It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Title says it all. I changed my mind and figured I am not getting any younger so if I want to push the size it's time to do it. So I will detail everything I do along the way and if you're interested please follow the thread. I hope to put on a lot of size over the foreseeable future.

Training is all about the basics and progressive overload. I aim to get stronger in all lifts. Although there will be no loading on my lower back as I 100% will get injured. For everything else I will push it to the complete max in the 6-15 rep range (plus intensity techniques).

I will follow a push, pull and legs split. Simply because I want to cover my whole body in a 3 day rotation. Therefore if training 5 days per week I can train everything twice over 8 days. The split isn't really important but the volume, frequency and intensity are. Although PPL suits me well as I am relatively balanced so just hope to put on size all over. In the far future I may swop over to a more specialized routine but for now this is perfect for me. Generally I will do 2-3 exercises for each bodypart and 1-2 working sets. I warm up slowly but go through each exercise fairly quickly so the volume will be fairly low (for me) most days. Below are some of my thoughts and goals for each training day...

Progressive overload in all movements.

PUSH- Very heavy pressing will be fundamental. Strong focus on medial delts as front will be covered with pressing movements. Dips, skull crushers, close grip bench and extensions for tri-ceps. Occasional intensity techniques such as dead stops, rest pauses and drop sets.

PULL- Lot's of unilateral back movements as I feel I respond best to them. Heavy rowing will be fundamental. Lat's will be a main focus. I will start most workouts with rear delts.

LEGS- As deep as possible leg press. Although I like to do 1 working set as deep as possible and another with my feet closer together with a shorter rom. Go crazy on select squat machines (lower back). Unilateral leg curls and extensions. Static holds, partials and drop sets will be occasionally used. For some movements I like to do one heavy movement then a drop off set for higher reps. Rest pauses will be utilized alot for my heavy leg press sets. Meaning pick a weight you can get for approx 12 reps and rest pause until you get to 20, 25 or 30 etc. For my final calf working set it's usually a drop or super set. Cardio approx 5 days per week for no more than 20 mins. I have been doing a lot of cardio on my tiptoes recently and the improvements I have made have been great.

Nutrition will be basic. Protein mainly steak, beef mince and chicken. Carbs mainly rice, pasta and fruit. Fats mainly avocado, mixed nuts and various oils. I do rotate food sources but the above will be my main sources. Most meals will be meat with rice and vegetables. I also like 0% fat quark and with that I mix eaa's (berry flavour for example), lemon juice, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. I also will have some oats occasionally and with that I mix whey (chocolate and peanut flavour for example), banana and coconut milk. I will also utilize cereal post workout some days as well and I usually have coconut milk with that.

Nothing is set in stone but just a lot of quality nutrition spread throughout the day. I will increase calories as I continue to grow. Generally I like to have mainly protein and fats for my first and last meals and protein and carbs for my 2 post workout meals. All other meals are usually a combination of all 3 macros.

I will also utilize some powders if I need to. I have a few whey and beef isolate powders. For carbs sweet potatoe and activated barley powder. Although in the last 2 weeks I have had 2 shakes (not counting eaa's) to give a reference so it's mainly whole foods. Although when I start pushing the calories more they will become very useful. I have various EAA powders which I always drink between some meals anyway. I use them mainly for taste so it's easy to keep my fluid intake high. Now I always have an intra shake and that won't change. At the moment I am using 6 scoops of Yamamoto Nutrition's Energan Intra (40g HBCD's, 15g EAA's, 8g l-citrulline etc).

Gear won't be crazy simply due to side effects. I think I grow better on lower (moderate) doses as my digestion and appetite are not negatively effected. I started my blast nearly 2 weeks ago so things are building up nicely. I always kickstart with an oral but decided not to this time mainly due to cholesterol. Although I will add one in later so it's a mute point really. I will probably go with tbol when I do at 40-60mg. Right now I am running...

500mg Test C
300mg Deca

I plan to up the deca to about 400mg soon. I will also add in 200mg mast e as well. After about 8 weeks into this cycle I will swop the test and deca over to similar doses of sust and npp (keep mast in). At the moment I inject 2 days weekly and on those days I just take 1 aromasin (25mg) and 1 Nolvadex tab (20mg). Just very simple and minimal injections for now.

Now I will add in insulin and hgh into the mix. I will most likely rotate insulin types but to begin with I will use lantus. I get severe fatigue with hgh so I will probably have to drop it but going to try and do 2iu twice daily. My hgh dose won't change but with lantus I will start at 20iu and see how I am. Looking at upping to 30iu then 40iu. I will monitor things and maybe drop it, rotate to short acting slin or maybe even use a combo of the two. I also plan to experiment with some high dosed LR3 a long the way as well.

I have some syntherol and plan to use it in a way I haven't done before. Basically to make multiple bodyparts stand out and really help me look as huge as possible. More on that later.

