Getting Ripped with Synthetek


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
We phoned the company we bought the oven from and they are saying they can't deliver it until the 17th May :eek: We could go and pick another one instead but it will still have to be delivered etc. Very annoying but nothing major but it makes things harder. We had planned to buy a microwave not that I would ever use it much but I will definitely be buying one today or 2moro. I can cook oats, steamed rice and vegetables in the microwave for the next 2 weeks. Plus I can buy cooked chicken breast and put it in tupperware. Plus synthepure and my flavoured whey too. I will also get a few bifidus yoghurts and fruit etc. I also have peanut and almond butter so I will be gtg.

Gonna go to the shops now and then get ready for the gym. Have a good day everyone :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My back was feeling tight yesterday so I decided just to do cardio and lots of stretching which I think is the first time I have ever been to the gym and not lifted weights. I performed a movement to stretch my psoas muscle I should be doing all the time but have been guilty of stopping. I will start doing it everyday from now on. I would try and post a video but can't as I have limited internet usage at the moment and videos/you-tube are no good. I sit on a mat and roll up a towel or use a foam roller and put it behind me. I bend my legs but have my feet planted on the floor. I am sat up and I basically just have to move my back slowly down until my upper back touches (gently) the towel/roller and I move back up again. The further you put the towel/roller back on the mat the harder it is. This movement is very hard to perform and I recommend it to everyone... weak back or not. My back was so weak I could barely perform the movement when I first tried last year. I am also going to buy a rumble roller and start using that on my lower back everyday. I just want to keep my lower back injury free.

Gonna eat now and get ready for the gym. I am training with my gf today and trying out a new gym so I hope they have some good leg machines. I will take 3ml synthetine/syntheselen and 50mg adrol 20mg dbol pre workout today. I am feeling good and my back is much looser today so things should be good.

Just adding I am probably having 3 nespresso's per day now just to keep fat burning high and give me lots of energy. The tren is definitely kicking in as I was in a shop yesterday and the sweat started. It's really bad as I will get home and the t-shirt I have on under my jacket is soaked through and it isn't even hot outside :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just trained legs in a new gym. It's the same company just in a new location. Therefore all of the equipment was the same but it wasn't as big as my other gym. Most of the gyms have one or 2 unique pieces of equipment but this one didn't and just had the basic leg machines. It's only a 5 min walk from my new apartment so I will probably train there most days from now on. My leg training looked like:

Leg Extensions... warm up sets with 10kg on the stack.
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Raises... about 6 sets of 15 reps going up in weight each set.
Leg Press Calf Presses... about 10 sets of 30 to 12 reps with 3-6 plates a side and minimal rest in between sets. In the 20-30 secs between sets I would stretch my calves.
DB Tibialis Raises on a flat bench... 14kg db for 50 reps, 24kg db for 40 reps and 36kg db to failure (didn't count but over 30 reps).
Standing Hamstring Curls using Leg Extension Machine... 3 sets on each side for 20-15 reps with static holds.
Seated Leg Curls (leaning forwards) supersetted with sumo stance ley press pushing with heels... 3 sets of 15 reps for each going up in weight every set.
Hip Abductor... 4 sets of 25 to 15 reps going up in weight every set and minimal rest (10-15 secs between sets).
Hip Adductor... 5 sets of 25 to 15 reps going up in weight every set and minimal rest (10-15 secs between sets).
Leg Extensions... about 7 sets of 15 reps using low-moderate weight and changing rep speeds and using static holds etc. Minimal rest between sets.
Leg Press... about 8 sets of 15 slow and controlled reps using different foot positions (all low but using feet together, duck feet, medium stance and wide apart). I only used 4 plates a side but this was a killer as rest between all sets was 10-15 secs.
DB squats... 3 sets of 15 reps going up in weight. On the last set I dropped the db and performed bodyweight squats to complete failure.
Then I done some leg and back stretches and decided to do a little abs.

About 62 sets total for legs with lots of added stretches and ab work in about 2 hours.

My legs are sore now but I feel great. I bought a microwave before so that will be useful until the oven is delivered. I can now cook oats in the morning and do steamed rice and vegetables etc. Obviously when I get the oven the microwave will barely be used. It's good to see my new apartment filling up gradually though.

