how long have you cycled


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
I was wandering for what length of time was the longest cycle you have done. What gear were you doing. In doing so how was your pct? Im looking to stretch my next cycle for a much longer time but I need to hear forom you guys how it worked for you. And I cannot decide yet at this time which gear.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
I was wandering for what length of time was the longest cycle you have done. What gear were you doing. In doing so how was your pct? Im looking to stretch my next cycle for a much longer time but I need to hear forom you guys how it worked for you. And I cannot decide yet at this time which gear.

Everyone is different and reacts differently. Someone could take awhile to recover from a 6 week cycle and other could be ok going upto 16 weeks. Obviously the length of cycle will effect the recovery time. In addition to the compounds you use. You have done 8 weeks haven't you. I done see no harm in doing more. I would say for most there is different cycle length stages. I just mean an 8 week cycle is very similar to a 10 week cycle so if you want to get the most from your cycle do 10. It is when you go over about 12 weeks recovery will take longer. But again many do 16-20 week cycles. I have found that many who do those cycles though do tend to jump on test again fairly soon. Not TRT but not far off.

For your needs (and because you wanna extend) I would just say carry on taking the test p. Maybe add on some mast p or something like anavar tabs to finish off. I am not sure how long you have been on etc. Or if you have actually stopped. If you ordered and got them in 2 weeks and are on week 8 now you could just do 4 weeks or so (14 week cycle). But I am guessing you have more test p left so you could just carry them on. If you avar tabs then cool but if not then you still have the test p alone. You shouldn't take tren a for longer though.

But like I said for your needs I would probably pick avar to go with the test p to finish off. Hey I got my tbol tabs in 8 days! Just decided to do 20mg in the day and again just before the gym (I go at 9pm). After 2/3 weeks I will do 20/30 (50mg).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
By the way my last cycle was about 16 weeks. It consisted of test c for the entire time, deca for about 14 weeks and adrol for 6 weeks starting in the middle. I wanted to do them at the start but got them later and decided just to throw them in. My pct was 3 weeks of clomid and about 5 weeks of nolva. The last 2 weeks were at a low dose of 10mg per day. I then started a tribulus product after PCT but you could add it during if you wanted.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Thanks for the reply Elvia. I'm not trying to extend my last cycle I'm planning my next cycle. I want to extend it as long as possible and still stay within acceptable safe and or cautionary anticipatory realms. A goal of not putting on size but to stay lean and hard looking. I gain size pretty easily staying lean is a constant battle. I have to fight it year round. even on a clean diet I still tend to grow fat. I keep a pretty clean diet. i.e. metrx shake for breakfast apple or orange for mid morning snack metrx shake for lunch and a bowl of oatmeal for afternoon snack and a sensible dinner. chicken and veggies. (rough example of my diet. it may vary from time to time but mostly just like this.) It is the cycle I'm concerned about. I'm just wanting to plan this thing way ahead of time. I like hearing what other people have done and learn from them.