Supplements will be...

Supplement Needs CV Stack (HeartStack)... 2 servings per day
Supplement Needs Astrag-Flow (KidneyBPStack)... 2 servings per day
Controlled Labs Orange Triad + Greens... 2 servings per day.
Zein Pharma Vitamin C... 2500mg AM/PM (5 grams per day).
Biovea Pomegranate Extract... 500mg AM/PM (1 gram per day).
Yamamoto Nutrition Krill Oil... 1.5g AM/PM (3 grams per day).
ATP Science GutRight... 5g AM/PM (10 grams per day).
Synthetek's Synthergine... 2ml AM/PM (4ml per day).

Here are the ingredient profiles for the first 2 supplements...

Supplement Needs CV Stack (HeartStack)

Olive Leaf Extract – 500mg (mg per daily serving)
Pantethine – 450mg (900mg per daily serving)
Citrus Bergamot – 250mg (500mg per daily serving)
Grape Seed Extract – 200mg (400mg per daily serving)
Tocotrienol Compelx (EVNol) – 162.5mg (325mg per daily serving)
EGCG – 150mg (300mg per daily serving)
CoQ10 – 100mg (200mg per daily serving)
Astaxanthin – 5mg (10mg per daily serving)
Allicin – 2000mcg (4000mcg per daily serving)
D3 – 2500iu (5000iu per daily serving)
Vitamin K2 MK7 – 50mcg (100mcg per daily serving)

Supplement Needs Astrag-Flow (KidneyBPStack)

Astragalus Membranaceous Root 8000mg per day

(at a 4:1 astragalus extract)

Beetroot Extract – 1500mg per day

Hawthorn Berry Extract – 900mg per day

Goldenrod – 500mg per day

I will get some updated pics up soon and go from there. I have no real weight in mine but let's just say I will stand out in a crowd :D


Registered User
Apr 6, 2017
Great detail but I would expect nothing less from you!

Two questions for you real quick, are you planning on measuring your glucose levels at all? Only reason I ask is because it's a pretty solid gauge of how much insulin you need to use and when to up the dosage.

Also, what is the purpose of the Goldenrod? I haven't heard of that before so I'm curious what that does!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My diet has been very basic recently. Over the last week too basic as most of my meals have just been beef and rice. So I will start adding some more vegetables and greens to those dishes. I will also add in a bit more fruit as well. Anyway today I woke up and just wanted some cereal so I had it. I figured just have that with a protein shake. I don't drink dairy milk anymore and have replaced it with coconut (sometimes almond, hazelnut, cashew etc) milk. I only had dairy milk in the fridge which is for my gf so I just had that. I literally looked 6 months pregnant within 20 mins. When having it everyday the body adapts and I still get bloated but it's less noticeable. But after a long break the effect took minutes and it messed my stomach up a lot. So no more dairy milk for me as I want to keep my waist as tight as possible as I grow.

Training last night was legs and brutal. I trained very late and had the gym to myself and just went for it. Around 90 mins preworkout I had beef and pasta. I tried a new preworkout and it was great. That was 2 scoops of Myblox Loco Cinco XO. Post workout I had beef and jasmine rice. My training looked like...

Standing Calf Raises... 2 working sets the last being a drop set.
Vertical Leg Press Calf Presses... 1 working set with a negative hold.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets the last being a drop set.
Single Stiff Leg DB Deadlifts... 1 working set for each leg.
Unilateral Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets for both legs with the last including negative reps (use both legs to lift the weight).
Hip Abductor... 1 working set.
Hip Adductor... 1 working set.
Vertical Leg Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Squat Machine... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Stationary Bike for 10 mins on a hard setting.

All my working sets were 12+ reps.

Today is probably an off day so just about food and rest. I am about to cook a meal I have had quite a lot recently. Simply lean beef mince in a pan with baked beans and rice. It's a big meal so the calories add up. The breakdown includes 300g beef mince (60g protein and 30g fat), 1 tin of heinz beans (55g carbs, 13g fat and 14g protein), and 90g+ carbs just from the rice. So on a low rice day that is 74g protein, 145g carbs and 43g fat. I have had this meal with double the amount of rice on occasions so I have no issues getting the calories in. On my break I wasn't eating as many times but as a result increased my portion sizes.

Moving forward I will reduce portion sizes but increase meals per day. Although I still go through fairly high amounts of carbs some meals. When having pasta for example I just use half the box each meal. I never weigh anything but it's simple when boxes are 500g (250g per meal). So that is approx 125g carbs per pasta meal and I could easily have double. I can handle higher carbs and still remain relatively tight but I have to be careful with fats. Obviously energy balance is the most important factor but I am definitely a carb guy. On lantus days fats will be controlled as well but more on that later.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Great detail but I would expect nothing less from you!

