets. Mainly knee raises and reverse crunches off a bench tonight.
I made sure to stretch and foam roll my back as I can get lower back tightness especially after doing abs.
To top things off I missed the bus so walked home which took me about 30 mins.

I took Driven Sports Rize tonight as I felt like I needed something stronger than caffeine. It's not great and it helped but I was exhausted 3/4 into training but pushed through. On top of that was 5ml synthetine, 20mg cialis and 40mg avar.

Prebed I will take 500mg metformin, 80mg telmisartan and 10mg melatonin. I have also been using a small dose of MT2 pre bed and will carry that on tonight.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Well I stuck to my plan for about 4 hours :eek::D All is good though. I had forgotten we were having dinner with my gf's parents before they go away for approx 1 month. That was chicken paella which I had a decent serving plus some cake for dessert. I also drank quite a lot of lipton iced tea which I never do so that's another 100g carbs/sugar from the tea alone. So my carb loading started earlier than posted :eek::D

Today I started with some bran cereal (with milk) and a synthepure shake on the side. I have also had 2 meals that consisted of a toasted bagel with turkey breast meat and a little honey (plus another synthepure shake). Post workout steak with rice cakes and vegetables. Next meal will probably be cottage cheese with fruit.

Recovery with carbs is literally night and day. On low carbs my recovery from training is terrible. The difference carbs make to me is massive especially intra and post workout. I also didn't feel half dead after I trained today. Although I also didn't go crazy with the weights but had a great workout. You will notice a lot of pressing movements but the weight was lower, reps were controlled and the rest periods were minimal. So whilst I went to failure nothing was super heavy and I went more for "pump".

Chest, tri-ceps, calves and quads.

Warm up chest and back with cable movements.
Seated Chest Press... 3 working sets.
Flat Barbell Press... 1 working higher rep set with dead stops.
Cable Crossovers and Presses (do both in the same set)... 2 working sets.
Seated Hammer Press... 1 working set.
Warm up tri-ceps with a variety of cable extensions then...
3 GIANT sets consisting of cable pushdowns, seated overhead machine extensions, close grip bench press and tri-cep dips.
Standing Calf Raises... about 6 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 3 sets of 50 reps going up in weight.

The pump from the giant sets were crazy. None of the weights were high. Although on the last giant set I did use the full rack for pushdowns. Seated extensions was the same weight each time and felt heavy but only 1/2 the rack. Close grip bench was 1 plate per side each set and dead stops on the last set. Dips were with 3pps which is actually heavy on this machine and feel like 4pps on most dip machines.

For the calf raises I was using very controlled reps and pausing at the top and bottom. I went with approx 25 reps for every set. Some included long holds on the top and bottom plus very slow negatives. Just a mix up of intensity techniques and some fast partials to extend certain sets past 25 reps. Leg extensions were all about a quick pump and I obviously train them a more conventional way later in the week.

I dosed aas last night and gonna skip tonight and finish 2moro night with the short esters. I will dose 125mg test c 2moro and in a few days time and carry on with the longer estered gear when I get back. Pre workout I dosed 40mg avar, 5ml synthetine, 20mg cialis and 1 serving of Goku Gains preworkout. I have no aminos so just been drinking water intra but will receive some eaa's 2moro. I dose 20mg cialis eod btw. I think that dose really adds to your physique when getting leaner due to it's beneficial effects towards fat burning and increased vascularity.

My gf can come to the gym with me on Tuesday so I will get updated pics then.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had more carbs today. I just ate what I wanted and that consisted of grapes, dates, cherries, mango, rice cakes, bagels, honey and fig jam. About 350-400g carbs so nothing crazy. Toasted bagels with turkey breast meat and honey or fig jam is amazing and I have ate 3 today. I think grapes and dates are excellent sources of fast carbs as well. Protein hasn't been high and fat next to zero but only for the next 2 days.

