SARMs Control Act 2018


Sep 17, 2003
SARMs Control Act Would Strengthen DEA's Power to Enforce Against SARMs in Dietary Supplements

New legislation introduced yesterday in the U.S. Senate would give the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) increased power to enforce against selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs. SARMs are synthetic drugs designed to mimic the effects of testosterone and are unapproved for use in dietary supplements but are sometimes found in products such as sports supplements targeting bodybuilders. The SARMs Control Act of 2018 introduced yesterday by Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) would add SARMs to the DEA’s list of Schedule III drugs and ensure that SARMs are regulated similarly to anabolic steroids.

FDA has not approved SARMs for use by humans and recently ramped up efforts to enforce against products marketed as dietary supplements illegally containing SARMs. Last October, the agency announced it had sent warning letters to three companies marketing dietary supplements containing SARMs. In a press statement, Donald D. Ashley, JD, director of the Office of Compliance in FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said, “Bodybuilding products that contain selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs, have not been approved by the FDA and are associated with serious safety concerns, including potential to increase the risk of heart attack or stroke and life-threatening reactions like liver damage. We will continue to take action against companies marketing these products to protect the public health.”

The bipartisan SARMs Control Act of 2018 extends the power the DEA has under the 2014 Designer Anabolic Steroids Control Act, to include authority over SARMs. In addition to adding SARMs to the list of Schedule III drugs, the bill prohibits the illegal import, export, manufacture, and distribution of SARMs.

“SARMs are synthetic drugs that have negative effects similar to those of anabolic steroids,” said Senator Hatch in a press statement. “Even though SARMS are not approved by the FDA for human use and pose the same safety risks as anabolic steroids, they have proliferated under a regime in which they are not subject to the same controls. The SARMs Control Act closes this loophole to ensure that the DEA has the authority it needs to prevent abuse and diversion of these dangerous substances.”

The bill received wide support from leaders of the dietary supplement industry, who have vocally advocated the need to ban SARMs from supplements. Last fall, industry associations joined the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to warn consumers about SARMs in supplements. Following the introduction of the new SARMs Control Act, supplement industry associations, plus Travis Tygart, president and CEO, U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, released a joint statement showing support. Supplement industry leaders included Michael McGuffin, president, American Herbal Products Association (AHPA; Silver Spring MD); Scott Melville, president and CEO, Consumer Healthcare Products Association (Washington, DC); Steve Mister, president and CEO, Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN; Washington, DC); and Loren Israelsen, president, United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA; Washington, DC). The statement reads: “Each of our organizations has consistently supported efforts to enact and enforce laws to protect consumers, eliminate bad actors marketing illegal substances masquerading as legal products, and prosecute criminals who manufacture and sell them. Your bill will help move toward this goal. The SARMs Control Act is a bold step, adding teeth to prevention and enforcement efforts in the battle against illegal substances being marketed as legitimate products. The dietary supplement industry and USADA stands ready to work with you and all of Congress to deliver a strong bill to the President.”


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I feel like SARMs will start to get more and more scarce. Their only real appeal was that they were a legal, readily available alternative to gear. Now that they are going to be Scheduled just like AAS, there’s no real purpose for them. The results just aren’t on par with really AAS, and the cost is way out of line. Once they are regulated the same way, why would anyone go that route instead of AAS?

Some like Melanotan II or GW501516 will still have a place, but the “muscle building” SARMs will basically become pointless.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2005
Of course UNBELIEVABLE .................. They actually are not like AAS or have the sides baloney . THANKS FOR UPDATE


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
I feel like SARMs will start to get more and more scarce. Their only real appeal was that they were a legal, readily available alternative to gear. Now that they are going to be Scheduled just like AAS, there’s no real purpose for them. The results just aren’t on par with really AAS, and the cost is way out of line. Once they are regulated the same way, why would anyone go that route instead of AAS?

Some like Melanotan II or GW501516 will still have a place, but the “muscle building” SARMs will basically become pointless.