Two questions for you real quick, are you planning on measuring your glucose levels at all? Only reason I ask is because it's a pretty solid gauge of how much insulin you need to use and when to up the dosage.

Also, what is the purpose of the Goldenrod? I haven't heard of that before so I'm curious what that does!

Thank you. I will be getting a glucose measuring kit. Although even without one my insulin intake will never match my carbs in a sense. I am a high carb guy so could probably get away with pushing the insulin dosage but I don't plan to. I just want to use some to help shuttle nutrients etc.

The Goldenrod is just part of one supplement (supplement needs Astrag-Flow). I haven't bought it separately. However it's supposed to be great for inflammation. I know it has more anti-oxidants than green tea. I know it contains various saponins and flavonoids. It has diuretic properties as well so will help flush everything out. I believe it's used for urinary tract issues as well. So all in all it should help with kidney function. I should add since adding this product in (plus the high dosed vitamin c) I literally pee all the time (10 times per day). Plus I don't wake up to pee so don't have issues in that regard just when awake. I know astragulus is a good diuretic as well. Everything combined really does flush everything out so that's why I make sure to drink so much water now. It's definitely added to my overall look as well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will start posting daily now. I never mentioned it but I have been injured recently. I get an issue with my middle/upper trap on the left side from time to time. It was really bad recently so I took some painkillers which I don't normally do. As a result my digestion was effected so I have had extra bloating but it's nearly gone now. I need to get some tissue work done on the area and will sort that out soon.

Things are good now though. I have still been training brutally hard just taking some extra off days. Tonight I trained legs and pushed my working sets to the absolute max...

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 4 working sets.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets (last being a drop set).
Lying Leg Curls... 1 working set.
Unilateral Leg Curls... 1 working set (with negative reps) for each leg.
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Hip Adductor... 1 working set.
Horizontal Leg Press... 1 working set.
Squat Machine... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.

Pre workout I had 1 heaped scoop of Chaos Crew's Stim Head and 1 scoop of Alpha Lion's Komodo Pump. I was literally flying as I haven't had this preworkout for about 1 week and it's a strong one. Intra was 6 scoops of Yamamoto Nutrition's Energan (40g HBCD's, 15g EAA's, 8g l-citrulline etc).

Tonight I added in mast e at 100mg so from now on my weekly doses will be...

500mg test c
300mg deca
200mg mast e

I just received all my slin pins so I will probably start lantus tomorrow at 20iu.

Due to digestive issues and loss of appetite I have had a few shakes recently. I usually combine powders and whole foods when I have them. Today my diet has been...

- 5 whole eggs.
- 50g protein from synthepure, 70g carbs from sweet potatoe powder, 1 apple, mixed berries and mixed nuts in water.
- Beef Mince (60g protein), vegetables and basmati rice (80g carbs).
- 40g 87% dark chocolate.
Intra- 6 scoops of Yamamoto Nutrition's Energan (40g HBCD's, 15g EAA's, 8g l-citrulline etc).
- Chicken (60g protein), peppers and basmati rice (80g carbs).
- Beef Mince (60g protein), vegetables and basmati rice (80g carbs).
- 3 whole eggs, 50g protein from beef isolate, mixed nuts (macademias, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews and almonds).

I generally start most days with just protein and fats and nothing too big. It's usually something fast as well and those 5 whole eggs were already cooked and in the fridge. However my 2nd meal is usually not long after and will include all 3 macros. When I up my carbs in the future the first place they will go will be my first meal and intra workout.

Today I tidied the apartment after my pre workout meal and took some time so snacked on 87% dark chocolate before the gym. I do occasionally snack and like high calorie foods when I do. So dark chocolate, cheese (mini babybel) or nut butter. If it's preworkout I will usually add in a piece of fruit (banana or clementine) as well. Now I am adding lantus there will be no high fat snacks on those days.

Things are going well and I have started growing but still remaining fairly tight. I used hair removal cream and developed a bad rash but it's gone now so I will sort out some updated pics. Lantus will be added on all training days and my diet won't change (minus fatty snacks). My cycle is just starting to come to life with it being 3 weeks in so lets see what that and the added lantus does :)
Last edited:


Mar 27, 2014
That's my favourite work out- push - pull - legs
The food and juice look great- hard not to grow on every thing here.
I could never afford your supplements- what are the main ones you would keep on a tight budget?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
That's my favourite work out- push - pull - legs
The food and juice look great- hard not to grow on every thing here.
I could never afford your supplements- what are the main ones you would keep on a tight budget?

Thanks. Before answering I think supplements are very individual and should be chosen based on your personal needs and blood work. Although most bodybuilders would benefit from adding in certain supplements. No supplements are essential but 100% if I could only pick a few it would be...

