Getting Prepared for 2018..... Q & A


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
I certainly picked the right time for EVERYTHING to come together!!! LOL... it was a straight up PERFECT prep...

I appreciate that my friend..... I wanna really stir shit up in the Masters class.....looking forward to making my mark!!!

I saw an older post where you were asking about injectable anadrol and running it towards the end to fill out. Did you end up doing hat back then and did you do that this run? What're your thoughts on injectable anadrol in general if you've ran it? Thinking about using it to kickstart a ast of dhb next grown Blast.

get it in ya

Donating Member
Jan 26, 2014
MTF and his lady Tiny stopped by for a visit before we headed to
the Tampa Pro.

MTF gave me a gift that honestly............brought me to tears.

I was humbled more than I ever have been in my life.

We are a TEAM, and he wanted me to share his turning Pro in
a way that was so selfless and generous, because that's how
he is as a person.

This was his gift to me :).


That is awesome!! Very cool:headbang:

get it in ya

Donating Member
Jan 26, 2014
I love those 2 fuckers.... SOOO different but work fantastic together... I talk to MT everyday.... even if its not training related... its almost like I NEED to talk to him....just puts me at ease... Tenny just lets me have it if I need it... zero filter..... which I LOVE....LOL

Big fan of both of them, great team!


IFBB Pro / Donating Member
Jan 1, 2013
I saw an older post where you were asking about injectable anadrol and running it towards the end to fill out. Did you end up doing hat back then and did you do that this run? What're your thoughts on injectable anadrol in general if you've ran it? Thinking about using it to kickstart a ast of dhb next grown Blast.

I did it pre-contest last year.... over carbed in my load.... was a wet mess.... learned ALOT since then..... However, I did use it in my last off season and LOVED it..... strength was awesome.. i'll definitely do it again....just not pre contest.... i've got THAT recipe down cold...:headbang:


IFBB Pro / Donating Member
Jan 1, 2013
How important do you think cardio is, and what do you think the most effective form of cardio is?

Tenny look away......

I LOVE CARDIO.... IMO I think its very important... I look my best when I do daily cardio...Period... I look tighter and crisper.. PLUS I FEEL better... however, I'm not for doing endless cardio sessions.... i'll get fucking bored quick.... I really enjoy doing cardio outdoors fasted earrrrly AM... when I'm like the only one (besides my Tiny) out on the street... but this past season I was getting horrific shin splints.. concrete don't give...LOL... once I'm started on a treadmill (FlexPad) pains were gone...I love a nice incline...moderate pace 35-40min.... but find what you like.... shit swimming is awesome... lots of good things out there to get that heart rate up..... but trust, it'll be more effective if you actually LIKE IT!!! LOL... so find something you enjoy and get out there!!!!!


Feb 2, 2007
Tenny look away......

I LOVE CARDIO.... IMO I think its very important... I look my best when I do daily cardio...Period... I look tighter and crisper.. PLUS I FEEL better... however, I'm not for doing endless cardio sessions.... i'll get fucking bored quick.... I really enjoy doing cardio outdoors fasted earrrrly AM... when I'm like the only one (besides my Tiny) out on the street... but this past season I was getting horrific shin splints.. concrete don't give...LOL... once I'm started on a treadmill (FlexPad) pains were gone...I love a nice incline...moderate pace 35-40min.... but find what you like.... shit swimming is awesome... lots of good things out there to get that heart rate up..... but trust, it'll be more effective if you actually LIKE IT!!! LOL... so find something you enjoy and get out there!!!!!

OK, MTF. I was with you 100% until you said you loved Cardio.:naughty1: Now I know you're nuts......Lol:D


IFBB Pro / Donating Member
Jan 1, 2013
OK, MTF. I was with you 100% until you said you loved Cardio.:naughty1: Now I know you're nuts......Lol:D

Ha!... I hear you... honestly, when I start the first few minutes i'm like "what the fucking fuck"... LOL.... but after about 10min I get into a rhythm.. then I'm just humming... get into that groove... I can almost feel that fat burning... believe me, I know i'm nuts to certain degree...

but ima tight leeeeeeean lunatic!!! LOL :headbang:


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
I got another random question. I went and got a deep tissue massage a few months ago and theory told me should could have worked on me the whole day I was so tight. It makes sense considering all we do all day every day is tighten our muscles no stop. It balls everything up. I have noticed lately a ton of tension in my upper back and neck/shoulders.

Did you get deep tissue massages regularly? Chiro? Cryo? Anything else? I'm highly debating getting a massage package and going every 2-3 weeks but was curious if they truly do help or if you begin to see a difference.

This should probably be a thread on its own haha but you asked for questions and this popped on my feed again so figured why not.

If you have no experience just tell me to fuck off and maybe I'll make a thread to get others input.


IFBB Pro / Donating Member
Jan 1, 2013
I got another random question. I went and got a deep tissue massage a few months ago and theory told me should could have worked on me the whole day I was so tight. It makes sense considering all we do all day every day is tighten our muscles no stop. It balls everything up. I have noticed lately a ton of tension in my upper back and neck/shoulders.

Did you get deep tissue massages regularly? Chiro? Cryo? Anything else? I'm highly debating getting a massage package and going every 2-3 weeks but was curious if they truly do help or if you begin to see a difference.

This should probably be a thread on its own haha but you asked for questions and this popped on my feed again so figured why not.

If you have no experience just tell me to fuck off and maybe I'll make a thread to get others input.

Bro..... SO glad you brought this up..... I started getting deep tissues done back in September of last year... (again, thanks to MT!).. I honestly feel it made a HUGE difference....especially in my back.... the guy said my back muscles were sooooo frigging tight...he was shocked I never injured any back muscles... after several sessions of using a TENS unit then working my back I actually felt my back loosen up..... I took a pic 10 months later....HUGE DIFFERENCE.... I gotta find that pic and post it....

