It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My supps are mainly geared towards heart, arterial and cholesterol health. I should add I always use ubiquinol because it's superior but I got a really good deal on q10 so I ordered about 8 tubs and have been running that at a high dose.

Pomegranate- 2g per day.
Garlic oil- 6g per day.
Fish Oil (High EPA)- 6g per day.
Cod Liver Oil- 2g per day.
Vitamin D- 5000iu per day.
Co-enzyme Q10- 400mg per day.
Pycnogenol- 60mg per day.
Melatonin- 5mg per day.
MyProtein Green Superfood Blend- 1-2 servings per day.
Synthergine- 4ml per day
Digestive Enzymes.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just realized I never posted the details but Flex had a full disc rupture L1/L2 and the vet said it was the worst one he had ever seen and he was surprised he could still walk. He managed to get 90% of the disc material out of the spinal column so about 10% is left but it doesn't seem to be causing him any pain.

Today has been a relaxed day and I have felt much better and I am looking fairly dry. I am holding a fair amount of water around my waist but that is to be expected and it's the first place I put it on and the first place to drop it once I lower calories. Today was legs and I am destroyed...

Unilateral Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets for each leg with the 2nd including both legs after the unilateral sets.
Machine Calf Raises... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Seated Leg Curls (obviously heavy) supersetted with Stiff (and completely straight) Leg DB Deadlifts (very light weight)... 2 working sets.
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press... 2 working sets (feel high and fairly close then feel low and fairly close).
Hack Squat... 1 working set.
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 2 working sets with the 2nd including both legs after the unilateral sets.

Synthepure and coffee.
Sirloin steak, long grain rice and goji berries.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous, jasmine rice and 1 apple.

TRAIN (2 scoops of MyProtein's Amino+, 60g HBCD's, 5g extra glutamine and 5g creatine).
2iu HGH, 12iu Apidra and 6ml synthetine.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous, jasmine rice and blueberries.
Sirloin steak, wholegrain rice and pineapple.
Chicken breast and bacon sandwich, cashews and raspberries.
Synthepure, 1 avocado, walnuts and blueberries.

I have just had the last steak meal so I will have the sandwich, cashews and raspberries a bit later then the shake meal just before bed. I actually had 4 squares of dark chocolate pre workout today as well. It will be PUSH tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. I probably won't be able to walk but it's all part of the process :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been meaning to update this for awhile. All is good. I did go through some severe stomach/bloating issues were practically everything I ate caused an issue. That flare up has since passed and I have been fine. I have even had a few cheat meals recently and things have been fine. I am now eating a variety of meat, rice and fruit consistently as it suits me well. I included some fasting during that time to give my digestion system a break and it worked.

My goal is to push the size over the next month and I have just added in 5ml synthetine and 6iu rapid insulin preworkout along with and intra shake of EAA's, HBCD's, glutamine and an hydration product. The later is called Strom Hydramax and per scoop (I use 1-2 scoops) it contains 5000mg taurine, 2000mg coconut water, 1000mg cranberry extract, 500mg ascorbic acid (vit c) and 200mg dandelion extract.

My last 2 workouts consisted of...

Unilateral Calf Presses... 3 working sets for each side.
Calf Raises... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls... 1 working set for each side with partials and a static hold.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press... (2 working sets with 1 feet high and narrow and the 2nd lower and shoulder width).
DB Split Squats... 1 working set with each side.
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 1 working set with each side with a static hold to finish.

Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (front to back)... 1 working set.
Incline (low) Smith Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
DB Chest Flyes... 1 working set with static hold.
Machine Press (1 working and 2 drop off sets).
Dips... 2 working sets (1 chest focused and the later tri-cep focused).
Incline Bench One Armed Tri-cep Extensions (1 working set for each arm with negative reps to finish).
Tri-cep Cable Pushdowns... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.

Food today...

Synthepure and coffee.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous, jasmine rice and 2 satsumas.
Rump steak, jasmine rice and cinnamon pineapple with 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.

6iu Apidra, 5ml synthetine and 1 banana.
TRAIN (EAA's, 60g HBCD's, 10g glutamine and 2 scoops Hydramax).
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous, jasmine rice and mango.
Beef mince, jasmine rice and cinnamon pineapple.
Beef mince, jasmine rice and cinnamon pineapple with 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.
Synthepure, 1 avocado, walnuts and blueberries.