Supplement Needs CV Stack (HeartStack)... 2 servings per day
Supplement Needs Astrag-Flow (KidneyBPStack)... 2 servings per day
Controlled Labs Orange Triad + Greens... 2 servings per day.

The first 2 are the most important by a long way so if I could only pick 2 it would be them. You have a heart and kidney/bp combo with many effective ingredients. If you couldn't get those specific 2 then something similar. Curcumin is not in either of those but I consider that a top supplement as well.

Everyone is different but generally speaking for bodybuilders I think the heart, inflammation, cholesterol, blood pressure and kidney function. Obviously the liver is vital but I don't think supplementation is essential for that unless you are literally popping oral aas all the time. Common sense and not being abusive should be enough to cover the liver. Whereas many even on just standard injectables (test, deca, npp etc) often have issues with the others areas especially when their main aim is to grow very big. Notwithstanding if you had extremely low blood pressure (not uncommon) obviously you would need to pick something else.

So the first 2 and I picked the other one as it's a bit of everything and contains vitamins, minerals and doubles as a green product. If you ate tonnes of greens but didn't get much omega 3 in your diet then I would suggest 3rd would be krill (or fish) oil.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I look forward to training everyday now which is only a good sign. I have definitely noticed a difference (mentally) over the last week as the hormones are building up in my system. Today was push day and it felt good...

Warm Up.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press... 1 working drop set with just 1 drop (2pps and 1pps).
Machine Lateral Raise... 1 working set with 175lbs.
Cable Lateral Raise (from behind my body)... 1 working set with 23kg for each arm.
Incline Chest Press... 1 working drop set with just 1 drop (3pps and 2pps).
Pec Deck (foam roller behind me)... 1 working set.
Machine Press... 1 working set.
Tri-Cep Dips... 1 working set with 4pps.
Close Grip Bench Press... 1 working set.
Cable Tri-cep Extensions (2 handles)... 1 working set.
StairMaster for 15 mins (calf raises on my tiptoes for the duration).

All movements were slow and controlled with pauses at the bottom to prevent any momentum and keep the tension on the target muscle.

Preworkout I had 2 sccops of Myoblox Loco Cinco XO. Intra was 6 scoops of Yamamoto Nutrition's Energan (40g HBCD's, 15g EAA's, 8g l-citrulline etc). Post workout I had 250g chicken breast, basmati rice (80g carbs) and a side salad with carrots, white cabbage, cherry tomatoes, mirador sauce (similar to light soy sauce), apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. I will start adding similar side salads to most of my meat and rice meals as they taste great and I am making sure I get more greens and vegetables into my diet.

No slin today but definitely starting it tomorrow and it will be pull day and I look forward to it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
A slight change of plan. I was looking at my insulin and realized I have some used novolin-r with an expiry date of 2017. I figured just start with that instead. It will still be gtg so I started that today. I will rotate insulin types as I go along so lantus and humalog will also be used over the subsequent months. I decided to dose 10iu novalin-r with 2iu Genotrope twice today. I will carry on with the same dosing over the next week and adjust if needed.

Today was pull day and more of the same. I dosed the novolin-r about 2 hours pre workout. I have had more shakes today for convenience but also 2 meat and rice meals so far. After I post this I will have chicken, jasmine rice and a side salad. Intra today was 6 scoops of Yamamoto Nutrition's Energan (40g HBCD's, 15g EAA's, 8g l-citrulline etc) and an additional scoop of Axe & Sledge's Demoday (15g Carb10 and 11g HBCD's). I had planned to up intra carbs slightly and will be sticking with that amount (65g) for the foreseeable future. Today I also tried 1.5 scoops of OuttenFit Nutrition's Revive V2 preworkout and it was great. My workout included...

Warm Up
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working drop set with just 1 drop.
Machine Pullovers... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 1 working set.
Close Grip Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Machine Rows (unilateral)... 1 working set for each side.
Cable Shrugs... 1 working drop set with just 1 drop.
Lower Back Extensions supersetted with Reverse Lower Back Extensions... 2 sets.
Machine Curls (unilateral)... 1 working set for each side.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set.
Preacher DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set for each side.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So much to report. I never load my lower back but after those lower back extensions the other day it felt extra tight. I usually stop short of failure and never push it but did more that day and could feel the difference. I had a day off but when training legs the next day my lower back wouldn't have taken the planned stiff leg deadlifts so I adjusted my workout. I still pushed it to the max though...

Abs for 10 mins.
Calf Presses... 3 working sets.
Calf Extensions... 1 working set with both feet then 1 working set with each leg separately.
Unilateral Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (with negative reps) for each leg.
Standing Leg Curls... 1 working set with partials for each leg.
Leg Press... 2 working sets with 7pps. The 1st set was with wide feet and as low as possible (full rom) for 32 reps. After 1 min rest the 2nd set was with a close stance and a partial rom for 26 reps.
Hip Adductor... 1 working set with negative reps.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets (drop weight for 2nd set) with no more than 30 secs rest between.

