30 solid pounds in 6 months


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just had a meal at 1am of 250g chicken breast, stir fry with japanese sesame oil and walnut bread on the side.

My pre bed meal will either be lean pork with rice and vegetables.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have purposely not be eating that much but so far so good and the changes are coming fast. I have put on about 6 pounds in 4 days so far. Obviously water but I am also looking much more vascular and fuller. I had some quick pics done about 45 mins after training chest.

The other day I bought an energy saving bulb but I didn't realize it's almost pink light. But it looks really good for pics so I had them taken under there. I had my starting leg pics taken under the same light. The other place I get pics taken is the bathroom so I will just rotate locations over the next 6 months.

My quads are looking fuller which I am pleased about as they usually look like complete crap. 6ft 2 and 221 pounds. Let's see if I can get to 230 pounds and just as lean by Christmas :) I thought I was blocking my bits but it ended up looking like I was playing with myself :eek::D


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Weight will fluctuate but I am up another 3 pounds or so in 2 days. I am feeling good and my trap injury is pretty much gone. I planned to train legs today but I may be training in my mates gym 2moro and he has a hack squat machine so I decided to train something else. I hadn't planned to train shoulders for another week due to my injury but figured light shoulders and bi-ceps. I actually left out calves today as I didn't have time to inject them earlier so I will do them after this post then perform some standing calf raises at home. I will hit calves hard 2moro as he has a really good standing calf machine too. Training consisted of...

I performed standing barbell presses (to the front and back) with just the bar between random sets throughout my shoulder workout. I just wanted to work the muscle but obviously keeping the weight very light to be safe. I probably done about 12 total sets of presses.
Warm up with 3kg db's
DB Upright Row... 4 sets of 15 reps going up in weight every set.
Unilateral DB Lateral Raises... 3 sets of 15-12 reps going up in weight every set.
High Incline Chest Presses... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set of 6 reps with 3 plates a side. I went heavy on these as I feel safe doing them plus they mainly work chest then delts.
Machine Shoulder Press... 1 warm up set then 1 working set consisting of 40 reps total. I start higher and do 10 reps then lower weight for another 10 then again and finish back on my heaviest weight for 10 reps.
Standing Cable Curls... 4 pump sets of 15 reps each.
One Armed Standing Cable Crossover Curls... 1 pump set of 15 reps for each arm.
Preacher Curl Machine... 1 warm up set then 2 working sets of 12-8 reps for each arm. After the unilateral working sets I done one working set with both arms for about 11 reps.
Standing Unilateral DB Curl... 1 working set with 20kg db for each arm.
Reverse Curl... 1 warm up set then 1 working set with 2 drops.
Standing Cable Wrist Curls... 1 warm up set then 1 giant working set starting with standing 2 feet away from the front, from the front just above the machine and behind the back.

My workout lasted about 55 minutes. As time progresses my training will become more basic but with me not being 100% I have to change things up slightly.

It's freezing here so pre workout I changed it up and had home made chicken noodle soup. That has 250g chicken breast so 57.5g protein (not counting the noodles) plus a good amount of carbs and a little fat. My fav is chicken barley soup and I will be having that a few times over the next few months too.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I done another set of syntherol injections in my calves. I went up to 0.7ml in 4 spots in each calf. So far the injections have been easy and I haven't had any issues. I almost hit a nerve last time but I inject so slowly I can sense it before I actually go fully in. Injecting fast can prevent extra scar tissue forming but with muscles like the calves I think it's always best going extra slow. I also stretch the skin sometimes before shooting so the needle goes in much easier. My calves are feeling tighter but good. The outer calves are definitely easiest to inject for me. I will carry on injecting syntherol at increasing amounts every 1-1.5 days for now.

I am about to leave to train in my mates gym. Today is leg day so should be fun :eek::D I will update later with a pic showing where I inject in my calves. Have a good day everyone :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs in my mates gym earlier. I chatted to him first and lost track of the time. It's quite faraway and the bus comes every hour so it turned out I had about 35 mins or 1 hour 35 mins to train. So I decided to push it hard and keep things short. I done something a little different today and ended up having a great workout. I was the only person in the gym so I was able to set up 3 machines to use in sequence. My workout consisted of...