I am going to order some primo and add that in. I am thinking 300mg primo, 200mg test c and 100mg deca every 3 days. I think that is a nice feel good cycle for myself moving into summer. In the summer I may add in a little anavar before I cruise afterwards. I will shave and get some updated pics done very soon.


Mar 27, 2014
I just noticed your food
That looks so good- my food was kind of bland- I’m not the best cook


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have many updates but will try to keep them concise. I am up to 121kg so that's about 267 pounds so I have put on quite a lot of weight recently. Most importantly I am still fairly lean and I am quite dry as well. When I was taking more test with very little other changes I got softer over time. I then moved over to 300mg deca, 150mg test and 60mg mast e every 3 days and I tightened up and dried out within 1 week and have continued to grow since. I haven't even been injecting those amounts every 3 days and it's been anywhere from every 3-5 days but I will make sure it's 3 days now. I am taking no AI's either.

Training is moreorless the same but I added in a couple of arm/calf days in the last few weeks but it's still P/P/L. Although I am using more intensity techniques and incorporating more super and giant sets. I have also upped my rep ranges for certain movements. I am just having fun with my training. It still has some basic/heavy working sets but more metabolic/pump work.

Last week I upped my hgh to 5iu and dropped it after a few days because I was falling asleep at 8pm (I usually go to bed no earlier than 4am). I am back on 2.5iu per day. I usually just take that on training days. Insulin is at 6iu preworkout dosed with 5ml synthetine and that combination is magic for me. I was dry before that but adding in synthetine just doubled things in regards to dryness. I stopped taking tadalafil but will add it back in at 5mg preworkout. I was taking Geno's 20mg tabs (half so 10mg) but it's too much and I would get some headaches from them. Even 5mg can do that and it's why I dropped it but I will make sure I up my water and I don't see me having any issues especially now I plan to drop a little weight.

That brings me onto my new plan. As I have posted in the past being really big adds no real value to me. I won't bore you with all the reasons again as I mentioned them a few posts back. I look and feel better being slightly lighter. I am going to make a simple change to begin with and go from there. I usually have 5 meals per day and I am going to take the rice out of 2-3 of those meals (keep rice/fruit pre and post) and replace with greens/vegetables. So a drop in carbs and that should tighten me up a little then I will go from there. My plan is to tighten up more after that (low carbs for approx 2 weeks) then fill back out.

I was hoping to go on holiday this year but I doubt that will happen because it's a nightmare to travel across Europe now. I usually couldn't care less how I look in regards to girls but a 250 pound me with a tight waist is a much better look on the beach then a fully loaded 270 pound ape :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Tonight I trained legs and I kept it very basic but the working sets were crazy. I wasn't even in the mood to train at first but I put everything into my working sets. I wish I could have taken a video because it would be funny to see. Some guy asked if I was ok because I was shaking on the floor after my hack squat set. I could barely stand up and walk afterwards. I had 2 days off the gym which is rare for me so my body was well rested for tonight. I also tried Axe & Sledges Dozer (sleeping aid) last night and I over slept by about 4 hours. It's really good and it hits hard so I recommend it to anyone who needs something to help them sleep.

Leg Press Calf Presses... 1 working set for left then right legs. 1 working superset with left, right and both with no rest between. 1 working set of 7 reps 5 times for each leg (so left, right, left, right etc with no rest in between).
Calf Raises... 1 working set for 50 reps (rest paused).
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set.
Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Hack Squat... 1 working drop set (1 drop in weight).
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.

Preworkout... 6iu Apidra and 5ml synthetine. Then 1 banana, 2 medjool dates and my preworkout (Glaxon's Specimen) mixed with 1 scoop of demo day.
Intra... 2 scoops of EAA's, 2 scoops of Demo day and 10g glutamine).
Post... Synthepure, Lactose free milk and coco pops.

Last month I was using post workout slin (12iu) before a cereal meal (coco pops or rice krispies) with synthepure and milk (coconut, almond or lactose free). I much prefer preworkout slin but I only dose that at 6iu because I don't have more than 60g carbs intra and I also add a little snack (usually 2 bananas or similar) after dosing just so I am covered. I prefer dosing slin and synthetine pre workout so I will be keeping it like that for the foreseeable future.