After the above workout I was destroyed and fell asleep even though I had taken a lot of pre workout. That will be due to the addition of hgh. Although I had only used 2iu twice then had a day off training (no hgh) and took 2iu pre workout so I hadn't even run it each day. I dosed it once that day due to falling asleep. Today I have dosed hgh/slin twice and plan to do the same tomorrow. I did fall asleep again today though but before the gym. I can tell already this hgh will be a struggle but I will push through.

I have also started getting some acne on my face which is annoying. I am 2 shots (100mg) mast e in so far so it's probably due to the inclusion of that. Once levels stablize I will be fine. I only plan to run 200mg per week and will not change that as it's just to compliment my cycle and I have no need for high dosed mast when growing.

Another thing I never mentioned is I do what Stan Efferding talks about a lot in regards to frequent walking. I done it anyway due to having my dog Flex but now I always walk him after I have eaten. I also try and get 3 walks in everyday after meals to improve digestion, appetite and insulin sensitivity. Most walks are 15 mins but 1 is usually longer. As it's freezing now it's not that long but when it's warmer 1 walk is always over 1 hour. In addition to that I now do cardio for 10-20 mins at the end of most training sessions as well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been having digestive problems and lot's of gas. Not a surprise from the increased food. But it seems the white cabbage I have been having a lot recently is the route to most of my problems. I am sure some of the powders I have had didn't help either. But I figured out a short list and after I had a side salad with carrot and white cabbage (tomatoes etc) I was really bad. I don't usually have an issue with the other ingredients and the white cabbage is new. I seem to be improving and I guess will have to leave it out in the future.

I started today with an avocado, greek yoghurt and an EAA shake with my supplements. Then it was all pretty much chicken/beef with rice and vegetables. I have also had some fruit with all my meals as well. Been mainly having mandarins and kiwis. Post workout I had chicken with pasta. I had cooked too much pasta so basically waited about 1 hour then had another serving of pasta with a protein shake afterwards. I done that because I had taken my 2nd shot of novolin-r before my post workout meal so like to load up on carbs and protein whilst it is active.

Today I was amped to train. I also added in 1 scoop of Chao's Crew's Stim Head and 1 scoop of Alpha Lion's Komodo Pump preworkout so I was fired up. I had all my movements planned out and simply tried to lift as heavy as possible.

Warm Up.
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing Cable Lateral Raises... 1 working set with each arm.
Shoulder Press... 1 working set. I tried 3.5pps but only got 3 reps so quickly dropped to 3pps and got another 6 or 7 reps.
Incline Bench Cable Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Press... 1 working set.
DB Floor presses (hammer grip).
Tri-Cep Dips... 1 working set with 4.5pps.
Seated Overhead Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
15 mins cardio (bike and s force performance trainer).

You will see I place my exercises in a certain order for various reasons. When doing PUSH day for example I like to blend the 3 main muscles (chest, shoulders and tri-ceps) together. Meaning today for example I ended shoulders with a high (or low) incline shoudler press so my chest is largely activated. Then the same for my last chest exercise which was a neutral/hammer grip floor press which brings the tri-ceps into play substantially.

I just had to look up what the cardio piece is called (S-Force Performance Trainer). It's literally the hardest cardio equipment I have ever used. I have used it about 10 times now. The stairmaster is a walk in the park compared to it. You can use a shortened range of motion but I always use the full rom which is large so it's good for flexibility as well. Obviously cardio is only as hard as what effort you put in but after 1 min I am literally derstroyed on this and it's designed for less training time. I done 10 mins bike and 5 mins on this thing but usually do more.



Feb 17, 2014
Women love gas, Mate!
Blame it on Flex, and his new dog food.
Does Flex have winter cloths?
Let’s see some new Flex pics.
Can he come in the gym with you as your therapy dog?
Are you happy with your current gym?
I know you’ve tried a few.

I have been having digestive problems and lot's of gas. Not a surprise from the increased food. But it seems the white cabbage I have been having a lot recently is the route to most of my problems. I am sure some of the powders I have had didn't help either. But I figured out a short list and after I had a side salad with carrot and white cabbage (tomatoes etc) I was really bad. I don't usually have an issue with the other ingredients and the white cabbage is new. I seem to be improving and I guess will have to leave it out in the future.

I started today with an avocado, greek yoghurt and an EAA shake with my supplements. Then it was all pretty much chicken/beef with rice and vegetables. I have also had some fruit with all my meals as well. Been mainly having mandarins and kiwis. Post workout I had chicken with pasta. I had cooked too much pasta so basically waited about 1 hour then had another serving of pasta with a protein shake afterwards. I done that because I had taken my 2nd shot of novolin-r before my post workout meal so like to load up on carbs and protein whilst it is active.