IM a HUGE fan of getting massage work down....allowed my muscle fascia to really stretch which I believe allowed for more growth..... I will CONTINUE to see him monthly..... so in a nutshell...paid CRAZY DIVIDENDS!!!!
Do it!


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Bro..... SO glad you brought this up..... I started getting deep tissues done back in September of last year... (again, thanks to MT!).. I honestly feel it made a HUGE difference....especially in my back.... the guy said my back muscles were sooooo frigging tight...he was shocked I never injured any back muscles... after several sessions of using a TENS unit then working my back I actually felt my back loosen up..... I took a pic 10 months later....HUGE DIFFERENCE.... I gotta find that pic and post it....

IM a HUGE fan of getting massage work down....allowed my muscle fascia to really stretch which I believe allowed for more growth..... I will CONTINUE to see him monthly..... so in a nutshell...paid CRAZY DIVIDENDS!!!!

Do it!

Duuuuuude!! That is exactly what I was looking for. You've convinced me. I can feel my last so damn tightened/balled up. I neee them to release bad. Feels like I barely even start to lift and they just tighten up like a mofo. Glad to know it does pay off. Thanks man.

In for that pic too!!


IFBB Pro / Donating Member
Jan 1, 2013
10 month difference...Prior was right before Southern States 2016.... the IMPROVED pic is May 2017 I believe

Get that DEEP TISSUE done!



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Sep 17, 2003
Congrats MTF!

Also should make for a great Q&A thread. Thanks for sharing your time here:)

Mini Truck

NPC Judge
Nov 19, 2011
Earth, for now
Hey Odin,

I thought I'd just chime in quickly on this cardio thing ;).

I believe that cardio actually improves your weight training.
I'm not talking about an hour a day or even 40 mins for that matter.
There's a time and place for that, especially when shedding the last bit of stubborn body fat.

As MTF has proven, cardio, done smartly, does not inhibit muscle growth. That is a fallacy.

I'm talking 20 minutes of aggressive cardio 3 times a week, maybe 4.

Here's what I've found.
I do mostly Rest Pause training. It's a shit load of volume done in a very short window. One - two sets with 3-4 failure points.

It is very taxing on your CV system, which is a good thing!
One might make an argument that you don't need cardio with this
style of training. But I do it regardless,more out of concern for my heart health.

Being cardio fit allows for 10-30 second rests between sets.

More than that should not be needed as BBers or MPDers.
Powerlifters - Yes.

This offseason MTF will be incorporating some of this in his training and you will see for yourself the results it can yield.

Train Hard!!!!!


OK, MTF. I was with you 100% until you said you loved Cardio.:naughty1: Now I know you're nuts......Lol:D


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Just to kind of expand on this a little bit (hope that's ok!!!!)....

I'm a big believer that along with deep tissue massage, find a real solid active release practitioner that deals with athletes pays dividends. Getting all the adhesions broken up makes a monumental difference not just in the functionality of the muscles, but also in the way that they look. A lot of the active release people that deal with athletes also use Graston technique and other forms of therapy as well to assist in mobilizing soft tissue. It's probably one of the most painful things you can go through, especially if you're highly bound up, but more than worth it.

Chiro I can do without unless I do something drastic like have a hip or something out of place.

Cyrosauna is awesome. I had a membership to one when I lived in Cincinnati and would go twice a day. My ability to recover skyrocketed, I was hitting PRs in the gym consistently, joint pain was almost non existent, and it also had a fringe benefits of keeping me from getting migraines (first time I went I had a migraine and it stopped it in its tracks) and also really ramped up my metabolism.

Bro..... SO glad you brought this up..... I started getting deep tissues done back in September of last year... (again, thanks to MT!).. I honestly feel it made a HUGE difference....especially in my back.... the guy said my back muscles were sooooo frigging tight...he was shocked I never injured any back muscles... after several sessions of using a TENS unit then working my back I actually felt my back loosen up..... I took a pic 10 months later....HUGE DIFFERENCE.... I gotta find that pic and post it....

IM a HUGE fan of getting massage work down....allowed my muscle fascia to really stretch which I believe allowed for more growth..... I will CONTINUE to see him monthly..... so in a nutshell...paid CRAZY DIVIDENDS!!!!
Do it!


Registered User
Aug 12, 2017
Just to kind of expand on this a little bit (hope that's ok!!!!)....

I'm a big believer that along with deep tissue massage, find a real solid active release practitioner that deals with athletes pays dividends. Getting all the adhesions broken up makes a monumental difference not just in the functionality of the muscles, but also in the way that they look. A lot of the active release people that deal with athletes also use Graston technique and other forms of therapy as well to assist in mobilizing soft tissue. It's probably one of the most painful things you can go through, especially if you're highly bound up, but more than worth it.

Chiro I can do without unless I do something drastic like have a hip or something out of place.

Cyrosauna is awesome. I had a membership to one when I lived in Cincinnati and would go twice a day. My ability to recover skyrocketed, I was hitting PRs in the gym consistently, joint pain was almost non existent, and it also had a fringe benefits of keeping me from getting migraines (first time I went I had a migraine and it stopped it in its tracks) and also really ramped up my metabolism.

Thanks ZK!!! Great info!

When you say active release so you mean the fascia stretching therapy or is that something else?

Also, have to ever heard of Rolfing?!?


IFBB Pro / Donating Member
Jan 1, 2013
Congrats MTF!

Also should make for a great Q&A thread. Thanks for sharing your time here:)

No problem..... Thank you for having me!!.... I love to help ...whether people compete or not..... im all for self improvement