I was going to order some primo but I haven't bothered. I will probably just keep my cycle the way it is during July and August before I come off. In July I will add in a little tren and avar though just so I can look extra sharp. For tren literally just 20mg per day may because I can't be doing with anxiety from it. Even at 20mg per day I notice a lot and it really helps sharpen me up. Avar no more than 40mg per day because of acid reflux. I just need a little dose of each but combined it should have a noticeable effect. I am fairly dry most of the year but when I dose tren, avar and synthetine they all add to that.

Tomorrow will be push and I am looking forward to it. I will try and get some pics done in the next few days. Although I am going out on Thursday night so maybe after that because I will be extra dry from all the cognac :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I don’t think you mentioned how flex is doing

Flex is doing really good. He recovered fast (too fast) from the surgery. He definitely has an imbalance going on because he limps (he did before the surgery). Now I just have to be extra careful with him running around and jumping up/down. It's hard work because he is quite crazy and a very happy and hyperactive dog. In the past he would play fight with huge dogs and is was quite funny to see but I can't let him do that again. I bought him a ramp for the sofa but he never uses it but I will train him to do so. I just have to be aware and stop him jumping up/down. He had an implant fitted that suppressed his testosterone but that has stopped so he is a handful now :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am having fun with my training now. Still doing the same split but mixing up each session. Most of the year I am trying to lift as heavy as possible in all movements but I always throw in periods using different techniques. Training is just as hard as I am taking every working set to failure but I am incorporating more super sets and higher rep ranges. I am still living very heavy at certain times just not like I was the other week. An example I done a drop set of shoulder press starting with 4pps for 3 reps, 3pps for about 9 reps, 2pps for 14 reps. I won't be going below 10 reps for any set during the next 6 weeks. I trained legs last night and done something a little different but it felt good...

Calf Raises supersetted with Calf Presses... 3 working sets.
DB Tibialis Raises... 1 working set.
Ham/Glute focused Leg Press supersetted with Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets.
Hip Abductors supersetted with Adductors... 2 working sets.
Smith Squats... 2 hard sets.
Leg Extensions supersetted with Walking Lunges... 2 working sets.

I never do smith squats due to my lower back but wanted to do something different but effective. The weight wasn't high but those 2 sets were a struggle. They were the only sets I didn't go to complete failure (lower back) but I was close. My legs have been really sore today and I know I hit them well so a success. I decided to have today off as my body (and cns) needed it. I have had 3 chicken and rice meals with some fruit. I just had a steak with fried onions and peppers. Before bed I will probably do a big whey shake, 1 avocado, walnuts and blueberries. I have something to post for guys who struggle with their lower backs but will do that tomorrow.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It was PUSH tonight and it felt good. As previously posted I much prefer preworkout slin and I never do more than about 6iu because of my intra carbs. However tonight I got ready quick and was rushing so I left my preworkout injections. As a result I decided to dose 12iu slin post workout with my 5ml synthetine because I was eating a large cereal meal. It was about half a small box of coco pops which including the lactose free milk must be around 160g carbs. I throw in about 4-5 tablespoons of synthepure in the milk in a shaker so that much be around 80g protein. Training was a good mix of everything and fairly high volume...

Standing DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Lateral Raise Machine... 2 working sets (1 facing forwards and 1 facing backwards).
Machine Shoulder Press... 1 working set (full weight rack for 34 reps).
Giant set of Barbell Front Raises, Barbell Upright Rows, Behind the head Shoulder Press and standard Barbell Shoulder Press... 60 reps total (15/15/15/15) with just the bar. Had to rest pause the last 5 or so reps because my shoulders were destroyed.
DB Chest Press... 1 working drop set with 1 drop in weight.
DB Chest Flyes... 1 working set with 3 sec static holds on every rep.
Cable Chest Press... 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 2 drops in weight..
Dips... 2 working sets (1 chest focused and the later tri-cep focused).
Tri-cep Cable Pushdowns... 2 working sets with different handles.
Standing EZ Bar Overhead Extensions... 1 working set.
Incline Bench One Armed Tri-cep Extensions (1 working set for each arm with negative reps to finish).
Close Grip Smith Press... 1 working set.

EAA's, greens/fruit powder/pro-prebiotic.
Organic whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread, blueberries, 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate and coffee.
Chicken breast, houmous with avocado oil, jasmine rice and pineapple.

