Ephederine WTF???


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind

Biotek ephedrine 48 tabs/25mg each = $6.00
Caffeine 200 tabs/200mg each = $5.95

Dollar Store Asprin 200 tabs/325mg each = $1.00

I recommend against the full strength asprin and prefer baby asprin.
Too much asprin can be bad for your stomach lining and will thin your blood enough to make you think you're a bleeder.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
My bad and good catch DR. I forgot to include that I cut my regular asprin into 4 using a tab cutter. 1/4 asprin for each ECA dose.

DragonRider said:
I recommend against the full strength asprin and prefer baby asprin.
Too much asprin can be bad for your stomach lining and will thin your blood enough to make you think you're a bleeder.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
aortic rupture

Macstanton said:
quadruple bypass because of too much caffeine and ephedrine.......$300,000

Maybe not a bypass, but we did have a young guy on AAS and admitted to using an ECA stack (the first time I had ever heard of it actually) come in here last year having dissected (a tear in the wall) his thoracic aorta and nearly died before emergency open-heart surgery to fix his aorta. The ephedrine and caffeine can raise your blood pressure substantially (along with maybe some pre-existing hypertension from AAS and straining while lifting) and put you at risk for things like aortic rupture and hemorrhagic strokes. To add insult to injury, the aspirin affects platelet function and allows these things to bleed profusely.

Okay, not to spoil the fun with the above, but do keep an eye on your BP.



Registered User
May 4, 2005
stealthmeister said:
Maybe not a bypass, but we did have a young guy on AAS and admitted to using an ECA stack (the first time I had ever heard of it actually) come in here last year having dissected (a tear in the wall) his thoracic aorta and nearly died before emergency open-heart surgery to fix his aorta. The ephedrine and caffeine can raise your blood pressure substantially (along with maybe some pre-existing hypertension from AAS and straining while lifting) and put you at risk for things like aortic rupture and hemorrhagic strokes. To add insult to injury, the aspirin affects platelet function and allows these things to bleed profusely.

Okay, not to spoil the fun with the above, but do keep an eye on your BP.

Is that something that I should really worry about??? Damn, sounds bad. I'm pretty healthy though, and young. My blood pressure is usually around 115 over 80.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
stealthmeister said:
Maybe not a bypass, but we did have a young guy on AAS and admitted to using an ECA stack (the first time I had ever heard of it actually) come in here last year having dissected (a tear in the wall) his thoracic aorta and nearly died before emergency open-heart surgery to fix his aorta. The ephedrine and caffeine can raise your blood pressure substantially (along with maybe some pre-existing hypertension from AAS and straining while lifting) and put you at risk for things like aortic rupture and hemorrhagic strokes. To add insult to injury, the aspirin affects platelet function and allows these things to bleed profusely.

Okay, not to spoil the fun with the above, but do keep an eye on your BP.

Stealth, do we know what this guys doses were?
Generally, the only people who have problems are the ones who attempt to lose weight faster by doubling or tripling the doses.


stealthmeister said:
Maybe not a bypass, but we did have a young guy on AAS and admitted to using an ECA stack (the first time I had ever heard of it actually) come in here last year having dissected (a tear in the wall) his thoracic aorta and nearly died before emergency open-heart surgery to fix his aorta. The ephedrine and caffeine can raise your blood pressure substantially (along with maybe some pre-existing hypertension from AAS and straining while lifting) and put you at risk for things like aortic rupture and hemorrhagic strokes. To add insult to injury, the aspirin affects platelet function and allows these things to bleed profusely.

Okay, not to spoil the fun with the above, but do keep an eye on your BP.

sounds like this guy was using eq or anadrol or another of the aas products that increase RBC along with the ECA stack, a definate no-no!!!!!
the last thing i want if taking something that increases heart rate is a product that increases RBC.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
Hey Steve....probably don't need to worry at that BP, but keep in mind that a resting BP may be well below what it is when fully charged with ephed and caffeine and lifting. Some people with family histories of such problems or congenital connective tissue problems like Marfan's disease, Ehlers Danlos, etc. are very prone to aortic rupture. Intracranial hemmorhage / hemorrhagic strokes in the brain are more commonly seen from high BP emergencies than aortic rupture.

