Pre contest carbs


New member
Jun 10, 2018
I’m new to this board but have been on ProM for years.
I’m about to do my 2nd show. Wanted to get an idea of what you guys take in the days leading up to the show and he day of.

For my first show my coach had me carving up with jasmine rice and oats for about 4 days prior to the show. Right before pumping up and getting on stage it was a snickers and 20oz Gatorade.

Reason I’m asking is because I’m 4 weeks out. Very lean and had a chest me last night that consisted of waffles, bagels, and full sugar syrup as my carb sources. Went to bed bloated and dissented as hell but woke up today meaner and much more vascular then I did carving up on the oats and rice. No dissension either.


New member
Jun 7, 2018
I’m new to this board but have been on ProM for years.
I’m about to do my 2nd show. Wanted to get an idea of what you guys take in the days leading up to the show and he day of.

For my first show my coach had me carving up with jasmine rice and oats for about 4 days prior to the show. Right before pumping up and getting on stage it was a snickers and 20oz Gatorade.

Reason I’m asking is because I’m 4 weeks out. Very lean and had a chest me last night that consisted of waffles, bagels, and full sugar syrup as my carb sources. Went to bed bloated and dissented as hell but woke up today meaner and much more vascular then I did carving up on the oats and rice. No dissension either.
Listen to your body man. You just seen and felt what happened. Now obviously if you can replicate that with good carbs. Just imagine what you would feel like. I wouldn't get to crazy this close to the show. But I have always found I could have had a few more carbs.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
I've always used whatever I used during prep to carb up. It takes some guess work out since you know how you'll react and what your body does in terms of bloating, ease of digestion and even bowl movements so you're not plugged up and distinded on show day.

Even my refeeds/cheat meals were consistent. Always single meat burger, Ketchup, fries and diet soda or, pancakes with syrup and orange juice. This was so if I was having trouble filling out, we had those meals to fall back on and I wouldn't have issues like I mentioned above with digestion.

I personally don't need a ton of carbs to fill out so Jasmine rice and rice cakes always did the job. Guys who need a ton of carbs to fill out need to figure out which "easier" sources they will need throughout the prep and possibly fats too. Some of you lucky jerks just gotta dirty it up lol.


Mar 27, 2014
I have won many shows - but never was able to fill out for the stage.
Never found my carb or fat yet that fills me up.
My big thing is I can't pull all my water?


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
I've always used whatever I used during prep to carb up. It takes some guess work out since you know how you'll react and what your body does in terms of bloating, ease of digestion and even bowl movements so you're not plugged up and distinded on show day.

Even my refeeds/cheat meals were consistent. Always single meat burger, Ketchup, fries and diet soda or, pancakes with syrup and orange juice. This was so if I was having trouble filling out, we had those meals to fall back on and I wouldn't have issues like I mentioned above with digestion.

I personally don't need a ton of carbs to fill out so Jasmine rice and rice cakes always did the job. Guys who need a ton of carbs to fill out need to figure out which "easier" sources they will need throughout the prep and possibly fats too. Some of you lucky jerks just gotta dirty it up lol.

Follow this advice. Don't be adding in all new carbs as you don't know how you will react. You could try that cheat again next week and if you respond the same that could be used. Most are best carbing up slowly and for that you could use the carbs you consume daily now. Many use fast carbs because they carb up at high amounts and sweet potatoes and rice cakes aren't suitable as they would need to consume far too many. Dirty foods can work great but if you have been eating clean food all prep can be a big gamble. I would add some sugar in at the end in small amounts as it tends to bring a depleted physique back to life.


Donating Member
Jun 11, 2018
Been using the same coach for two shows. He has be carbing up o. Show day with jelly, nut butter, and caramel rice cakes. Has me eating one every 5 minutes hours before pre judging. Seems excessive

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Donating Member
Jun 4, 2014
I’m new to this board but have been on ProM for years.
I’m about to do my 2nd show. Wanted to get an idea of what you guys take in the days leading up to the show and he day of.

For my first show my coach had me carving up with jasmine rice and oats for about 4 days prior to the show. Right before pumping up and getting on stage it was a snickers and 20oz Gatorade.