8 Tri-sets consisting of...

1. Standing Calf Raises
2. Lying Leg Curls
3. Hack Squats

The first 4 sets I guess you could call warm up but were still fairly demanding. Then the last 4 were just crazy intense and to complete failure. I moved up in weight every set for the first 2 exercises in the sequence. For hack squats I moved up 3 times but kept the weight the same for the last 3 sets.

Standing calf raises were my standard squeeze at the top and stretch at the bottom on every rep. Lying leg curls were standard for the first 4 sets but for the last 4 I added intensity techniques. I would do full rom reps then partial at the top (really squeezing hard) and finishing with partials reps at the bottom. Hack Squats I started doing about 18-15 reps but for the last 3 sets they were at about 12-8 reps.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have received my primo e so have added that into the mix. Every compound has a different colour packaging and primo e is purple which looks cool :D All aas injs have been in my glutes but I just done the last one in my left delt. That included 1ml npp, 1ml primo e and 0.5ml sust so 2.5ml total. I will be staying on these doses for approx 2 months.

In Jan I plan to add in slin and synthetine pre workout probably in the form of 8IU humalog and 3ml synthetine. MK-677 and LGD-4033 will also be added at 10mg and 4.5mg (1 cap) and if my energy levels are ok I will look at using double (1 cap am/pm) later into my cycle.

Training was great tonight even though I wasn't feeling it at first. I took 1 scoop of HYDE pre workout along with 10mg mdrol and 20mg dbol. I trained back and it got better and better as I went along. Training consisted of...

Cable Pulley Rows (and face pulls) at different heights/angles to warm up my back.
Partial Deadlifts... 4 sets of approx 15 reps. As many know my lower back is messed up so I was made up getting up to 2 plates a side. That is tiny weight but the most I have done in awhile.
Seated Cable Rows... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 8 reps.
Machine Low Rows... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets of 11 and 5 reps (using different hand grips).
Pull Ups... 4 working sets with about 30-20 seconds rest between sets.
Back Extensions... 3 sets of approx 15 reps with a 10kg plate.
Decline Sit Ups... 3 working sets with 10kg plate then dropped to bodyweight to finish off each set.

Later tonight I will be doing my syntherol calf shots then some bodyweight calf raises. I have been rotating between pre workout or slightly later (pre bed). Whenever I have time I like to do them pre workout but if I can't or I am rushing I just do them later and do bodyweight exercises afterwards.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am up to 226 pounds so my 230 goal for Christmas looks like it will be reached. I should add I think most should never really be setting themselves weight goals as to me that thought process is backwards and it's the quality that counts. Although weight goals are good in some instances as long as the person is not force feeding or over dieting to reach that weight goal. It was more of a prediction going on my progress and planned diet etc. I's not like I am loading up on food to reach that goal... quite the opposite. I am only consuming 4-5 meals at the moment but that will be increased.

Training was great before even though I was very tired earlier in the day. I used 1 scoop of HYDE pre workout and added 1 scoop of Gamma Ray. Gamma Ray is a pump product with no stimulants. It was night and day difference between the pump I got this chest workout and the last one so it made a big difference. I trained chest and triceps and it consisted of...

Warm up with db's
Seated Hammer Strength Chest Press... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set with 3 plates a side.
Incline Hammer Strength Chest Press... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set with 3 plates a side.
DB Flyes (lying on the floor)... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set with 36kg db's.
Chest Dips... 1 working set with a 20kg db between my legs.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Lying Tri-cep Lateral Extensions... 1 warm up set and 1 working set with 24kg db's
Close Grip Bench Press... 1 working set with 2 plates a side (already set up).
Standing Overhead Tri-cep Extension... 1 working set using a drop set.