I agree. If they make them illegal who wants to break the law for ostarine when you have avar, winny, drol, test, deca and so on.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
I feel like SARMs will start to get more and more scarce. Their only real appeal was that they were a legal, readily available alternative to gear. Now that they are going to be Scheduled just like AAS, there’s no real purpose for them. The results just aren’t on par with really AAS, and the cost is way out of line. Once they are regulated the same way, why would anyone go that route instead of AAS?

Some like Melanotan II or GW501516 will still have a place, but the “muscle building” SARMs will basically become pointless.

Melanotan II and GW are not SARMs so they have avoided the ban. MK-677 is the same as well so that is safe for now. It will just be sarms such as ostarine and s4. So it's not bad unless guys like those things. As someone posted the issue is what will be banned in the future. I suppose it makes no difference as there are always ways to get things.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
Melanotan II and GW are not SARMs so they have avoided the ban. MK-677 is the same as well so that is safe for now. It will just be sarms such as ostarine and s4. So it's not bad unless guys like those things. As someone posted the issue is what will be banned in the future. I suppose it makes no difference as there are always ways to get things.

Goods news. I want to try gw and mt2 is always useful.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2005
I feel like SARMs will start to get more and more scarce. Their only real appeal was that they were a legal, readily available alternative to gear. Now that they are going to be Scheduled just like AAS, there’s no real purpose for them. The results just aren’t on par with really AAS, and the cost is way out of line. Once they are regulated the same way, why would anyone go that route instead of AAS?

Some like Melanotan II or GW501516 will still have a place, but the “muscle building” SARMs will basically become pointless.

Very true Bro very very true !!


Registered User
Mar 1, 2005
Melanotan II and GW are not SARMs so they have avoided the ban. MK-677 is the same as well so that is safe for now. It will just be sarms such as ostarine and s4. So it's not bad unless guys like those things. As someone posted the issue is what will be banned in the future. I suppose it makes no difference as there are always ways to get things.

Is that so? Great usually they group them all together you know some point peptides etc will be banned . Like anything that actually works gets banned , yet some supplements cost over $100 bottle are useless and they have quite the racket


Feb 2, 2007
Luckily all of the good stuff has avoided the ban. I can't see how they could ban MK-677 as it has no major bad side effects. It can increase water retention and blood pressure but has been studied even in the elderly for years with no adverse side effects. Melanotan 2 shouldn't be sold to humans so nothing changes with that.


Registered User
Mar 17, 2018
I wondered how long this would take. It’s a shame they base there classification on assumptions of what it could do rather than doing through research.

Much of them will be forgotten about, shelved for later testing.

As some have said already I’d rather buy steroids knowing the risk of being caught. I wouldn’t take the chance on sarms.

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Mar 27, 2014
Maybie a dumb ass question
Are serms and peptides the same thing? Our should I ask - are we losing our peptides also?


Registered User
Mar 17, 2018
Maybie a dumb ass question
Are serms and peptides the same thing? Our should I ask - are we losing our peptides also?

Good question. They should both be in a different classification but who knows.
I doubt they even understand what a sarm is and why it’s different from serms.

I can’t imagine peptides falling under this umbrella.

Man I’d be upset over that one.

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Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
Can you elaborate on that? I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying there.

Not him but I think he just means research peptides are not meant to be sold for human use. People who buy mt2, ghrp and other peps aren't suppose to be injecting themselves. It's illegal for companies to promote usage.

Maybie a dumb ass question
Are serms and peptides the same thing? Our should I ask - are we losing our peptides also?

Good question. They should both be in a different classification but who knows.
I doubt they even understand what a sarm is and why it’s different from serms.

I can’t imagine peptides falling under this umbrella.

Man I’d be upset over that one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Very different. Peptides can mean many different things. SARM's are selective androgen receptor modulators and include LGD-4033 and MK-2866. SERM's are selective estrogen receptor modulators and include nolvadex and clomid. From what I have read it is only SARM's that will be banned and everything else is safe.