Reason I’m asking is because I’m 4 weeks out. Very lean and had a chest me last night that consisted of waffles, bagels, and full sugar syrup as my carb sources. Went to bed bloated and dissented as hell but woke up today meaner and much more vascular then I did carving up on the oats and rice. No dissension either.

The most helpful thing I have always done before shows is cycle my carbs in the weeks prior to the show the same way I would during peak week. That always included doing "practice peak weeks" the last three to four weeks before the show. I wouldnt mess with my water or pull sodium or anything during those practice peaks it was more to see how my body would react to different levels of carbs. I would take a look at myself Saturday morning around the same time prejudging would be and then make adjustments from there. Everyone reacts differently so you need to try to figure which carbs and how much are right for you. How much simple sugar, vs complex carbs, etc.


Donating Member
Jun 11, 2018
The most helpful thing I have always done before shows is cycle my carbs in the weeks prior to the show the same way I would during peak week. That always included doing "practice peak weeks" the last three to four weeks before the show. I wouldnt mess with my water or pull sodium or anything during those practice peaks it was more to see how my body would react to different levels of carbs. I would take a look at myself Saturday morning around the same time prejudging would be and then make adjustments from there. Everyone reacts differently so you need to try to figure which carbs and how much are right for you. How much simple sugar, vs complex carbs, etc.

Great advice!

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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
If your truly lean and stage ready and have NO coach to take you to the day of the show. Do NOTHING out of the ordinary. Don't cut your saults, cut your water dinner time Saturday and sip the rest of the show day. If you feel flat hit some rice cakes with honey on them. Don't get all tricky and screw yourself out of a winning look.

Best of luck!


Mar 27, 2014
My last show I did black strap molasses - brown basmani rice and 2 pinapples
The fucking pineapples ripped my mouth apart so bad.
I started flat and strayed flat.
Took 3rd and 1 2nd that day
I didn't reserve shit


Registered User
Jun 12, 2018
My last show I did black strap molasses - brown basmani rice and 2 pinapples
The fucking pineapples ripped my mouth apart so bad.
I started flat and strayed flat.
Took 3rd and 1 2nd that day
I didn't reserve shit
Out of curiosity - how did you come to choose those sources?


Feb 2, 2007
Been using the same coach for two shows. He has be carbing up o. Show day with jelly, nut butter, and caramel rice cakes. Has me eating one every 5 minutes hours before pre judging. Seems excessive

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Very excessive. Giving you food every 5 mins you can't access what changes that food is doing. Before you know it you may realize you have had 5 snacks too much and you don't have the time to change things. Does he not have you stop for a short time and access how you are looking or is it literally just do that until you are going out on stage?

The most helpful thing I have always done before shows is cycle my carbs in the weeks prior to the show the same way I would during peak week. That always included doing "practice peak weeks" the last three to four weeks before the show. I wouldnt mess with my water or pull sodium or anything during those practice peaks it was more to see how my body would react to different levels of carbs. I would take a look at myself Saturday morning around the same time prejudging would be and then make adjustments from there. Everyone reacts differently so you need to try to figure which carbs and how much are right for you. How much simple sugar, vs complex carbs, etc.

Solid advice. But to do this you have to be ready early as the body tends to respond differently the more lean you become. By finding otu how you respond earlier in should only help. The problem is you can't duplicate the same stress levels of the final few days before a show which could be a factor in how your body responds.

If your truly lean and stage ready and have NO coach to take you to the day of the show. Do NOTHING out of the ordinary. Don't cut your saults, cut your water dinner time Saturday and sip the rest of the show day. If you feel flat hit some rice cakes with honey on them. Don't get all tricky and screw yourself out of a winning look.

Best of luck!

I agree. The main goal is to get in the condition needed to win shows. If you do that you are nearly there and you shouldn't risk it with any crazy loading protocol. Just some carbs to fill out and with sips of fluid on show day. Nothing fancy but you are guaranteed to be in shape.


Feb 2, 2007
My last show I did black strap molasses - brown basmani rice and 2 pinapples
The fucking pineapples ripped my mouth apart so bad.
I started flat and strayed flat.
Took 3rd and 1 2nd that day
I didn't reserve shit

You posts make me laugh at times. Those are 3 of the most random carbs I have ever heard :D I suppose the molasses is full of electrolyes so I can understand your thinking.