I trained in a vest for the first time in ages and I can see everything is starting to come to life. Veins everywhere and getting leaner. I will do a proper deplete and load in August. This one has been all over the place but still effective. I have changed a lot in 1 week. I still have some lower ab fat that needs to come off but for the time I have taken and the fact I haven't even dieted properly I can't complain. I even had some ice cream today as well.

Preworkout I took 5ml synthetine, 40mg avar, 1 serving of full as fuck and 1 serving of Nutrex's Outlift Amped. This is my last day on avar. I will also dose my short esters for the last time tonight. I will do 40mg test p, 30mg mast p and 20mg tren a. On top of that 125mg test c plus another 125mg on Thurs night.

Bi-ceps, Hamstrings and Abs.

Bi-ceps and Forearms literally 15 different movements. Minimal rest and a variety weights and angles. Trained them for about 30 mins. Some basic stuff and some more unusual stuff such as standing cable overhand curls and barbell wrist twists.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with unilateral db stiff leg deadlifts... 5 working sets (15 "sets" in total).
Abs... about 20 mins again a variety of movements with no distinct order that included hanging knee raises, decline situps, decline twists and rope crunches.
Stretches and Foam Rolling.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I very recently started using a cleanse product but it has done the opposite of what it should do. It contains things such as senna, aloe vera and psyllium husk. It gave me bad stomach cramps and has stopped me going to the toilet. So my lower stomach is more bloated than usual. I have dropped it so the bloating will go away soon. I don't believe in traditional cleansing products at all but this looked ok and I figured it would help with regularity and I have had some minor issues but this has made things 10x worst.

I still got pics done tonight though. My gf also done a short video as well which I much prefer I am fairly pleased with things though. Once the bloating goes down even better. I just need to get my waist in more over the next 2 months. I never bothered shaving my front again even though it's or different lengths but you can't tell in the pics.

Carbs today have been from cherries, nectarines, blueberries, dates, bagels and honey. I just tried a ON Optimum protein bar and they taste good. The rest of my protein has been from turkey breast, beef and eaa's today.

Training was supersetting back and chest movements. Then I done a few bits just to get a pump for the pics. Next training day is legs which should be tomorrow or Thursday. It's very late now so I will post the updated pics tomorrow.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am flying very early so have ended up staying up all night :eek: Gonna leave in about an hour or so. I still haven't even packed my suitcase :eek: Hopefully I can sleep on the plane which I 99% know won't be possible as I can't fit in the seats properly. Where there is a will there is a way! Meeting my friend in the destination airport but have to wait 2 hours so chances are he will find me a sleep somewhere.

I ordered some more shorts and pants from Fathersons. I don't know how those guys fit in them as the jeans (got the biggest size they do) are like tights. I needed my gf to help me get them off :D Never usually wear stuff like that but they actually look good so gonna keep them. I got a polo shirt in XXXXL but it fits just like an XXXL but with much bigger arms. After a few hours wearing in the sun the arms will go loose. Maybe I need more syntherol :D

I will try and be sensible alcohol wise. But after such a long break I know that 1st morning when I wake up hungover I will look super dry and probably my best so far this summer :p Large amounts of alcohol dry you out very effectively. Only issue after 3 days of drinking you start going the complete opposite way and look a mess :eek: I hope everyone has a good weekend and I will be back next week


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Back from Marbella. My plan of not drinking too much failed terribly :eek: I haven't drank alcohol for about 6 months but more than made up for it. I had a great time but my body was destroyed by the end of it. Every night was heavy and ended at about 8am then up at 10-11am to sit in the sun. Marbella is full of pretty girls and expensive bars. We did find a place that done all you can drink for 20 euro for 1 hour so took advantage of that. You weren't allowed shots with that offer and the guy said no but the girl (manager) gave me as many as I wanted which was nice.