TRAIN (EAA's and 2 scoops of Axe & Sledge's Demo Day).
12iu Apidra and 5ml synthetine.
Coco Pops, 1 banana, lactose free milk and synthepure.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous, jasmine rice and mango.

EAA's, greens/fruit powder/pro-prebiotic.
6 x Sweet Chilli Beef Kebabs and vegetables.
Synthepure, 1 avocado, walnuts and blueberries.

I have been getting those beef kebabs recently and they taste so good and are easy to eat. I go through 6 of them like nothing. The macros for 6 kebabs are 43.2g fat, 24.6g carbs, 56.4g protein and 714 calories.

I have started tren a. Just 10mg for 2 days and I feel good. I have to start very low because it causes anxiety. I am going to slowly move up to just 20mg per day and see how I am. Even after just 2 days of 10mg by wee has already changed and I have sweat more in my sleep. Everything is moving along nicely now though. I am going to get a shave then get my bro to take some pics one day I go back home.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I fell off plan completely for 2 days. I am single and live in town so I have the occasional night out. I walk Flex through town most nights and see drunken girls everywhere so I am good I don't go out all the time plus I very rarely drink but when I do I make up for it. Well I done a few things I probably shouldn't have. I had about 20 doubles and a few sambucas and jagerbombs through the night including half a bottle of hennessey before I went out. I got back about 7am so it completely messed up my routine. I woke up and ordered 2 meals from a Chinese takeaway. I just picked what I wanted so crispy shredded beef with jasmine rice and chips (you call that fries) and crispy salt and pepper chicken with the same. I had one then I decided to be good and go to the gym. I had a great workout then I got back completely destroyed had the 2nd takeaway and went straight to bed :eek::D

Today I have had an off day and ate clean and had 2 meat and fruit/vegetable meals. Then 1 greek yoghurt and mixed fruit/nut meals so fairly low calories and carbs. I will have 2 steaks before bed with some walnuts and berries. I am holding a lot of water around my waist so today was needed. I will be gtg in another day or so. Fluids are high and I am back on plan. I will tighten up over the week and go from there. England play in the Euro final on Sunday but I won't be going out drinking again. I haven't posted details of one of my PULL days in ages so here is my last workout...

Abs for 10 mins (bodyweight crunches, leg pull ins and broomstick twists etc).
Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 2 working sets (2 different variations).
Incline Bench DB High Row supersetted with Kelso Shrug... 1 working set.
Unilateral High Cable Bench Lat Row... 2 working sets for each side (2 different variations).
Smith Row supersetted with Smith Shrug... 2 working sets.
Smith Rack Pull... 2 hard sets.
Unilateral DB Bi-cep Curl supersetted with DB Hammer Curl... 2 working sets for each arm.
Machine Curls... 2 working sets (unilateral, both, drop set, assisted reps).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I might have to take a few days off now because my right shoulder and elbow are inflamed. I already had a minor issue with my bi-cep tendon and my shoulder wasn't great (part of the reason I upped my PUSH reps recently) but then I stupidly arm wrestled so that has damaged them both. I have added a few things to help matters (diclofenac gel, bpc 157, hgh, etc) and will see how I am. I should be fine in 2-3 days but will go careful next time I am in the gym.

Today I have ate similarly to yesterday but with more carbs (rice/mango and rice/pineapple) pre and post workout. I destroyed my legs tonight and struggled to walk home so it will do me good having a day off tomorrow. One change for the next few weeks is I am actively trying to do more steps per day so I will be taking Flex out for approx 2 hours per day. The increased activity combined with the modified diet (carb cycling) will be enough to get me where I want to be.

Calf Presses... 1 working set for each leg separately, 1 working set using left, right and both, then a 3rd working set with both legs to finish.
Calf Raises... 1 working drop set with 4 drops in weight (approx 100 reps total).
Seated Leg Curls... 3 working sets (playing about with rom).
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press... 2 working sets (ham and glute focused and quad focused).
Hack Squats... 2 working sets.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.