2moro I am thinking shoulders, arms and cardio and I can't wait. I am going to push my body to it's limits over the next 2 months :)

I am hoping to start my syntherol cycle in about 1 weeks time and I will provide pics and any useful info I come across during my cycle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My gf decided to tell me last night how everywhere is closed here today. I quickly went to a local shop (tiny) and bought some canned tuna and a few bananas as that was pretty much all they had. I am not a fan of tuna but it was really nice with some salad, lemon juice and a olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing. I am running low on food but one shop is open today in the train station so I will go food shopping soon. Although all the gyms are closed today so it's a forced off day. Probably for the best as my legs are very sore but I feel good. 2moro I will train shoulder and arms with cardio.

There is a high protein bread they do over here full of seeds and fibre with little carbs so I will using that quite alot over the next few weeks. I need to order more cashew and almond butter too.

I sweat loads last night in my sleep so the tren is definitely building up. I have leaned out quite a lot in the few days (I needed to) so things are looking much better. I have been up over an hour but haven't eaten yet just had an espresso and 12.5mg MK-677. Gonna have a synthepure protein shake with one tablespoon of almond butter and then go to the shops.

Have a good day everyone.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My legs are sore today :D Things are good and I am looking forward to training 2moro. I am going to incorporate lots of drops sets into my shoulder and arm training. I had more carbs today in the form of 2 bowls of oats (with banana), bifidus yoghurt and some mandarins and pineapple. As I have no oven yet I bought a chicken salad and was starving. I dropped the whole thing on the kitchen floor. I wouldn't usually but there was no way I was not eating it so put it all back in and devoured it :eek::D I have just drank 1 scoop of aminos in 1.5 litres of water. My last meal will just be a protein shake with a handful of cashews.

I started developing some acne last month but it seems to have disappeared. I had already ordered accutane and received so will be running it at 20mg per day just to make sure. I have suffered from acne on my back in recent years using less gear than I used to when I was acne free. The 20mg should do wonders for me. I started using it a few nights ago and I wake up feeling awful for a short time. I have used it before but that side effect is new to me. I will be upping my synthergine dose to 5ml per day (2.5ml x2) to compensate for the 50mg adrol, 40mg dbol and 20mg accutane.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was really low on energy today and had to force myself to go the gym. It's the MK-677 so I am gonna drop it back down to 6.25mg per day. The few days break I had in the UK reduced my tolerance and I dosed approx 18mg yesterday and 16mg today and there is no way I can do that again. I struggled just walking around today and everything was a struggle. The fact I underestimated my leg soreness didn't help either. They were even worst today and I am struggling to stand from a seated position. I still had a great training session though and pushed it hard. I tried DMAA for the first time and it felt great but was very short lived so I was disappointed as I expected it to be stronger. I trained shoulders and arms for about 1 hour...

Warm up with db's using a variety of front/side raises and shrugs.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (front supersetted with behind the neck)... 4 sets of 25-15 reps with the bar, 10kg a side, 20kg and 30kg. With the last set I rested about 15 seconds between front to back as I struggled with those reps.
Cable Lateral Raises (supersetted cables from front to back)... 3 sets of 15 reps (6 sets total) going up in weight each set.
Not even sure what these are called. You get two db's and imagine you are doing a double bi-cep pose with your palms facing in front of you. Now you lower your forearm down 90 degrees so palms are facing the floor. Does anyone know what these are called? I love them and have done this movement for ages. 4 sets of 15 reps with the final set being a drop set.
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press... 4 sets of 20 reps (supersetted wide and narrow grip for 10 reps each) going up to 60kg a side. I struggled with the 60kg a side so I know my strength is down from a few months ago :eek: On the final set on the 2nd set of 10 reps I think I got 4 so had to rest to get the other 6 reps.
Shrugs on the above machine... 1 set of 30 reps with 60kg a side... holding the top position for as long as possible on the final rep.
Lateral Raise machine... 1 set of 50 reps with 45kg... burn :eek:
DB Tri-cep Extensions (2 positions) supersetted with seated db curls and hammer curls... 15 reps of each (60 reps total) for 2 sets going up in weight then 10 reps of each (40 reps total) with more weight.
Tri-cep Rope Extensions supersetted with Cable Bi-cep Curls... 3 sets of 15 reps for each.
Cable Forearms Twists... 2 sets of 25 reps
Barbell Tri-cep Extension... 1 set of 20 reps
DB Hammer Curls... 1 set of 20 reps
Tri-cep Extension Machine... 1 set of 50 reps with 40kg
Bi-cep Curl Machine... 1 set of 50 reps with 25kg. I started with 35kg but soon realized no chance as it felt heavy on this machine. So I quikcly lowered to 25kg. I still failed on about 40 reps and finished struggling with partials.
Back stretches