I ate once a day and usually a buffet at 8pm (literally the moment it opened). On the 4th night 2 mates stayed in to stay fresh for a pool party but me and my mate stayed out till 9am. We got up at 12 and weren't going to go but decided to last minute. We paid for the best table in the middle and had a laugh. As many pretty girls as you will see in a small area even if most of them are idiots. One mate wanted to bring up 2 girls and we all said no but later he did and within 5 mins she fell over knocking 2 pitchers of cocktail we had just paid 200 euro for :eek: I never ate all day and got back at 9pm and ate 1 banana and a packet of crisps (chips in the US) and headed out again until 9am. My flight was at 3pm and much earlier than my mates so I was by myself. I was a complete mess and drunk in the airport so it was a struggle.

Got back and pretty much slept for 1 day. Just getting back into things. From one extreme to another. I didn't go to the toilet much when away which is super rare so I was bloated and full of water (kidneys hurt) but it's dropped off now. I am high dosing synthergine to get my liver back on track. I also have some artichoke amps that I use before 2 meals per day. Just drinking lot's of water and eating clean now. Mainly lean protein with vegetables, fruits and rice cakes. I go away again but won't be drinking and will carry on a healthy lifestyle for... well until I go away with my mates again :eek::D

I trained for the first time today. I decided to do a full body workout. Moreorless starting from bottom to top and performed 1-2 working sets for each exercise. Working sets but nothing really heavy and mainly using slow rep speed (especially negatives), controlled reps and going for a good pump. In the movements I did push the weight I felt very weak but had a great training session. I was in the gym for a long time but not sure just how long but about 3 hours. This has put me back on track and I have felt great since. The exercises I performed for 1-2 working sets each were...

Seated unilateral DB Calf Raises (putting DB on top of my knee) and using different foot placements/angles.
Seated Calf Raises.
TG Standing Leg Curls.
Machine Glute Raises.
Leg Extensions (unilateral and both).
Machine Lower Back Extensions.
Seated Cable Rows.
TG Upper Back Row.
TG Lat Pulldown.
TG Chest Press.
DB Front Raises and Lateral Raises.
EZ Bar Front Raises and Presses.
Lying DB Tri-cep Extensions.
Seated Dead Stop Concentration Curls.
Hammer Curls.
Machine Crunches.
Reverse Crunches.

2moro I will perform a more usual training day and be in there approx 90mins. I will probably do a push day with calves added.

I need to pick up my long esters but will have them very soon. Last night I dosed 250mg test c and 50mg mast p. I can't be bothered with tren a but will use the rest of my mast p up. So I will dose 250mg test twice weekly and 50mg mast p everyday. When I get the mast e I will dose 200mg twice weekly whilst still using mast p until it's gone (only a few weeks). I will also add in about 200mg (maybe 300mg) deca as well. No orals (winny, halo etc) but if I get proviron in time I may start that at 50mg per day.

Today I dosed 4ml synthetine pre workout and the sweating was ridiculous. It's hotter here now but my top was drenched after 20 mins. I am going to carry on with 4ml preworkout daily until I go away plus restart when I get back.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Since I have been back I have been eating clean but also what I want. I had 2 bowls of cereal (wholegrain cheerios) today for example. Although I used coconut milk which is only 20 calories per 100ml. The rest of my meals consist of lean protein, whey isolate, cottage cheese, fruit, vegetables and rice cakes.

I usually have 2 meals of lean meat and asian vegetables every day. I have cottage cheese with fruit usually once. Plus lean protein with rice cakes once or twice. An example was post workout today I had lean steak, 8 rice cakes (with iodized salt) and 1 apricot. After that was cottage cheese with strawberries and blueberries drizzled with lemon juice. My last meal will be turkey breast with 1 avocado. Although I am generally keeping fats very low for the foreseeable future. I do include 1 pack of Animal omega everyday as well now.

I go away again soon but will be going the gym most days and eating relatively clean. When I get back it will be more of the same but 100% on the diet.