I just done another set of syntherol calf injections. This time I put in 0.8ml syntherol in 4 spots in each calf. The injections have been easy so far and I haven't had any issues apart from some expected tightness. The injections are time consuming because I am extra careful and go very slow to prevent any issues. My 8 injections are taking about 40 mins to give an indication.

Even after this short time I can see a big difference in appearance from the syntherol calf injections. Obviously I am more vascular all over due to restarting AAS but I know the change in my calves is mainly due to the syntherol. It happened last time plus when I done arms as well. The syntherol makes everything look fuller and pushes the veins to the surface. I haven't trained my calves very hard in the last week so I will be hitting them very soon. This is the time I will start increasing the intensity for my calf training. I will get updated pics done in a few days time to show my progress.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I decided not to train today and let my body recover. Although I will be hitting legs hard 2moro and looking forward to it. I might do my syntherol shots before bed or leave them until 2moro and do them pre workout.

Tonight I have had 2 meals consisting of rump steak, black rice and bell peppers. I like to add BBQ sauce to my steak meals and the brand I use is sugar based (no fat). Most of the no calorie sauces taste like complete crap and I like to enjoy my food so don't use them... especially when bulking. It's not really that bad being 166 calories every 100ml. It's actually an imported brand from the US called Hunts original BBQ sauce so if you haven't tried it I recommend you do so.

I have used the below pics in the past but I will post them again as they are a great way to show where I am injecting.


The above photo indicates the injection locations for both calf muscle heads when using the standard 6 injs per calf protocol. Right now I am injecting each calf 4 times and will be sticking with that protocol the whole way through. My system suits me best and is definitely mentally easier in many ways. By doing 4 inj sites it gives more freedom to pick "fresh" places when doing regular/daily injections. I tend to keep my shots to the 4 highest spots. However I occasional inject into the bottom of the calf too. I basically just rotate all around the calf muscle and use whatever area feels best at the time. Another thing I do is rotate moving from the front to the back of each calf.

25 gauge to 30 gauge half inch (13mm) to 1 inch (25mm) long needles are adequate. Through experience I realized a 26-27G 1/2 inch to 1 inch pin is optimal for calves and if you inject slowly it should help matters greatly.

A real person pic I found...


Those black dots look about right to me. The main factor is the angle of the injections. I wouldn't recommend pinning the angle he is regularly (inward). When I inject it's more of an outward angle and pretty much from the side. Although I do occasionally change the angle of some injections but only for the ones that are more centered.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am made up with my syntherol results so far. It's worth noting my plan was never to load them up with lots of oil for a few weeks then do a maintenance protocol. I am looking at this as much more long term. It's common sense to me by moving up slowly but staying on protocol for say 8-12 weeks then following a maintenance protocol will produce much more lasting results. I want to stretch the fascia whilst I train hard and constantly fuel my body with good food and build up my calves over the next few months.

My calves are permanently pumped up and I know it the syntherol as I have used it before and no other body part is like that. Sure the sdrol and other aas are great for nitrogen retention and muscle pumps but it's a huge difference from my calves and other body parts. My vascularity is also coming out more and more over the days/weeks. I expect things to only improve once my aas build up to peak levels and of course my syntherol dose will increase too.

I have been injecting eod starting low but now I am up to 0.8ml in 4 spots in each calf so still not a huge amount. I am about 1.2 inches bigger in just under 2 weeks and they look much better. You can't see the vascularity in these pics but it's definitely there most of the day...


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was in the UK over Christmas and New Year. Where do I start :eek: Everything is pretty much bad in regards to my physique and reaching my goals but it was only 2 weeks. The fact I am going to live like a bodybuilding monk for the next few months means the last 2 weeks won't matter.

Firstly I got ill on my bday out of nowhere. Severe fever, body aches and vomiting through the night. I have never been that ill. I got to sleep at 10am for 1 hour then I had to fly to the UK. I started feeling better fairly quickly but I was still vomiting throughout each day. I had a big night out booked so I didn't help matters going out on Boxing Night and drinking a lot. For the following few days I had the worst hangover of my life. I never drink now so doing that in one night hit me hard plus I was already ill.