My arms haven't been that pumped up in a long time. I had aminos with caffeine intra training. Post workout was chicken breast, prawns, bread and salad. Pre workout was 3ml synthetine and 3ml syntheselen. The syntheselen really stings post injection now but once I train it goes away. I might start putting it in my arms just for a change as my delts get injected everyday now.

I was feeling very flat today. I haven't ate the ridiculous amount of carbs I usually eat for 1 week now so it's definitely had an effect. I am just going to carry on the same as I know I will get leaner and leaner. Once the details start showing I will feel better but right now feel and look much smaller (maybe it's in my head :eek:). Although I was feeling amazing post workout and the pump was incredible but was short lived :eek::D Things are good so I will just carry on as normal. 2moro will be back and chest :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have managed to sort out a good exercise bike online and it was free delivery so I am happy. It has a max weight of 130kg and gets great reviews so I will be implementing morning fasted cardio as soon as I have it. I managed to do a one stop shop and also bought a 7.5kg db, rumble roller and new training gloves. The db was expensive so I just bought one and will do something like 50 reps each arm rotating for 150 reps (3 sets) each side. I will implementing the arm training everynight and the morning cardio probably 3-6 days per week.

When I have everything my new morning routine will be wake up, take 3IU slin and 6.25mg MK-677. Then take 3ml synthetine and 3ml syntheselen and drink a nespresso before doing fasted cardio :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
On Sat I trained chest and back for about 1 hour. It was very fast paced and I mainly stuck to machines and had a great workout. I did have a minor issue on the incline barbell press. I was stupid and should have changed the seat position as it was awkward getting the bar back on. I put the right side on the top hook but missed the left side so struggled for a few seconds but got it back up. I won't be making that mistake again and good thing I only had 2 plates a side on the bar. I ended with floor presses which are a new fav for me.

On Sunday I trained calves, rear delts, bi-ceps and forearms. I was rushed for time but wanted to get a workout in. Calves were 10 sets total and 5 sets to failure (approx 30 reps). Rear delts some incline bench db rear delt flyes going up to 18kg db's for high reps. Plus one of my favs using the lateral raise machine backwards. I put the top of my head on the back rest and use my elbows on the pads and it's a great rear delt exercise. That was about 5 sets of 20 to 10 reps going heavy for the lower rep sets. Bi-ceps and forearms was a fast paced mix of cable curls, rope hammer curls, behind the back wrist curls and reverse curls.

Today was a rest day and catching up with various things. I have started adding in canned tuna as it's a cheap source of protein over here (very rare to get things cheap). I have had 2 meals of tuna with lots of salad today. Each one with a very small piece of high fibre bread. I am going to start having 2 tuna meals per day just to keep things a bit cheaper. 2 other meals will be chicken and salad/rice/pasta/bread. Plus an oat meal with flavoured whey protein. Maybe 2 synthepure meals too... either with berries/pineapple (in a smoothie) or with a tablespoon of cashew/almond butter.

2moro will be abs, hams and quads and some cardio and I am looking forward to it :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I want to train most days but if I am not feeling it I always listen to my body. I would rather have a rest and be able to push it much harder the following day. Yesterday was one of those days so I will be training legs today instead. Although I did get quite a bit of exercise yesterday carrying various things. I bought a table and chair 2 weeks ago and it was available for collection yesterday. I left thinking how heavy could 1 table be plus it's only a 5 min walk away. I get there thinking there would be 2 boxes but there were 3 and 1 weighed 38kg and the other 32kg plus a box for the chair too (about 8kg but unsure). Any way I had to make 2 trips and walk up hill so that was decent training.