The difference in the last 3 days has been huge. I was a mess on holiday and I didn't go the toilet properly for over 3 days. I never have usually have those issues but all the alcohol and so little food had an effect. So I got bloated around my waist whilst losing fullness everywhere else. 3 days of hard training has made a massive difference though. Even after my 1st workout I looked like a different person. So if you want to tighten up just go away and drink as much alchol as possible and eat next to nothing :eek::D In all seriousness it's out of my system so no more mad nights out for me for a long time.

Tonight I trained Back and Bi-ceps. Lot's of different movements and hard training. I started with pullovers with db's then on a machine as well. I like to rotate pulldown and rowing movements so done that. Lot's of hard sets but I was done within about 1 hour and 10 mins. I had some pics taken and fairly pleased with how I look considering the last 2 weeks. I even have quad veins coming out as well so thank you vodka :eek:



Mar 22, 2014
Since I have been back I have been eating clean but also what I want. I had 2 bowls of cereal (wholegrain cheerios) today for example. Although I used coconut milk which is only 20 calories per 100ml. The rest of my meals consist of lean protein, whey isolate, cottage cheese, fruit, vegetables and rice cakes.

I usually have 2 meals of lean meat and asian vegetables every day. I have cottage cheese with fruit usually once. Plus lean protein with rice cakes once or twice. An example was post workout today I had lean steak, 8 rice cakes (with iodized salt) and 1 apricot. After that was cottage cheese with strawberries and blueberries drizzled with lemon juice. My last meal will be turkey breast with 1 avocado. Although I am generally keeping fats very low for the foreseeable future. I do include 1 pack of Animal omega everyday as well now.

I go away again soon but will be going the gym most days and eating relatively clean. When I get back it will be more of the same but 100% on the diet.

The difference in the last 3 days has been huge. I was a mess on holiday and I didn't go the toilet properly for over 3 days. I never have usually have those issues but all the alcohol and so little food had an effect. So I got bloated around my waist whilst losing fullness everywhere else. 3 days of hard training has made a massive difference though. Even after my 1st workout I looked like a different person. So if you want to tighten up just go away and drink as much alchol as possible and eat next to nothing :eek::D In all seriousness it's out of my system so no more mad nights out for me for a long time.

Tonight I trained Back and Bi-ceps. Lot's of different movements and hard training. I started with pullovers with db's then on a machine as well. I like to rotate pulldown and rowing movements so done that. Lot's of hard sets but I was done within about 1 hour and 10 mins. I had some pics taken and fairly pleased with how I look considering the last 2 weeks. I even have quad veins coming out as well so thank you vodka :eek:

I eat cereal once or twice per day. If it's post-workout, I will probably have a kid cereal. At night I will have an adult cereal LOL

Stuff like Kashi, etc

I just use an app to keep track of my calories, which currently are at 3,300 a day, and I have no problem staying lean eating that much cereal

Sent from my LG-M430 using Tapatalk


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I eat cereal once or twice per day. If it's post-workout, I will probably have a kid cereal. At night I will have an adult cereal LOL

Stuff like Kashi, etc

I just use an app to keep track of my calories, which currently are at 3,300 a day, and I have no problem staying lean eating that much cereal

Sent from my LG-M430 using Tapatalk

When bulking I usually eat 2 bowls of cereal per day. But my bowls are not what most people have. I can go through a box of cereal in 2 big bowls. That can be 400g carbs just in cereal. It's fine for me but when you add the milk plus if it's nut muesli a lot of added fat so it can be too much. I was super bloated before starting this log and that was from going through loads of nut muesli and full fat milk.

I agree though cereal can be a great source of carbs even when dieting if you know what you're doing and use common sense. Even the kids cereal can be very low fat and high carbs so ideal post workout. As long as someone processes/digests it well it's a great choice and very satisfying. I like rice krispies or coco krispies but there are so many. Right now I have a shredded wheat type cereal with frosting on so a good mix of slower/faster carbs and fibre. I usually put blueberries in the bowl as well and it goes great with dairy, coconut, rice or cashew milk. I prefer coconut milk as it's so low in calories. Cashew is nice but it's essentially fat and sugar and next to no protein so not ideal.