Today I was amped to train. I also added in 1 scoop of Chao's Crew's Stim Head and 1 scoop of Alpha Lion's Komodo Pump preworkout so I was fired up. I had all my movements planned out and simply tried to lift as heavy as possible.

Warm Up.
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing Cable Lateral Raises... 1 working set with each arm.
Shoulder Press... 1 working set. I tried 3.5pps but only got 3 reps so quickly dropped to 3pps and got another 6 or 7 reps.
Incline Bench Cable Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Press... 1 working set.
DB Floor presses (hammer grip).
Tri-Cep Dips... 1 working set with 4.5pps.
Seated Overhead Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
15 mins cardio (bike and s force performance trainer).

You will see I place my exercises in a certain order for various reasons. When doing PUSH day for example I like to blend the 3 main muscles (chest, shoulders and tri-ceps) together. Meaning today for example I ended shoulders with a high (or low) incline shoudler press so my chest is largely activated. Then the same for my last chest exercise which was a neutral/hammer grip floor press which brings the tri-ceps into play substantially.

I just had to look up what the cardio piece is called (S-Force Performance Trainer). It's literally the hardest cardio equipment I have ever used. I have used it about 10 times now. The stairmaster is a walk in the park compared to it. You can use a shortened range of motion but I always use the full rom which is large so it's good for flexibility as well. Obviously cardio is only as hard as what effort you put in but after 1 min I am literally derstroyed on this and it's designed for less training time. I done 10 mins bike and 5 mins on this thing but usually do more.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Women love gas, Mate!
Blame it on Flex, and his new dog food.
Does Flex have winter cloths?
Let’s see some new Flex pics.
Can he come in the gym with you as your therapy dog?
Are you happy with your current gym?
I know you’ve tried a few.

Flex is bulking as well and has put on 1/2 kilo since we started so is doing well. My gf bought him a new jumper but it doesn't fit his massive delts. It's a tiger print jumper and she took him out with it on but he ended up taking it off. They have put a temporary ice skating ring by my apartment and they leave a pile of dry ice and he was running up it and sliding down on his back last night. Then he started a fight with a Great Dane. I might have to lower his dbol dose :eek::D

I love training in new gyms. I actively seek out new gyms and get day passes. I have probably been to 25 gyms in this city since I have been here. At the moment I go to 2 gyms and I rotate gyms every 6 months or so. Although both are now 1 year contracts so I will stay put. Once one runs out I will join another but I will keep one going all the time. That is the old school gym with the old machines and db's. It's 24/7 as well so I sometimes go very late. It's always convenient to have beign close and 24/7 plus it's full of bodybuilders. Nicolas Vullioud sometimes trains in my gym. He could do some damage in the 212 in the next few years. He wasn't that far behind Hadi Choopan when he beat him at the IFBB Portugal.

I am happy with my gyms but I do get bored easily and like to rotate every 3-6 months if possible. The other gym I go to now (joined a few months ago) is a big chain so they have many over the city but they all tend to have the same equipment so it makes little difference. I have 2 nearby so rotate between them as they are slightly different. One has a mixed sauna on certain days so I make sure to go those days :D JJ I took my gf on the mixed sauna day and we are stood there and some old guy just gets naked in front of her. I said excuse me there is a girl in here and he wasn't bothered and just thought it was a normal thing to do. Literally just sat there naked with his legs wide open for all to see. I understand some think differently and different cultures etc but I couldn't believe it.

I wish I had some of the gyms I see (UK, USA etc) near to me. The gyms I was going to in the UK were just incredible. It makes a difference having plate loaded back and leg machines when you have a bad lower back. I can be inventive and use benches etc but I would love more of a variety of squat, leg press and back machines. My gyms don't really have any of that.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I woke up today and loaded up on some fat and protein in the form of 87% dark chocolate, walnuts and a whey shake (Rule 1 salted caramel flavour). 2moro I will do the same and have avocados and mixed nuts in preparation. 2 of my other meals have been meat and rice with vegetables. I have also had a shake made with synthepure, oats, banana, kiwi, mixed berries and walnuts in water. Post workout I had 50g protein from synthepure and a massive bowl of cereal. I generally prefer rice based cereal but I used wholegrain cheerios which I love the taste of. I had the cereal with coconut milk. My last meal was 200g turkey breast and a whole pack of corn cakes (salted every one). I get rice cakes 80% of the time but the corn ones taste great and I digest them fine so I like to rotate occasionally. Although whilst I grow these won't be consumed a lot and it will mainly just be rice or cream of rice. My pre bed meal will probably be beef with wild rice and a side salad with avocado. Before I have that I will drink an EAA shake in 1 litre of water and take my PM supplements.