I am using about 12mg tren a per day but have missed a few days recently but will carry it on daily from now on and increase to 15mg tomorrow. I am probably going to lower my deca dose to 200mg e3d's and I will add in avar at 40mg per day in about 2 weeks. Test will be kept at 150mg e3d's and mast at 80mg e3d's. I have had a few days off slin but will add it back in at 6iu preworkout with my 5ml synthetine. I will probably drop HGH because it doesn't do that much to me apart from making me tired constantly. Although I will give it another few weeks at 2.5iu per day before I drop it. I want to have as much energy as possible this summer and I don't like taking stimulants apart from my preworkout.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I want to post about the pso-rite because it's is amazing for lower back relief. It looks like a complete gimmick and it is just a piece of plastic but it's very hard to duplicate what it does with anything else. I see the company has brought out various other gimmicky pieces and running with the theme but the original piece really is fantastic. Many on here know how bad my lower back is and it constantly goes. It will never be 100% but this piece has really helped me out. I still do my usual stretching but when I use this I feel the tension go (I mainly lie on top of it so it's releases the psoas muscle). It's the reason I have been doing some squats and stiff leg deadlifts recently and I haven't had any issues. I usually use it for 2 mins when I get to the gym if I am going to be doing one of those danger movements then I always make sure to use it for about 5 mins post workout when I do my stretching.



Jul 13, 2021




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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
There is a reason I haven't posted. After I went out last week on the Wed I started feeling really ill. It started with the worse fever of my life. I would be painfully cold but burning up at the same time. I tested myself and was positive for covid which was no surprise as I had all the symptoms of the new strain. Mainly just been eating fruits and drinking plenty of fluids. After a few days the fever started to go and was replaced with mainly dry coughing and a sore throat and just feeling a bit crap. I have been eating more protein now and pretty much back on a food plan. I still feel like crap but I am a lot better. I have lost a little weight (which I wanted to do) but still holding some water which I know will drop off once I am better and more active.

When I get back in the gym I will follow the same split but won't do any failure sets for the 1st rotation. I have to take Flex out but just avoid people and have stayed in the last week apart from walking him around the local area. I also stopped injecting but doubled up my vitamins. My eyes have gone bright white from the synthergine I added in (after going out) so I don't look ill but I still feel it. My blast included 150mg test every 3 days so I injected that yesterday and will carry on with that and start adding other things back in. I never feel like injecting when ill and I didn't want to be on tren with this fever but I will add it back in at 10mg in about 5 days and go from there. For my goals I don't need a lot of drugs as I have a base and just need to tighten up so I may just leave deca out now and just add mast e back in then some avar at 40mg later on. All is good I just need to wait another 5 or so days and I should be over it. I will test myself on Wed (was still positive yesterday) and hopefully I am negative by then.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Guys know I went off track recently and I extended that :eek: I actually still trained a few times when I had covid but I was going to the gym at 2am so there was no one there. My sleeping routine was a complete mess. I had a few great workouts but probably not the best idea because my breathing was bad. After I tested negative 2 days running I went on a date and got drunk then went out the next night and overdone it again. I need to learn to go out and have fun and not overdo things so I can function the next day. I was badly hung over and I didn't eat for 2 days. Literally just a handful of berries every few hours with water and the 2nd day I got takeaway and nothing else for the day. I think I needed to do that as a wake up call and now I am back on track and eating well. From the covid and nights out I lost 20 pounds so now I am just eating clean and filling back up. I am carb cycling with more higher days to start just to fill back out and I am probably 10 pounds back up but haven't weighed myself recently.

My cough is actually worse now but it mainly hits me first thing in the morning and when training. Not all bad because I pretty much choke dry coughing and I get a really good ab workout from it :eek::D It won't take me long to get back to where I was and then improve. I know I will look sharp in a few weeks. I stopped injecting but I restarted with test and mast. I am going to keep it simple and have just been doing 150mg test and 100mg mast every 3 days but I will increase that. Tonight I will do 150mg test and 200mg mast e and I plan to carry that on EOD so it will be 525mg test e and 700mg mast e per week. That stack combined with my great diet and I will dramatically improve over the next few weeks. I will carry on eating like the below and I feel it's a very balanced and great set up for me...

Synthepure, coffee, 85% dark chocolate and raspberries.
Steak with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, walnuts, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
Chicken breast (cajun spice mix), jasmine rice and goji berries.

6iu Apidra, 5ml synthetine and 1 kefir passion fruit yoghurt.
TRAIN (EAA's, 60g of carb powder, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
10iu Apidra.
Coco Pops, 1 banana, lactose free milk and synthepure.
Roasted chicken breast (pink salt, pepper, chilli flakes), aubergine, courgette, red/yellow peppers and chopped onion.
Steak with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, feta cheese, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.