Then my flight was cancelled and I had to wait another 3 days to get back home. As I was away I didn't inject anything. Moreover my shoulder has been hurting me a lot. I didn't train the whole time I was in the UK as I figured my body needed a break and I wasn't feeling my best.

I decided just enjoy myself and eat whatever I want. Everyday I had chocolate first thing then a big bowl of cereal. Protein probably made up 10% of my diet. All bad but I got it out of my system. I weighed myself before coming back and I had put on 10 pounds but it seems most of that was in my belly :eek: I had pizza etc in the airport but didn't eat much the rest of the day and as a result I was looking much better the first day back.

Now I am eating my normal diet and looking better every day. I was going to fast one day but I have been really ill and needed to take painkillers. I never use painkillers but the migraines were horrible so I took codeine and felt ill as I hadn't ate so decided to just eat normally.

All bad but I have been back 2 days now and I am pretty much looking like I was before I left. Most of the water has dropped off me. I am going to carry on eating a good but restricted diet just to trim up more over the next few days. Then I will start increasing my food gradually. I don't like "bulking" when I am holding water etc so I just want to get rid of the holiday bloat before I do.

My diet now will pretty much consist of beef, chicken, synthepure, peppers, mushrooms, onions, rice, pasta, eggs, coconut oil, cottage cheese, nuts and fruits. Just lots of well balanced and nutritious food.

I am just going to forget about the last 2 weeks. I had fun and it was Christmas and New Year. I am looking forward to staying on track and getting bigger and better than I have ever been. Just give me a few weeks and I will be looking really good and well on my way to reaching my goals.

Earlier I trained for the first time in 2 weeks and it felt amazing. My shoulder is feeling better but I just need to be careful with it. I felt really good pre workout and done my usual training and I was pleased to see my strength was still ok as usually after a break I struggle. Training lasted about 55 mins and consisted of chest and tri-ceps with some abs at the end. I went up to 3 plates a side on machine press and 2 1/2 on incline machine press. I also done 30kg db flyes on the floor and some bodyweight dips. Tri-ceps was slightly lighter weight but lots of fast paced pump sets. I will be increasing my weights over the following weeks.

Hormones are 0.5ml sust, 1ml primo e and npp eod. So that is 612.5mg sust, 350mg npp and 350mg primo e. I plan to stay there for awhile. I am giving my liver a break from orals and trying to stay as healthy as possible as I bulk. I will add in 10mg mk-677 with 4.5mg lgd-4033 in about 1-2 weeks time.

I am running 4ml synthergine per day plus a few other health supplements (multi vit, cherry extract, fish oil, royal jelly etc).

I hope everyone had a great New Year :)

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Man dude I need to get leaner. Going ober your log snd pics is pushing me to want my abs to come back lol.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's good to be back on track. Gonna put on lots of muscle over the next few months. My chest and tri-ceps have been very sore since training but in a good way. I am going to leave shoulders for another week but they are getting hit indirectly whenever I train chest and back. Last night I hit back, abs and bi-ceps and really went for it. I barely ever use straps but did to push the weight. I made sure to warm up slowly and performed more sets than usual as I am getting back into things. My workout consisted of...

Warm up with db's
Rear Delt Flyes... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set of 12 reps.
Wide Grip Pulldowns... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set of 10 reps.
Close Grip Pulldowns (facing away from the machine with back arched over pad)... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets.
Seated Cable Row... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 7 reps.
DB Rows (both arms)... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 12 reps.
Lower Back Extensions... 3 warm up sets and 2 hard sets of 15 reps... slow and controlled reps to help strengthen my lower back.
Abs for 5 mins mainly weighted decline situps.
Standing DB One Armed Curls rotated with hammer curls... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set of approx 10 reps for both normal and hammer curls with each arm.
Standing Cable Crossover Curls... 2 sets of 15 reps going up in weight.
Standign EZ Curls... 1 working set of 17 reps.
Back stretches (I also stretch out between most sets during training too).

Today I am going to hit legs. I haven't decided if I will really push the weight but chances are I will :) I just ate 5 whole eggs with yellow peppers, onions and cherry tomatoes. Plus 1 piece of toast with omega 3 spread and blackberry jam.

Pre workout I am going to have a synthepure smoothie with 1 apple, 1 kiwi, berries, 2 spoons of oats, greens, cashews, cacao powder and water. All my other meals today will be chicken/beef with rice and vegetables and 1 more synthepure smoothie. Have a good day everyone :)


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Interesting, informative n detailed as ever.

Keep up the posts mate and stay focussed.

I'm on an enforced sabbatical, lost over a stone in 8 weeks but I'm planning my return so this info is food for thought


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been very busy but things are going good. So much to update about so I will do it in stages. Firstly I got my blood work results back and changes will need to be made but I will post in detail on that later. What I will say for now is I am forward to growing whilst improving my cholesterol levels (they are awful). Therefore, I won't be using anymore oral aas for awhile :eek::(:D

Last night I injected 0.7ml in 4 spots in each calf. Not sure why but from the front my calves looked the best they ever have about 30 mins post injection. I will be carrying on with eod for the foreseeable future. I am not travelling anywhere etc so I can be 100% for the next few months.

On Sat night I did train legs and it was great. I pushed the weight but when I got to the leg press my knees were hurting when upping the weight. So to be safe I decided to just keep that at 5 plates a side and done about 6 sets with minimal rest in between to really push the intensity. When I got back home I was destroyed so ate then fell asleep on the sofa. My gf woke me up about 1 hour later so I just knocked back a weightgain shake and went to bed.

On Sunday I had a day off and just ate lots of good food. Last night I trained chest and bi-ceps and felt amazing. With my new preworkout kicking in I felt like a machine and was pleased with 3 plates a side for 7 reps as it was only my 2nd chest workout since coming back. I also done some incline db presses, cable flyes and weighted dips. Bi-ceps was mainly the plate loaded preacher curl machine and rope hammer curls finishing with forearm work. I will likely train back and tri-ceps tonight and looking forward to it.

I changed my mind and decided to start my MK-677 and LGD-4033 combo. I took it pre bed and I knew in the morning it's gtg. You should never go by side effects but with MK-677 it's just obvious... vivid dreams, bad cts and woke up super hungry. I have only taken 3 doses and I can tell already it is amazing. Not sure what percentage was my new preworkout or MK-677 but last night I got so pumped up during training and looked good for me post workout. It was obviously both but I know the MK-677/LGD is having a big effect as I feel so much fuller and even typing my forearms are getting pumped. I am staying away from oral aas for awhile so at least I have this to experiment with :) I have felt slight fatigue but nothing bad at 10mg MK-677 and 4.5mg LGD-4033.

I will likely add in humalog and synthetine in about 4 weeks. Right now I am just going to enjoy everything building up over the next few weeks.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am so amped up about training after my break I have to force myself to take days off. As everyone knows when you want to grow optimally you need lots of recovery. I trained back and tri-ceps on Tues and just more of the same. The back movements consisted of pull ups, close grip pulldowns (facing backwards), incline bench db rows (pulling high) and machine low rows. I went up to 4 plates a side on the machine rows and over the next few weeks plan to increase that weight. Tri-ceps consisted of pushdowns and machine dips. I was pleased to go up to 5 plates a side on that which felt good. I done that a few months ago so again hope to increase that weight in the future.

Wed was a break and I just trained legs (Thurs). I decided to do 1 exercise per body part. My workout consisted of:

Leg extensions to warm up knees.
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set of 12 reps (very slow and controlled and squeezing and holding at the top).
Standing Leg Curls... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets with each leg. The first working set was heaviest then I dropped by 1 plate and done another for higher reps.
Machine Kick Backs... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set for each side with 6 plates.
Hip Abductor... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 21 reps.
Leg Press... my knees hurt me last workout but felt fine today. I have been doing warm ups then 1-2 workings set with 6-15 reps recently. However I decided to change things today. I basically done 30 reps with 1 plate a side. Then I upped by 1 plate a side each set until I could no longer get to 30 reps. I finished with a rest paused set of 30 reps with 6 plates a side. This machine feels heavy and is on an awkward angle (can't adjust) so this set destroyed me. I couldn't stand up for a good 2 mins after this. My legs are going to be sore 2moro :D
Back Stretches

(I did some body weight lunges between various sets too.)