No 2 days are ever the same with me so I have free*** with my diet but everything is in place to grow. I just need to remain consistent which has been my struggle in the past but not this time. Tomorrow I am stocking up on beef so most of my meals will be beef, rice and vegetables. I rotate protein sources but beef is the main one. It's just after 3 weeks of eating beef 3-4 times daily I like to swop over to chicken for 1 week just so I don't go crazy :D I will also pick up some lean lamb mince 2moro which tastes great so I mix it in occasionally. I will also pick up some choco/rice krispies for some post workout meals. My digestion issues seem to have passed which is good so it's full steam ahead.

It was pull day and more of the same. I am going to leave out pulldowns for now due to some minor distal bicep tendonitis. Obviously many movements can contribute to it but it's a reoccuring problem for me and I know they trigger it the most.

Warm Up (very light weight rear delt raises etc).
Reverse Peck Dec... 1 working drop set with just 1 drop.
Machine Pullovers... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB High Rows... 1 working set with 100lb db's.
Cable Rows... 2 working sets using different techniques.
Cable Shrugs supersetted with DB Shrugs... 1 working set.
Rack Pulls... a few sets just to get some direct lower back stimulation. Went up to 30kg per side and done high reps.
Cable Curls... 1 working set with 70kg.
Machine Unilateral Curls... 1 working set (with negative reps) with each arm.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set with 75lb db's.
Barbell Forearm Twists... 1 working set with 10kg per side for over 1 min.
Abs for 10 mins.
Cardio for 20 mins (treadmill on 15% incline at 5km/h).

I have taken novolin-r at 10iu twice today. I use 2iu Genotrope HGH with every slin injection.

I have also added in 5g creatine pre workout just to give me a boost and hopefully some water weight. If I was using an oral I wouldn't bother but I figured give it a try as I haven't used creatine in ages. I went with the Controlled Labs Green Might product because it also contains pomegranate and tart cherry extract.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yesterday I was in 2 minds if I should train. I left it but at 11:30pm I said fuck it and destroy legs and that is what I did :D I like training late as the gym is usually empty so I can go crazy. That was my thought especially due to it being leg day as I can make all the noise I want and no one is there to hear it. I really pushed it to the max for my working sets.

It was also a milestone workout in many ways as I barbell squatted for the first time in years. Recently I have been adding in movements I don't usually do just to make things harder. Now I still won't perform certain movements as I know my lower back can't take it. But I figured try some squats and see how I am. It felt really weird at first. Obviously no heavy weight but even 20kg per side felt heavy at first but once I got my rhythm it was nothing. I still only went up to 30kg per side (80kg total) though. I done 30kg per side for 30 reps then dropped 10kg per side and done 15 paused reps then dropped another 10kg and done another 15 paused reps. Nothing to failure but those 3 sets felt good and I was destroyed after them as it was essentially a drop set of 60 reps. I could feel my lower back so I need to be careful but today I have been fine with no tightness etc. Moving forward I will stick to 30kg per side for high reps and just play about with paused reps and making the light weight feel as heavy as possible. I will see am I am over time and if my back is ok I will start adding weight to the bar very slowly. My leg workout looked like...

Seated Calf Raises... 3 working sets (dropped weight each working set but performed more reps).
Standing Calf Raises supersetted with Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets.
Lying Leg Curls... 1 working set with both legs. Then 2 working sets with my right and left leg separately. The 1st ended with negative reps and the 2nd ended with partial reps.
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Barbell Squats... no working sets (details posted above).
Vertical Leg Press... 2 hard sets and 1 working set of 27 reps (brutal).
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 1 working set with each leg. I done the full weight rack for 9 reps (right leg) and 10 reps (left leg).
No cardio unless you count the 20 min walk home.

My legs have really improved recently. They are very long so it will always be a struggle but I am very happy with how things are going. Just going to keep grinding away and seeing where it takes me.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am aiming to get stronger in all movements but I think of things more in a gradual sense. So progressive overload is key but I don't try to beat my reps or weight every single workout (sometimes I do). That is a great way of doing things because if everything is in place you will always get stronger. However I find many just for the sake of constantly beating their number start letting form change. I don't mean bad form but just things like speeding up reps. So I don't go from workout to workout but will always try to be stronger in movements every few weeks.

I do have some goal weights for certain movements/machines I use. If I had problems getting stronger then I will rotate movements. However I also don't use the same movements every workout and like to rotate things. I still have some core movements I always do and when possible I will get as strong as possible in those movements.

Today was push day and it was another great workout. I wish I could have got updated pics done as I was super full and can see a big difference. My workout consisted of...

Warm Up.
High Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Lateral Raises... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Machine Shoulder Press... 1 working set.
Machine Vertical Butterfly... 1 working set.
Incline Press... 1 working set.
Flat Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Close Grip Bench Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Machine Seated Overhead Tri-cep Extension... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Stairmaster for 20 mins (press down hard for every step).