I don't usually do pre and post slin but I figured why not if I want to fill out plus I was having cereal post workout so it's a nice combo. In the future I will mainly just stick to 6iu preworkout slin.

Over the years I have learnt what works for my body and training is no different. Our bodies constantly evolve but I have definitely had to think outside of the box due to genetic limitations. My back has been an example of that but I have learnt a lot of different exercises and tweaks in form that have really helped my connection especially with my lats. I change movements but I have some core ones that I always try to fit in because they have made a difference and I always do each exercise in a certainw ay to ensure all areas of my back are covered every workout.

Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 2 working sets (2 different variations).
Incline Bench DB High Row supersetted with Kelso Shrug... 2 working sets.
Unilateral High Cable Bench Lat Row... 1 working sets for each side.
Machine Row... 1 working set.
Barbell Rack Pulls... 2 working sets.
DB Bi-cep Curls supersetted with DB Hammer Curls... 2 working sets.
Reverse Curls supersetted with Machine Preacher Curls... 2 working sets.
Stretches (cat/cow, t-spine cat/cow, thread the needle, puppy pose etc) plus pso-rite.

I was really pleased with the barbell rack pulls because people know how fucked my lower back is. I start from just above the knee so the rom is limited but I know my lower back is best that way. It's a simple way for me to pick up some heavy weight with less risk and I am still hitting all the right/intended areas. I am back to full intensity so I really pushed every movement even the bi-cep work I just used less weight for higher reps. Today was a day off which I needed and tomorrow I will hit legs hard.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I got my peps from uk-peptides today. I added in 1 vial of IGF-1 LR3 to try out. It was £49 so not cheap and I used it preworkout and didn't feel a thing so not a good sign so far :eek: The reason I ordered was for BPC-157 and TB-500 for my bi-cep tendon and I am hoping for the best. I dosed 500mcg BPC and 500mcg TB-500 earlier (1 hour post workout) and I will carry that dosing on daily.

Coffee, 85% dark chocolate and raspberries.
Chicken breast with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, avocado, walnuts, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and pineapple.

100mcg IGF-1 LR3 (50mcg in each quad) and 3ml synthetine.
TRAIN (EAA's, 60g of carb powder, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
10iu Apidra.
Chicken breast (cajun spice mix), jasmine rice and honey.
Roasted chicken breast (pink salt, pepper, chilli flakes), aubergine, courgette, red/yellow peppers and chopped onion.
Steak with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, feta cheese, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.

That 1st meal is just a snack as I usually don't feel like eating when I first wake up. Half the time I don't even mention it as I don't count it as it's just a snack. I simply like having 2 squares of dark chocolate with my morning coffee and I also like berries with chocolate. I usually have that and feed Flex and go out on a walk then I eat properly when I get back. I snack on similar things through the day at times especially when growing. Usually berries, grapes, dark chocolate or low fat babybel cheese. I don't even count them but obviously when cutting they are the 1st thing to go.

I dosed 150mg test e and 180mg mast e preworkout tonight and in 2 days I will up the mast to 200mg eod and keep it at that amount for the rest of the summer. Soon I will add in 40mg anavar preworkout and probably run that for 1 month. I will finish my vial of LR3 before adding in the anavar.

I push my working sets to the max and I am sure most would agree that at certain times of the year it's much harder to do. Obviously deloads are needed but I really do go crazy and sometimes it's hard to go to that mental space but I have found it very easy recently. I think the higher masteron dose this week has definitely had a positive effect in that regard as well. I trained legs before and I wasn't even feeling it walking to the gym but once I got there I was zoned in. I trained alone but pushed every movement to the max. It's only dangerous when doing movements like leg press because I can't put safeties on but I had failed and the last rep of both working sets took everything out of me (I must of rested around 6 mins between sets because I was destroyed). I have to keep an eye on lower back loading volume due to rack pulls 2 days ago so instead of standard stiff deadlifts I used a unilateral db version as for me it takes any load from my lower back and it's all hamstrings and glutes.

Calf Presses... 3 working sets (high, moderate and low reps).
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set with both legs and 1 working set for each leg separately.
Unilateral DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set for each leg.
Leg Press... 2 working sets (ham and glute focused and quad focused).
DB Split Squats... 1 working set for each side.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets with the 1st being R/L/R/L/R/L all to failure with no rest between swopping sides. The 2nd being a drop set (both legs) with 3 drops in weight.