Gonna do another set of syntherol injs for my calves now. I will do 0.7ml in 4 spots in each calf.

I should be receiving various health supplements 2moro so will add them in straightaway. I will post more about them in the future.

I will post updated pics on the 27th Jan and then every week after that. Thanks for everyones support :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just done another set of calf injections. I think that is my 4th set since coming back. I done 0.7ml in 4 spots in each calf. It's only a low amount but it seems to be working great so I am going to carry on using that volume for now. So it's 2.8ml per calf so 5.6ml in total eod. That would mean a bottle would last just over 1 month. I plan to stay on for about 3 months with eod injs so that's 3 bottles total at that dose. Although I will definitely be upping the volume over time so will use a little more. I may even do some in my arms as it works so well. My main concern are definitely my calves though.

Tonight's injections were easy apart from the first 2. Nothing bad but I hit something in one and there was some blood. I always have more issues with the outside of my left calf. Well I did last cycle but this time round everything has been easy so far. My calves feel tight but great.

Tomorrow I will be training chest and bi-ceps with some abs. I am thinking more db work than usual. I may even do a Roman Fritz style chest workout were I pick a max weight and do 5 quick sets with that weight for db incline, flat and decline presses. Nice and simple but very effective.The db's only go to 40kg in my gym so if I want to do working sets for lower reps (typical warm ups then 1 working set) I have to use a barbell or plate loaded machine.

I am 236 pounds so I have put on 21 pounds so far. I also started all my new health supplements today. I got the delivery from the US to Europe via DHL express in 1.5 days and it only cost me about $12 shipping :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been meaning to do it for a few days but I will definitely post a blood work thread later. I will copy and paste the info into my log. It will show all the new supplements and why I am using them. It's pretty much all cholesterol supps and some digestive enzymes. I am not one to throw supplements at things (used to take loads though) but in this case they are definitely needed.

I forgot to mention I added in 200mg deca per week. Everything combined has been amazing for me. However in the past when I used NPP I didn't get the joint benefits of deca from it. I got insane muscle fullness and fairly dry gains but not what people call the "lubrication of joints" like deca is known for. So I figured add in a small amount just for that purpose so it will assist me when trying to progress in strength.

Last night I was about to take prami again and figured why not try out my bromocriptine tabs from Geno. I have never used it before. They are 2.5mg tabs by Sandoz so I halved one and took 1.25mg. I felt sleepy fairly quickly and went straight to bed. I had some crazy dreams last night and woke up feeling good but a little groggy. That soon passed and I am feeling great now but I did oversleep. So far so good and I am going to carry on with this 1.25mg per night. My sex drive is lower recently and I am thinking that will be down to NPP and my rising estrogen levels. I definitely feel "better" today though :D

It's worth noting I did wake up with my nose bleeding. Bromocriptine can thin the blood as can fish oil which I started at 6g (from 2g) yesterday. I also started an array of different supplements so anything could have contributed. It is most likely from the bromo or fish oil though so I will monitor myself and hopefully it doesn't happen again. I do have a weak blood vessel in my nose but it would benefit me giving blood so I will see if I can do that over here.

I will train chest, shoulders and bi-ceps later and looking forward to it. Gonna have a pre workout meal now of chicken, wild rice and vegetables with 1 orange for dessert :)


Oct 26, 2012
Have you ever tried doing 1.5 reps (a la Meadows) for your chest/db exercises? One of the gyms I hit only has DBs to 100s (45kgs-ish), so, sometimes I have to get a little creative and using the lighter weight and 1.5 reps is good way to do that and get some good work in. Something to consider if you'd want to try something different...