Gonna have a pre workout meal of oats, banana and sticky toffee protein powder now. Post workout will be chicken (bought it cooked) and rice (microwave). I will dose 3ml synthetine and 3ml syntheselen after my pre workout meal. Then 1 serving of pre workout (pump juice extreme) and 1x 50mg DMAA tablet. I will also have 25g aminos intra training too. Hopefully I get my oven soon so I can cook properly!

I have dropped my adrol and dbol. I dropped the adrol and wanted to carry on with 40mg dbol per day. But the dbol at 40mg is giving me nosebleeds so I figured it's best just stopping both. I will resume the adrol for the final 2 weeks of the transformatiotn contest. Right now my hormones are 500mg test c per week and 300mg tren e per week. I have noticed increased anxiety from the tren e which is annoying as I want to go higher in dose. I will up to 400mg next week and see how I am for 2 weeks at that dose.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Earlier I trained hips, glutes, hams, quads and cardio. I don't usually do cardio after legs but I done 10 mins on the hardest setting on the exercise bike so it was like an extension of my weight training (but harder :eek:). I decided to dose my synthetine/syntheselen pre and post workout today for a change. That combo plus 1 scoop of pre workout and 1 tab of DMAA and I looked like I had just jumped in a swimming pool about 30 mins into training :eek::D My workout lasted about 2 1/2 hours and looked like...

Warm up on exercise bike for 5 mins.
Hip Abductor... 5 sets of 25-20 reps going up to full weight rack.
Hip Adductor... 5 sets of 25-20 reps going up to full weight rack.
Side Leg Raises... 3 sets of 20 reps for each leg going up in weight.
Glute Raises... 5 sets of 20-15 reps for each side going up in weight to full weight rack.
Glute Raises (slightly different variation)... 1 set of 30 reps for each side.
Standing Leg Curls using Leg Extension Machine... 4 sets of 20-12 reps for each leg going up in weight each set. I incorporated some static holds at the end of the last 2 sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 8 sets of 20-10 reps plus partials on some sets. Some sets included 20-10 partial reps and static holds too.
Sumo Leg Press (pushing with heels)... 5 sets of 20-15 reps going up to 7 plates a side. I don't go heavy on leg press anymore and just try to make every rep as hard as possible.
Leg Press... I added 3 sets of close stance leg press at the end with 3,4, and 5 plates a side for 20 reps.
Horizontal Leg Press... about 8 sets of 20-12 reps using a close stance. Quite a lot of these sets included a short range of motion but really hitting the quads. I would rest 10 secs between sets and I couldn't walk after these.
Leg Extensions... about 15 sets of 21-10 reps... these included all sets of rep schemes, static holds and partials etc. I did do 6 sets of 21's on here nearer to the end going up in weight each set.
Body weight squats... 1 set to complete failure after the extensions (53 reps).
Exercise Bike... 10 mins on the hardest setting.
Back and leg stretches for about 10 mins.

So that's about 76 sets plus the bike and stretching.

My legs are very sore now but feel good. I have been eating more carbs recently for extra energy. Today I have ate...

1. Synthepure shake and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.
2. Large salad with prawns, crab, eggs, avocado, tomatoe, cheese, blueberries, carrot and cucumber.
3. Oats with banana, peanut butter and sticky toffee pudding protein powder mixed in.
Amino shake intra training.
4. Chicken, basmati rice with spices.
5. Bifidus yoghurt, strawberries, bluberries, pineapple and lemon juice.
6. Tuna with salad drizzled in olive oil and balsemic vinegar.

Pre bed I will have a synthepure protein shake with some nut butter.

As you can see that diet isn't exactly very restrictive but it's good for my long training and has given me a big boost today. It's still fairly low in calories for me though. However most days will be much more restrictive and many meals will consist of canned tuna with salad so very little calories. The last few days though I have upped things slightly and it felt good. But I will be more restrictive most days. Although the recent inclusion of more fruit will definitely stay as I feel so much better with a variety of fruit in my diet. My fruit will mainly be berries as they are low in calories and full of anti-oxidants. However I also like to have 1 banana per day and pineapple from time to time. I actually have a fresh pineapple in the fridge for 2moro :)

2moro will be calves with upper body but not sure so I will decide closer the time.