DR / Pin......good questions....don't know the answers. It was well over a year ago, just when I was flirting with the idea of AAS, so I didn't pay particular attention to what AAS or doses he was using. The guy was a complete asshole though, so must've been something very androgenic...or maybe it was just his baseline personality. The ECA was 400 caffeine, 50 ephed, and 325 ASA...that I do remember, because they were all familiar drugs and I remember envisioning what that would do to me!



Registered User
Sep 9, 2005
Up North
steve0085 said:
isn't a good dose 25mg ephederine, 200 caffeine, and a baby asprin?
I don't know if there is such a thing as a "good" dose of this mix, but what you propose would certainly be more reasonable. Again, be even more careful if you have BP issues already on a heavy bulking stack with lots of estro., etc. or have kidney problems, etc.

Hey Pin.....I know many AAS are stated to increase RBC mass, but are there any others besides Eq and Anadrol that are considered to greatly increase RBC production in practical / high-dose use, such as those used by people here?


Registered User
Oct 10, 2005
The ban was overturned by a federal judge in Utah. I buy eca stacks at the local supplemet store, but the selection is very small now. It is perfectly legal to buy and sell as a weight loss aid, but due to the risk of lawsuits and the potential for the ban to be reinstated, most companies pulled out of producing it again. Ephedra is still available and legal as a weight loss aid, see following:

Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra
By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY
A federal judge in Utah on Thursday struck down at least part of a government ban on ephedra, a popular weight-loss supplement pulled from the market a year ago because of safety concerns.
U.S. District Judge Tena Campbell sided with a Utah-based company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban in April 2004 on the herbal supplement, which has been linked to 155 deaths and thousands of adverse reactions, including heart attacks and strokes. The death in February 2003 of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler was tied to his use of the supplement.

Campbell's ruling appears to allow Solaray, a subsidiary of Nutraceutical, to sell "a dietary supplement containing 10 (milligrams) or less of ephedrine alkaloids per daily dose." She sent the matter to the FDA "for further rulemaking consistent with the court's opinion."

Solaray, which had manufactured an ephedra supplement since 1988, sued last May. It said that the herb "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years and that the FDA had not proved that doses under 10 milligrams are harmful.

The lawsuit also argued that the FDA's ruling applied the more stringent standards designed to regulate drugs, Nutraceutical President Bruce Hough said. Legally, supplements are considered a type of food and do not have to meet the same requirements that drug manufacturers face, he said.

FDA spokeswoman Kim Rawlings said the agency is "evaluating the decision."

A dietary supplement industry group that supported the FDA's original ban was quick to say the ruling was not a complete overturning of the ephedra ban. Many ephedra products had considerably more than 10 milligrams per dose.

The standard that companies can't market dietary supplements "that pose a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury" still stands, said Steven Mister, president of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a supplement industry trade association.

Ephedra had been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding. But the FDA found those benefits temporary and insufficient to outweigh the health risks.

Hough said the company has no immediate plans to begin selling the supplement again. "This was not filed because of our desire to sell ephedra, but because FDA set a standard that would have long-term ramifications for many products sold within the nutritional supplement industry," he said.

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
I have never used Ephedrine and I wanted to know if I can use it after a cycle or should it be taken with a cycle????

If so how much would you suggest I take per day??

Thanks guys if you can give me some advice on this I do not trust the internet site where there selling it. And the pharmaceutical will not give you advice on this stuff.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Captain Canuck said:
I have never used Ephedrine and I wanted to know if I can use it after a cycle or should it be taken with a cycle????

If so how much would you suggest I take per day??

Thanks guys if you can give me some advice on this I do not trust the internet site where there selling it. And the pharmaceutical will not give you advice on this stuff.
You can use it during or after. The ECA stack is similar to clenbuterol in that it preserves muscle while you are dieting.

I recommend 1 tablet twice a day. If you tolerate it well, you can go to three times a day, but most people develop severe sleep problems at that level.

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
DragonRider said:
You can use it during or after. The ECA stack is similar to clenbuterol in that it preserves muscle while you are dieting.

I recommend 1 tablet twice a day. If you tolerate it well, you can go to three times a day, but most people develop severe sleep problems at that level.

Thanks Drangon rider!!!!