Asking for critiques please


Donating Member
Feb 19, 2019
Hey fellas. I'd like to hear some of your opinions and thoughts on my plan and "supplements" for an upcoming blast. First off, I'm going to start off with a pretty aggressive mini-cut that I plan to continue until Christmas. I had intended to do a slightly less aggressive blast and cut starting back in September, but life (especially work) got in the way of that. I had to go weeks without touching a weight due travel for my job. Things have slowed down alot now (thankfully!) so I think it's time to give this a go.

Diet for the cut will be roughly a 750 cal deficit. That'll put me at 2350 cal/day. My macros will be 210g protein, 230g carbs and 65g fat (carbs will be focused pre and post workouts). I might try to go a little more aggressive the last 2 weeks but I'll gauge that on how I feel at the time.

Training will still have 4 heavy-ish sessions a week. A compound lift for 4-5 ingense sets of 6-8 followed by accessory work to work on my weak points. Cardio will be a mix of HIIT and LISS done 4x/week.

For supplements, I'm at the paralysis by analysis point. I had decided to use a slightly higher than TRT dose of test (300-350mg/week) along with a DHT based injectable. At first, I considered 500-600mg/wk of primo E but now I'm wondering if 400mg/wk of masteron is the better choice. Or maybe 300 mast along with 300-400mg primo lol. So that's my first and biggest dilemma.

After Christmas, I'll gradually reintroduce calories to maintenance and then increase to 300 cals above maintenance. I always seem to put on fat way too easily whenever I bulk so my plan is take this bulk somewhat slowly (former fat kid never really left me I guess lol). I'm ok if the bulk doesn't yield a tremendous amount of muscle as long as the gains and keep-able.

At that point, I'll lower test a bit to TRT-ish area, add in trestolone (I want to give it a serious go) and also have masteron in the remainder cycle. After 8-10 weeks (essentially end of February), I'll drop to TRT levels and cruise until my next summer cycle.

A couple things you may have picked up on (if you're still reading this lol). No tren cuz I honestly don't feel like dealing with all the sides. Most notably the asthma like effect it induces. Feeling like I'm suffocating after a flight of stairs just kills me. Also, it had the worst effect on my mood and how quickly I got annoyed with the most simple things. For example, one day a co-worker was having lunch and I could hear her spoon slowly scraping her tupperware and it took everything I had to not yell at her "WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP THAT!" Thankfully I didn't but it was very insightful because nothing else has ever produced that kind of rage and irritation.

Also, I'm not opposed to orals but I'm not sure which ones I should/would use. I really like some of the ones I've tried in the past but not sure how they would best be used in this cycle. Maybe 10mg halo or 40mg tbol near the end of the cut portion. Or I could keep them out the whole time.

Anyways, love to hear anyone's thoughts on this. If it's completely stupid as hell (there's always someone that'll say that lol), any tweaks I can make or if I should genuinely take it back to the drawing board.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Don't overthink things. The most important thing will be your diet. I never like the term "An aggresive cut". How fat are you now? If you plan to diet all through Dec I don't think you need to be that aggressive (especially from the start). Move down in stages when it comes to calories.

I think most completely miscalculate calories but why not do under 250, then 500, then 750 instead of just very low to start with. If you are really only having that low of cals with the hard training and cardio you will drop fat. Sometimes more is actually less when it comes to dieting.

300mg test and 300mg mast, 400mg test and 300mg mast, 400mg test and 300mg primo etc. Quite honestly it makes very little difference. The most important thing is you start at enough. 300mg test is plenty to cut on and if you add 200mg mast to that then great. Start lower and gradually move up in dose to what feels good to you. The key is start low though just like with your diet you gradually change/adjust over time. As long as you have some good hormones in the mix you will be gtg.

After Dec just do as planned. I haven't used trest yet and would like to try it sometime. Just start low and again adjust if needed. If you want to try an oral go for it. Although I don't think it's needed when cutting over Dec. Add some tbol in when you plan to grow and your 40mg dose sounds gtg. I am growing now on 500mg test, 300mg deca and 200mg mast e. I also plan to add tbol (40-60mg) in at some point. So my cycle resembles yours in some ways. If you want to run primo when growing go for it. I personally prefer deca but both will do the job.