So Ive got a question and kinda boggled about this


Registered User
Sep 21, 2008
Just started my new cycle and kinda shocked at the early results.
Test cyp 600mg week 1-10
Tren ace 75 mg eod week 1-6
Deca 400 mg week 1-10
Proviron 50 mg ed 1-10

My diet isnt diald in just yet but around 3500-4000 calories per day and realy not much more than my normal eating habits, protien is around 300 grams a day.

Im up 8 lbs. in 2 weeks and not sure why sence the deca and test shouldnt be realy showing a gain yet.
Atleast past experience it didnt realy kick in till around mid 3rd week or 4th week.

So my question is this, being a first time tren user is this where my weight is coming from And is this a normal gain from tren?

Edited for the following*
Test is swisher labs.
Deca is Norma
Tren is my own conversion


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Lnad said:
Just started my new cycle and kinda shocked at the early results.
Test cyp 600mg week 1-10
Tren ace 75 mg eod week 1-6
Deca 400 mg week 1-10
Proviron 50 mg ed 1-10

My diet isnt diald in just yet but around 3500-4000 calories per day and realy not much more than my normal eating habits, protien is around 300 grams a day.

Im up 8 lbs. in 2 weeks and not sure why sence the deca and test shouldnt be realy showing a gain yet.
Atleast past experience it didnt realy kick in till around mid 3rd week or 4th week.

So my question is this, being a first time tren user is this where my weight is coming from And is this a normal gain from tren?

Edited for the following*
Test is swisher labs.
Deca is Norma
Tren is my own conversion

That is alittle strange but nothing out of the ordinary. Tren A could give you some gains but is more for cutting. I just think the combo of the 3 is what is doing it. As you know the test c will take 3-4 weeks to start having real effect on weight. Deca as a shorter active life than test c so that may have come into effect causing some water. In addition to the fact your probably eating more cos you are on cycle as it's natural to do so... plus your body absorbs all the nutrients from food better.

I assume you wanna bulk lots but not have too much water weight by your choices. So just keep it going and make sure your diet is super tight. Tren A is a great choice cause it can cause fat loss even in bulking cycles and is a great addition to any cycle.

I am curious why you have done deca and tren in the same cycle? I hope you have protection on hand for possible progesterone and prolactin side effects. Tren A is better for that as its active life is short but you should still have protection on hand. That because 400mg of deca and the dose of tren to go with that are a fair amount and it's your first time using tren. The proviron will help matters though and everything will be cool but I just think it is always best to have the protection on hand (dostinex, brimo etc) as prolaction sides are not nice.

Goodluck with your cycle and keep us posted.
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Registered User
Sep 21, 2008
Runing the deca for my joints mainly but I usualy allways have it in any cycle.

And yes Im trying to bulk as much as possible without a lot of water so I can manage my gains better post cycle.
Figured the proviron would help a bit in keeping estrogen sides at bay.

I'll be starting hcg at week 8
And nolva clomid are also on hand for pct as allways.

This rapid gain in weight is pretty nice but never seen it so fast other than when I ran drol and prop though.

Tren just might be my new favorite if this is where the weight is coming from though lol


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Tren acetate is My favorite of all em. I have to watch it though as I got older the sides started to mess with me more. As Far as Strength though there nothing that compares to it imo....Rocket Fuel!


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
Lnad said:
Just started my new cycle and kinda shocked at the early results.
Test cyp 600mg week 1-10
Tren ace 75 mg eod week 1-6
Deca 400 mg week 1-10
Proviron 50 mg ed 1-10

My diet isnt diald in just yet but around 3500-4000 calories per day and realy not much more than my normal eating habits, protien is around 300 grams a day.

Im up 8 lbs. in 2 weeks and not sure why sence the deca and test shouldnt be realy showing a gain yet.
Atleast past experience it didnt realy kick in till around mid 3rd week or 4th week.

So my question is this, being a first time tren user is this where my weight is coming from And is this a normal gain from tren?

Edited for the following*
Test is swisher labs.
Deca is Norma
Tren is my own conversion
Your gains are from water initially. The muscle is holding more and this will explain your weight gain. It will setle down. I personally would not use deca and tren togehter. Too many potential issues here. But tren and test are a great combo. Just stay well hydrated and do not take in too much sodium. You will be fine!