My preworkout today was Innovapharm MVPre2.0 and the pumps were incredible. I felt super full my entire workout. It contains some great pump ingredients including citrulline malate, glycerpump and s7. I also loaded up on fluids and electrolytes pre and intra workout which only helps matters. My intra was 6 scoops of Yamamoto Nutrition's Energan (40g HBCD's, 15g EAA's, 8g l-citrulline etc) with an extra 45g carbs (wms) added. I have some old bags of waxy maize starch I will go through. Not the best carb but it's cheap and I forgot I had them so will use them up. I also dosed 10iu novolin-r and 2iu hgh as well. I only dosed gh/slin once today and yesterday but will make sure I dose it twice next training day (should be tomorrow).

I have lot's of LR3 on the way to me so I am going to trial it at a high dose to see how good it is. I will rotate dose timing and it will be coupled with some very high carb meals. Things are starting to take off now :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The one struggle I personally have is staying out of the gym. However if I want to grow I must have some rest days as they will only benefit me. Sometimes less is more especially when each session is brutal. So today I am having an off day as I definitely need it. Sometimes it's hard to switch off especially when gains are coming on strong and you feel strong in the gym but there needs to be adequate recovery (mind and body). My lower back is also quite tight which can only be from the squats so I will monitor things and try to stay loose.

I forgot to mention I also had an Shiatsu massage done a few days ago. It was really good and I left feeling great. He worked on my ab area (upper part of the psoas muscle) and the surrounding areas due to my lower back problems. I have found a place that also does sports massage so will book in there one day too. Over here is not like the US and UK for sports massage. In the UK I have many options for good sports massage. 90% of the massage places here are Thai places and some of them offer sex. I was searching on Google and one come up which is literally down the road from me. They advertise it online as it's allowed but it's discreet so I didn't know it existed. They even offer sex dolls :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ok so squats were a bad decision :eek: 2 days after doing them my back tightened up. It's the first time in over year it's happened so it's no coincidence. I had packed my bag ready to train back and had a short nap (not intentional) and when I woke up could barely move. I waited a few hours and it had got worse but I was so annoyed I thought I am gonna still train. I know my body well and know when I can work around issues (especially lower back) but I definitely was in no state to train (couldn't bend forward). Although in the past many times the preworkout (pain) and walk to the gym (loosen me up) has helped significantly and I thought it would this time. I still knew I shouldn't really train but I was that annoyed I did anyway.

After 5 mins in the gym I thought I had made a bad move and should probably go home. However after 40 mins of stretching and some light weight "pump" would I was feeling much better. In the end I performed some great sets so the workout was worth it. They included a 5pps working set for back rows, full weight rack machine pullovers and 90lb db incline bench high rows. I kept bi-cep work to 3 working sets of unilateral machine preacher curls, spider curls and reverse spider curls. Although I still have issues with my trap and when I would perform unilateral rows (right and left) the left side would hurt really badly. However when I use both arms together I get no pain. It all turned out well and I woke up today and my lower back was ok. My trap was still bad but with this I know it's not what I consider dangerous (unlike my lower back) and will go away very quickly.

Today I trained legs and it was great. I got a day pass to one of my old gyms. It has minimal leg equipment but I wanted to keep things basic today so it was more than enough. In fact I done all my leg movements (not counting slay pushes) to just 2 machines. I started with horizontal leg press calf presses and for a change quite a lot of working sets. I done approx 4 working sets with straight legs and 4 working sets with a slightly bent knee. Then 1 working set for hip abductors and hip adductors. Then back to the hoz leg press for approx 4 ham/glute (wide and deep rom) focused working sets and 4 quad focused (low and partial) working sets. Then 10 mins of slay pushes going up to 80kg so less weight but minimal rest periods. I finished with 30 mins on the stairmaster. When listening to music on headphones the cardio feels so much different. The 30 mins flew by and I was a sweating mess by the end of it. I done things differently today nutrition wise as well. After training I went to McDonalds and got 3 double cheeseburgers. On the system it stated 1350 calories.

I will see how I am tomorrow but I should be gtg. I may still have an off day but if not it will be push day and I can train as normal so full steam a head. The burgers today were an exception but I have decided to bump up my calories. In a perfect world I could add in another beef, rice and vegetable meal but that is not going to happen. I simply want a boost in calories and something I enjoy. Therefore I will be adding in a 1000+ calorie bowl of granola every morning from now on. I was having fats and protein in the morning but this will be an injection of carbs. I can up things liek this because I want to push the size now and what I was doing wasn't going to do it. Everything else will be the same though but those extra cals will definitely keep the scale moving.

I had a stranger in the gym take a pic of me. They didn't come out good as my abs were in dark light but they are still indented so I can push the calories more. I will do this in stages but it's time to start packing on some size. I don't even care if some of it is water/fat because I want to be super full and need it because I want to get as strong as possible over the next few months.

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