Mar 8, 2014
Good lord brother, you're going balls out eh? 76 sets of legs?! You shootin for the big O or something? :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Good lord brother, you're going balls out eh? 76 sets of legs?! You shootin for the big O or something? :D

I didn't even think I had done that much but I looked at the time in the gym and had to rush my shower as it was closing :D Then when I wrote everything later on I was a bit surprised by the number of sets. I am going for the Beach Classic 2016 and to look like I actually train legs :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am sat up in bed writing on my laptop and my legs are burning :D The tren even at 300mg per week has increased my body temperature throughout the day. The leg training yesterday has only added to things. I was out before and randomly started sweating excessively. I am feeling good now but that was not a good feeling. I was putting on my socks earlier and noticed a big vein going through my calf so that was a welcomed sight.

Earlier I trained calves, chest and tri-ceps. I was rushed for time so didn't do any cardio at the end and had to train tri-ceps really quickly. I still had a great training session that looked like...

Warm up on exercise bike for 2 mins
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Raises... about 10 sets of 20-15 reps going up in weight every few sets. I used a variety of foot positions and rep speeds.
Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 plates a side for 50 reps, 3 plates a side for 40 reps, 4 plates a side for 30 reps, 5 plates a side for 25 reps, 6 plates a side for 15 reps and partials. Then a few more quick sets with 6 plates a side (12-5 reps). Then I dropped to 4 plates and repped to failure, 3 plates to failure and finished with 2 plates to failure. I stretched my calves between every set apart from the drop set.
Warm up with db's
Chest Press Machine... 1 set of 40 reps with normal and hammer grip for 20 reps each. 1 set of 30 reps (15 reps each grip) and 1 set of 20 reps (10 reps with each grip).
Decline Barbell Press... 6 sets of 20-15 reps going up to 3 plates a side.
DB Flat Bench Flyes, Chest Dips (bodyweight) and Machine Flyes... about 12 sets total of 20-10 reps rotating from these 3 exercises in a random order. Although I think it worked out as 4 sets of each exercise.
Hammer Strength Chest Press... about 10 sets of 15-5 reps (wide and narrow grip) going up to 4 plates a side. I supersetted both grips a few times which explains the smaller reps.
Cable Crossover... 1 set of 20 reps
I was rushed for time so I done about 15 sets of tri-ceps using 20-10 reps and rotating various exercises in no particular order with very little rest between the 15 sets. The exercises included one arm tri-cep extensions, overhead barbell extension, rope pushdowns and finished with 1 set of machine tri-cep extensions. For the final exercise I tried for 50 reps but was miles short and got about 20 reps. So I lowered by 1 plate/weight with no rest until I got to 50 reps.

2moro should be back, bi-ceps and forearms.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I slept in today and feel good. I didn't train yesterday so hitting back, bi-ceps and forearms today. I am eager to start syntherol asap. I still have 7 weeks left and I know syntherol will help transform my physique and I only need 1 month on for it to do that. My chest is looking much better from training alone but syntherol will really add to the fullness whilst consuming restricted calories/carbs. This next 7 weeks will include my biggest changes so I just have to stay focused and injury free.

2moro I will be training legs and shoulders. I am gonna start training most body parts for 20-30mins multiple times per week. Once I put syntherol in my chest it will be a lot of chest "pump" workouts. Time to have some oats, banana and cookies and cream protein powder. Then take my synthetine/syntheselen shots and head to the gym. As I am training back and due to past problems with pump pre workouts and back I am going to have 1 DMAA tab and a nespresso pre training.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a great workout today but it was cut short. My gf was attacked in work and was scared to walk home. Some idiot started shouting in her shop and abusing customers then started shouting about allah and how people deserved to die in the recent terror attacks. She tried to get him to get out so he shouted at her then a shopper (woman) told him to get out and he attacked and punched her. He told my gf he would be coming back for her. The 2 male workers hid in the back as all of this was going so which is just bad. She is fine and stuff like that happens quite a lot but she wanted me to come and get her so of course I did.

