Need some ideas asap!!!!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Ya I don't get it either man. Its fucked up. Really is. I'm kinda just stuck on stupid right now. I have no fucking idea whether I'm coming or going at this point. I'm totally mindfucked....AR....


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Really just wanna go crawl in a hole and stay there for about a month. I have depression issues as it is so honestly I think I'm gonna have to call my Doc asap. I don't like using meds as a crutch but I have a 22 yr old, a 16yr old, and a 12 yr old and I don't want to fall too far and end up doing something stupid. They don't deserve that. Like I said though I REALLY didn't see this coming at all. We just built a new house together. I'm a carpenter so it wasn't to bad but it took the two of us seven fucking years to finish it. Only thing we didn't do was the electrical panel because it had to be done by a licensed electrician and inspected. So I guess I just give her the house so the kids don't have to be uprooted. Cause that's not fair to them. I don't know. Of course my first thought is she's fucking somebody else but I just don't see her doing that. She would just tell me hey Im fucking so and so. We been together so long that's kinda how we are. We were always straight up with each other. I never cheated. So sorry I'm babbling about stupid shitnand I'm all over the place. My bad....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Brother your entitled to feel the way you do that's a fucking huge part of your life that just did a 180 on you. Do not I repeat do not do anything stupid your kids are counting on their dad to be bigger than that. Keep a level head man I know that's alot easier said than done ive been there twice but please man keep it together for yourself and the kids. Found out one day after my ex got back from "taking care of her dad in florida" she was fucking some dude all week while she was there.....listened to her voicemail and dude was on it. Filed the next day hurt like a motherfuckers for a while brother but in the long run best thing that ever happened to me. Shit will work out for the best if you let it brother fight like hell for your marriag bro what's meant to be will be man.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Wow, im speechless. Hoping your pulling our legs. We are here if you need to vent. Thats just fucking horrible and fucked up.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
If there happens to be another guy, which sounds like it could be a co worker, boss or friend you do not suspect. Just think about your actions before you do anything that could give you a life sentence.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Oh no! See if you can get counseling before you just walk away. It takes two to be in a marriage tho. My first wife wanted out too after 17 years of marriage and 2 kids, said there was nothing I could do or say. I was at work one day and a dude walks in out of the blue and serves me divorce papers. I found out she was seeing another guy while I was busting my ass at work. 23 years later, looking back on it now, it was the best thing that happened to me and I want to send her a thank you note.

I really hope the best works out for you my friend. Its a very tough spot to be in. But you will get through. We are here to support you ANYTIME.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
That sux bro. If there's anything any of us can do to help out, you just have to ask.

Even if she won't go to counseling with you, you should probably go by yourself. It really does help to have someone to vent to and to help you work through the emotions that you're experiencing and going to experience.

Just remember to focus on what's important, the kids.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
It's already been said but really think about your actions....there's some roads you go down that you can't come back from and if there is someone else keep in mind if it wasn't them it would have been someone so the blame lies with the spouse not the new fling, they were just the person that happen to be, don't let them have even more by doing something that just hurts your life even more. Do everything you can to save it but if it ain't ment to be move on and conquer new mountains, turn it into an opportunity instead of letting it take you down.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
:confused: FUCK ME .....on your Anniversary? WTF? at least wait until the day after.....FUCK I am pissed off....and I dont even know you guys....Dude I am really sorry.
Which reminds me on my 5oth birthday I had to ask my wife to leave the house becasue she came home so irate, she made all three of my kids cry. I went fucking ballistic told her to go to her moms for the night. needless to say she appologized, I did have to buy my own cake and candles.

Sorry, this thread is not about me....

Maybe its my Phroidian hate for women sometimes. :mad:

AR sorry Bro....single life wont be bad once you adjust.....:eek: :lightbulb: