Anyone have experience with cutters?


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
OK got another kick to the dick today when I just found out my oldest daughter has resorted to cutting after the end of a long relationship. She's 23 which to me is odd because I always thought that was something started at a younger age. I mean I know its a release for them and she has only done it three times but unfortunately she went very deep. I'm afraid she hits an artery if she continues. I know I gotta get her some help asap but was hoping maybe somebody here could offer up some tips if any of you have had to deal with this type of issue. Thanks in advance if any of you do....AR....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I had an ex that did that years ago. You need to get your daughter into professional counseling immediately. The cutting may have started after her relationship ended, but that wasn't what really caused the cutting, it was just the catalyst. Self-harm and self mutilation is a symptom of deeper underlying issues that need to be addressed. The sooner you can get her into counseling, the better off her and your family will be. Please don't delay treatment thinking that it's just a phase or something that you can talk to her about and figure out on your own. There's a lot more going on with her than you realize, the self harm is her way of dealing with that. Seek qualified treatment for her immediately.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
And my bad for bringing this up on a steroid board but like it or not this is my only home on the net. I trust quite a few people here and appreciate the good advice given....AR....


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Thanks Sully. I probably called like 20 different places today with no success. Everybody is booked. I'm wondering if I should take her to a hospital? I'm afraid though she's fucked for life then because that will be on her record forever. She just starting out in life I hate to taint her record. Or is that shit protected by hippa? Sorry this is a first for me as a Dad for sure....AR....

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I had a few friends throughout jr high and high school that would do it. I also had to take a class filor college and special training for my son since he is special needs and they tend to use self harm if they have issues with communication.

The term is coined self harm and usual onset for females is 14-24 years of age. So it is not weird if she just started to do it. However it is a sub disorder of personality disorder due to dissassociation but also can have other underlying mental conditions. There is no true therapy for the condition and yiu are best to find a place that specializes in this soecific disorder and approach hes it from different angles rsther than one specific way. Also beaware that for most cases I have been close to personally all of the people were sexually abused. It is a very common reason why most people will self harm. Be aware they may also keep her is a "hospital" for evaluation.

The behavior needs to be addressed by a professional asap AR. The percentage of self harmers that commit suicide is relativley high by my standards unless you consider 30-70% (depending on location in the world) acceptable.

If she lived a sheltered life and with your recent personal/family issues and any other life stresses such as college and her love life or past sexual abuse, it is clearly too much for her to deal with on her own and process. She needs to speak to someone and get it out of her.

I personally used to peirce myself as rebellion and that is considered self harm. So, even though it is very common in oir cukture and history, it can be very dangerous as you already know.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
It will follow her like a crimi al record. She will be required to disclose it in a single scope background investigation for securoty clearances working in all public sector agencies and many private sector comoanies that contract out. Military, leo, fire dept. Etc. All depends on what she wants to do in life.

She can lie and maybe get away with it.d


Sep 17, 2003
And my bad for bringing this up on a steroid board but like it or not this is my only home on the net. I trust quite a few people here and appreciate the good advice given....AR....

No need to apologize. This board is not only about bodybuilding topics, it's about anything related to ourselves and our lives that we wish to discuss with each other!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
I just want to thank all of you for taking a few minutes of your time to help us out with good info. Our kids mean the world to us so you guys helping us out with your experience's and info means ALOT. My wife Danielle also wanted me to thank you Sully, LV, and the boss. I think your kindness finally won her over about this place. If I can ever return the favor please don't hesitate to ask....AR....


Mar 27, 2014
Please keep us all posted man.
You are a big part of this place - I think you can feel that.
I think you would be surprised on how many family's your post will touch and help.


Mar 27, 2014
Did she ever do any hair pulling while she was younger?
Did she take your split up tough?
Sorry for the silly questions man
My 7 year old girl has been pulling her hair out since the age of 3
she used to have big ass bald spots. She started back again this year - the girls in her school were screwing with her big time. Girls can get so mean to each other


Mar 27, 2014
Sorry - i know it has nothing to do with yours - but likeI said -you posting this will help many family's.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Just had to 96 my niece for cutting she's 16 apparently she's been doing it since she was like 10......I don't get it guys I don't understand it so it's really hard for me to relate or empathize with it. My heart goes out to you and your family ar15 I hope she can get some professional counseling. My grandaughter did the cutting thing 4 years ago at 16 years old 1st time her dad had a heartfelt conversation with her, second time he beat her ass then had another heartfelt conversation with her and put her in with a therapist twice a week for a couple months and that was the last time she did it.

I figure shits above my pay grade so best to let the professionals that understand it handle it.
Last edited:


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Squatster she never showed any signs of this type of behavior that we know of before. She's been up to this point a normal kid and now young woman. We found a counseling place that has a Psychiatrist that deals with this type of issue. We appreciate you guys mentioning that getting a Doc like that is important. They are squeezing her in tomorrow. Which is a huge relief. I know one appointment isn't going to cure her but hopefully its a really good start. She swears she'll never do it again but like you guys said there has to be a bigger underlying issue that needs to be brought out and dealt with. I just pray this works and she gets better. I couldn't handle loosing my first born because she hits an artery or something and bleeds out. The one on her quad is literally like 6 inches long and really deep. Probably would of gotten twelve or so stitches if she would of not butterflied it for weeks until it held. Oh god even talking about this just makes me sick to my stomach. Anyway thanks again to everyone who took the time to help with all the good info. You guys truly are my brothers. Hopefully someday we can all pitch in and have a weekend gathering somewhere so we can have a family reunion and meet for real. That would be cool for sure....AR....


Mar 27, 2014
Is she excepting the help from the place or reluctant?
Does she live with you guys?


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
No she says she wants the help. So to me she's either just saying that to shut us up which I hope isn't the case or she realizes she's in trouble and wants to feel better. She's super intelligent so I'm assuming and hoping she knows something isn't right. And yes she's back at home. She was engaged and living with the asshole but he couldn't keep his dick in his pants around other women. I'm sad about that but super happy she's back under our roof while she gets help. I told her she can live with us forever if need be. I hated to see her leave anyway. Also since Mrs. AR has agreed to work out our problems maybe that will help her out knowing her parents are happy at least in front of the kids. Keeping my fingers crossed on all fronts....AR....

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Sounds like everything will be working out for the best. I am very pleased to hear about you and the wife. Makes me think what i can do different for my family and how my action impact all of them.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Did she ever do any hair pulling while she was younger?
Did she take your split up tough?
Sorry for the silly questions man
My 7 year old girl has been pulling her hair out since the age of 3
she used to have big ass bald spots. She started back again this year - the girls in her school were screwing with her big time. Girls can get so mean to each other
Squaster, have you tried giving her NAC? Several studies shown success in this area.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I just want to thank all of you for taking a few minutes of your time to help us out with good info. Our kids mean the world to us so you guys helping us out with your experience's and info means ALOT. My wife Danielle also wanted me to thank you Sully, LV, and the boss. I think your kindness finally won her over about this place. If I can ever return the favor please don't hesitate to ask....AR....
Hope she gets better man. I have an 18 year old daughter. I can imagine how you feel. I'd be heart broken.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Don't be fooled by me and Mrs.AR, LV. I'll love my wife till I die. I mean we started dating at 15 and have been together ever since. Have had 3 of the best kids ever and had some unforgettable times. However she chose to walk out for reasons I can never forgive. That being said we both love each other and our kids so have agreed to play the part of loving parents until they are all grown up. Maybe that's right or maybe that's wrong but we think that's what's best for our kids so that's what we will do. But believe me this is still the same woman who crushed me and nearly killed me by her choices so our kids is the only reason I will play the game. Friends at best....AR....