My back workout lasted about 30 mins and it was great. I had planned to train arms and of cardio but obviously that never happened. Thed DMAA and caffeine really hit me hard today and I pushed it. Lots of varied weight and high intensity and some unusual movements such as one armed lat pulldowns. You hold the bar with both hands as normal but only bring one arm down. I pull with my elbow and get a great contraction with my lats doing this movement. I went very heavy with some shrugs which was probably stupid of me. I done 6 plates a side for 10 reps. It was more my grip that failed first than my traps. 6 plates is too much and the range of motion is not optimal (still fine though) but with 5 plates a side much better. It felt good to lift some heavy weights though but it's asking for trouble so I will be careful. 2moro I will be training shoulders and legs as planned and looking forward to it.

My oven should be delivered on Thurs so I can finally start cooking. I have a microwave but mainly just do oats and rice in that. I haven't had eggs in ages as I don't like cooking them in the microwave. Anyway they have some weird looking hard boiled eggs in the supermarkets here so I figured I would finally try them out. They taste lovely but just regular hard boiled eggs. I have had 1 cut up egg in 2 salads today with some chicken too. Here is a pic...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today was bank holiday here. Over here literally everywhere is shut so I couldn't go to the gym or even buy food from the local shops. I am looking forward to training 2moro. I ended up just training legs yesterday and no shoulders so 2moro will be shoulders, tri-ceps and calves. My leg workout looked like...

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Raises... about 15 sets of 50-12 reps using different foot positions, static holds and partials. On quite a few sets I would start with my feet lower and go as high on my tiptoes and as the set progressed move my feet up till I could only do partial reps with a ridiculous burn.
Flat Bench DB Tibialis Raises... 5 sets of 50, 40, 30, 25 and about 20 reps going up to a 40kg db.
Seated Leg Curls... about 15 sets of 25-10 reps going up in weight and leaning as forward as possible on the seat. For about 5 sets I supersetted these with standing leg curls using the leg extension machine for 20-10 reps. For another 5 sets I supersetted them with stiff leg deadlifts for 20-15 reps. I could only use a light weight for the SLDL's due to my lower back.
Squats... 6 sets of 40 to 25 reps. I had to use very light weight for these due to my lower back. I kept constant tension and simply tried to make the light weight feel as heavy as possible. For sets 3 and 4 I supersetted with lunges and for the final 2 sets I supersetted with bodyweight squats to complete failure.
Then 10 mins on the step machine.
Leg and back stretches to finish.

The workout lasted about 2 hours. Pre workout was 3ml synthetine/syntheselen with 50mg DMAA and 1 scoop of PreJym. Hormones were at 500mg test c and 300mg tren e but I am going to up the tren e to 400mg per week.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My diet from now will pretty much be chicken and tuna with salad and vegetables. Plus sweet potatoes or rice around training times. I will be lowering the amount of bifidus yoghurt, milk and cottage cheese to a tiny amount. I still have some fruits in there but they will be lowered too. I like to have some pineapple or blueberries in my salads at times. The blueberries are nothing but the pineapple is more but you are literally talking 30g carbs. I will also be having be having berry synthepure smoothies and again they are very low carb and make me feel a lot better. When I finally get my oven/grill I will be able to cook chicken/turkey breast. Right now I have to buy it cooked and it's full of fat but with my high volume that's ok. But at this time it needs to be as lean as possible so that will be changed as soon as possible. It's time to get serious and really strip this fat off.

Today I ended up training shoulders and tri-ceps with cardio. It looked like...

Warm up with db's
Cable front raises... 5 sets of 20-15 reps going up in weight each set.
Cable Lateral Raises... 3 sets of 20-12 reps for each side going up in weight each set.
Leaning Cable Lateral Raises... 3 sets of about 15 reps for each side.
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press... 5 sets of 30-10 reps going up to 3 1/2 plates a side. All 5 sets were supersetted with 10kg plate front raises for 20-15 very slow reps.
Seated DB Lateral Raises... about 10 sets of 10 reps with minimal rest (5-15 secs) in between sets.
I don't even know the name but have mentioned it before... 3 sets of 15-10 reps.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 4 sets of 20-15 reps.
Rear Delt Raises using the lateral raise machine (face the machine, bend over with top of head on back rest and elbow on pads)... 4 sets of 15-10 reps going up in weight each set.
Machine Shoulder Press... 1 set of 50 reps
Variety of tri-cep exercises including cable pushdowns, one arm tri-cep cable extension, underhand tri-cep extension, standing barbell tri-cep extension and rope pushdown... about 15 sets of 25-10 reps using minimal rest between sets.
Close Grip Bench Press... 3 sets of 25, 20 and 15 reps. There was no one in that parft of the gym and I wanted to go heavy plus the heaight is awkward getting the bar back on so decided to change to the smith machine.
Close Grip Smith Press... 4 sets of 15 to 10 reps going up to 70kg a side.
Machine Tri-cep Extension... 1 set of 50 reps.
Back stretches.
10 mins on the tecknogym cardio wave on level 25 (max setting)
10 mins on exercise bike on level 20 (goes to level 25)

So that was about 66 sets in total plus stretches and cardio.

Pre workout was my usual 3ml synthetine and 3ml syntheselen. I also took 75mg DMAA pre workout and that felt great. During training I had aminos with 300mg caffeine mixed in which I drank over a 2 hour period.

Tomorrow I plan to train calves and back with biceps. I am feeling good and looking forward to the next month of results.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are coming together now and I am in a great routine. I can see me progressing loads in the next month. I just hope my oven finally gets delivered tomorrow. I should have my exercise bike and rumble roller soon too. I am still struggling with fatigue in the day but gonna carry on the MK-677 at a low dose. I forgot to mention I have a few vials of cjc-dac and will run that at 5mg per week for the next month. I was out most of the day and got in feeling very tired but wanted to train. So I ate and chilled and left for the gym later than planned. I ended up having a great workout but mainly hit back due to the lack of time. I lifted heavy for some movements but with chest support as without it my back would simply go. My workout looked like...

Abs for about 10-15 mins. Mainly lying stomach crunches, decline leg raises and ab machine twists.
Rope face pulls, rope rear delt pulls, rope middle back rows and rope lat pulldowns... about 4 sets of each (16 set total) of 25-15 reps.
Straight Arm Pulldowns... 4 sets of 15 reps going up in weight each set with static holds etc.
Standing Cable Back Row... these are pulled from the bottom setting and I get a great contraction with these. It's one movement my lower back is ok with even when I do the full weight rack (just have to be careful). 4 sets of 15 reps going up to the full weight rack.
Hammer Strength Row... 5 sets of 20-8 slow reps going up to 5 plates a side.
Smith Machine Rows using an incline bench... these felt great and I really pushed it. I done a few higher reps sets. I planned to go up to 3 plates a side but 2 1/2 felt heavy on this. I got higher reps but then decided to do 5 sets of 5 reps with minimum rest. I failed on the last 2 and could only get 4 and 3 reps. Then I dropped the weight by 10kg to 2 plates a side and done 3 sets to failure (about 5 reps each). Then to 30kg a side and 3 quick sets to failure again (about 5-8 secs rest between all sets). I finished with 1 set with 1 plate a side for about 20 reps.
Incline Bench db curls (facing the bench with my head looking at the floor)... 4 sets of 21's but my way. 7 reps with elbows forwards, 7 with elbows fully back so shortened rom and 7 reps of hammer curls.
Concentration Curls... 1 set to failure for each arm with 10kg db.
Cable Curls supersetted with reverse curls... 3 sets of 15 reps for each.
Back stretches

2moro will be chest and calves :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My diet for the next 3 weeks will resemble this most training days...

1. Oats, banana with lion bar flavoured protein powder mixed in (this will be my only treat... well I like everything in my diet but you know what I mean).

2. Chicken/Beef and sweet potatoe.

Train (drink an amino shake during)

3. Chicken and Basmati Rice

4. Synthepure smoothie made with a selection of berries and water.

5. Tuna and salad

6. Chicken and salad

Non training days

1. Synthepure shake with a selection of berries

2. Tuna and salad

3. Chicken and salad with some cashews

4. Synthepure shake with a selection of berries

5. Tuna and salad

6. Chicken and salad with some almonds

Now it's worth mentioning some of my salads contain small amounts of pineapple or blueberries. There may also be some rice cakes in there at certain times. I also have nut butters that if I feel I need I will add a spoon to meals or with a shake. I will also be drinking 2 amino shakes both in 1.5 litres of water everyday.

Here is my treat...




AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had my new protein for the first time about an hour ago... it's amazing :D I only have it in oats so not sure how it tastes in water. It has actual crispy pieces in and tastes like caramel and chocolate. Gonna go to the gym in a few hours :)